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Chapter 48: The Enemy's Road is Narrow

There were not many records on the parchment, but Su Xiao had a feeling that this tone sounded like a living person who had lived on the mainland.

Except for the parchment in Su Xiao's hand, there are also a bunch of biological array records below. Su Xiao can understand a small part of them. The content is probably the biological cultivation array diagrams of Shadow Snake, Tree Eclipse, and Moon Daughter, of which Moon Daughter accounts for 10% of the records.

More than 80%, and there is also a very key information on it, which is the birth time of the Moon Girl. It was when the Dead City first connected with the mainland. After the residents here failed to attack the mainland, the Moon Girl was born.

Su Xiao put away all the parchments and looked happy. For him, these parchments are more valuable than epic equipment. If you can't understand it, take it back to Samsara Paradise for interpretation. The notarization fees required for knowledge are all

Not too high.

The old magic stick marked an x ​​on the treatment center. It should be very dangerous here, but after Su Xiao sneaked in here, she didn't feel too dangerous. She even felt that it was much safer here than outside.

Along the upward stone staircase, Su Xiao came to the stairwell of the third floor. As expected, the five crow doctors were on the third floor.

Su Xiao hid behind the wall and tried his best to control his aura. He took out a small mirror and observed the situation on the third floor through the reflection of the mirror.

The third floor is relatively empty. There are several huge cages on one side. Eminem is being locked in the cage with ropes similar to tree roots tied to his body. On the other side of the house, there are several rocks of different sizes.

On the stage, Veroni was being handcuffed on the stone platform, with rags stuffed in her mouth, and five crow doctors were busy near her.


Veroni tried to struggle, but her hands and feet were restrained and she could only twist her body.

Tear. Tear...

A small tree creature about three meters tall was sharpening a knife nearby. It was a weird-looking curved-edged knife with a dirty rag wrapped around the handle, which was black and yellow.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao retreated to the first floor and quietly approached the Silent City resident who was sitting on the operating table.


The long knife penetrated its flesh and blood. This resident of Dead Silence City was not strong and was injured. In addition to Su Xiao's sudden attack, the knife penetrated its chest and helped it cure its serious illness.

Su Xiao pulled her arm, broke the crippled resident's neck with a click, and threw it into the pile of metal equipment.

After doing all this, Su Xiao rushed out of the treatment hospital and threw an alchemy bomb into a nearby building.

Soon, the three crow doctors rushed to the first floor. After seeing the body lying in the metal equipment, they turned back and walked upstairs. Unlike when they came, they returned without any hurry.


The magma erupted and nearly filled the entire third floor. Within the magma, Su Xiao kicked a crow doctor on the back. The crow doctor was obviously not good at fighting and crashed into the wall with a bang.

But the crow doctor's body was extremely hard. Su Xiao used all his strength when kicking the opponent, but the crow doctor seemed to have no injuries.

Ding, ding~

Su Xiao cut off the metal tube that bound Veroni with two cuts. After lifting Veroni up, he jumped out of the window.

Half a minute later, five crow doctors were standing in the messy third floor. After a while, they all sat on the ground, motionless.

In the square stone tower more than 300 meters away from the treatment center, Su Xiao was looking in the direction of the treatment center, but the crow doctors did not chase them out.

The five crow doctors gave Su Xiao a very strange feeling. The five dead city residents clearly had very powerful bodies, but they were not good at fighting. Even after being kicked away by Su Xiao, the crow doctors

He was still stunned inside the wall for a while.

The old magician warned about the dangers of the treatment home on the map, but in the treatment home, Su Xiao saw a short record, which was: 'Lahan, you chose to side with the Black King, but one day you will come back.

I hope you... can heal the City of Silence.'

The name Lahan is very intriguing. The old magician is called Ken Lahan, and the attitude shown by the other party is clearly that he is very familiar with the City of Silence. He even knows that the little black-haired girl is too weird and it is best not to fight the other party head-on.

The information that Su Xiao now knows is that the old magic stick was once a resident of Dead Silence City, but he didn't know how to come back to life. Among them, it was probably related to the treatment center.

"Eminem, Veroni, how were you caught?"

Su Xiao still has one last doubt. As long as this doubt is solved, the general purpose of the old magic stick can be determined.

"I don't know," Veroni, who was still a little frightened, shook her head and continued: "After I entered there, I suddenly passed out. When I woke up, I was lying there. They kept circling around me and weighed me.

Height, weight..."

After hearing Veroni's description, Su Xiao basically knew what was going on in the treatment center. The crow doctors there should not be too dangerous. Those doctors had lost consciousness, but judging from their many performances, they seemed not to be easily harmed.

Living people who intrude there will follow the habits of their lifetime, observe and study the living people who intrude there.

The real danger may be that there is some kind of defense mechanism in the treatment hospital, which can make people who enter there lose their combat effectiveness instantly and fall to the ground unconscious. However, Bubo Wang who entered there later did not become unconscious, which means that the defense measures cannot be continuously activated.

When Su Xiao entered the treatment center before, he did feel that his consciousness was blurred for a moment. After asking Eminem and Bubo Wang, he got the same result.

Eminem fainted immediately, while Bubuwang was confused for a few seconds and then returned to normal.

There should be a lot of secrets in the treatment hospital, but Su Xiao has no intention of studying there now, because the sacrificial altar is just a few dozen meters away. As long as he enters there, Su Xiao can use the source of darkness to improve his natural abilities.

As for seeking revenge from the white-haired woman, the Girl of the Moon, there is no rush for the time being, as the other party has gone nowhere.

Just when Su Xiao was about to sneak into the sacrificial altar dozens of meters away, a figure walked out of the treatment hospital.

Su Xiao immediately hid behind the stone wall because the one who walked out of the treatment center was the daughter of the moon.

The Girl of the Moon, with hair as white as snow, stood in front of the main entrance of the treatment center. The five crow doctors stood inside the door, looking at the Girl of the Moon. They seemed unable to leave the treatment center.

The Moon Girl picked up a pebble from the ground and hit it on the mask of a crow doctor.

"You scumbags allowed me to be born, but you also allowed me to be imprisoned here forever."

While the Moon Girl was speaking, she picked up another stone and hit the mask of another crow doctor, but the five crow doctors just stood there, motionless, as if they were repenting or waiting for something.

This scene all fell in Su Xiao's eyes, and he began to retreat at an extremely slow speed. Five kilometers away from the treatment center, there was a clock tower, which was a pretty good sniper point.

Bubu Wang tentatively came to the Moon Girl, and after making sure that the other party couldn't see it, he also picked up a stone.


The stone hit Moon Girl on her forehead, and her expression was stunned for a moment.


The Moon Girl let out a low drink and released a terrifying aura.


This chapter has been completed!
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