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Chapter 958

"Wang Qing!" After seeing the dusty Wang Shifan, the saint's eyes were red.

There is no way, the mental pressure is too great. This pressure does not come from the inside, the bullying of him by the middle-ranking officials group, to be disrespectful, has stabilized at the same level for many years, and the saint has long been used to it.

The real stress comes from the fear of a possible tragic fate.

"Your Majesty." Wang Shifan was a little confused when he saw this. What happened? Was he whipped by the lieutenant or something?

"Wang Qing." The saint also realized that he had lost his temper. He calmed down a little and asked: "There are rumors outside that Shao Shude is managing the palace in Luoyang. Is it true?"

"I saw when I was passing through Luoyang that the Second Palace of Shangyang and Ziwei were under construction. This is true." Wang Shifan replied.

When he entered the court this time, he was awarded the title of Inspector of Schools and Assistant Minister, which was not actually a powerful official position. He did not plan to do anything big in Chang'an, so he could just live a peaceful life. He made some friends, traveled around, and looked for things.

Explore secrets, read books, write articles, and when the mood strikes, go hunting or play polo, that's all.

But seeing the panic-stricken look on the saint's face, he was still a little sentimental. Why did the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty do this!

"Have you heard any other news?" the saint asked, his face even more gloomy.

Wang Shifan hesitated for a moment. Not only did he hear it, he also saw it.

"Your Majesty, Shao Shude's expedition to the three states of Luo, Shaanxi and Guo is basically based on the old views of Shangyang Palace and Ziwei Palace. Maybe he thinks that Chang'an has water and food transportation is inconvenient, so he plans to let your Majesty go to Luoyang to listen to the government."

After all, Wang Shifan couldn't bear to tell the truth.

He heard that King Xia was in Luoyang, either staying in the Hehuan Hall or staying in the Hanjia Hall for a while. How could any of the ministers who were building palaces move in there themselves? This clearly meant that he regarded himself as the master of the Luoyang Palace.

Let’s take a look at the local people. Several states in the west of Henan Province have experienced repeated wars, and not one out of ten has a household registration. Now they live in Henan Prefecture. Who are the people in Ruzhou? The family members of the sergeants who moved here from Shao Shude and Lingxia, He

The people of Long, who always call themselves "Shao Sheng", have almost forgotten the existence of the emperor of the Li family. There are even ignorant people who think that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty is originally named Shao. Isn't it ridiculous? Isn't it terrible?

The local officials were sensible and educated people, but they didn't take it seriously. Wang Shifan stayed at Guanyi along the way, and there were many generals who came and went on official business there. Even if they didn't eavesdrop deliberately, they could learn a lot of things - the officials

It doesn't matter who is the emperor at all. In short, who is the emperor supports whom.

Not to mention the army. Wang Shifan was originally a martial artist. How could he not know the virtues of the army? When he was sixteen years old, he handed over most of the soldiers and horses in the town to Lu Hong and asked him to take him to defeat the governor of Dizhou.

Zhang Chan, what was the result? The sky almost fell.

Shao Shude organized six troops with a total of 180,000 infantry and cavalry. Do these people still listen to the sage of the Li family?

The army, people, and officials don't support the Li family saints, but they still build Luoyang Palace for you. What a lie?

Sure enough, the saint didn't believe this either, and he said anxiously: "Shao Shude has been disobedient for a long time, and he has become more and more wanton in recent years. Now he has even built a palace, and it seems that he is planning to usurp the throne. Wang Qing


Wang Shifan was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Shao Shude wants to start a new dynasty. Anyone with some knowledge can see it and understand it. After all, he has a lot of people under him to appease, and he can't keep suppressing them all the time.

"Your Majesty, Shao Shude cherishes feathers, maybe not so much." Wang Shifan consoled him.

The saint's expression did not improve at all, and he asked again: "There are rumors in the capital that Shao Shude will send someone to take me captive to Luoyang and imprison me. What does Wang Qing think?"

Teacher Wang didn't know what to say.

He thought about it carefully and found that the possibility of this matter was quite high. If Shao Shude really wanted to found a country and proclaim himself a ruler, the trick of abdication would definitely be necessary. After all, he was not a rebel, but a Tang official. Like Huang Chao, he could directly

It's okay to kill the emperor. He is a rebel and it's natural and right, but Shao Shude is really not good at it, if he doesn't want to look too ugly.

In addition, Wang Shifan was also somewhat worried about the saint's mental state.

What kind of environment could force a saint to do this? The middle-ranking officials must be the culprits. They beat, scolded, insulted, and ridiculed the emperor wantonly, and committed countless heinous things.

The courtiers followed suit. Wang Shifan heard that many court officials had recently traveled eastward to Luoyang.

To be honest, the life of the court officials is not that easy. It is no longer twenty years ago. There are fewer and fewer vassal towns willing to submit donations, and a large piece of Jingzhao has been cut off, making it increasingly difficult for the three divisions.

After getting the money, the salary arrears are becoming more and more serious. What do you want the officials to do?

Senior officials don't have to worry so much because they have other industries, but low-level officials are in such a miserable state that they can hardly support their families. Under such circumstances, many people have the idea of ​​resigning or not working.

Just go to Luoyang to try your luck and see if there is any chance.

"Quasi" Honglu Qing Li Hang, Sinong Qing Li Yanling, Taichang Qing Guo Fu, Imperial College Superintendent Xiao Fu, Du Water Supervisor Zhao Keyu, etc., successively recruited many technical bureaucrats from Chang'an to engage in etiquette, water conservancy, education

, agriculture and other aspects of work, slowly filling the vacancies in the organization.

This phenomenon has just begun, but as time goes by, more and more people will leave. They are not high-ranking and have little background, but they are the most important affairs officers in a yamen.

It's easy and worry-free.

As long as the saint is not blind, he will always be aware of the loss of officials. But he has no choice but to order the promotion of officials, and then select talents from among the new Jinshi - the number of Jinshi admissions has been expanded from the initial number of more than 30 people per year.

There are about 120 people, which is actually quite a lot. After all, this is an exam taken every year.

Wang Shifan thought that part of the saint's insecurity probably came from this. He felt that he might not be emperor for a few more days, and he might not even be able to save his life, so it would be better if he didn't go crazy.

"Your Majesty, there are still powerful vassals in the world today, and they still follow the Tang Dynasty as their righteousness. Shao Shude must not dare to risk the disapproval of the world, so don't worry." Under the sage's gaze, Wang Shifan had to say against his will.

After hearing this, the saint's face softened slightly, and then he frowned again and asked: "Can Yang Xingmi, Li Keyong, Li Maozhen, and Wang Rong control Shao...Shao Shude?"...

The recent development momentum of these people cannot be said to be good, but it cannot be said to be bad either.

Li Keyong had just defeated the Khitan and captured many people, although he also suffered heavy losses.

Yang Xingmi's general Wang Maozhang had just attacked the empty Yizhou and was about to flank Yanzhou. As a result, Qian Liu sent troops to attack Xuan She. The two sides fought fiercely and Qian Liu was defeated. However, Qian Liu's strength was not greatly damaged after the retreat, and the threat still existed.

However, Yang Shihou, who defeated Qian Liu's Tian Yan, was a little afraid of Lao Yang, so he suspended his offensive and turned to defend.

There was little movement from Wang Rong, but he actively contacted Li Keyong and continued to train his troops.

The one who really made great progress was Li Maozhen.

He launched a war against Dongchuan Town that lasted for several months. Zhu Mei died of illness again, leaving the town without a leader. Brothers Zhu Shou and Zhu Xiu turned against each other and refused to obey the other. All states and counties surrendered.

Until now, Wang Xingyue has been killed, and Ling and Lu have been captured.

Zhu Xiu fled after his defeat, not knowing where he ended up, and Suizhou fell.

After Jiedu stayed, Zhu Shou was besieged in Zizhou City.

The former Shence general Mancun defected to Li Maozhen again. Maozhen ordered him to attack Wang Xingyu of Mianzhou and was defeated and killed.

Longjian Zhao Jian led his troops southward and attacked Pengzhou and Hanzhou, but failed.

The forces in Dongchuan have been losing territory in recent years. If it were not for the intervention of the imperial court, they would have annexed Dongchuan. But this time the saint supported Li Maozhen, eliminating political worries. The Xichuan soldiers won consecutive battles, and Zhu

The situation that Mei could barely maintain while she was alive suddenly collapsed and has reached the final stage.

Li Maozhen is now complacent, because there is no force nearby to interfere with him. The nearest Xia army is still in Xingyuan Mansion, with only 10,000 troops, which can no longer stop him from attacking Dongchuan and fulfilling his ambition.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much, just wait and see the situation." Wang Shifan advised: "There will be a fight between Xia and Jin sooner or later. If Shao Shude wins, Li Keyong may be suppressed in Hedong and unable to get out. If Li Keyong

Shao Shude and Shao Shude may not be able to secure the land of Yin, Hezhong and Heyang. Then the two armies will face each other across the river and fight endlessly, and there will be no big changes for a while."

The saint was not at ease after hearing this. What he was most afraid of now was that his request for Shao's edict would be leaked.

In fact, he vaguely knew that this matter would definitely be exposed. Because after Li Keyong, Yang Xingmi, Li Maozhen and others got it, they would definitely announce it to their core subordinates. Over time, the news would always leak out. What's more, Li Maozhen, for the sake of the war,

The imperial court's righteousness is still relatively easy to spread in Shuzhong. How could Shao Shude not know about it?

He hasn't had an attack yet, so he must be planning some heinous evil method? Every time he thinks about this, the saint can't sleep at night. He feels disgusted when he sees Queen He now. It's all the bad things of this woman.

"I know how loyal Wang Qing is." The saint squeezed out two tears, then looked around and asked in a low voice: "I heard that your general Liu Wei has surrendered to Shude. Is he loyal? Can...


Wang Shifan was shocked when he heard this and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, you must not do it, you must not do it."

Maybe he noticed that his voice was too loud, so he took two steps closer and said in an inaudible voice: "As soon as Shude dies, Helong, Guanzhong, and Henan will fall apart, but this may not be a good thing. I'm afraid there will be unbearable things to say."

Something happened.”

The saint's face turned pale after hearing this, and he looked quite struggling. He seemed not to be frightened by the terrible consequences pointed out by Wang Shifan, and was still hesitating.

Wang Shifan was a little scared and swallowed his saliva. Now he felt more and more that the saint's mental state was abnormal and that he was very courageous. He was worried that even if the saint was really taken to Luoyang by Shao Shude, he would still find ways to do something stupid.

The assassination was completely reckless.

"I understand, please step back." The saint waved his hand and said expressionlessly.

Wang Shifan bowed and bowed before silently retreating. When he left the hall, the cold wind blew and he realized that his back was soaked with sweat.

Chang'an is a really scary place. He has decided that after the first lunar month, he will go out for sightseeing and not care about anything else.

This chapter has been completed!
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