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Chapter 35: Feishui is thinking of Anshi, and Jingyang is looking at Ziyi in the distance (4)

"Military envoy, there is movement in the bandit camp and they seem to be escaping!" Late at night, Shao Shude was woken up from his sleep by his own soldiers.

"Who is watching the bandits outside the city?"

"You Yi envoy Zhu Shuzong!"

"Tell him to bluff and pretend to attack the bandit camp, don't hesitate! Also, order your troops, I will lead the army out of the city!"

"General, it's late at night..." Wei Boqiu said

"Send the order immediately!" Shao Shude glared.

"As you command!"

At the beginning of Yinshi, the Tielin Army dispatched 3,000 infantry and 500 cavalry. Under the surprised eyes of the Yifang Army soldiers, they opened the door and headed towards the rebel camp.

Lu Huaizhong, the Marquis of Duyu, personally led more than a hundred selected vanguards and rushed towards the gate of the bandit camp with loud shouts.

The thieves were frightened, fired a few rounds of arrows in a hurry, and then dispersed.

A few strong men climbed over the camp gate, only a few of them, with only swords and axes in their hands. Dozens of thieves arrived at that moment. The strong men rushed forward to kill them, but the thieves had no intention of fighting and ran away one after another, so the camp gate was opened smoothly.

The auxiliary soldiers held torches high and entered first, followed by several battalions of soldiers. There were still many bandit soldiers running around like headless flies in the camp. When they encountered the Tielin Army arriving in neat formation, they were basically dead.

In just a few moments, the Tielin Army took control of the bandit camp with almost no effort.

"Military envoy, the thieves really ran away. They escaped overnight and didn't even have time to destroy the food and property." Lu Huaizhong came excitedly to report.

"It's not that I didn't have time to destroy it, but I left it on purpose." Shao Shude smiled and said, "It's just to delay our army's pursuit. In fact, Li Xiang thought too much. He walked in vain for more than an hour. Who knew which direction he ran to?

?Furthermore, I have no intention of pursuing him. Zhang Yan has learned from the past and can’t fall into it himself.”

"We will take stock of the property. Since Li Xiang is so polite, we will accept it with a smile." Shao Shude said, "The rules still have to be reiterated. The property is stored in a unified warehouse and made public on a regular basis. If anyone hides it secretly, he will not be spared."

"Yes!" The generals dispersed one after another to reorganize their troops.

Under the protection of his own soldiers, Shao Shude went directly to Li Xiang's commander's tent. The tent was in a mess, with all kinds of things scattered around. He didn't even have time to take away a set of armor. This guy really thought that the Tielin Army was

What about the ordinary soldiers and horses of a feudal town who can't move when they see property?

After a year or two of operation, the whole army now knows that the army will not embezzle everyone's property. When it comes to food, money and silk are uniformly sent out to look after, counted and stored in the warehouse, and read out to everyone regularly. During the holidays, we go to war.

When rewards were needed for war, they were distributed on time and there was never any confusion.

Haha, giving so many things to everyone for nothing. If he were Li Xiang, he would just burn the food on fire, although this may anger his opponents and make them pursue him.

Yu Oritsugu led a group of cavalry out for a symbolic chase, and then spread a warning in the wild to prevent the enemy from suddenly coming back. Shao Shude was too lazy to return to the city and spent the night directly dealing with the thieves in the camp.

The next morning, Li Yanling came to report: a total of more than 50,000 dendrobiums of grain and beans, more than 90,000 bundles of firewood, 30,000 coins, and more than 20,000 pieces of silk were seized. Li Xiang had more than 17,000 people, and this amount of money and silk was enough.

Rewards have been issued three or four times. How long do these guys plan to fight north of Jingshui River? But they had just defeated Zhaoyi Army Gao Xun before and plundered the place. There are really a lot of good things.

Shao Shude subconsciously thought that it was really troublesome in this era without banks, and it was difficult to distribute rewards. I still remember that when the Northern Song Dynasty conquered Youzhou, it was not possible to distribute rewards and keep accounts. The soldiers had to ask the court to send money and silk to the front line.

Then distribute them one by one and see the real thing.

After a defeat, if the baggage troops don't have time to escape, the wealth will be prepared for others. We still have to find a way, how can the sergeants not have to see the physical rewards with their own eyes, but at the same time be convinced? Maybe the rewards can be converted into land.

Can this dilemma be solved?

After having breakfast in the bandit camp, Shao Shude walked around again and found that the location of the bandit camp was quite good. It was not far from the Weishui River. It was convenient for woodcutting and it was right next to the main road. Going south, you could go straight to the Wei Bridge.

Town, you can go to Yueyang County to the east and Weinan County to the southeast. Well, there is no need to demolish the fortress. It only needs to be slightly renovated to make it suitable for the Tielin Army to garrison. To put it bluntly, it is better than garrisoning.

It's convenient within Gaoling County.

After sending someone to say hello to Li Xiaochang, the Tielin Army, except for leaving some auxiliary troops and baggage in Gaoling, moved the main force to the camp outside the city to guard this key position. Shao Shude wanted to take a look and beat Li Xiang away.

Finally, did anyone dare to come over and stroke the beards of the tigers camping in the north?

On August 28, 500 auxiliary troops with a strong victory rate returned from Suizhou to the front line, and Shao Shude personally went out to greet them at the camp gate.

"The military envoys, households, grain and grass, and prisoners have all been delivered to Song Biejia. Everything in the state is fine, and there are still a few letters to hand over to the military envoys." Qiang Quansheng took out three letters from a wooden box and handed them to them.

Shao Shude.

"Okay! If you're not in a hurry, let me tell you in detail about the canal construction in the state."

"Military envoy, Song Biejia opened a secondary canal after the spring planting, and irrigated more than 500 hectares of farmland in Longquan County on the north bank of the Wuding River. Including the originally idle land, a total of 840 hectares of land were obtained. Song Biejia

It is known that Vice General Li (Li Renjun) will escort the second batch of grain and grass, households, and Chao people back to Suizhou, so he ordered the canal to be opened again, and it is expected that more than 700 hectares of land will be obtained." Qiang Quansheng replied.

After hearing this, Shao Shude silently calculated in his mind. At present, more than 6,300 people in Chaozhong and more than 2,700 households in Guanzhong have been transported back in two batches. If the canals are successfully opened in the summer, there will be about 1,600 hectares of available farmland.

Among these fields, 600 hectares will be allocated to military farms first, and they will be cultivated by the Chao people. With more than 6,000 people, one person can cultivate less than 10 acres easily, so there is no need for so many people to farm. You can observe at that time,

Those who know how to farm and are willing to farm will be allowed to farm. After two years, they will all be registered as civilian households and have a formal status. The others can follow Song Biejia to open rivers. This is a heavy job and people will die. There are many people in the state.

There are 1,500 state soldiers, and there are 500 soldiers in the military farm, which should be enough to suppress the nest.

600 hectares of land can theoretically produce 60,000 dendrobium a year. Considering that many people in Chaozhong have not farmed for many years, we have to give a discount, even if 50,000 dendrobium is enough. Then after next autumn harvest, we can also help

I have solved a lot of problems by myself. Moreover, these 600 hectares of land are not just for harvesting corn. If the managers can manage it, they can also harvest fruits, beans, vegetables and fodder, which is quite a small supplement.

The remaining 1,000 hectares of land were all sold to the sergeants at a fair price. Twenty acres per person could provide land for 5,000 people. However, Shao Shude was not sure about the price, so he finally came to discuss it with Chen Cheng.

"Military envoy, since we are selling it to the sergeants, the price per acre is four hundred yuan," Chen Cheng said.

"One acre of land can produce at least one bushel of millet per year..." Shao Shude frowned and said, "Judge Chen, I know something about the price of grain in Suizhou. Before the expedition last year, a bushel of corn cost 40 cents, and a bushel of dendrobium cost 400 cents.

Is the land price appropriate?”

"Military envoy, the prices of land sales in different dynasties vary greatly. The cheap ones cost a hundred or even fifty or sixty cents per acre, while the expensive ones cost forty or five cents per acre. The newly acquired land in Suizhou is all good land that can be irrigated.

, it is said that one acre can be sold for more than 600 yuan." Chen Cheng blinked, the meaning was obvious, since it is sold to the sergeants, of course it should be cheaper.

“Why are land prices so low?”

"There are naturally difficulties when selling land. How can the price be so high?" Chen Cheng said: "Furthermore, there are more than 300 states in the country, with different people's sentiments and rich and poor. In the copper-producing land, money is cheap but land is expensive.

"Where silk is produced, the silk is cheap, but the land is expensive; where neither copper nor silk is produced, the land is cheap."

"Forget it, one acre of land can be priced at four hundred yuan," Shao Shude said.

Four hundred coins is half a coin, and one thousand hectares of land can get fifty thousand coins. This is not as much as the amount paid this time! Sure enough, you still get the money from killing!

Of course, this is a joke. The bandits looted the place and most likely also robbed some of the property of the Zhaoyi Army. This was a one-time event. However, land can continuously generate wealth, it is a source of finance and taxation, and a steady stream of business.

"Many prisoners of the Chao army were captured in this battle. Excluding those who replenished the battle losses for the trapped camp, there were still 4,300 people. I plan to send Liu Zijing to escort 500 auxiliary troops back to Suizhou. By the way, I will also send some money and food back. The sergeants have families.

Yes, you can take your belongings back first, so as not to worry about keeping them around you." Shao Shude said happily: "Our Tielin Army is fighting outside, and the situation in the state is getting better day by day. I am really happy. Well, this

We seized a lot this time, and after calculating the money and food, we still had a little surplus, so we recruited some households in Guanzhong and returned to Suizhou to enrich their household registration and lay a solid foundation."

"The military envoy is benevolent and righteous." Chen Cheng praised: "Jingyang and Gaoling counties are very close to Chang'an. They are originally prosperous places. With criss-crossing roads and numerous household registrations, they are considered to be a paradise near the capital. However, they have been repeatedly attacked by war and have lost their lives. If the military envoy is

Recruiting him is also a good deed, so as to prevent him from freezing to death or being killed by the nest army."

Of course, Chen Cheng didn't say that it was more serious. Both of them understood. The worst thing was not starving to death and freezing to death, but being eaten as food.

"It's better to leave this matter to Li Yanling. In Jingyang and Gaoling, more than a thousand households can collect the money quickly, so let them return north with Liu Zijing." Shao Shude finally said: "The fields opened this year are not enough.

, first let them provide work-for-relief services in the state and help repair the roads. When we went on the expedition last year, some roads were really difficult to walk, in disrepair, and looked out of place."

This chapter has been completed!
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