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Chapter 9 Sinong Temple

 Founding a country is not accomplished overnight, and a lot of things need to be prepared in advance.

Utensils, music, and rituals are not difficult and can be prepared months in advance. What is difficult is your understanding of the country you are going to build, that is, what content you are going to fill in this country.

You need to fill in the framework at the beginning. When you are a warrior, you have privileges, and others can understand your uniqueness, and you will hold your nose and recognize it. At this time, it will be okay to add more personal stuff. Once you stabilize, it will be more difficult.

There is no doubt that what Shao Shude established is still the old-fashioned feudal dynasty of monarchs, ministers, generals and prime ministers. But since the Qin Dynasty, every dynasty is different and has its own characteristics. Within the overall framework, what are the characteristics of your dynasty? Targeted

What progress has been made over the previous generation? These are all worth considering.

As the saying goes, small repairs are also progress, not to mention that the economic foundation has changed. In an agricultural society, the reform of agriculture is the reform of the entire social and economic foundation.

There are currently two things that can be confirmed: First, the overall agricultural productivity level has increased, and food production has increased significantly in some areas. After all, leguminous forage crops have absorbed so much extra nitrogen from the air, which must be reflected in food production;

Second, if he unified the world, he would definitely be the most populous dynasty at the time of the founding of the country, excluding the dynasty that usurped power to gain the world.

Then we are faced with a problem. It is very likely that as soon as the third generation emperor ascended the throne, the population has far exceeded that of the Tianbao period, reaching more than 60 million.

The dynasty has not yet entered the so-called prosperous plateau period and is still on the rise, but the population has already exploded. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.

Fortunately, during the Tang and Deng dynasties, Xiangyingfu was still very open, Jingnan was also very open, and there were still many places.

The old place of Pinglu Army was even more empty, and people were running horses at will.

It is difficult to say which place in Huguang or Liaodong is easier to develop. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Relatively speaking, Liaodong is located in Youzhou, which has a developed economy and advanced technology, and is also close to the sea, so it may be easier. The disadvantage is that it is relatively cold and there are barbarians around.

The environment around Huguang is hot and humid, and there are many diseases. Although the population is growing year by year, there are still not enough northern immigrants with advanced technology and capital to go south. The advantage is that crops can be harvested twice a year, and the various barbarians in the territory have relatively strong combat effectiveness.


Of course, we are all adults, I have to choose one? I choose you, so of course I want them all.

Huguang and Liaodong can do some basic work in advance, and they will be the pressure relief valve when the dynasty's population explodes in the future.

"We need to set up an immigration office." Shao Shude said.

Or at this time, the Central Plains did not have the contradiction of more people and less land. Why did immigrants do it? Think about how Shao Shude's ancestors went to Fengzhou.

Zhao Guangfeng naturally followed the train of thought and said, "With the country's three-province and six-department system, the Immigration Department might be placed under the Ministry of Punishment?"

The three provinces refer to Shangshu Province, Menxia Province and Zhongshu Province.

Zhongshu Sheng is the agency that issues orders. "The Emperor is in charge of the affairs of state." Government orders and edicts are all drafted here. So you often see the title of the edict written "Menxia", yes, this is sent to Menxia Sheng. Menxia Sheng, right

The edict was reviewed, annotated, and refuted, and then passed the emperor's ruling (usually important) before being sent to the Shangshu Province for actual execution.

The Shangshu Province has six ministries under its jurisdiction, namely, the official, household, ritual, criminal, military, and industrial ministries, which are the actual executive agencies.

Above the three provinces, there is an organization called Zhengshitang.

First of all, it must be made clear that not everyone can enter the Zhengshi Hall. You must have the title of "Tong Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi" before you can enter the Zhengshi Hall and participate in government affairs.

But generally speaking, Zhongshu, the chief minister of the two provinces under his command will all bear this title. The emperor will select one or two more, grant them the title of Tongping Zhangshi, and enter the political hall together. These 2-4 people are the so-called prime ministers.

The political affairs hall is actually the joint meeting and the standing committee. When the main officials of the three provinces bear the title of Tongping Zhangshi, they become the standing committee members and the prime ministers, and can come in to discuss matters.

For matters decided by the Zhengshitang, the Zhongshu Province drafts the edict, and the Menxia Province carefully reviews, annotates, and countersigns it, and the Shangshu Province finally implements it.

The three provinces and six ministries system divides the power of the prime minister. However, the power of the prime minister is still very great. The emperor's orders cannot be issued without going through the subordinates and going through the Zhongshu circle. They are "illegal edicts." This is where the power of the prime minister and the power of the monarch are at stake.


Shao Shude does not want to change to the highly centralized cabinet and military aircraft department system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties for the time being.

First, the social atmosphere and values ​​do not support it. Since the Northern Dynasties, monarchs and ministers have ruled the world together. The emperor and the prime ministers sit and talk. You have rashly established that the imperial power is supreme. The prime ministers are just workers, not teachers, guests, and many people hired by the emperor.

It will be hard to think about.

The second is that I am really tired. Like Yongzheng, who issued 996 memorials until his eyes were blinded. Is it interesting? Why not let the prime ministers filter out most of the spam and only pick out the important ones?

Emperor, control the army and the slaves on the grassland, and send troops from time to time to show the emperor's grace and majesty, and cultivate a brave atmosphere. If possible, often travel around the country, live in various capitals for a period of time, and get in touch with the people.

The local officials met with the grassland leaders and declared the majesty of the emperor, and that was enough.

With force in hand and the ability to overturn the table, outsiders will not be able to make big waves.

The three provinces are the core power agencies, and there are actually some non-core “relevant departments” outside the three provinces.

For example, there are three provinces in the palace dedicated to serving the emperor, namely, secretaries and chamberlains. The provinces in the palace govern food, medicine, clothing, transportation, housing, and chariots. You will know what they do when you hear them. The secretary is in charge of books and files, and the chamberlains are in charge.

The province is the home of eunuchs.

"No." Shao Shude thought for a while and said: "Send a message to Li Yanling. I want to appoint him as the Minister of Agriculture. Zhaoxin Army Jiedushi will take charge first and leave the affairs to the people below. Let him come to Luoyang as soon as possible to give

I take care of the affairs of Sinong Temple. I remember his contribution. Li Zhong is also a capable person, and I appreciate it very much."

Shao Shude has not yet proclaimed himself emperor, but has begun to gradually establish his "shadow government."

The Political Affairs Hall and the Three Provinces and Six Ministries were relatively sensitive. He would think about the specific candidates and non-core institutions like Sinong Temple could be established first.

Lu Siye had already started writing a letter, while Zhao Guangfeng was thinking silently.

This Li family, don’t create two distinguished people!

Li Yanling is an old man from Yuancong who is extremely trusted. He is sixty-two years old this year.

According to the results of the current discussion, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Yanling will be granted the title of Duke of Jiyin County and will be granted a settlement of 3,000 households.

The king is nostalgic for old friendships, and when he is happy, he might give these old people Yuancong another three to five hundred households. After making great contributions, others will add two hundred households, and old Yuancong will add three hundred households.

Very normal.

Sinong Temple has jurisdiction over the four offices of Shanglin, Taicang, Goudun, and Feiguan, as well as the prisons of Zhucang, Sizhu, Zhutang, Gongyuan, Yanchi, and Zhutun.

In short, it manages government farms, pastures, fields, salt ponds, manages palaces, hot springs, and several large grain depots located in important locations.

Li Yanling had been engaged in supplying military supplies for a long time, so he was the right professional to take over Sinong Temple.

Don't think that this position is unimportant. In fact, the cultivation of various new crops and new livestock is also under the control of Sinong Temple. This is a position that is very valued by King Xia. If he can make some achievements, Li Yanling may be able to move up.

Once gone.

"Your Majesty, is the Immigration Department affiliated with Sinong Temple?" Zhao Guangfeng asked.

"If you immigrate to farmland, hang it under Sinong Temple." Shao Shude said.

Li Yanling will not work in the name of Sinongqing, but he will soon be the de facto Sinongqing, and the corresponding personnel will be slowly recruited.

This is how the shadow government was perfected bit by bit.

"By the way, let Xiao Fu come back from Chang'an to prepare for the establishment of the Imperial College. Engineering, agriculture, medicine, arithmetic, law, calligraphy, no one should be missing. If this is done, I will not hesitate to reward you." Shao Shude ordered again.

"As ordered." Zhao Guangfeng responded.

It seems that Xiao Fu is going to serve as a sacrificial wine drinker for the Imperial Academy in Luoyang.

This position is the same as that of Sinong Qing, and its status in the country is very average. There is nothing to say. But it is absolutely different in the new dynasty, because King Xia's eyes have always been focused on this, and this is what he worked hard to implement during his military career.


If Xiao Fu understood this as casting idle powder, he would be so wrong and he would have lost a God-given opportunity.

"Are the buildings of the Imperial College in Luoyang ready?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Apart from the palaces, the Imperial College building is the most important. Someone has been building it." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

"That's good." Shao Shude stood up and went to rest.

The princess has prepared snacks and tea in Qingfeng Hall.

Shao Shude sat down comfortably. He was still comfortable at home. He suspected that if he continued to relax like this, he would be covered with fat and would not want to go to war.

It's also very comfortable to smell the fragrance. My husband, whom I haven't seen for ten thousand years, has returned home. I don't know how moist my life has been these days.

Most of the milk source occupied by wild women before was hers to enjoy. Yes, the princess occupied 70% of Shao Shude's milk source, and she became more and more beautiful after being filled with it. The other concubines also had to look at the princess's eyes and did not dare to take the initiative to seduce her.


As for the palace official Pei and others, although they were once a national highway official and gave birth to two children, they did not receive any milk.

It's already May 15th, and the weather is a bit hot, but there is a cold drink on Shao Shude's table: Sushan.

"Milk comes from the cow, cheese comes from the milk, crispy comes from the cheese, cooked crispy comes from the raw crispy, glutinous rice comes from the cooked crispy, and the golden glutinous rice is the best." This is the way of making butter and cheese in the Chinese dynasty.

The soufflé is poured on crushed ice to form a mountain shape, and then frozen in an ice cellar, which is the "ice cream" of wealthy people.

Shao Shude ate happily, and the princess sat beside him with a smile. She drank hot milk every day, so naturally she didn't need to take supplements.

"It's up to you to handle the internal affairs." Shao Shude suddenly said.

The emperor is a king, and the queen is also a king. The emperor and empress accept the congratulations of the ministers together, but the concubines and the like are ministers.

It is the queen's responsibility to determine the internal officials. In fact, Shao Shude also had some ideas, but he decided to wait and let Zhe Fang Ai do it by herself first.

"Okay." Zhe Fangxiao responded simply.

Shao Shude finished the ice cream with satisfaction. The skeleton of the new dynasty was perfected bit by bit.

This chapter has been completed!
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