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Chapter 51: The Lost Bard

Su Xiao pushed open the door of the cabin. He had seen two holy cultivators in the Dead City. Without exception, they were all in this kind of temporary cabin.

The cabin was filled with a musty smell. It was about 40 square meters in size and showed signs of life.

Near the wooden house, there is a skeleton leaning against the wooden wall. There is a long strip of rust next to the corpse, and golden light particles can be faintly seen on it. This should be the weapon of the holy cultivator, but due to the passage of time, it has been

Weathering, corrosion.

Su Xiao held his hand in vain, and a long crystal rod was formed. He touched the bones of the holy cultivator with the crystal rod, and poked a hole in the skull with just a light poke.

Obviously, the holy cultivator left nothing behind. Just when Su Xiao was about to leave the wooden house, he found the skeleton of the holy cultivator sitting on a raised stone slab.

This stone slab was obviously something original to Dead Silence City and had a low degree of weathering. Su Xiao removed the body of the holy cultivator and found words engraved on the stone slab.

The slate is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The words on the upper part are completely incomprehensible to Su Xiao, but the carvings are neat. As for the carvings on the lower part, they are obviously very scrawled. They seem to have been carved with a sharp tool, and there are also some markings nearby.

The text below is because this holy cultivator was too bored, so he interpreted the text above. The content of the interpretation is as follows:

'I am Kefirson, a bard, from Lingao, yes, it is the magic city, clean, prosperous, free, the dream city of elementalists. My package is very heavy, at least 20

Oh (about 36 pounds), so I need to find a place to rest.'

'Although the two kingdoms are hostile, in my opinion, Dead City is really beautiful, and the people here are simple...'

When Su Xiao saw the words 'people's customs and simplicity', she almost couldn't help but kick the stone to pieces. The people were so angry and honest.

'The folk customs are simple and the scenery is beautiful, especially the supreme sanctuary in the center of the city. From an architectural point of view, it is already a miracle. With the architectural level of the Kingdom of Mordia, how did they do it? It is worth mentioning.

Yes, this time the envoy brought wind power generation technology, which may ease tensions between the two countries.'

'It's unbelievable that a full-scale war broke out between the Kingdom of Mordia and my motherland. Something is wrong with the Dead City. Things that I have never figured out have been explained. There is a reason why this place is called the Dead City, especially those hateful crow doctors. They

Is the only treatment available is bloodletting? If the treatment fails, then it is recommended to burn him to death? This is ridiculous.'

'My homeland... is gone. It was razed to the ground by the Kingdom of Mordia. I want to leave Dead Silence City as soon as possible. The residents here are very wrong. They are gradually turning into monsters. Although the crow doctors finally got the idea, the residents here are not suffering from the disease.

Disease, the problem is the entire city. This is a weapon of war and the origin of destruction. Compared to this city, the elementalists are not worth mentioning at all. They are more like magicians.'

'On the first day of the Destruction Day, everything... was shattered into pieces. The war shattered the star we lived in. The only thing that was saved was the City of Death. But I am imprisoned here. No one can leave. This city will

Where it drifts, perhaps only the gods know.'

'The crow doctors looked at my 'condition' and found that I was being assimilated. Even though I was a foreigner, once I was assimilated, the attitude of the crow doctors changed a lot. They brought me food, quilts, and even asked me questions.

Do you need 'ice therapy'? I refuse, it will make me become another kind of monster.'

'I have forgotten what the sun looks like. I have probably lived for more than 200 years. After being assimilated, I have not aged, and... I am now a hunter, a hunter who has received 'ice therapy'.'

'Hunting is to protect people who have not yet been fully assimilated. But every time I open my eyes after falling asleep, the first thing I think about is where I am going to hunt today and how the weapon is worn. I have been immersed in it.

Among them, the original intention is forgotten.'

'Those residents who have not yet assimilated are afraid of me. They knelt down and cried and begged me to leave. It turns out... I have long become a monster, and it is the most powerful kind. No wonder, yesterday I chopped down the 'King Snake'

The feeling of pleasure when your head is bathed in its blood is indescribable.'

"They are all trash. Today, I will go out to fight for prey. The Black King has already told them that the drifter on the sea is not reliable. He is a living person."

"I have no regrets about coming to Deadly City, Wild Hunter Kefirson."

Seeing the records on the slate, Su Xiao had a guess about the origin of Dead Silence City. It did not originally belong to the Black Throne Continent, or even a city in this world.

The Dead City originally belonged to a country called the Kingdom of Mordia. That country was at war with another country that was relatively technologically prosperous. The course of the war was unknown. As a result, the two countries shattered the planet they lived on.

The City of Death is special, it is squeezed into the Black Throne Continent.

The difference between the outer and central areas of Dead City is the surprising speed of assimilation. The central area was once the safe area of ​​Dead City, and the people living here were all residents who had not been fully assimilated. As for the outer areas, they were full of monsters.

The circular river is a defense mechanism. The crow doctors in the central area have developed a treatment method called 'ice therapy', or a self-protection measure. People who receive ice therapy are called hunters.

, they enter the outskirts to hunt down the residents who have completely turned into monsters.

But not long after, the residents who still preserved their consciousness discovered that not only could ice treatment not save them, but it would increase the speed of assimilation. What's worse, even stronger monsters would be assimilated after ice treatment.

Therefore, the crow doctors changed their strategies, and artificial creatures such as Moon Girl and Tree Eclipse were born. The original intention of their creation was to resist the monsters on the periphery and find a way to leave the Dead City. However, Tree Eclipse could not resist assimilation.

Instead, she became the guard of Dead Silence City. There was only one Moon Girl, and when she grew up, the central area had been assimilated by Dead Silence City.

Before being assimilated, the residents of the central area made a final struggle. They imprisoned themselves in their residences. Even if they became monsters, they did not want to be like the 'beasts' in the periphery.

What happened after that is unknown, because it was the era of the Black King. The Dead City was suppressed by the Black King and could only be imprisoned in the corner of the continent. Without coordinates, it was impossible to enter here.

Su Xiao probably knew what was going on in the Dead City. He turned around and left the cabin. A few dozen meters away from the cabin was the sacrificial altar.

The sacrificial altar is an oval building with a huge iron ring in the center of the building. Although it is still more than ten meters away from the sacrificial altar, Su Xiao feels a sense of security.

A wave of energy enveloped the sacrificial altar, making the oval building's color brighter, no longer the gray and black tone. From the looks of it, this seemed to be the only building in the Dead City that had not been assimilated.

The stone door of the sacrificial altar opened wide, and Bubu Wang entered first. Two seconds later, Bubu Wang rushed out with a whooshing sound.

Chug tug tug...

BooBoo Wang's hind legs vibrated at a high frequency, no, it should be trembling.


BuBoWang was 'talking nonsense' and it was so frightened that it almost uttered human words.

This chapter has been completed!
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