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Chapter 44: Despicable Greed

The pictures in front of Su Xiao's eyes flashed one after another. Moon Wolf's soul memory was too huge, and Moon Wolf had been dead for many years, so the long-lasting soul memory became trivial. Su Xiaozhi chose to intercept part of it, about the abyss, the Athos family, and Emperor Taiyatu.


In Yue Lang's soul memory, the Athos family, Emperor Taiatu, etc. are both particularly remembered but also insignificant.

The scene in front of Su Xiao turned into a first-person perspective. This was the scene that Yue Lang saw at the beginning.

On the ice field, the sky was filled with flying snow, and a group of pedestrians walked through the snow. The leader was dressed in luxurious clothes, with a mustache on his chin, and his sharp eyes, like a falcon.

"Great being, I am Athos Baiken, here to visit."

The leader, Athos Baiken, knelt on one knee, put his hand on his chest, and lowered his head to show respect.

"Humans, this is not where you should come. Go back. I will not participate in your disputes. Just think of me as the moon in the sky. It has been a thousand years. You don't need to be afraid of me. We are all guardians of the elements."

Moon Wolf stood in the wind and snow. It was very large in its wolf form at that time, with a body length of dozens of meters. Standing there, it looked like a mountain in the cold wind.

"Supreme being, we are here to search for the hole in the abyss."

Athos Beacon's head was lowered, almost touching the ground.

"Don't pry into the power of the abyss. Although there is no good or evil in the power, living things do. The power of the abyss represents the extremes of the two poles. With good intentions in mind, it is both light and evil, and it is darkness."

Moon Wolf looked down at Athos Baiken and the others, as if sighing, knowing that these people would not give up easily.

"The power of the abyss has been polluted somewhere in this world. The thing born in the center of the pollution is what you know as the bad luck. This is the beginning of misfortune. Do you want to see the world you live in collapse into dust particles?"

As Moon Wolf spoke, the moonlight gathered above it, forming a scene in which countless creatures were wailing, the earth was crumbling, and the sky was swallowed up by darkness, a scene of doom and despair.

"The limit you can reach is not enough to peer into the abyss. Isn't it very lucky to continue to reproduce from generation to generation? Why bother to pursue things that you cannot control? The extraordinary of this world is enough for you to explore for thousands of years. There is nothing better than civilization.

Be more gorgeous and cherish everything now. If one day, an evil god comes, I will protect you, even if you die in this world, I will not hesitate. This is the oath I made with my allies."

Moon Wolf's voice drifted away with the cold wind, and the surrounding temperature became even colder. Athos Byken and others shouted something, but Moon Wolf ignored them, and Athos Byken and others could only retreat.

The soul's memory was blurred for a moment, and someone came to the extreme southern cold land. This man was tall and tall, wearing an iron-black crown, sitting on a steel carriage pulled by thousands of slaves.

The steel carriage stopped, and slaves knelt on the snow. The king on the carriage strode down, and finally, he stopped in the howling wind and snow.

After hesitating for a long time, the man took off the crown on his head and made a gesture of kneeling down on one knee.

"You are the king of the human race and the founder of civilization. There is no need to kneel and support me. King of the human race, why do you come to me?"

Moon Wolf stopped in the wind and snow ahead, its huge body looming, looking very majestic.

"Supreme being, I am Taiatu Oti, the ruler of Taiatu civilization."

Emperor Taiyatu lowered his head slightly to show respect for Moon Wolf.

"Are you also here to look for the hole in the abyss?"

"Of course not. The hole in the abyss will only bring disaster."

"Then what's the matter with you coming here?"

"Supreme being, I'm here to visit."

Emperor Taiyatu waved his hand as he spoke, and slaves walked into the wind and snow carrying gifts.

Moon Wolf narrowed its eyes, it didn't care about these gifts, and the humans in this world came here to visit too frequently. Ever since the Abyss Hole appeared in this world, it has been suppressing them and can't easily leave the cold land of the extreme south.

To Moon Wolf, the visit from Emperor Taiatu was just an episode in a long watch. It didn't pay much attention to it, but one day, a meteorite pierced the sky.

This made Yue Lang feel a strong sense of ominousness, and even he had to do everything he could to fight against this ominousness.

When the Moon Wolf arrived at the landing point of the extraterrestrial meteorite, the meteorite had been transported away. At that time, the Moon Wolf had two options. 1. Ignore the hole in the abyss in the extreme south and search for the meteorite. In this case, it would not take long.

The hole of the abyss will form a black hole vortex that swallows everything, and with this point as the center, the world will be shattered.

2. Return to the cold land of the extreme south and continue to suppress the Hole of the Abyss. According to its estimation, in a few hundred years, the Hole of the Abyss will gradually disappear.

This world has special meaning to Moon Wolf. It was here that the Moon Wolf clan met the exterminators who came to hunt the ancient god. Both parties came to hunt for the ancient god, and they seemed to like each other, so they acted together.

, and this is how the subsequent covenant came about.

The era of law destruction has ended, and the Moon Wolf clan is the only one left. It does not want to see this place collapse.

It chose a compromise method. The main body went back to suppress the hole of the abyss, and its clone went to look for the meteorite. As a result, its clone found the meteorite, but the contents inside were missing.

During the following days of searching, Moon Wolf failed to find anything hidden in the meteorite, and all clues were cut off by a certain force using cruel means.

Moon Wolf's speculation at the time was that the things hidden in the meteorite were either in the hands of many kingdoms in the southern continent, or were in the hands of the Athos family, or were obtained by the ruler of another continent, Emperor Taiatu.

Please don't think that Moon Wolf has a good temper. The thing hidden in the meteorite made Moon Wolf feel danger. He went to the representatives of the kingdoms, the leader of the Athos family, and Emperor Taiatu to ask about the ominous thing.

Where to go.

The result was that no one acknowledged it, Moon Wolf didn't say anything, and the clone returned to the extreme southern cold land. After that, its body successfully suppressed the Hole of the Abyss completely for about half a month at a certain cost.


For the Moon Wolf, half a month is enough. Since the negotiations are ineffective, it will destroy the kingdoms, the Athos family, and the leaders of the Taiyatu civilization. After the death of these leaders, a new batch of leaders will

The new ones will appear. Due to the destruction of the previous power, the new group of people in power will inevitably hand over the ominous thing in order to protect themselves.

Before Moon Wolf could set out, what it feared most happened. Countless nematodes swarmed in. These nematodes absorbed the power of the abyss that was floating in this world and had not yet been absorbed by the world, and launched a siege on Moon Wolf.


Those nematodes have a main body. In the end, the moon wolf trampled the main body of the nematodes to death. This was the ominous thing that came with the meteorite.

Yue Lang roughly guessed the origin of this thing. It was most likely that someone in a certain world abused the power of the abyss, which ultimately led to bad consequences. The main body of the nematode absorbed a large amount of the power of the abyss, and then reproduced at a terrifying speed.


Before the body of this nematode came to this world, it had devoured all the creatures in many worlds before it grew to this level. This thing was attracted by the power of the abyss. The difficulty of this thing almost reached the level of mid-to-high-level void aliens.

degree of existence.

If it were in the past, if Moon Wolf only needed help, law exterminators would come here, eliminate the main body of the nematode, and kill all those who planned this matter. Unfortunately, the era of law extermination had ended by then.

In the end, Moon Wolf was able to deal with this ominous thing, but it was injured so badly that it was almost on the verge of death. In addition, the Abyss Hole was suppressed for a long time. At this time, the Abyss Hole brought backlash.

It was under this situation that Emperor Taiyatu led his men to attack and besieged Moon Wolf with a human sea tactic. After several years, Moon Wolf, who had been seriously injured, died in the battle.

After that, Emperor Taiyatu took away the large piece of ice that Moon Wolf used to seal the Abyss Hole, as well as the Abyss Hole inside. In fact, it was Emperor Taiyatu who ordered people to take away the meteorite.

The ominous thing inside, which is the main body of the nematode, is fed by the people in order to deal with the moon wolf.

Emperor Taiatu couldn't stand a foreign race that he couldn't fight living somewhere in this world, which made him feel sharp at every moment. He was worried that the power he had seized through tyranny would arouse the resentment of that powerful being, and thus

Kill him.

This is a typical sign of doing too many bad things. In the eyes of Emperor Taiyatu, the existence of the moon wolf is an uncontrollable danger.

Nominally, Emperor Taiatu wants to eradicate uncontrollable existences. In fact, he is longing for the hole of the abyss, which is unimaginable power. With this power, all living creatures will kneel at his feet.

The ideal was very fulfilling, but after the death of Moon Wolf, the consequences came. Emperor Taiatu was unable to control the hole of the abyss. His empire fell apart within a few days, and his people became barbaric, bloodthirsty, and violent, but he himself would never be able to control it.

Dare to stand under the moonlight, it was unimaginable torture. The moonlight was spitting on him, seeming to tear out every blood vessel in his body, lift his skull, twist his soul, and tear off his skin one by one.

The Athos family, which had cooperated with Emperor Taiatu, also tasted the consequences. All the babies born in their direct bloodline were half-human, half-wolf dead babies. No matter how they tried to save them, they could not make up for this.

A bad result.

The Athos family knelt down. They came to the extreme southern cold land in the most humble manner and erected stone monuments. They even tried to resurrect the moon wolf, but everything was in vain.

Not many years later, the Athos family was about to become extinct. The last member of the family spent all his wealth and formed the Holy Knights. He hoped that the Holy Knights could inherit the will of the Moon Wolf, guard the world, and clean up the bad luck.

Dangerous things now.

Even so, the Holy Knights had a series of bad luck, experiencing internal divisions, civil war, and the defection of more than half of its members.

Until later, the Holy Knights split into the Third Research Institute and the Eternal Night Church, still bearing the consequences of the past.

Many years later, the Third Research Institute was renamed the Containment Institution, and the Eternal Night Church was renamed the Eclipse Organization. After many changes in leadership, the fate of the Holy Knights was completely escaped.

Nowadays, the shelter and the Eclipse Organization have gone through many changes in the era and have nothing to do with the Athos family. The name Eclipse Organization itself is the worship of the Moon Wolf. After the solar eclipse, only the moon remains.


If an ancient god appears in this world, the containment agency and the Eclipse Organization will definitely be the ones standing in the front, just like the Moon Wolf back then.

The Athos family knelt down and thought of various ways to make amends, but still exterminated the species. As for Emperor Taiyatu, he had some regrets at first, but things had reached this level, so he simply refused to do anything and turned a stone tablet into a stone tablet.

Standing in the cold land of the extreme south to boost his majesty as the dictator of Taiyatu civilization.

Emperor Taiyatu seemed to have a good time, but in fact, in order to stabilize the Hole of the Abyss, he made the entire continent where the Taiyatu civilization was located barren. Only after he fully understood what the Hole of the Abyss was, he regretted it from the bottom of his heart, but he

It has never been shown that in historical records, all the deeds of Emperor Taiatu are correct. He was the emperor who defeated the wolf and guarded the things that could destroy the world.

After all, no one will let the stupid things they have done get out, even if they know it is wrong, they must insist on it.

What is even more chilling is that to this day, the offspring left behind by the nematodes after their death still exist on the continent where the Taiatu civilization is located, and are stored in the bodies of every living thing there.

Su Xiao's hand was still on the end of the hilt of the Moonlight Sword. He opened his eyes and basically understood the situation. The Emperor Taiyatu was probably not dead yet. After all, the opponent had absorbed the power of the abyss.

The hole of the abyss is at Emperor Taiyatu. For Su Xiao, the situation is simple and clear, go and kill Emperor Taiyatu.

This chapter has been completed!
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