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Chapter 31: The Role of the Badge

Deep, dark, and sinking.

At this moment, Su Xiao seemed to be in a void of darkness. Even his feet were filled with nothingness and darkness, so that he could not tell whether he was floating in the darkness or falling.

After the first few seconds of confusion, Su Xiao judged the current situation. He had just fought to the death with the Wolf Knight Captain and fell into a coma due to excessive injuries. After that, he arrived here, or he became mentally aware of this place.

The surrounding darkness, depth, and cold and damp feeling were definitely the aura of the abyss. Su Xiao was not surprised by this. In the deadly battle with the wolf knight captain just now, he was slightly eroded by the energy of the abyss.

For someone who has never been in contact with the abyss, this is very dangerous, but Su Xiao has been in contact with a lot of the abyss at this time, such as the jar of the abyss, Silver Moon Wolf Xidi, the shell city of the tree world, and the tunnel of the underworld. The Temple of the Heavenly King, and finally the Ancient Mask that he always carries with him.

These experiences allowed Su Xiao to come into contact with the energy of the abyss many times, and she was also corroded during this period. After returning to Samsara Paradise, she recovered with the authority of a hunter.

Many times of direct or indirect contact with the abyss energy, Su Xiao's resistance in this area has been significantly improved. Otherwise, it would not be able to withstand the slight erosion of the abyss energy and fight to the death with the Wolf Knight Captain.

However, there is one thing. The energy erosion that Su Xiao encountered in the past was all destroyed by the green steel shadow energy in his body. But when facing the abyss energy, the green steel shadow energy cannot destroy it. At most, it can repel it to slow down the energy erosion. The speed repels the abyss energy out of his body. Of course, this is based on a sufficiently high abyss resistance.

These few indirect contacts with the abyss made Su Xiao aware of the importance of abyss resistance. Unfortunately, this aspect cannot be effectively improved for the time being.

Su Xiao estimated that his current abyss resistance was not enough to be semi-digitized. Thinking about it, Caesar, who is a man and a tank, should have super high abyss resistance.

The thick darkness still shrouded the surroundings. Su Xiao's perception of himself was a little blurry. He still couldn't figure out where this place was. As for what action to take, his current state was that he was aware of this place. He didn't even have a spiritual body, so he couldn't talk about taking any action. Action, waiting for yourself to wake up, is the only way.

"It turns out that this time, it was the destruction of the law."

Vast and heavy sounds came from the surroundings, and then Su Xiao faintly felt that black tentacles were rising around them. These tentacles did not look like the bodies of living creatures, but more like they were made of the purest darkness.

More than a dozen scarlet eyes arranged in a V shape appeared in the darkness ahead. The huge thing in front seemed to be the darkness itself. Each of its eyes looked at Su Xiao, without any feeling of contempt or overlooking, and some were just indifferent. , indifference to all living things.

Although the specific appearance of this huge existence cannot be seen clearly, one of its dozen eyes is damaged and has a metal mask tattooed on it. This metal mask emits a faint light. Judging from its appearance, it will not take long for the metal mask to It will be eroded by darkness and become rotten.

After the huge existence stared at Su Xiao for a few seconds, a black tentacle spread out. The next moment, a bloody chain rushed out of the darkness below, penetrating the black tentacle, and then several golden or blue chains poked out. Stab into the body of the huge dark being and drag it into the darkness below.

A roar came from below, and countless abyss-breeding creatures were swimming around the huge existence in the darkness below. Even the weakest abyss-breeding creature among them gave people an incomprehensible sense of fear. Anyone watching this scene Scalp numbness.

The surroundings fell into deathly silence. After an unknown period of time, the climb appeared. Su Xiao felt that he was dragged into a piece of light, and then the sense of consciousness returned to the body. Although he was still in a coma, he was in endless darkness.

I feel much better.

Vaguely, he felt someone holding his right hand, and a gentle energy spread from the two hands holding his right hand, and then penetrated into his body, allowing his severely damaged organs to begin to recover.

Vaguely, Su Xiao felt as if his internal organs were soaked in warm water, which made him drowsy and about to transition from coma to sleep.

At this moment, severe pain hit my left arm. There was a tweezers-like metal instrument that penetrated into the flesh and blood with a clumsy posture. Then it clamped the crystal filled in the flesh and blood of the left arm, and then pulled hard. The posture was so clumsy.

With persistence, the pain nerves in my left arm almost reached their limit.

Su Xiao's eyes suddenly opened. He looked sideways and saw that the gray maid was sitting beside him with a gentle posture. She was holding metal tweezers in her hand, taking out the crystal filled between the flesh and blood of his left arm, and forcibly pulling out the lens that replaced the missing nerve.

Spiritual Shadow Line.

At this time, the lower half of the silver mask worn by the gray maid was blackened, which obviously absorbed the abyss energy in Su Xiao's body.


Su Xiao did not speak. He controlled the crystals and spiritual shadow lines in his left arm to re-energize and then dispersed. Seeing this, the gray maid held Su Xiao's left arm with both hands, and a golden-white energy spread from her body.

, submerged into the wound on Su Xiao’s left arm.

A few seconds later, Su Xiao felt that her left arm was much better. Half a minute later, there was basically no discomfort in her left arm.

Su Xiao stood up from the stone bed covered with old blankets. He felt that although his injuries had not fully recovered, he had recovered to 80%. He would drink a bottle of [Vitality Essence] and rest for another 10 to 12 hours before he could recover to his peak.

As expected, going to Holy Ten Church first is the right choice.

The gray maid knelt down next to Su Xiao. After finding that Su Xiao was fine, she got off the stone bed, folded her hands in front of her lower abdomen, bowed slightly to Su Xiao, and then walked towards Baha who was in the next bed.

After the battle with the wolf knight captain, it was Baha who was heavily injured in front of him to explore the way. Behind him, Bubu Wang carried Su Xiao and Gulu on his back, and slowly made his way back to the "Cathedral" from the "Wolf Tomb".

Safe area is not easy.

This also resulted in Baha, who was originally the third most seriously injured, being injured more than Gulu, becoming the most seriously injured person second only to Su Xiao.

Although the Gray Maid cannot speak, and the treatment process is a bit clumsy, her healing ability is no worse than that of the Moonlight Maid. She can also be rescued as long as she still has breath.

Baha, who was lying weakly on the stone bed, felt uneasy in his heart. He had witnessed the whole process of the gray maid helping Su Xiao treat his left arm, and he was so panicked at this moment.

After a while, Baha's shouts were heard outside the cathedral. When the treatment was over, Baha, wrapped in bandages, squatted on the chandelier, seeming to be thinking about bird life.

Bu Bu Wang's eyes were straight. He couldn't understand why the apparently gentle maid was so clumsy during treatment. Perhaps it was for this reason that the gray maid was regarded as a semi-finished product by the old church.

After treating Baha, the gray maid looked at Gulu. He was lying on the wooden bed with a blanket covering his body. His face was pale. It was unclear whether he had lost too much blood or was frightened.

When the treatment was completed, Gulu was wrapped in many bandages, and her right arm was put in a plaster, with the bandage traction on her neck. Even so, she still held a bottle of juice and drank it through a straw.

Su Xiao sheathed the Dragon-Slaying Flash. In the subsequent battle, the Dragon-Slaying Flash was able to withstand it. He checked the previous prompts. This was the reward for killing the Wolf Knight Captain.

[You have killed the Wolf Knight Captain.]

[You get 15.72% of the source of the world.]

[You get 1 gold skill point.]

[You obtain the Wolf Knight Badge.]

[You get an abyss treasure chest (after opening it, there is a low probability of getting abyss products). 】

With the strength of the Wolf Knight Captain, 15.72% of the Source of the World is not much obtained. Firstly, Gulu got a part of it, and secondly, the Wolf Knight Captain has been in the Dead City.

In terms of gold skill points, generally speaking, they are not obtained by killing enemies, unless the target is an extremely special unit, or the gap in combat power between us and the enemy exceeds a certain level.

The last [Wolf Knight Badge] and [Abyss Treasure Chest], [Abyss Treasure Chest] were obtained by Su Xiao before. It is very exciting to open this thing. There is a low probability of opening the trapped "dad-level" artifact, which is thrilling and exciting.

As for the [Wolf Knight Badge], Su Xiao also obtained the [Chorus Badge] before. He thought this thing was only for opening doors, but now it seems that it has other uses.

Su Xiao took out the [Wolf Knights Badge] and checked its attributes. She found that it was the same as not looking at it. The attributes of this object were: 'The badge representing the Wolf Knights.'

The sound of Tu Lulu drinking juice through a straw came. Su Xiao looked at Gulu aside. Gulu had taken out a high-tech wheelchair from the storage space and sat on it. But judging from her expression, she was in a good mood.

"Hmph hum~, hum hum~"

Gulu actually hummed while listening to the music. You know, she only received a small amount of the source of the world, and there was no treasure chest reward at all. She didn't even see the most valuable [Wolf Knight Badge].

"What did you get that makes you so happy?"

Baja opening on chandelier.

"It's nothing, just a title."

As Gulu spoke, he couldn't help but smile. No wonder she was so happy, because the strength gap between her and the Wolf Knight Captain was too big. In addition, although her charm was not very high, she had been improving to over 150 points. After all, she

As an eighth-level contractor, it is difficult to get the charm attribute higher than 200 points, but it can still be done if it is higher than 150 points.

The charm attribute is not only a bonus to negotiation or charm abilities, it also has a key role, which is related to the acquisition of titles.

With a charm attribute of 156 points, and the strength gap between Gollum and the Wolf Knight Captain large enough to kill each other instantly, Gollum received his first eight-star title "Moon Wolf Glow".

Just from this profit alone, Gulu felt that he had made a lot of money this time and that the previous suffering was not in vain.

"You are the main combat force, so the title you get must be better."

Gulu spoke with a smile on her face, but when she realized that she was one step away from being beaten, she stopped talking and continued to drink the juice.

Ignoring Gollum, Su Xiao sat cross-legged under the statue in the center of the cathedral to meditate. So far, he has obtained three "Source Stones" from exploring the City of Death, and is still short of the last two before he is qualified to enter the "Supreme Sanctuary".

But there is one thing that needs to be done before that, which is to obtain enough Source of Darkness to enhance the unique talent of Destruction - Shadow Hunting. The Source of Darkness is a unique resource in Dead Silence City. If you miss this time, you will have no chance in the future.


The problem is that if you want to improve your natural ability, you must not only obtain enough sources of darkness, but also find where the "sacrificial altar" is. But until now, he has no information about this after entering the inner city, which makes him doubt, "

"Sacrificial Altar" is located in the outer city of Dead City.

After finishing his meditation, Su Xiao walked towards the stone platform on the second floor. After a while, he saw the skeletal archbishop sitting on a stone chair. After arriving in Dead Silence City, the archbishop became weaker and older, and the opponent had many

I don't remember anything, including the central tower, the details of the Highest Sanctuary, etc.

This is normal. Time is the sharpest razor. A long life will cause some memories to be shaved off by time. Before he came to Dead City, the Archbishop had even forgotten areas such as the "Wolf Tomb" and "Filthy Land".

The good news is that after returning to the cathedral, the archbishop remembered some things one after another.

"Hmm? Have you defeated the Wolf Knight?"

The archbishop spoke. Although he was getting older, his eyes were not as cloudy as they were in the high-walled city.

"You have no impression at all about the location of the sacrificial altar?"

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the archbishop looked suspicious. He pointed to the large pile of rubble in the innermost area of ​​the first floor and said, "Then there is the sacrificial altar below. Didn't I tell you?"


Su Xiao didn't say anything, just took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke in a long breath.

He also believed that the "Sacrificial Altar" was in a secret place in the City of Silence, so regarding this matter, he specifically entrusted Caesar to search carefully in the back half of the inner city to see if there was any building suspected of being a "Sacrificial Altar". As a result, Caesar was very surprised.

I dug into the ground and couldn't find the "sacrificial altar".

It's weird that it can be found. The altar is in the cathedral, or in other words, the altar is part of the cathedral.

It's useless to just find the "Sacrificial Altar" right now, you also need to have enough sources of darkness.

Seemingly understanding Su Xiao's thoughts, the archbishop said: "I seem to have told you that the badge can be exchanged for the source of darkness at the treatment center, right?"


Lidya Su didn't say anything, but just exhaled smoke again.

"Didn't I tell you this?"

"I told you."

"I told you and asked, do young people today have such bad memories?"

The archbishop sighed, pulled up the blanket around him, and seemed to fall asleep again.

In the branch, Deadly Silent City, Su Xiao obtained the source of darkness by killing enemies. He previously believed that the same was true in the original, Deadly Silent City.

It seems that this is not the case now. The Source of Darkness is one of the rare resources discovered by the Healing Church. In the past, if you wanted to obtain this resource, you had to go to the "Healing Center" with a [Badge] to exchange it. For example, how much share does the choir have each year?

How much share does the Wolf Knights have, etc.

The "sacrificial altar" used to catalyze the source of darkness is even placed in the cathedral, which shows how much the Healing Church attaches importance to this aspect.

Su Xiao called Bu Bu Wang, and soon he and Bu Bu cleared a large amount of rubble from the innermost side of the cathedral to the courtyard outside, and then he pressed the circular notch on the ground with one hand.

A 1-meter-square pitch-black ashlar stone rises up. The texture of this ashlar stone is like obsidian, with a smooth surface. Star points can be seen. Don't underestimate this thing. This is the core of a planet, which is called the "star core."

No problem, there are also engravings on it that hide its fluctuations.

Regarding this "Star Core", Su Xiao's idea is to take it away if it can solve the root cause of Dead City. The "Star Core" is a rare good thing.

[Tip: The sacrificial altar has been activated. Hunters can use the "Star Core Stone" as a medium to use the source of darkness to improve their talent abilities. Each time you upgrade your talent abilities, you need to consume 5% of the source of darkness. Each talent ability can be improved up to four times.


[Existing source of darkness: 1%.]

Not far away, Gulu narrowed his eyes and showed a small tiger tooth when he smiled. He obviously had a bad idea in mind.

Su Xiao was sitting next to the "Star Core Stone". He had nothing to do in the past ten hours while recovering from his injuries. He gestured for Gulu to come over.

If it were anyone else, Gulu must have thrown a dagger, but she couldn't beat Su Xiao, and she was beaten several times, and her legs were broken one time. She could only reluctantly walk over at this time,

After a while, I was able to walk again.

"What's up."


Su Xiao pointed to the "Star Core Stone" next to her, and then pointed to the chandelier on the ceiling more than ten meters away.

Seeing this, Gulu looked like she suddenly understood. With one hand still in plaster, she said: "I understand, you are saying that after you leave the cathedral, you want me to sit on it and help you look at the black stone.

, right."

"Obviously not. My boss said that if you dare to steal this black stone, I will beat you from the chandelier."

Baha revealed the truth in one word, grunted, tilted his head and continued to drink juice, occasionally glancing at the "Star Core Stone".

Su Xiao continued to meditate, and time passed unknowingly. Eight hours later, he could clearly feel that he had returned to his peak state, and he did not know how the gray maid's recovery ability was developed.

Taking out the two existing "Origin Stones", Su Xiao controlled the Black King's Armguard to absorb them. After the two "Origin Stones" turned into black energy and sank into the Black King's Armguard, he felt the power of the Armguard.

The shelter effect is stronger, and even if he does not use the shelter stone later, he can still explore most areas of the Dead City.

It's time to continue exploring the Dead City. Su Xiao has four purposes for going out this time:

1. Go to the central tower and see what's up there.

2. Go to the treatment center to exchange for the Source of Darkness, although I don’t know if I can still exchange it for it.

3. Find the real wolf grave, where the moon wolf is buried.

4. Go to the "Filthy Land" to find the First Saint.

Considering Gollum's performance in the battle with the Wolf Knight, it was a good choice to bring him with him this time.

"I'm going to the filthy land to find the First Saint. You can come with me."

"You said before, don't you need level 8 shelter to get in safely?"


"Then how do I get in? I use a shelter stone, which only has level 5 shelter. I'm not your servant, so I can share the shelter status of your equipment."

Gulu spread her hands, saying that she really wanted to go, but the asylum level was not high enough.

"Swallow one by one, that's enough protection."

"Are you sure... you can do it?"

Gulu was a little tempted.

"Someone has tried it before."

Of course, Su Xiao did not fool Gulu. Using a shelter stone + swallowing a shelter stone, the shelter level can reach between 8 and 9. Some of the chosen partners have tried it before, but after a few hours, the experience was worse.

"So there is a way. By the way, how does the strength of the first-generation Saint compare with that of the Wolf Knight Captain?"

Gulu seemed to be asking casually, but in fact this was what mattered most to her. She was a little autistic during the battle with the Wolf Knight Captain. As an assassin in the past, she killed enemies quickly and neatly, and she always felt that she had chosen the right development direction.

Especially during the battle for the world, when a knife was wiped on the neck of the enemy contractor, and it was instantaneous on the spot, the feeling could only be known by the assassination type.

But after coming to Deadly City, Gulu felt the malice towards Little Crispy here. Even though she was equipped with 'krypton gold' equipment and her survivability in frontal combat was stronger than some eighth-level frontal melee systems, when she got here, she was nothing but Little Crispy.

Crispy skin.

In this regard, Gulu has been comforting herself. When she faces a strong enemy, it will be her time to show off. After a series of combos such as Desperate Back Attack + Cutting Throat + Reaper + Death Heart Fetch, even if she is a boss-level unit in the Dead City,

It will definitely suffer huge damage.

The fact is that when Su Xiao fought to the death with the captain of the Wolf Knight, Gulu, who was an assassin, could not get forward and almost died from an unknown large-scale impact. In the ideal assassination, he was very cool, but in reality he was hiding on the edge of the battlefield and occasionally had to drink.

Restoration Potion.

Gulu's idea is that if the first-generation saint was similar to the Wolf Knight Captain, she would not go there dead or alive.

"Captain Wolf Knight is one of the strongest people in the Healing Church."

"Well, I guessed that."

"The first-generation saint was a demigod. In the dark continent of the age of gods, her strength was probably ranked among the top three."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Gulu, who was sitting next to the small bed, lay down on it. What he meant was: 'I was seriously injured and it's hard to walk. I can't hold you back.'

"My father, I wish you success."

After Guru finished speaking, he pulled the blanket and covered it over his head, indicating that he would not go away.


Su Xiao frowned. Originally, he planned to trick Gulu into going to fight with the Wolf Knight Captain. Apart from other things, Gulu not only used the origin-level props, but also acted as a shield when the battle started.

Su Xiao left the cathedral with Bubu Wang and Baha. In addition to going to the "filthy place" this time, there was a more important thing to do, which was to find Eminem's location.

In the back half of the inner city, there is an underground laboratory banned by the Healing Church.

The instruments placed here are all tall and old, and the heavy metal is covered with black marks. In the center of the ceiling, a twisted space vortex is rotating.

Diagonally below this space vortex, a dwarf is adjusting various devices. His head and right half of his body are made of metal, giving him an inaccessible and fierce feeling.

At this moment, the twisted space vortex above suddenly scattered blood and broken limbs. Immediately afterwards, Amu, holding the dragon heart ax, fell from the inside with a plop along with these broken limbs.

"Failed again, hehehe, you are tenacious enough. Wouldn't it be better to be trapped here with me, and have to go find the chosen one? Few of the chosen ones who come here can get out, and most of them will die.

Here you go."

The steel dwarf spoke with a hint of mockery, and Eminem, who was covered in scars and dripping with blood, turned his gaze.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, but... if you don't defeat the stray monster, you won't be able to absorb its power. If you don't absorb its power, you will never be able to do without this. Keep working hard. I hope you can die before you die.

, you can succeed.”

The steel dwarf smiled, showing his metal teeth. In fact, he was lying. This was his territory, and he was the only one trapped. As for why he deceived Eminem, he had been imprisoned here by the "God Cult" for too many years. He remembered

, the Healing Church had not yet been established at that time.

The Iron Gnome had been imprisoned for so long, and it was hard to find someone who could talk. Although he was a fool, he was not ready to let him go.

Inner city, directly below the central tower.

Su Xiao looked at the open door in front of him. After he walked in, the spiral staircase appeared in front of him. Following the staircase, he climbed to the top of the tower ten minutes later.

This place is not big, and is round in shape. There is a 1.5-meter-high wall around it. A metal ballista is set up here. The area around the ballista is covered with blood. A man in clergy clothes is lying next to him.

His chest was blown open like a flower.

On the side, Sias was sitting on the crossbow. Several metal crossbow arrows nearly two meters long pierced his torso and head. The reason why Sias killed the clergyman was obvious. Who should put it aside?

We all have to do this. We are walking on the street and are suddenly nailed to the ground by a crossbow arrow. Anyone else would come and kill the instigator.

"Bai Ye, how did you find the Origin Stone?"

"not bad."

"Where will you go after that? I happen to be fine and can be with you."

"A place of filth."

"Oh? What's in this place?"

Sinas became interested.

"The First Saint."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Sias suddenly stopped talking. He looked up at the cloudy sky, as if to say, the weather is really nice.

The thief Si Yasi obviously knew how powerful the first-generation saint was. Finding that he could not fool this guy, Su Xiao walked towards the bottom of the tower.

Not far from the tower is the "Treatment Center". When you reach this area, the surrounding buildings are covered with green moss, giving the species a slightly uncoordinated sense of exuberant life.

Half an hour later, Su Xiao stopped. The three-story building in front was the treatment center. He came to the door and raised his hand to knock on the door.

Dong dong dong~

After a while, the door was quiet. Just when Su Xiao thought there was no one inside, the door was opened, and a crow doctor stood inside the door.

A strange aura came towards me, and I could see the crow doctor's body surging under his robe. Looking at this posture, he would be deformed into a terrifying monster in the next second.

Su Xiao took out the [Chorus Badge], and the movement of Dr. Crow across from him stopped abruptly. The distorted and bulging flesh under his robe began to shrink, and finally returned to its original appearance.

Doctor Crow wearing leather gloves took the [Chorus Badge], looked Su Xiao up and down, nodded to Su Xiao, and returned the [Chorus Badge].

Su Xiao walked into the treatment center. Under the guidance of Doctor Crow, he came to a wooden window display. Inside was a little old man wearing small round glasses. Seeing this little old man, Su Xiao felt suspicious for a moment.

Is this a kind of clone of Caesar?

[Reminder: Doctor Crow has temporarily recognized you as a member of the Healing Church.]

[The special force of Dead City, the Treatment Center, will maintain a neutral/slightly friendly relationship with you for the time being.]

[You can use ancient gold coins, choir badges, wolf knight badges, saint badges, pale medals, hunter badges, moonlight badges, stray warrior badges, and sinner badges to buy or exchange rare materials here.]

[Tip: The treatment is the area notarized by the Void Tree.]

【You have activated the treatment center store.】

[Existing badges: Wolf Knight badge, Choir badge.]

[Existing ancient gold coins: 6017.]

【You can make the following exchanges.】

1. Source of Darkness 30%.

Inventory: 4 copies.

Price: 1: Wolf Knight Badge × 1.

Price: 2: Choir Badge × 1.

Price 3: Saint Badge × 1.

Tip: Any of the above badges can be exchanged for a source of darkness.

2. Origin Stone·Fire of Chaos.

Inventory: 1 copy.

Price: 1: Sinner Badge × 1.

Price: 2:45,000 ancient coins.

3. The soul blood of the stray warrior.

Inventory: 1 copy.

Price 1: Stray Warrior Badge × 1.

Price: 2:75,000 ancient coins.

4.Wolf blood.

Inventory: 1 copy.

Price: 1: Wolf Knight Badge × 1.

Price: 2:76,300 ancient coins.

5. Soul of Technique·Darkness.

Inventory: 1 copy.

Price: Hunter Badge × 1.

This chapter has been completed!
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