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Chapter 32 Firmness

"Now that we have made our attitude clear, there is nothing more to say." Shao Shude sat in the middle hall and said to the generals who had gathered.

"Wei Ran, you will command an infantry and a cavalry to stay in Xiangzhou. The two thousand people in Chousi Gang will also be under your command to hold Anyang and Tangyin in line."

"General, I will obey your orders." Wei Rang, the military envoy to the left wing of General Tu, responded.

Fifteen thousand men from General Tu's right wing were left to guard the state and were stationed in various places. A few days ago, there was a rebellion in Gongcheng County. Deputy envoy Zhe Butai sent his right wing envoy Zhang Shensi to lead 5,000 infantry and cavalry to put down the rebellion.

These more than 10,000 people are unable to move for the time being. We must ensure that the route of retreat is maintained and the logistics transportation lines are continuous. Especially at the two crucial ferries of Xinxiang and Ji County, a large amount of grain, grass, and equipment have been stored, so there is no room for loss.

"Send orders to Li Renjun to lead his troops north and come to Xiangzhou to meet up."

Li Renjun, the deputy envoy of the Tianxiong Army, and more than 10,000 horses from the right wing were stationed between Liyang and Wei County. These people and horses have already been mobilized.

"Cai Songyang led his troops eastward to Linhe and assumed an offensive and defensive posture to deter the bandits."

The Tiande army garrisoned Liyang County and Liyangjin. They did not move before because Weizhou was not yet stable. Now they can mobilize at least 5,000 people to march eastward to contain the enemy.

"Give Zhu Zhen an order. Have you had enough of watching the show? Hold the Holy Army from Puzhou and look for an opportunity to cross the river. At the same time, contact Li Gongquan. Don't be stupid and fight alone."

Zhu Zhen's Peng Sheng Army has average combat effectiveness, so even if the entire army of 10,000 people is wiped out, it won't hurt.

The so-called Liang Jun who attacked Hebei and Hedong has long since ceased to exist. Hu Zhen, Ge Congzhou, Zhu Zhen, Liu Zhijun’s Longxiang, Longhu, Pengri, Pengsheng and other armies have nothing to do with Zhu Quanzhong’s 200,000 Liangjun.

The relationships were all newly built later, and the combat effectiveness is not good.

The real remnants of Liang Jun are the people under Ding Hui. Although this group of people can be called a veteran force, they are not on the same level as the main forces such as Zuo Changzhi and Zuo Changjian.

In addition, there are thousands of Yanei troops in Yunzhou and 15,000 prisoners in Luoyang. These are also the "residues" left by Liang Jun. The real meat has been eaten by the five forbidden armies that have been reorganized.

"Returned to the Fu Cunjian Department of the German Army to strengthen training and serve as the general reserve team."

The Returned Army is stationed in Bianzhou. It is the only reliable force in the empty Xuanwu Prefectures and cannot be moved for the time being.

"Deploy the cavalry army...forget it, the troubled troops can't do it. The cavalry army will continue to stay in Yan, Qi battlefield, and cooperate with the annihilation of the rebel cavalry."

There are still large groups of cavalry in Qingzhou. In recent days, they have been fighting against the Dingnan Army, and both sides have suffered heavy losses.

The Iron Cavalry Army has fought against Tuoba Renfu and Li Renyu, and their current main enemies are also them.

Wang Shifan has not yet made up his mind to surrender. At this time, he has to teach him a few lessons and annihilate some of his main troops, so it is not suitable to mobilize troops. Moreover, Shao Shude just ordered the Protectorate Army that suffered heavy losses yesterday to return to the river to rest, let alone weaken it.

There are more troops in this direction.

"That's enough!" Shao Shude waved his big hand and said: "Nearly 30,000 cavalry can be regarded as a favor for Li Kening and An Jin. I'm afraid he won't dare to go south. The first task when going north is to annihilate the troops of General Yang Baoyu in Yecheng Town."

After giving the order, the army started to move. On August 28, Shao Shude personally led General Tutu's left wing and more than 10,000 troops from the Xiaojie Army to go north.


It started to rain lightly in the sky.

On the soft mud, an endless army was passing by.

Shao Shude stood on the river bank, looking at the red river water with an expressionless face.

After a person dies, the body falls into the river and does not float immediately. But the smell of blood cannot be concealed, even if it has been diluted by the river water.

The army quickly passed through the grass bridge and wound its way north, heading straight to Yecheng.

This key bridge was once occupied by the Wei army, with only a hundred guardsmen, but was later driven to death by the Xiaojie army.

The Hsiaojie Army sent 500 men to guard the bridge, but they were defeated by Yang Baoyu, who gathered a large army. He sent 2,000 men to guard the bridge, but they had just been attacked and killed by the sudden general who came over, and more than half of them were beheaded.

Military envoy Kang Yanxiao led two infantry commanders to pursue them, trying to capture Ye, Linzhang and other counties and push the defense line to the border of Cizhou.

The masters from Heyang pulled carts and quickly followed the troops.

"The new Yinchuan horse is not interesting yet, let's continue to breed it." Shao Shude sat down and took time to deal with government affairs.

"The shoulder height is okay, the speed is adequate, and the endurance can be improved a little bit. I know that the room for improving endurance is limited, but why are some horses so tall and powerful that they can run fast and have incredible endurance? Feed them with refined grains.

It doesn’t matter, war horses are supposed to be precious. Zhu Jin also feeds the horses with wheat straw, will the horses be well?"

"Actually, at this point, the war horses are already good enough. What I'm most worried about now is the lack of suitable draft horses. It's not enough if the strength is too small. Keep working harder."

"After next spring, we will find a place in Johor to try planting rye. Plant at least a few hectares of land and see the results. We will also try planting in Sanzhou. This matter will be handled by Zhang Quanyi."

"Will growing turnips in winter consume too much soil? After so many years, we should figure it out. If it doesn't consume too much soil, we can promote it on a large scale."

"I've only met Dongzhangyang in the past few years, and I'm not satisfied. If money is needed, money should be allocated, if people are lacking, people should be allocated, the sooner the better."

"Summers in Jianghan are hot and humid, and there is miasma... I told you that it is caused by mosquitoes, not miasma. The first thing for the people in Guanzhong who moved there was to fill up the puddles in front and behind their houses. Mosquitoes can fly up to three times

Forty steps, there are many benefits to filling it up."

Shao Shude handled official business very quickly. He dictated it, Lu Siye commented on it, and Zhao Guangfeng took it back to process it. In just a while, he completed more than twenty copies.

In fact, most of them were not sent over. However, Shao Shude specifically asked him to read and review every copy related to agriculture, breeding, and immigration.

While he was dealing with government affairs, except for those who led the troops to attack, the generals stood aside and waited quietly.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" Someone on the post road suddenly shouted.

Shao Shude turned around and saw that the left arm of the person calling was broken at the elbow, and his right hand was waving non-stop. He suddenly remembered who it was.

"Liu Sanhu?" Shao Shude stood up immediately, walked to the post road, and asked in surprise.

"Your Highness still remembers me." Liu Sanhu said happily from ear to ear.

"How can I forget the warrior who forced me to reward two beauties in succession?" Shao Shude laughed.

Liu Sanhu also laughed when he heard this.

"You are the mayor of Xiuwu County and have difficulty with your left hand. Why did you go on an expedition?" Shao Shude asked.

"Originally, it was really not my turn to transport grain and fodder," Liu Sanhu said, "but when I heard that His Highness personally went to Weibo, I thought that I might be able to meet His Highness if I came over. Sure enough, the hardships along the way were not in vain.


Shao Shude was a little moved when he heard this.

Liu Sanhu is an old man from the Wuwei Army, and he was there when he fought against Han Lang in Lingzhou. He has been here all the way to this day, and he still remembers his benefits.

"There are not many old brothers left." Shao Shude patted Liu Sanhu on the shoulder and asked, "How is martial arts?"

"They are all very good." Liu Sanhu said: "The old brothers are divided into township heads, township assistants, Li Zheng, and post generals. They keep a close eye on the countryside for His Highness. There have been many more people in these years, and the young men are not very good.

Now that you know His Highness's power, I will whip you with a stick."

"Why smoke?" Shao Shude asked.

"We have told them about His Highness's defeat of Han Lang and Kang Yuancheng in Lingzhou, and his defeat of the Xiang Po Chou clan and Mi Qin clan in Hexi. If anyone doesn't remember, shouldn't they be beaten?" Liu Sanhu said matter-of-factly.

"It's better to be one of our own people." Shao Shude said with emotion: "The most correct thing I have done in my life is to move people from Guanxi to Heyang and Dongdu Town. With you here, I think these things are very stable.

Are they all brave men from Heyang? Who said that Huazhou people couldn’t fight back then? After so many years, they have become very strong."

He walked into the crowd of Masters without hesitation, looked left and right, and was very happy.

Liu Sanhu signaled, and the two young men stepped forward and guarded Shao Shude closely.

"Who are they?" Shao Shude turned to look at the two of them.

The teenager is still a little green on the face, but he is relatively strong and must have eaten well since he was a child.

"My eldest son and second son, one is thirteen years old and the other is twelve years old. The last time His Highness came to practice martial arts, they were still too young. This time they are almost ready, so let them follow His Highness on the expedition." Liu Sanhu said.


"How many children do you have?" Shao Shude asked.

"The four sons and two daughters are all thanks to the king." Liu Sanhu said.

As soon as this was said, everyone burst into laughter.

"My wife and concubines are all gifts from the king, can't I just rely on the king's blessing?" Liu Sanhu had veins on his forehead exposed, and his eyes became fierce. If it weren't for his inconvenient hands and feet, he would probably beat someone and kill him.

Shao Shude remembered that Liu Sanhu's wife was probably the dancer Kang Yuancheng brought to the camp, and that concubine was the daughter of the Heqing County Magistrate. He couldn't remember exactly, but his impression was that she was right.

"What are your names? How are your martial arts skills?" Shao Shude looked at the two young men and asked.

"Liu Yijie is good at flying, shooting, and using a big sword."

"Liu Jiusi, he is proficient in both guns and sticks, and he can shoot quickly."

"What a strong tone." Shao Shude said with a smile: "I accept it. Become a soldier by my side first, and then train for two years."

Everyone looked at the two young men with envy, but they were still confused.

Liu Sanhu was overjoyed. He grabbed his two sons by the neck and scolded: "You are a loser, why don't you thank your highness?"

"Thank you, Your Highness." The two of them saluted together.

Shao Shude asked his general Li Yixian to bring them military uniforms and equipment, and then said to Liu Sanhu: "I see you today, and my ambition has become stronger. With you in the place, Meng Huai, Luo, Ru Zheng, dozens of counties in the five states, are even more powerful than the old land of Guanxi."

Don't worry. I will expand this pure land step by step and eliminate the thieves one by one. After delivering this food and grass, you can go back and train the country boys for me. The war is fierce and the losses are huge. In the future, we will recruit troops. You guys train

If you do it well, my soldiers will be more elite."

Liu Sanhu responded repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, a Jin army scout has been captured near Yecheng. The general has sent people to interrogate him, and he is An Jinquan's man." Li Yanwei, the Marquis of Yu, the general of Tu, saw that the two men had come to an end and took advantage of every opportunity to report.

"What is An Jinquan's current position?" Shao Shude asked.

"Li Keyong appointed him as the military envoy of the Fifth Academy, with more than ten thousand people. He was born in the Shatuosage tribe and was good at generals and cavalry. He had been serving as a cavalry general next to Keyong before. He was a newcomer he deliberately promoted. He has been promoted so far.

In the tenth year, he accumulated merit and was promoted to the rank of Military Envoy of the Fifth Academy, and became the governor of Mingzhou. He has a son, named 'An Shenqi', who is still young." Li Yanwei replied.

"Well done." Shao Shude praised: "Send an order to Kang Yanxiao and tell him to be on guard and not to pursue too hard. Also, tell Li Renjun to speed up his march. I will wait for him at Caoqiao."

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