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Chapter 17 Push and Wear

 The long gray dragon winds through the endless plains, seemingly endless.

The knights are dressed in bright clothes and angry horses, and are equipped with bows and swords.

Suddenly, a horseman rushed over and reported: "Your Majesty, an envoy from Weizhou is coming."

"Let him come over." Shao Shude got off his horse.

The soldiers immediately put up their umbrellas and moved in the tables and futons.

Sikong Ting (tǐng) was led by his own soldiers and moved forward.

Wherever you can see, there are warriors with swords and bows everywhere.

The warrior's face was serious and his expression was resolute, and when his eyes fell on him, it was as if he was real.

Some people just glanced at him casually and then moved away, as if he didn't exist. There was an indifference to life and death in their eyes. They didn't regard their own life as their own life, nor did they regard the lives of others as their own. This kind of unruly martial artist

, the most brutal.

Some people treated him like a prey, and they couldn't hide the bloodthirsty look in their eyes, as if only killing and blood could give them a brief moment of peace.

Alas! After a long period of peace, the ferocious Wei Bo Wufu during the Su, Dai and De dynasties has disappeared. Sikong Ting sighed secretly and was secretly shocked.

These Henan warriors were murderous and ferocious, but they were restrained by a more cruel and cunning Shao Shude, and they were forced to subdue themselves and restrain their ferocity.

"Why is Your Highness traveling north?" After passing through numerous guards and being searched twice, Sikong Ting finally saw Shao Shude who was drinking tea and asked loudly.

He was ordered to send an envoy to Ruzhou, but he was surprised to be led here halfway.

"Henan tea, Guangzhou is the best, followed by Shenzhou. The tea produced in Huangtugang, Guangshan County is always regarded as tribute tea. Inspector Sikong may wish to taste it." Shao Shude stretched out his hand, and the soldier brought a futon and gave it to Sikong Ting.

Pour a bowl of tea.

Sikong Ting took a deep breath, sat down, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip. After a while, he said: "It clears away irritability and cures thirst, and leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth. It is indeed a good tea."

"What is the solution to worries and worries?" Shao Shude asked.

Sikong Ting suffocated and said with a wry smile: "His Royal Highness has come with a large army, and his worries are even worse."

"I want to practice martial arts, why should you worry?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Is Your Highness going to be a general?"

"Of course."

"General Sudden, Tianxiong's 60,000-strong army is stationed in Menghuai. What does Your Highness intend to do?"

"Has Luo Shuai's condition improved?" Shao Shude asked without answering.

Seeing that Shao Shude did not answer directly, Sikong Ting had no choice. Considering his identity and mission, he could not avoid it, so he could only whisper: "I'm afraid it's not going to work."

"Where did Yang Li go? Why didn't he come this time? Did he go to Jinyang?" Shao Shude asked.

"He went to seek medical advice for Luo Shuai," Sikong Ting replied.

Yang Li really went to Jinyang, but it is hard to say whether there were any results. I heard that Jinyang was gathering an army, and the leading cavalry had even traveled north and east at night. I don't know what they were busy with.

Shao Shude smiled and didn't say whether he believed it or not. He just asked: "Shuai Luo left me a letter earlier, asking me to recommend Luo Shaowei as Wei Bo's military envoy. I didn't go around in circles. How can Shuai Luo reward me?"

Weibo is a system of military recommendation, or more accurately, a system of election by yamen soldiers. After the yamen soldiers make a decision in Weizhou City, the sergeants from each branch will generally not impose their support. Anyway, their interests have not been harmed.

Each governor is very measured and will not go against the grain, so it doesn't matter who comes to power.

But there are exceptions.

People's ambitions are endless. Although the position of the old feudal governor is not as prestigious as it seems, to be honest, as long as you operate it properly, there are still huge benefits that make people jealous. Zhenzhou Wang's family can't just play

Is it good? It’s been passed down for generations.

Wei Bo was even richer than Cheng De. As long as the interests of the warriors were satisfied and they did not act recklessly, Jiedushi would be passed down through three generations for decades, which was not uncommon in the history of Wei Bo.

Shi Xiancheng incited the sergeants to rebel, forcing Tian Bu, who was loyal to the court, to become discouraged and commit suicide.

Han Jian's external expansion failed, and Le Yanzhen incited the sergeants to rebel and became the military governor.

Leshi's wanton recruitment of civilians to build the city wall made the warriors furious, and they were so frightened that they became a monk in Longxing Temple, and Luo Hongxin took over.

Now Luo Hongxin is about to die, and Luo Shaowei is too young to control the superiors and subordinates. If anyone incites the government soldiers, it doesn't take more than three to five thousand people to decide the fate of the three million people in the feudal town.

The "votes" of the eight thousand yamen soldiers in Weizhou City are the real votes.

So, who can get the votes of the eight thousand yamen soldiers? It’s really hard to say. At least judging from Luo Hongxin’s sending someone to contact Shao Shude, Ronaldinho may not be that optimistic.

King Xia's tiger skin can probably give Ronaldinho two to three thousand votes, but can I give you my orders for free? No appearance fee at all?

"I am willing to lose a hundred carts of gold and silver treasures, two hundred thousand coins of money, three hundred thousand bolts of silk, and five hundred thousand dendrobium of corn and wheat." Sikong Ting did not waste any time and directly reported the number.

What a big sum of money! But Shao Shude was very ambitious. He didn't care about the money at all, but Wei Bo's land and population.

"I heard that Yamen general Li Gongquan led his army to suppress Bozhou. Maybe there is an unrest?" Shao Shude suddenly asked.

The matter of sending troops to guard Bozhou was ultimately Shao Shude's fault. Li Gongquan was still ambitious. He had military power at this time. All he had to do was promise generous rewards to the sergeants, march to Weizhou, and then fight with the government officials.

If the soldiers, state troops and others negotiate terms, Luo Shaowei will face strong competition, and failure is a high probability.

Sikong Ting didn't know what to say when he heard this.

King Xia seems to have a huge appetite.


"Since the Qin and Han dynasties, there have been rebel generals but no rebel soldiers. However, the country went against the grain and rebelled. Killing generals is like killing pigs and dogs."

"Shi Xiancheng, He Jantao, Han Junxiong, Le Yanzhen, Luo Hongxin... Haha, it's child's play for sergeants to change their commanders. If they are slightly dissatisfied, they will join forces to make noise and kill generals to drive them away. I would like to ask, forty-three counties in six states

, is it the Jiedushi who calls the shots, or the Yamen soldiers?"

Inside the Xie Mansion in Weizhou, a group of people were having a heated debate.

Something was going on with Wei Bo, and everyone had noticed it. Although everyone had looked away from it for so many years, when the matter came to a head, they still couldn't help but feel angry.

Xie Xitu, the governor of Weizhou, sat high on the table and drank tea in silence.

He was from Henan. After passing the Jinshi examination, he was hired into the Weizhou shogunate and held various positions. He had not been the governor of Weizhou for a long time, but he didn't really want to do it. The reason was that the military disaster was approaching.


You may not believe it when you say it, but Weibo is an old vassal town, a stubborn local separatist force, and a representative of the Wufu Kingdom. However, there are many outsiders in this vassal town. Since Tian Chengsi, let alone Weibo people, Hebei people have served as governors of various states.

The number is only a little more than one-third.

Of course, after outsiders come, they gradually become Weibo people. Whichever interest group you are in, you are from there. No matter you are from Guanzhong, Hedong, Henan or other places, in Weibo you are from

Official, if your family has taken root and has become a vested interest, then you are from Weizhou.

Another thing that is unimaginable is that Wei Bo was in charge of 253 county officials in Neizhou, and the proportion of civilian officials serving as county officials was extremely high.

All the feudal towns in the world like to go to Chang'an to win Jinshi, and Jinshi also like to serve in the shogunate of the feudal town. This is a well-known thing.

Before the Chao Rebellion, Huainan, Jiannan, and Hedong were the three most popular places to visit.

After these Jinshis had been in office for a long time, they would naturally be promoted. There were not a few who became governors, and Xie Xitu was one of them.

The vassals also like to hire people who have experience in local state and county officials. That is, if you have served as a county magistrate or governor in other vassal towns, have made achievements, and are excellent in governing the local area, then you will be given priority in hiring.

Of course, that was before the Chao Rebellion, when everyone was still obedient, and the Chang'an court still had prestige. People who served as governors in the feudal towns and Zhizhou often entered the court as officials, and court officials often served in the feudal towns. After the Chao Rebellion, the authority of the central government increased.

After the funeral, the selection of officials in each town became more conservative, and the flow of personnel became less, but it was not completely eliminated.

In the Central Plains vassal towns, military generals occupied a large number of state and county official positions. This situation also existed in Hebei, but it was not as serious as in the Central Plains. Generally speaking, the world was divided into three parts: civil servants, military generals and Jiedu envoys.

There was a joke in the Five Dynasties: the state and county officials in Youzhou were good at poetry, poetry and writing official documents while practicing martial arts, riding and archery, while the state and county officials in Youzhou were good at accounting, so much so that Zhuangzong Li Cunxu particularly liked Wei.

Bowen officials, because they calculate accounts well, budget carefully, and maintain finances well.

Of course, on the whole, the so-called civil servants in Hebei, especially the local indigenous civil servants, are not so pure. In short, they can kill people and mount horses to fight. The overall atmosphere is martial, so there is nothing they can do.

"Don't say a few words." Xie Xitu put down the tea bowl and said: "Luo Shuai is seriously ill and may not have much time left. Li Gongquan made big promises in Bozhou, and many people were incited by him. If he marches into Weizhou, Luo Shaowei is afraid

He wants to run away. But I think he is not a person who gives up easily, or he may still want to struggle."

"In the past, Shi Xiancheng was the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army. When the whole army was in the field, he was unanimously praised."

"Han Jian was defeated in his attack on Yun. Le Yanzhen returned first with one army, and was supported by the three armies, so he became the commander-in-chief."

"When Han Junxiong was in power, everyone recommended him to lead the military."

Xie Xitu added: "What rumors have you heard recently?"

"Sir, is Li Gongquan spreading rumors and accusing Luo Shuai and his son?" asked his son Xie Yanhui.

"Actually, it's not a rumor." Xie Xitu said: "Shao Shude led his army across the river and entered Bozhou. He defeated the defenders in a row and was like entering a deserted land. Luo Shuai and his son are so weak. Isn't it contemptible? If you are in this position

Go up, what should I do?”

"It's nothing more than inviting strong towns to help and coercing the generals." Xie Yanhui said.

"That's it." Xie Xitu said: "There are tens of thousands of Xia people in Huaizhou, isn't this a strong reinforcement?"

Xie Yanhui had obviously thought about this a long time ago. Hearing this, he sighed: "If we introduce foreign soldiers into the country, if we do not do it right, life will be ruined. Alas."

"Who says it's not the case?" Xie Xitu also sighed: "There are few safe places in the world today. Perhaps only Jiangnan and Kansai can be a little more stable."

"Your Majesty, there is an envoy from the King of Xia." The old servant came over softly and reported.

Xie Xitu was stunned for a moment, and Xie Yanhui was also very surprised.

After a moment of silence, Xie Xitu straightened his sleeves and said, "Please come in."


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