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Chapter 53: Cup/Tragedy

"Dr. Vaughn?"

Su Xiao had never heard of this name before. He had not stayed in the old capital for long.

"Well, Dr. Vaughn, many people call him the hole-drilling doctor. He will help the Soul Clock Tower to make holes in the victim's head. This helps to release the soul power. Most of the people who have been drilled will join the Soul Clock Tower.

, it can be said that the people you see who are imaginative are basically members of the Soul Clock Tower."

When Bishop Noah said this, he shook his head with a wry smile. He still couldn't figure out why the people in the Soul Clock Tower were so obsessed with brain tissue. They simply had a grudge against the head.

"Mo Lilan, your grandfather died after the arrival of the Son of the Ancient God. In the basement of the ancient house he purchased, there is a ceremony arranged in the Soul Clock Tower."

Su Xiao has roughly analyzed the situation. Many years ago, the people from the Soul Clock Tower set up a ceremony in the basement of the ancient house and conducted the first descending ceremony of the Son of the Ancient God. However, it failed in the end. The Son of the Ancient God was a monster and appeared in the old house.

The royal capital was wreaked havoc on.

In the end, the Soul Clock Tower used the excuse that it failed to create a new container and the broken container was out of control to excuse the incident.

As for the second arrival of the Son of the Ancient God, it was an accident. After Mo Lilan's grandfather bought the ancient house, he was very interested in the semi-damaged ritual cup in the basement. He thought it was a collectible antique, so he bought it.

Bringing it back to 'Danker City', there is the misfortune of the Moreland family.

This was not a treasure that Mo Lilan's grandfather had picked up, but the Soul Clock Tower deliberately left the half-damaged ritual cup behind to deceive only those who were destined to do so.

When Molilan's wife was cleaning her home, her finger was cut by the broken part of the ritual cup. In addition, Molilan's wife's constitution was very adaptable and receptive to the energy of the ancient gods. This gave birth to the second generation of ancient gods.


The second-generation son of the ancient god was a complete defective product and died in his mother's womb before he was born.

The Soul Clock Tower discovered this. They didn't care about the second generation of the Son of the Ancient God. Instead, they were very interested in Morilan's wife who had given birth to the Son of the Ancient God and survived. They threatened her that either Morilan would die or she would die.

Join the Soul Clock Tower and choose one of the two.

As for the problem of Mo Lilan itself, this is easier to solve. Just now, Su Xiao discovered that the opponent's luck attribute was gradually improving, from -2 points just now, to -1 points.

Su Xiao already knew why Mo Lilan was so unlucky and why his cousin drowned after washing his face. This was not a coincidence, but was influenced by some kind of artifact.

"Molilan, please think carefully and see if you are always unlucky every time you return home. After traveling for a while, your luck will improve."

Mo Lilan was not cursed. Su Xiao was sure of this. In the last world, he was cursed by the sea of ​​demons for the entire world. In terms of curses, he has become more understanding from a beginner.


Mo Lilan recalled carefully that he had never noticed it before. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

"If I guess correctly, there is a broken metal cup in your home, which was left by your grandfather."

"Uh? You know that?"

Mo Lilan looked like he had seen a ghost, as if he had thought of something and was a little excited.

"Are you a prophet? Can you help me predict whether my future trial luck will get better?"

Mo Lilan had already made a plan in her mind to throw away the ancient cup at home. She didn't know when she got it back. Her memory of this was very vague. Every time she wanted to throw it away, she felt reluctant to part with it.

What he never discovered was that, without outside intervention, he would have kept the cup until his death, and then the cup would have been discovered by the next victim.


Hearing that Moreland had just mentioned the prophet, Baha couldn't hold back and almost laughed out loud. Bishop Noah's cheeks also twitched.


Su Xiao glanced at Mo Lilan. It would be a pity for this guy not to go to the Soul Clock Tower. He is born with a big brain.

"No, if you agree, you can sell me the ceremonial cup in your home, and I will pay 5,000 Lang."


After confirming again and again, Mo Lilan strode out of the hotel. Baha and Bubu Wang followed quietly. Without forcible interference, Mo Lilan would probably not be able to get rid of the ritual cup.

Mo Lilan may have been jogging all the way, but within half an hour, he brought back a cloth bag. If he looked closely, he saw that the cloth bag was half a curtain that had been torn down.

"Benny, pay."


Beni stomped her paw, meaning that Jingzhi was hard to earn, so why did she spend 5,000 lang in one go? Even so, Beni happily paid Jingzhi.

Mo Lilan looked hesitant to speak. He suddenly didn't want to sell this ancient cup. He didn't want to buy it even for 50,000 or even 500,000 Lang. It seemed that this ancient cup was very important to him and could never be taken away.

He wants to take it back, now!

Mo Lilan's expression became distorted, and she raised her hand to grab the ancient cup on the table.

"make a deal."

Su Xiao spoke, her voice was not high, but it was like thunder in Mo Lilan. His body trembled for a while. He seemed to be obsessed just now, and he actually wanted to fight to the death to save the disaster that took away the lives of his whole family. Is he crazy?

After a while, Mo Lilan calmed down and didn't even dare to look at the ceremonial cup.

Because Su Xiao did not leave the hotel even half a step during the whole process, Morilan was a little worried about the authenticity of all this, but with Bishop Noah's guarantee, Morilan was reluctant to relax.

A few minutes later, Mo Lilan stood on the street of Gem Street holding a large box of crystal resin. He felt that everything was as unreal as a dream. An hour ago, he had nothing, but now, his bad luck was not only lifted,

I also learned that a relative is still alive, plus a start-up capital of 5,000 Lang.

"My grandfather was right, everything will be fine after the suffering is over."

Mo Lilan's always hunched back gradually straightened up. In fact, he was not lucky. This was just a transaction. This transaction allowed Su Xiao to obtain an immortal gem and a severely damaged ritual cup.

In the hotel, Bishop Noah was about to stand up and say goodbye. This old fox was very alert and vaguely guessed what Su Xiao would do next.

"Bai Ye, if I don't have anything else to do, I'll leave first. I'm an old man and I haven't had a good night's sleep in a few days."

"Something's wrong."

"Do you have to drag me into the water?"

The corners of Bishop Noah's eyes twitched, and he looked angry.

"Five days ago, you sent someone to the dream world. Four days ago, you secretly contacted Harsh in the Insect Kingdom. Three days ago..."

Before Su Xiao finished speaking, Bishop Noah sat down again and said with a smile:

"The situation in the old royal capital is very complicated. We need to have a complete plan."

Bishop Noah was smiling on his face, but in his heart he wanted to kill those people under his command and leave so many "tails" behind. If any of these things were fully announced, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

No longer paying attention to Bishop Noah, Su Xiao looked at the gem between her fingertips. This gem was called [Soul Cut].

【Soul cut】

Origin: Dark Star World

Quality: Immortal level

Type: Gem (rare)

Effect: After embedding, the weapon sharpness +52 points, the weapon's armor penetration +46 points, each point of the user's soul strength can increase the sharpness and armor penetration bonus by 1 point.

Tip: This gem can increase weapon sharpness by up to 205 points and weapon armor-piercing ability by 197 points.

Tip: If the gain of such a gem reaches the maximum bonus, the soul damage will be increased by 12%.

Score: 1496 points (the score for immortal gems is 1000-1500 points).

Introduction: The edge of the blade can kill souls.

Su Xiao was quite satisfied with the [Soul Cut] gemstone. This gemstone was worthy of Beni's careful selection. This was the biggest gain after having been trading crystal jewelry for so long.

Not only that, Beni can also harvest a wave at the end. After leaving this world, the crystal fat will not be of much use. Before that, Beni will acquire as many extraordinary gems as possible.

It can be said that letting Penny do business is much more reliable than treasure hunting.

In addition to this gem, Su Xiao also got a severely damaged ritual cup. For the Kodo School and the Soul Clock Tower, this thing is a waste that can bring bad luck, but for Su Xiao, this thing still has some uses.


[Broken Ritual Cup]

Origin: Any world where high ancient gods exist.

Materials: ancient god energy, solid brain fluid, heart of a resentful person, ritual blood, chitin, gallstones of eighth-level extraordinary birds.

Quality: This item is damaged

Type: Ritual Item.

Effect: Damaged and unusable.

Debuff effect: If you are within 10 meters of this item, your luck attribute will be temporarily reduced by 1 point every hour, up to a maximum of 5 points. After leaving this range, your luck attribute will be restored within a certain period of time.

Tips: If you suffer this effect multiple times, you will be affected by the effect of 'Disaster Fate'.

Introduction: This ritual cup technology was developed by scholars from the Fallen Star. It is mostly used for the gestation of the sons of ancient gods and the growth of eyes. Scholars from the Fallen Star believe that more eyes can bring greater power.

, or see some strange existence.

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