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Chapter 32: Feishui is thinking about Anshi, and Jingyang is looking at Ziyi in the distance (1)

"When Cao Gong went west to conquer Ma Chao, Han Sui and Chao and others marched across the Huaihe River. They sent a letter to make peace, but the Duke refused. He challenged him several times, but he refused. He insisted on ceding the land and asked for Renzi to be sent to him. He shared Jia Xu's plan and falsely promised it... because

Once you have accumulated the strength of your soldiers, once you attack them, the so-called thunder cannot cover your ears. The transformation of soldiers is definitely not the same."

The military book given by Chen Cheng was almost torn up by Shao Shude, and beside it there were crooked comments written by him with a brush. Cao Gong's military use was unpredictable and changeable, which was completely different from that of Marshal Zhuge.

A certain person admired Duke Cao, but loved Zhuge's art of war. Shao Shude smiled and picked up a military report in front of him. The enemy in Jingyang fled without fighting, and the troops below could set up defenses along the Jingshui River, allowing them to advance and retreat freely.

"Military envoy, the commander-in-chief ordered the generals to arrive at the county government office before noon." Wei Boqiu hurried in and reported.

"Let's go." Shao Shude waved his hand, and Wei Boqiu had gone down to rectify his troops.

The eight thousand Tielin Army (less than one thousand) is already a huge force. Naturally, it is no longer possible to follow the commander's side and act as a direct unit as before. They are now stationed on the banks of the Jing River, across the river from Xianyang

Facing each other. Li Xiaochang's tribe in Fufang was stationed in Gaoling. Marshal Zhuge himself stationed more than 3,000 troops in Jingyang County.

Jingbu is stationed in Sanyuan as a reserve force. If the battle at the front is unfavorable, they can also step forward to respond.

To the west, the government troops also invaded Chang'an in large numbers.

Zhu Mei, the deputy envoy of Xingning Jiedu, led thousands of troops to establish a peaceful settlement. Wang Bo, the general of Chao, led an army to attack. Zhu Mei retreated to Fengtian County (today's Qian County). As soon as Chao's army left, the official army came again, and the Huangtou army of Xichuan

Li Suan (chán) led ten thousand people to invade Xingping, and Gong Xian also stationed five thousand Shu troops outside the city, acting as horns for each other.

Not long after, the Yiwu Army and the Jingyuan Army arrived again and stationed themselves in the southwest of Chang'an. There were more than 10,000 soldiers in total.

In the east, Wang Chongrong stationed troops in Tongzhou, Gaoxun stationed troops in Huayin, plus some scattered sergeants from Henan and Hebei, with a total force of more than 20,000, confronting Zhu Wen's troops who had just returned to Guanzhong to rescue the emergency. Zhu is currently stationed in Huazhou

, Huang Chao has given him a decree and appointed him as the military governor of Tonghua, but the territory needs to be captured by himself.

The officers and soldiers were surrounded on three sides, with a total strength of more than 70,000. Chao's army, including the newly arrived Zhu Wen's troops, numbered about 150,000 to 60,000, and were tightly surrounded in several counties near Chang'an.

70,000 surrounded by 160,000 sounds unscientific. But that is the fact. Shao Shude thinks that the number of Tang troops in Guanzhong in history should be about the same as now. Chao's army might not be more, but Huang Chao has been squatting in Chang'an, even the nearby prefectures and counties.

They couldn't control it well. They attacked Tongzhou in the east, failed in Hezhong, and failed in Fengxiang in the west. The strength of the army was actually the same.

However, the imperial court suffered a huge defeat in the Battle of Chang'an a while ago, losing more than 10,000 people, and now it is afraid. It adopts a strangulation strategy against Huang Chao, that is, constantly increasing troops in Guanzhong, advancing layer by layer, and squeezing your scope of activities.

You have no food and no pay, so in the end you have no choice but to come out and fight to the death, which is exactly what it takes to settle the matter.

Of course, the time is not ripe yet. There are only 70,000 officers and soldiers, and they are not subordinate to each other, cannot work together, and cannot cooperate with each other. The imperial court is worried about another big defeat, so it decided to continue to mobilize the soldiers and horses from all over the world to gather in Guanzhong.

Gao Pian expressed his intention to lead an army of 80,000 troops to help the pass, and then stayed in Yangzhou. When people asked him when he would be the king of Qin, Gao Pian always refused with various reasons. Li Keyong recruited more than 10,000 people on the grassland, and went south to Daizhou and

Li Youjin gathered together, and the total force exceeded 50,000. They currently occupy Xin, providing food for the two states. At the same time, they looted Taiyuan to supply military supplies, and were still bargaining with the imperial court.

Along the way, Shao Shude and Chen Cheng were chatting about the latest developments in the world. By the time they finished chatting, they had almost arrived in Jingyang.

"Shao Shude, the envoy of the Tielin Army, came to see the commander-in-chief." After the salute, Shao Shude stood on the left side without hesitation and did not feel unnatural at all.

Looking around the yamen, two soldiers and horsemen from the Xia Sui Yamen army have arrived, but Li Xiaochang from Yufang has not come yet. However, he did not wait for long. After half an hour, Li Xiaochang and his soldiers dismounted outside the county yamen and hurried away.

Come in.

He is very well-behaved now. Last time he relied on Zhuge Shuang to clean up the mess, and this time when he was running away, he relied on Shao Shude to help him fight off his pursuers. He knew very well what he had done and what abilities he had.

"When all the generals are here, I will say it directly." Zhuge Shuang sat behind the desk, looked at the four generals, and said: "The imperial court wants all the armies to march into Bo Chang'an without fighting the thieves, but with deep ditches and high fortresses.

Waiting for reinforcements to gather."

"May I ask, Commander, where are the reinforcements coming from?" Li Xiaochang was the first to ask.

"Guandong." Zhuge Shuang said: "There are troops arriving from Henan, Hebei, and Hedong, with no less than a hundred thousand troops."

"When will it arrive?" Li Xiaochang asked again.

"As soon as three months, as short as half a year."

When Shao Shude heard this, he felt that the imperial court was serious this time. The first half of the war with Huang Chao was probably the strategic defense stage. The fight was originally very good, but then the armies rushed into Chang'an and ruined the good situation. Huang Chao was unable to make progress, and Zheng Xianggong

We don’t want to take risks, so the next step may be the strategic stalemate stage. After the Kwantung reinforcements arrive, we will enter the strategic counterattack stage, which is basically the way to go.

However, the stage of strategic stalemate does not mean that there will be no fighting. In fact, there may be more. Moreover, the imperial court also intends to weaken the morale of the Chao army as much as possible at this stage, weaken their spirit, and wait for the decisive battle to win in one go.

"More than 20,000 troops will be stationed in the north. Do not fight in waves. We should support Fengxiang and the troops in the river. Unless necessary, we are not allowed to cross the Jing River and the Weishui River, and we are not allowed to send the rebel army north to attack Sanyuan and Fuping counties." Zhuge Shuang continued.

He said: "Generals, can you hear me clearly?"

"I will obey the Commander-in-Chief's orders."

After the generals left one after another, Shao Shude stayed with Zhuge Shuang for half a day, and then returned to the camp after lunch.


Li Tangbin now panics when he sees Shao Shude coming to inspect the camp.

After being scolded for setting up camp last time, someone told him an allusion, that is, the story of Cao Cao cutting off his beard to take over as leader. After listening to this, Li Tangbin suddenly realized that he was setting up camp with the army this time. He also specifically checked to see if his camp was in a field.

Fortunately not!

"General Li Shi played well last time. I am very pleased." Shao Shude smiled after he completed a circle and found no problems.

"The military envoys have a certain degree of reward and punishment, which is convincing." Li Tangbin replied.

"I see you want to recommend a lieutenant general. Where is this person?"

"Call Guo Qi." Li Tangbin turned around and shouted.

"Guo Qi has seen the military envoy." He arrived quickly.

"Are you from Shu? How come you have a Sichuan accent?" Shao Shude asked.

"A certain person from Guandong was once a general in Shu, but because he hated Tian Lingzi, he fled. Hearing that the Duke of Huainan loved talents, he wanted to join him, but Zhu Wen attacked Dengzhou, and the army was in chaos, so he had no choice but to turn back to Guanzhong. Now there is no one left.

Where can the military envoy dare to use someone?" Guo Qi raised his head, looked directly at Shao Shude, and asked.

"What achievements have you made in the past?"

"A certain person guarded the border for many years. He fought seventeen battles with Dangxiang and more than ten battles with Khitan, and his body was covered with wounds. He also fought in Tuyuhun, and his stomach was broken and his intestines were ruptured. He resumed fighting after being sutured."

"What a strong man!" Shao Shude praised: "Why did you hate Tian Lingzi?"

"The saint is lucky to be in Shu. The Shu soldiers only get three coins. They are rewarded almost every day by the foreign troops accompanying them. There are many complaints in the army. Tian Mou alone win over the generals, and one man persuaded them to reduce the rewards for the generals and give more to the sergeants.

, Tian Lingzi wanted to harm someone." Guo Qi said angrily: "So--then he led troops to cause chaos."

Inciting troops to cause chaos in Chengdu, wouldn't it disturb the Holy Master? This Guo is also a strange person. But his starting point is good, and it can be seen that he is a general who cherishes his soldiers.

"Does the military envoy dare to use XX?" Guo Qi asked again.

Shao Shude took off the knife from his waist, pulled it out and tried it.

Li Tangbin and Guo Qi were both shocked.

"It's just a deputy general, I'm sure." Shao Shude returned the sword to the sheath, handed it to Guo Qi, and said: "This sword will be given to deputy general Guo. It is not a famous sword, but Shao cherishes it very much and is only willing to give it to strong men.

As long as you are still the Tielin Army Envoy, no one will dare to harm you. There is only one thing, you must fight to the death."

"The military envoy has clear rewards and punishments. The general is willing to follow the military envoy!" Guo Qi knelt down on one knee and said.

"You will have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds in the future." Shao Shude said with a smile: "The trapped camp is in short supply of warriors like Vice General Guo. Now that we have one, the name of trapped warriors will be resounding throughout Guanzhong."

After leaving the trapped camp, Shao Shude climbed to the high platform again, overlooking the vast land of Guanzhong.

Jingshui is speechless and flows silently.

Wang Chongrong and Gao Xun, who were camped in the east, had already led their troops to the west to fight against Chao's army.

The Shu army in the west also relied on the fortress to fight with the Chao army for many days, causing casualties to each other.

After a while, maybe the Jingshui River will be dyed red with blood.

On August 20, Chao General Li Xiang led his army to defeat Gao Xun's troops camped in the east, then crossed the Wei River north to attack Gaoling.

Li Xiaochang of Yifang went out to fight in the city, but was unsuccessful. He retreated to the city and asked Zhuge Shuang for help.

After much thought, Zhuge Shuang decided to send the Tielin Army to fight eastward to aid Gaoling, and must drive away this enemy force.

On August 22, Shao Shude ordered to break camp and led eight thousand troops eastward. A big battle was inevitable.

We actually don't want to fight when we camp in the north, but sometimes you can only hurt and cripple the enemy before they will subconsciously avoid you.

Shao Shude understood this very well, so he decided to beat Li Xiang painfully and cripple him.

This chapter has been completed!
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