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Chapter 949 Chaos

 Chapter 947 Chaos

It was already lunch time, and the auxiliary soldiers brought the rice bowl over and shouted hello.

A bowl of corn rice and a spoonful of pickles was all the Zizhou defenders ate.

There was no other way, so they dug three trenches outside the city and surrounded them tightly. During the autumn harvest, all the grain in the wild was taken away by the Xia people, so they had nothing to do. If Liu Dutou hadn't stocked up a large amount of grain, grass and equipment in advance, this would have happened.

We've already run out of food.

"This meal..." Someone slammed the elm bowl on the ground and said angrily: "It's okay if there is no meat to eat. They don't even give enough rice, and they even give me a fart!"

According to the system, sergeants are given two liters of rice and flour per day when they are not on duty in the camp. When they are on duty, on an expedition or in battle, they are given three liters of rice and flour per day. This is the staple food. In addition to the staple food, in January, they are also given preserved fruits, vegetables, and wine.


Has the Zizhou garrison reached this standard? It is far worse. Not only are there no dried meats, vegetables, or wine, but even the staple food is only two liters. This is the supply without training. Now that they are fighting, is it enough?

"Zhang Dalang, it's good if you have something to eat. Why do you talk so much?" Captain Li San glanced at him and said.

Logically speaking, it is a reasonable request for a sergeant to complain about the lack of food and clothing. As a junior officer, he should lead them to cause trouble until the superiors provide reissue, so that they can survive in the army. But he no longer has the spirit, and at the same time

I also know that making trouble is in vain. There is no reason, and food must be used sparingly.

"During the Xiantong period, Wei Bo's military governor He Quanchong reduced the soldiers' clothing and food. The soldiers were angry and started a rebellion. Quanchong rode away alone, and the crowd chased and killed him."

"At the end of the Qianfu period, Duan Wenchu, the governor of the Datong Army, reduced the clothes and food of the soldiers. Li Keyong supported the crowd to cause chaos, killed Duan Wenchu, and trampled his bones with his war horses."

"Liu Dutou is giving us food, can you just endure it like this?" Zhang Dalang seemed to be very angry and asked: "If you endure it once, the general will push you further when he sees that you are easy to bully. You will endure it step by step, and finally

Can you bear to be a beggar?"

Li Sanda, the leader of the team, opened his mouth and was speechless.

Zhao Liu, the captain of the other team, watched coldly, his eyes constantly scanning the angry Zhang Dalang.

This man has some courage and is well-known in the army. His accusation seems to be justified, but he always feels that there is something wrong.

"What time has it been? The war is getting fierce. Just bear with it if you can. Once you defeat the Shao thieves, you will be able to relax." Seeing that Zhang Dalang was still chattering, Zhao Liu couldn't help but say something.

"Repulse?" Zhang Dalang laughed: "When Zhu Quanzhong attacked Shipu, he was repelled several times. What was the result? Xuzhou became a battlefield. Over the years, people lost their crops and life became increasingly difficult. Xu Town could not be defeated.

We're going down. The Shao bandits have so many soldiers and horses, and they are sent in turns to fight with us. As time goes by, they can't stand it anymore. If the fight continues, I'm afraid they won't even be able to afford corn."

Zhao Liu was also stunned speechless.

In fact, it doesn’t even need to be said that Xuzhou is so far away. Just next door to Yun and Yaner Town, the life of the sergeants was also very difficult during the most difficult period. I don’t know what beliefs were supporting them. When their living standards dropped significantly,

, when there are constant casualties on the battlefield, keep fighting.

In comparison, Sergeant Qi Zhen was indeed too easy to complain and easily shaken.

"I won't eat!" Zhang Dalang threw down his job and said, "Go to Dutou to argue. We have been fighting for so long and there is no reward at all. How can we convince people?"

His voice was so loud that the sergeants all gathered together during meals, and people could hear him from far and near.

Someone put down the wooden bowl and looked at the furious Zhang Dalang with interest.

Some people turned a deaf ear and continued eating.

Some people laughed a few times and expressed support for Zhang Dalang.

"It is a custom in the town that when soldiers go to war, they are given two pieces of silk. After months of fighting, regardless of victory or defeat, they are also given two pieces of silk. Now that we haven't even seen half of them, why fight?" Zhang Dalang became more and more angry as he spoke.

, pulled out the horizontal knife and said angrily: "Brothers, I heard that there is a lot of wealth in Dutou's house. Let's count some for him. How much is there? Is it that the hair has fallen off, but it has not been delivered to us?"

As soon as Zhang Dalang said this, many people were moved.

After Liu Wei took control of Zizhou, he became the governor of Zizhou and moved his family there. It looked like a wealthy mansion with a large number of servants, so why not grab one?

"Brothers, in the third year of Huichang, Li Shi, the governor of Hedong Province, spent all his wealth in order to increase the troops in Yushe, and was given a piece of silk. Liu Dutou drove us to fight desperately, but it was difficult to part with the good wealth. Is it justified?" Finally?

Someone stood up and walked to Zhang Dalang and said, "Brother Zhang, you are doing the right thing. I will support you."

Zhang Dalang was overjoyed and continued to raise his arms and shout. After a while, they had dozens of people bewitched.

Li San and Zhao Liu were silent.

A few months ago, no one would have dared to do this. But after a few months of fighting, the war situation became increasingly unfavorable, the general's prestige was greatly reduced, and the sergeants were full of complaints, but the situation was different.

"Zhang Dalang must have been instigated by someone else," Li San said in a low voice.

Zhao Liu nodded slightly and said, "Could it be that he has secretly taken refuge with the Xia people? These days, people often sneak out of the city at night. Could it be that this guy has a relationship with the Xia people?"

"It's not the Xia people, it's Wang Yanwen." Li San said, "I think they are going to rebel and sacrifice the city."

Zhao Liu took a breath of cold air and said in shock: "If you offer the city, won't we all become prisoners under the stairs?"

"You may not be imprisoned under the rank, but your livelihood will most likely be cut off." Li San said: "But it's hard to say. Now King Xia seems to be willing to recruit the surrendered army, but his life will definitely not be as easy as before."

Zhao Liu was silent for a while and said: "Actually, it's not unacceptable if we can no longer make a living. The past days are indeed irreversible. Alas, this world is so miserable!"

The two of them were discussing here, while Zhang Dalang kept bewitching, wooing, and inciting over there. There were more than a hundred warriors following him. They all took their equipment and headed to the state government office in a mighty manner.

"Do you want to follow?" Zhao Liu suddenly asked.

"There's no harm in going and taking a look." Li San suddenly stood up and picked up his walking stick.

A huge crowd filled the streets and soon arrived outside the state government office.

The sergeants who were taking turns to go down to the city to rest heard the news one after another and rushed over one after another. They were not necessarily those who followed in the rebellion, but actually the majority were watching the excitement.

Wang Yanwen arrived with three hundred soldiers, stopped in front of the state government office, and angrily shouted: "Are you going to cause trouble?"

Zhang Dalang and others had already gathered three or four hundred people. Hearing this, they loudly shouted: "We have been fighting for several months, and there have been countless casualties and no rewards have been given. What's the point? Is our life so cheap?"

After that, he drew out the sword from his waist. The noisy sergeants behind him also pulled out their weapons and shouted incessantly.

"Alas! We are facing a formidable enemy. You must not do anything that will please your relatives and your enemies!" Wang Yanwen stamped his feet and sighed, "I know how hard it is to be a warrior. Now I am willing to part with my family's wealth and share rewards with you.

"It's not much, I still have half a penny per person. After you take the money, you can disperse and go back to camp to have a good rest. We have to go to the city to guard tomorrow."

"General Wang is really benevolent and righteous." Zhang Dalang said movedly: "Why don't you take over the post of captain and give rewards to everyone. You have your orders, and we will all obey them."

"Nonsense!" Wang Yanwen said with a straight face, "Liu Dutou is still here, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Liu Dutou should be damned if he doesn't care about us! From today on, I will support General Wang as the Dutou." Zhang Dalang stepped forward, cupped his fists and saluted, "Please don't refuse, General."

The sergeant following him is indispensable. It doesn't matter who is the leader. What's more important is to get the money quickly. And to do something, you really need a leader. Wang Yanwen has a so-so reputation in the past and his position is high enough, so he is supported as the leader.


As a result, hundreds of people raised their swords and guns and pressed forward. They all said, "General Wang, please don't refuse."

The sergeants brought over by Wang Yanwen looked at each other in shock. Seeing that things had turned out like this, it seemed that it was not bad. Soon they cleverly followed up and shouted: "General Wang, please don't refuse."

What is coercion? This is called coercion. When you are supported, if you don't know the truth and don't agree, you will be cut into a pulp by the excited soldiers. In fact, the rebellion of many generals may not be due to their original intentions. The sergeant coercion is

An important factor that cannot be ignored.

Zhang Dalang waved his hand, and dozens of people came forward, surrounding Wang Yanwen and rushing to the state office.

The guard yelled and cursed loudly, and was soon chopped into several pieces.

Liu Wei was having a meal in the backyard. After hearing the news from the front yard, he didn't even have time to put on his armor. Surrounded by his own soldiers, he immediately called his family and ran towards the back door.

At this time, he was a little confused and did not know why the military rebellion started. But reasoning at this time did not make sense. The most important thing was to have a reliable and powerful army, so that it would be possible to quell the rebellion.

Outside the back door was a narrow street. There were sergeants in twos and threes on the street. They were walking in a hurry and were fully armed. When they saw Liu Wei and his group, they were stunned for a moment and subconsciously wanted to surround them.

Liu Wei was very anxious and knew that he must not be entangled with them at this time, so he strode forward and scolded: "Sanlang Huang, do you want to kill me too? In the past, you were in despair, why should I recruit you?

In the army, do you want to repay kindness with enmity now?"

When Huang San heard this, he looked ashamed. He drew out his horizontal sword and said to the warriors behind him: "Liu Dutou has been kind to me. Please do me a favor and I will repay you in the future."

When the seven or eight warriors saw that Liu Wei was accompanied by more than ten followers, all holding swords and guns, and full of murderous intent, they also moved out of the street, shouting: "Everyone, hurry up, I'll wait for the queen!"

Liu Wei thanked him repeatedly and left in a hurry with his family.

After a while, the south gate was already in sight. The gatekeeper was his trusted aide, and he already knew about the chaos in the city. When he saw Liu Wei and his family running over, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's an emergency. Let's get out of the city quickly."

There is no other way, let’s all make our own decisions.”

Liu Wei nodded silently.

After a while, the city gate suddenly opened. Liu Wei took one last look inside the city, stamped his feet heavily, and left the city, heading straight for the Xia Army camp.

After Liu Wei left, the soldiers near Wengcheng looked at each other, and finally dispersed and disappeared outside the city.

Zizhou is already like a bird. If you stay in the city, it will be the difference between dying early and dying later. What are you waiting for if you don't run away?

This chapter has been completed!
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