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Chapter 35: Autism +1

In the thick fog, Su Xiao pressed forward with one hand, and a door made of fog appeared. This was the door of dreams.

The door of dreams opened, Su Xiao walked into it, and Baha flew up on his shoulders. Baha could not leave the dream world, and everything after that would be done by it.

Entering the Dream Door, everything around him became misty. When the fog dissipated, Su Xiao had returned to Mrs. Snake's wooden house. It was warm and dry, making people feel more comfortable.

Su Xiao sat on a chair. After taking off his upper body clothes, a large area of ​​burns appeared. Just when he was in the space penetration state, a burst of solar flames suddenly burned through the space, burning most of his upper body.

The injury this time was not an accident. Su Xiao had always wanted to test whether he could resist Apollo's explosion with multiple space penetrations. The current result is that it is simply impossible.

Su Xiao did not choose to drink [Vitality Liquid], it was too wasteful. He took out a box of ointment and began to apply it on the burns on his body.

After a while, Su Xiao threw the ointment to Yue Ling and motioned for him to apply the ointment on the burns on his back.

Yue Ling took the ointment, dug some out with her index finger, and put it into her mouth with a very happy expression. It was so delicious! It tasted like mint, and there was a cool breeze in her throat~


Su Xiao looked at Yue Ling, Yue Ling shrank her head and started to help Su Xiao apply ointment.

In Yue Ling's knowledge, every inch of the burn must be smeared with ointment. After her index finger was dipped in the ointment, she used her slender index finger to pierce the crack on Su Xiao's back that burned until it cracked.

Try to cover every inch of the crack with the ointment.

After a while, Yue Ling, with a big bump on his forehead, stood in the corner facing the wall, while Madam Snake was behind Su Xiao, applying ointment gently.

Su Xiao took out the projection device and projected the image onto the wall. This was the real-time image fed back by Bach.

The projected picture is from a high-altitude perspective. You can see that a circular flame area is located below, the solar flame has been extinguished, and there are magma and sparks everywhere.

After throwing the first Apollo, let the Great Sage and the beasts slow down, and it is expected to release the Devourer in 20 minutes.

"Where is this? It looks familiar."

Mrs. Snake looked at the projection on the wall, and soon she recognized where it was. Isn't this the dream world?

"You... are really cruel."

Madam Snake's heart is not small. She is biased towards the lawful camp. More importantly, she recognizes many of the beasts in the dream world. What makes her empathize even more is that she is actually one of the 'beasts'.


After waiting for about twenty minutes, Su Xiao took out the contact device, and a rustling sound came from it. The signal was not very good.

"Launch the Devourer."


A quick swoop of perspective from Baja Feedback.

In the dream world, on the second floor of a spire building, there is a Beast Tribe sitting in the corner. This is the order of the Great Sage, asking all the Beast Tribes to disperse to prevent the enemy from dropping another 'sun', causing a large number of


This beast named Shuowu has become more awake. It hates and fears the Great Sage. His words "Do you want to have eternal life?" successfully attracted Shuowu, but after arriving in the dream world, it discovered that

, the price of eternal life is high.

Just when Shuowu was imagining how he could replace the Great Sage, become the King of Dreams, and do wonderful things with his female peers, a group of black-green semi-fluid spread near it, quietly touching its clothes, swallowing it.

The first characteristic is that before entering the growth stage, it is hidden.

The beast tribe, Shuowu, nodded his head with his fingers. When he is bored, he needs to find something to do, so as not to 'dive deeply' into the realm of dreams. There is the world of the spirit/soul, which is dark, cold, and cramped. You will also encounter

Monsters in dreams are unkillable monsters that can resurrect endlessly and eventually swallow up the consciousness that enters there.

The beast tribe Shuowu nodded his head with his hand again, and found that his fingertips and head were stretched. He looked at his fingers and saw that a section of them was missing.

"Huh? I went deep diving?"

The beast tribe Shuowu looked around. He held his breath. After a while, he felt a slight feeling of suffocation, which meant that he had not dived deeply.

Confirming this, the Beast Clan Shuowu stood up. If it was not a 'deep dive', it would be an enemy attack.


As soon as Shuowu shouted a word, black tentacles poured into its mouth, wrapping its entire head inside without exposing any hair or skin.

Shuowu began to struggle painfully. It tore off the black tentacles from its head. It wanted to continue shouting, but could not make a sound. After 10 seconds, he fell down with a thud, and the surging black tentacles wrapped its whole body.

After a few minutes, all the black tentacles on Shuowu's body disappeared. It stood up from the ground in a very strange posture, with its waist bent and its face almost touching the ground, sniffing something.

As if he had found his target, Shuowu, no, the Devourer came to the window, fell headfirst, and landed in the air. His head bifurcated and turned into legs. His legs came together and turned into a head.


The Devourer has no fixed form and can transform into almost any creature it swallows, but one thing is that its aura will not change.

As the Devourer moved forward, its body swayed greatly from side to side, and its pace looked like it deserved a beating.

"The Sage has an order not to move around."

Several Beast Tribes walked out of the building in front, and the Devourer smiled, with the corners of his mouth reaching to his neck.


The beast clan who spoke disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the Devourer. He swung his fist sideways and smashed the Devourer to pieces.

One minute later, Devourer squatted on the ground, and the beasts had disappeared, leaving not even a drop of blood behind.

Five minutes later, the Devourer stood at the neck of a building, its black tentacles hanging down.

Twelve minutes later, the Devourer was hiding in the darkness. Its black tentacles were detaching and sinking into the ground. These tentacles went to find prey.

One after another, the beasts with dull expressions came from the surrounding area. Their steps were strange, their eyes were dark, and the centers of their pupils were dark green.

When these beasts came near the Devourer, their bodies turned into black semi-liquid and submerged into the Devourer's body. The Devourer used the newly gained vitality to create more black tentacles to hunt on its behalf.

The Devourer's hunting is actually not too secretive, but before that, the Great Sage issued an order to disperse all the beasts in the dream world to avoid being bombed again by Apollo.

This facilitates the hunting of the Devourer. Its characteristic is that if you kill it initially, nothing will happen, but if you cannot kill it, you will suffer.

After the Devourer hunts to a certain level of vitality, black tentacles will split from its body. Each black tentacle is a hunting tool that can shield perception. As long as the enemy touches these black tentacles, there is a high probability that they will be assimilated and transformed into

Became the offspring of the Devourer.

The daughter body will return to the main body as soon as possible and be absorbed by the Devourer's main body. After gaining vitality, the main body will be able to split more black tentacles to hunt in a wider range, thus snowballing.

Time passed minute by second, and half an hour later, one beast tribe after another walked on the street at a weird pace, walking towards the direction of the Devourer. All the beast tribes who found these offspring, before they could shout, black

Tentacles swarmed from their vicinity, wrapping them up, assimilating them, and joining them in the larger army.

First use Apollo to blow up the enemy, giving the Devourer a chance to grow, then release the Devourer, wait for the Devourer to take shape, turn into a giant creature, and destroy it wantonly. The enemy can only besiege it. If the number is small, it means that the Devourer will continue to grow.

Once a large number of enemies besiege the Devourer, there will be a surprise, that is, they will be burned by Hades.

Although the flames of the underworld are not as powerful as Apollo, once it spreads, its area is much larger than that of Apollo. With the Devourer's cover, it is almost impossible to extinguish Hades in its initial state.

Compared to studying Apollo, Su Xiao invested much less in Hades, but his current level of alchemy is no longer comparable to before.

Apollo + Devourer + Hades, this is the team-killing package.

There were more and more Devourer spawn on the streets, and they were finally discovered by the Beast Tribe, who roared at the top of their lungs.

"Enemy attack!"

A loud roar broke the silence of the dream world, and it was this roar that made the Devourer show its ferocious side.

The black semi-fluid gathered towards the Devourer, and it turned into a black monster with a height of more than 30 meters. Overall, it was somewhat similar to the Beast Tribe.


The Devourer roared, and the sound waves spread, shaking the buildings within half a kilometer around it to pieces. Eyes appeared everywhere on its upper body, and black lasers continued to spray from these eyes.


Before the beasts rushing around could figure out what was going on, they were hit by the black laser. Part of their bodies dissolved into black semi-fluid and rushed towards the Devourer.

The Devourer jumped up, pierced the central bell tower with one hand, swung on it, and flew towards the cathedral.

The Great Sage, who had just received the bad news, was still in front of the cathedral. He looked at the Devourer in the distance, and the hand holding the wooden staff was trembling slightly. This was because he was angry because of the beasts he had accumulated in the dream world.

Nearly half of them died inexplicably.

"Sir, please give me the order."

Four beasts of different shapes knelt on one knee in front of the great sage. These four beasts were extraordinary and were the capable subordinates selected by the great sage.

The Great Sage looked at the rapidly approaching Devourer, and finally ordered that the beasts be divided into multiple groups and carry out a continuous siege. They could not swarm them to avoid being blown up by the sun.

After this order was passed on, the Great Sage was "surprised" to find that besieging the Devourer in this way had no effect. Instead, the enemy devoured many beasts, making the enemy stronger.

The great sage had a headache. Attacking in batches was not possible, nor was sieging him. Even if four of his capable subordinates came forward together, it would be impossible to stop the black mud monster unless it took action himself.

The Great Sage thought for a long time and decided not to take action. Its ability has been accumulated for 319 years. It was prepared for the ancient gods. After one blow, all the previous accumulation will be consumed. This is the Great Sage. Either

Until the end of time, the world will collapse or the earth will fall apart with one blow.

However, the Devourer was too ferocious. In desperation, the Great Sage asked all the beasts who had stayed in the dream world for more than a hundred years to besiege the Devourer.

Within the battle group.


The huge claws of the Devourer slapped the ground, and black thorns appeared in the surrounding area, piercing many beasts. They kept wailing. This was not over yet. The huge body of the Devourer exploded, and the black semi-fluid splashed everywhere.


A Beast Tribe scratched its entire body. After a few seconds, it collapsed to the ground, its body rapidly turning semi-fluid.

The newly exploded Devourer gathered together again. It grew in size and roared to the sky. It now only has one kind of mental fluctuation and endless hunger.

Compared to the beasts attacking from the surrounding area, the Devourer is more hostile to Baha in the sky. After all, Baha once stuffed the Devourer into a centrifuge and spun it for a long time.

The siege below lasted for nearly two hours and still showed no signs of subside. Since the sun no longer fell from the sky, the Beast Tribes became bolder in their siege, barely suppressing the Devourer.

Only the Great Sage knows the number of casualties. From before to now, a rough estimate is that the total number of Beast Tribe deaths is 32,600. It can only be said that the Great Sage is really stable and can endure it.

"It's almost there, Xiao Hei is about to reach his limit."

Baha looked down and decided not to provoke the Devourer. This thing was very vindictive.

A glass column as thick as an arm was thrown down by Baha. The devourer below jumped very high and swallowed the glass column in one gulp. The surface of this thing was coated with a high concentration of life characteristic solution, which had a strong attraction to the devourer.


When the Devourer landed, its body began to expand. There was a reason why the Devourer was so strong. The relatively harsh growth conditions, plus the fact that it could not distinguish between friend and foe, and its existence time of up to 3 hours, these sacrifices made the Devourer so powerful.

The Devourer's size grew wildly. When the Great Sage saw this from a distance, he felt something bad in his heart.


The Devourer exploded, and the dark green underworld flames splashed everywhere. With the support of the Devourer, the [Flame of the Underworld·Hades] actually began to explode.

The dark flame spreads at an alarming speed, and buildings, soil, flesh, and even steel are all combustion aids.

Burning, endless burning, after a few minutes, most of the dream world was burning with dark flames.

In the wooden house outside, Madam Snake looked at the projection on the wall, and the sound of burning and screams reached her ears. Even if she was not in the dream world, she seemed to be able to smell the burning smell.

Madam Snake turned her gaze and looked at the back of Su Xiao sitting on the wooden chair. At this moment, she felt that Su Xiao was more terrifying than the ancient god.

The burning in the dream world lasted for a long time before it subsided. Su Xiao picked up the contact device.

"Baha, throw another Apollo."

"Boss, it seems there is no need."

The images sent back by Baha began to change. At some point, the great sage in front of the church disappeared, and the remaining area was quiet.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao was a little surprised. The dream world is very important to the Great Sage. Most of the beasts in it cannot leave this place. This is the cage where the Great Sage imprisons the beasts. It is obvious that the other party is here.

Are you accumulating something or waiting for something?

After the beasts return to the outside world, the world speeds up. It is not as simple as staying there for 20 years and aging 20 years. The passage of time of 20 years occurs in an instant, which will bring many negative consequences.

In Su Xiao's estimation, the Great Sage is likely to fight with him here.

The expected situation did not occur. The great sage was beaten away and even his old nest was abandoned. After joining the multi-study school, the great sage was beaten to the point of being autistic by Su Xiao.

ps: (The update is late. This chapter is 4,000 words long. Don’t laugh. I am a handicapped person. 4,000 words is really a big chapter.)

This chapter has been completed!
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