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Chapter 87: There are miracles

After leaving the exclusive room, Su Xiao went straight to the skill upgrade hall. He wanted to upgrade the 'Skill Sublimation' ability. This ability can increase the power of self-developed sword skills, which directly improves Su Xiao's combat effectiveness.

Ten minutes later, Su Xiao stopped in front of the main entrance of the skill upgrade hall. There were many contractors coming in and out. After entering, he first passed through a long corridor, reached the innermost side, and entered a skill upgrade warehouse.

The warehouse door is locked.

[Yes/No to upgrade skill sublimation lv.16, it will cost 600 soul coins to upgrade this ability.]

Su Xiao chose to upgrade 4 levels in a row. Judging from the current level of skill sublimation, this ability has great potential. After all, it is an ability at the seventh level of the initial level. The starting point is high and the end point is even higher.

As soon as the skill upgrade warehouse was activated, the sound of water came to Su Xiao's ears. When he opened his eyes, he was sitting cross-legged on a round stone platform. Below him was the water surface as flat as a mirror. The water and sky were the same color, and he could not see anything.

to the edge of the water.

Tick ​​tock~

The water droplets fell and landed on the water just in front of Su Xiao. The ripples spread out to the surroundings and soon formed a large water pattern. This was not for Su Xiao to realize, but to directly let him go to things that needed to be pondered over.

Feel it personally.

Su Xiao stood up and pulled out the long knife from his waist. The blade screamed, and he slashed to the side of his body at a not too fast speed. A cut mark was submerged into the water. The water was still calm, but in the next moment.


Water waves tens of meters high rose from the water beside Su Xiao, and the stone platform under Su Xiao's feet collapsed. After he fell, he did not fall into the water, but stood on the water.

The knife in Su Xiao's hand turned over, and he held the knife in his backhand. The tip of the long knife touched the water surface. The water that was originally surging calmed down instantly. A circle of very light water ripples spread out around the tip of the knife.

, until it disappears into an unreachable distance.

A breeze blew by, and Su Xiao's body drifted away with the wind. In the skill upgrade warehouse, Su Xiao opened her eyes. Although everything just now was not real, the realization was genuine.

[Sublimation of Skills: lv.20 (Skills·Passive)]

Skill effect 1: Increase the power of self-developed sword skills by 43% (increased by 8%).

Skill effect 2: Sword skill potential level +3 (increase by 1 level)

Su Xiao feels that compared to the improvement in the power of self-developed sword skills, it is more rare to improve the potential level of sword skills.

Although this improvement cannot make him stronger immediately, it is related to the speed at which he becomes stronger in the future. This is relied upon when developing sword skills.

There are still a lot of soul coins, and Su Xiao continues to improve his skill sublimation ability.

[Yes/No to upgrade skill sublimation lv.20, it will cost 1000 soul coins to upgrade this ability.]

There are 1,000 soul coins for the first level. After looking at the remaining soul coins, Su Xiao chose to continuously upgrade the skill sublimation to level 7. With his current strength, the sword skills and skill sublimation abilities are improved together, and the combat power is improved even more.


After consuming 7,000 soul coins, Su Xiao arrived at a wonderful place this time. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it. The breeze was blowing on his face. It was slightly warm, but also had the smell of vegetation, green branches sprouting, and everything.


This kind of tranquility made time pass very quickly. Su Xiao felt a lot of things. When he was still not finished, he left the magical place and opened his eyes in the skill upgrade warehouse.

[Sublimation of Skills: lv.27 (Skills·Passive)]

Skill effect 1: Increase the power of self-developed sword skills by 57% (increased by 14%).

Skill effect 2: Sword skill potential level +3

The ability to improve the sublimation of skills is to continuously accumulate. The further you go, the greater the accumulated benefits. At this time, the power of sword skills has been increased by more than half. This can be imagined to improve the combat. This is not only the power of cutting, but also the power of sword moves.

·The functional sword skills have also been improved.


Su Xiao breathed a long sigh of relief. He was in good condition now. He had obviously not rested since returning to Samsara Paradise, but the tranquility just now was equivalent to a few hours of deep sleep.

Su Xiao currently has 286 soul crystals, with 86 left. He wants to use all the remaining 200.

[Yes/No to upgrade Sword Master lv.50. To upgrade this ability, you need soul crystal·complete x100+5 million paradise coins.]

After all the soul crystals around Su Xiao were broken, and the soul coins were used to convert paradise coins, the promotion of the sword master began.

Half an hour later, Su Xiao held down the Dragon-Slaying Flash on both legs with one hand, and a slash mark passed through the metal wall on the side.

[Warning: The hunter is trying to destroy the skill upgrade warehouse, and 5,000 points of paradise coins have been forcibly deducted.]

Su Xiao didn't pay attention to the prompts from Samsara Paradise, but checked the sword master's abilities.

[Master of Swordsmanship: lv.57 (Passive Skill)]

Skill effects: The attack power of knife weapons is increased by 775% (increased by 24%), the basic nerve reflex speed is increased by 45 points (increased by 10 points), and the damage level caused by knife weapons is +1.

lv.10 Ultimate Ability: Mind Blade (Passive)...

lv.20 Ultimate Ability: Soul Blade (Passive)...

lv.30 Ultimate Ability: Edge of Blades (Passive/Active)...

lv.40 Ultimate Ability: Heart·Soul·Blade (Passive)…

lv.50 ultimate ability: Soul Blade (passive), when attacking with a knife weapon, it will cause soul damage x3.7 of your own soul strength (increased by 0.1%).

Tip: This ability can cause 1406 points of soul damage.

The ultimate ability of Sword Master lv.50, Soul Edge, has higher growth potential than expected. This is the power of Sword Master reaching lv.50 and above. The sword cuts the soul.

Of course, this is directly related to Su Xiao's own high soul strength, which has reached 380 points.

Su Xiao feels that he is not suitable for developing soul-based active abilities, such as directly extracting other people's souls. The reason is because of his own characteristics. His own soul is stronger, and the soul edge derived from it is also sharper, but everything

All have costs. If you want to be sharp, you won't have strong external control.

Rather than extracting the enemy's soul, Su Xiao prefers to cut it off, which is more effective from the perspective of killing the enemy.

Su Xiao was in very good condition at this time, so Su Xiao simply promoted Qingying King together.

After consuming 3 gold skill points, the improvement of Qingying King begins. It must be said that the feeling of improving Qingying King is very unforgettable.

Nearly half an hour later, Su Xiao breathed steadily and wiped the sweat from her chin. The Green Shadow King successfully improved from lv.16 to lv.19.

[Blue Shadow King: lv.19 (esoteric skill)]

Effect 1 (Shadow Devouring·Passive): After killing an enemy of the same level, 18% of the maximum HP will be restored immediately (increased by 6%).

Effect 2 (Blue Shadow King·Active): Immediately consume 6000 points of Qinggang Shadow energy to construct a weapon of any shape within 0.03 seconds. This weapon can only attack once, causing the enemy to lose mana x2.4 (increased by 0.1%)

+4950 true damage (increased by 50 points).

Tip: In this attack, both attacks are judged as real damage.

Tip: Every time you increase level 1, the attack strength of this ability will increase.

Still at level 1, the Green Shadow King will reach lv.20. There will definitely be changes by then. The first stage is to increase the speed. The second stage at this time is to increase the recovery of mana after killing the enemy. It will soon reach the third stage. I don’t know if it can be improved.


At this time, Su Xiao had 657 soul coins left. He walked out of the skill upgrade hall. As soon as he left the main entrance, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Doesn't your conscience hurt..."

Just by listening to this unique way of speaking, you can tell who is coming.

"Bring it here."

Su Xiao didn't want to negotiate with the witch. The witch spoke too slowly. If it were in the mission world, Su Xiao would have a way to correct it, but there was no way in the reincarnation paradise.

"All right."

The witch took out a wooden box, a piece of parchment, and finally a small piece of rag stained with a few drops of blood. On it was a message from the leader, which read:

'This is the source blood of the immortal old man. When you encounter the eighth-level ancient god, throwing it out will have miraculous effects.'

Obviously, the immortal old man who went with the group leader to compete for the fruit of the Void Tree had a head-on confrontation with the group leader, and White Bull should not be much better.

These three people will not be in internal strife. Starry Sky Constellation is such a wonderful organization. Fighting for the fruit of the Void Tree is one thing, but trading at the Sky Constellation Banquet is another matter.

What the witch sent was a Void Tree Fruit that the group leader had snatched, as well as the corresponding preparation formula. We can start processing the Void Tree Fruit.

This chapter has been completed!
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