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Chapter 103: The tragically dead math teacher and the new world

Su Xiao is going to check the attributes of [destroy·assassination] before deciding whether to agree to this deal or not.


Origin: Level 4 War World


Attack power:140~198

Category: Pistol

Number of rounds loaded: 12 rounds (7.62mm hydrogen alloy ammunition)


Equipment requirements: Strength 50 points, true agility 85 points, basic firearms skills lv.30.

Equipment effect 1: Ferocious mark (active). If not discovered by the enemy, after turning on the ferocious mark, the heads of six enemies will be locked (if there is only one enemy, a triple mark will be formed at the same time), and the next six bullets will track the enemy.

Mark on the body (head), and increase the shooting speed by 100%.

Tip: The cooldown time of this skill is one hour.

Tip: This skill will consume 180 mana points.

Equipment effect 2: Skull crushing (passive), if the enemy's head is successfully hit, the damage of this attack will be increased by 45%.

Equipment effect 3: Silent Hunter (passive), the bullet is silent and shields the perception effect. After the bullet hits the enemy's head, it will spread out into a silent area with a diameter of 3 meters.

Rating: 525 points (the rating of legendary equipment is 400 to 530 points)

Introduction: When I lock you in, you are already my dead soul, Leslie Montgomery.

Price: 260,000 Paradise Coins.

Big Fat Qian looked at Su Xiao with a smile on his face, but he was yelling "mmp" in his heart. This pistol is not from their Black Sail inventory. There is no such coincidence in the world. He sent someone to buy it from other chambers of commerce.

According to the market price, this firearm is more valuable than the four soul crystals (large). Pistols have always been the favorite of contractors. This thing is different from sniper rifles. You need to master higher-level weapons.

Firearms ability.

Taking out eight soul crystals (large), Black Sail's inventory of soul crystals (large) has been emptied. As for purchasing from other chambers of commerce, it would be a disaster. The price would at least be several times higher than the highest price. The merchant asked the merchant

There is only one situation for acquiring soul crystals, which is to use them for emergencies.

Instead of being hacked by other businessmen, Qian Dapang would rather get a legendary firearm. As the strongest person of the third level, Su Xiao is very valuable in making friends. The last time the black merchant 24k traded with Su Xiao, Su Xiao warned 24k

, telling him not to get involved in the Hestan incident, which of course reached Fatty Qian’s ears.

Not only that, when Su Xiao introduced Reed to Big Fat Qian, Big Fat Qian almost jumped up with joy. What was the concept of a blacksmithing master, and Su Xiao was the guarantee.

Su Xiao is very satisfied with this legendary firearm. The power of this thing can only be described as terrifying. Let's not talk about the abilities it comes with. Just look at the attack power. The attack power represents the speed of the bullet, the penetrability of the bullet, and the penetration of the bullet.

Numerical values ​​such as kinetic energy and the attack power of firearms are very different from the calculation methods of the attack power of melee weapons.

The attack of [Destroy·Assassination] is 140~198, which may not seem like much, but if you compare it, it will be obvious.

The attack power of [Ebony, White Ivory (Fake)] is: 27~53

[Spider Queen]’s attack power is: 60~134

The attack power of [Duke Nukem +13] is: 154~213

There is no harm without comparison. As a pistol, [Destroy·Assassination] is more lethal than the Spider Queen sniper rifle.

In other words, when fighting against a second-level contractor with this thing, you can shoot a child with one shot. If the opponent is a third-level one, please remember to start. Those who can withstand one shot are tough guys, and those who can withstand two shots are third-level ruthless men.

, if it can withstand more than five shots, it is definitely a tank.

This is just the attack performance of [Destroy·Assassination]. This pistol, referred to as D·Assassination, has three properties.

1. Lock on the heads of six enemies, and then quickly shoot six heads with six shots. If there is only one enemy, three marks will be formed, and three consecutive headshots will be fired, and this locking is instantaneous.

Second, the lethality of headshots is increased by 45%. With Su Xiao's marksmanship and the performance of the 'assassination gun', headshots are very easy.

Third, after the bullet hits the enemy's head, a silent field with a diameter of 3 meters will be formed.

It can be said that the third ability is more terrifying than the first two. The bullets of [Destroy·Assassination] are silent and block perception. If there are 10 people in a room, even if Su Xiao kills six of them with headshots, the remaining four will still be dead.

People can't react immediately.

There will be no sound when the corpse falls to the ground, and there will be no sound when the seat is knocked down. Unless the enemy sees it with his own eyes, or the smell of blood spreads, the enemy will not be able to discover that his companion has been killed.

Using this thing to assassinate enemies is far more terrifying than assassinations from melee assassins.

"Brother Bai Ye, I'm quite satisfied."

Fatty Qian is still smiling.

“Very satisfied.”

Of course, Su Xiao knows the truth of giving up when things are good. There will be many places where black merchants can be used in the future. This chamber of commerce is developing very fast.

"As long as you are satisfied, that's good. As long as you're satisfied, that's good."

Big Fat Qian put one hand on his chest. His heart would be in pain in the near future.

"I have three pieces of equipment that I want to sell on your behalf."

Su Xiao took out [Ghost Hunter], [Moon Silver Ring (Set 1/2)], and [Spider Queen]. Although he had used Spider Queen for a long time, there was no room for improvement with this sniper rifle.

"Of course you're welcome."

After Qian Dapang saw the golden suit [Moon Silver Ring], his enthusiasm soared.

Su Xiao's stay time is about to reach the upper limit, and he has other things to do, so he can only choose to consign these three pieces of equipment.

Leaving the shop, Su Xiao went straight to the attribute enhancement hall. He wanted to do a big thing, which was to save his charm attribute.

Fifteen minutes later, a piece of ordinary attribute was strengthened in the warehouse.

[Welcome to the attribute enhancement warehouse, your naked attributes are as follows.]

Charisma: 9 points.

[Hunters can freely allocate attribute points: 25 points]

[This is an ordinary attribute strengthening warehouse, which cannot be displayed. It strengthens the real attributes. 】

Su Xiao strengthened all 25 attribute points into the charm attribute, and the attribute enhancement warehouse was immediately put into operation. This was the first time that Su Xiao had strengthened the charm attribute. Unlike strengthening other attributes, the feeling of strengthening the charm attribute was very special, and it was hard to describe.


After a while, the charm attribute enhancement was completed, and Su Xiao's eyes opened. The only thought in his mind was, is this the end?

Open the attribute list to view personal attributes.

Strength: 92 (The Demon Hunter King has been increased by 5 points)

Agility: 91 (The Demon Hunter King has been improved by 4 points)

Physical strength: 90 (The Demon Hunter King has been increased by 3 points)



Su Xiao stared at the 30 points of charm attribute, and he began to calculate silently in his mind, 9+25=30???, isn't it 34 points?

Su Xiao's mouth opened and closed, and he couldn't figure out where those 4 points of charm attributes had gone. If there was such an error, he would of course have to consult Samsara Paradise.

【Under review...】

[There is no abnormality in the attribute enhancement. The hunter’s charm attribute has been increased to 34 points. 】

[Tip: The affinity of the hunter's charm attribute is extremely low, and the hunter's personal temperament detracts from the charm attribute, and the hunter's charm attribute drops to 30 points.]

[Warning! The charm attribute of the hunter may be reduced at any time.]

[Warning! The charm attribute of the hunter may be reduced at any time.]

Su Xiao lit a cigarette to calm herself down.

[Smoking is prohibited in the attribute enhancement warehouse, and 20 paradise points will be deducted from the hunter.]

Su Xiao did not put out the cigarette, but she felt more depressed.

[Tip: The hunter’s charm attribute has reached 20 points when naked. The hunter can choose one of the following rewards.]

a. Messenger of Peace: When negotiating with plot characters, the default favorability will be increased by 5 points (warning, due to the hunter's personal temperament, the effect of this ability will be greatly reduced).

b. Listening: Increase compatibility with wild creatures by 8 points.

c. Summoning amplification: upper limit of summons +1.

Su Xiao didn't have to choose among the three rewards. He decisively chose reward c.

As soon as Su Xiao finished selecting the reward, the prompt from Samsara Paradise appeared again, indicating that his stay time was up.

There was still that familiar sense of teleportation. When Su Xiao's vision returned, he was already on the second floor of a jewelry store in the real world, and he fell asleep.

After sleeping for more than 20 hours, Su Xiao woke up leisurely. This sleep was very comfortable, which completely relaxed his tense nerves.

After Su Xiao went downstairs, he found that it was already afternoon. He opened the store door as usual, sat in front of the store, and started to indulge in games. There were vehicles passing by on the street from time to time, and there were not many pedestrians, but not many.

The leisurely stay in the real world is always so short. When Bubu Wang breathed a sigh of relief and urged Su Xiao to make dinner, the notice of the new world arrived.

This chapter has been completed!
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