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Chapter 20: Sale

As soon as Su Xiao finished speaking, several temporary contracts were sent.

[Contractor *** invites you to sign a temporary contract. Content: Details of the main mission of Contractor ***. You need to pay 3,000 paradise coins to view this content. 】

After confirming that the temporary contract was OK, Su Xiao paid 3,000 paradise coins.

[You have paid 3,000 paradise coins, and the temporary contract has taken effect.]

[The temporary contract is notarized by Samsara Paradise and cannot be violated by both parties.]

[You have obtained the main mission details of Contractor ***.]

[Main task: Destroy nodes]

Difficulty level:Lv.12

Mission introduction: Destroy any secondary node of the national formation formation.

Mission information: There are 63 secondary nodes in total, which have been destroyed (21/63)

Task period: 20 days.

Mission reward: 3 attribute points, 14,000 paradise coins.

Mission penalty: All attributes -2.

Seeing the contractor's main mission, Su Xiao felt incredible.

This main quest is too simple. Is this the main quest for second-level contractors?

Su Xiao looked at his promotion tasks, and then at the main tasks of the second-level contractors. The promotion tasks were much more difficult.

Su Xiao's mission was so difficult that he would not consider it for the time being. The contractor did not conflict with his mission, or in other words, the contractor's goals were generally consistent with his.

The mission of the contractor is to destroy the nodes of the formation of the country. This is undoubtedly destroying the plan of the villain in the bottle.

There are no camps in the world of steel. The plan of the villain in the bottle is too anti-human. No contractor will join that side in the later stage, unless that contractor wants to become the Philosopher's Stone.

There is no obvious division of camps, which also means that the conflict between the contractors is not obvious.

"Everyone, I wonder if you have any thoughts on buying recovery products."

After hearing Su Xiao's words, the faces of several contractors turned dark.

The restoration items sold in the derivative world are generally very dark. Restoration items worth 800 points in the Samsara Paradise will be sold for 8,000 points in the derivative world.

"Not interested."

One of the contractors was about to walk away, but stopped after seeing the potion in Su Xiao's hand.

[Low-level Alchemy Secret Potion]

Origin: Fullmetal Alchemist

Quality: white

Type: Restoration product

Effect: After drinking, 19% of health can be restored.


Introduction: The product of alchemy, the Paradise of Reincarnation has not been notarized.

"500 paradise coins per bottle."

The price mentioned by Su Xiao made several contractors a little excited. Based on the recovery amount of [Low-level Alchemy Secret Medicine], the price in Samsara Paradise ranges from 1,000 to 1,200 Paradise Coins.

Although [Low-level Alchemy Secret Potion] cannot be brought out of the world of steel, it is also very good to use in the world of steel. Recovery products are essential supplies. Instead of using recovery products purchased in the Samsara Paradise, why not buy some that can only be purchased in this world?

Cheap recovery items used in derived worlds?

Purchasing [Low-level Alchemy Elixir] can save a lot of money. If they only use [Low-level Alchemy Elixir] in the Steel World, the recovery items purchased previously can be saved for use in the next derived world.

"The properties of this potion are very average, and the price is even lower."

As the saying goes, when people see a cheap price, they always wonder why it can't be cheaper.

"You have 3 minutes to buy, then I will leave."

Su Xiao did not bargain with these contractors, whether he wanted to buy or not. If he kept bargaining, he would cut them off.

"Since it can't be cheaper, forget it, we won't buy it, right, everyone."

The strong man looked around at the crowd, acting like a leader, but in fact he was not the leader.

No one supports the idea of ​​a strong man. 500 paradise coins are already comparable to the ones in Samsara Paradise, which are more than half the price.

[Contractor *** sent a transaction request. You paid 6 primary alchemy potions and received 3,000 paradise coins. 】

[Contractor *** sent a transaction request. You paid 5 primary alchemy potions and received 2,500 paradise coins. 】

Some contractors bought 5 bottles and some bought 8 bottles. Su Xiao sold a total of 48 bottles of primary alchemy potions and received 24,000 paradise coins.

"Everyone, if you meet other contractors who can help me introduce them, I will give them a tenth of the commission if they help me sell a bottle of potion."

It was too difficult to find contractors on his own, so he simply offered benefits, one-tenth of the fee in exchange for more buyers, so why not do it.

There are not many good things like this. Only the promotion world and the war world do not have hunting missions. If there is a hunting mission, he will try to avoid contact with too many contractors.

After the transaction ended, Su Xiao gained a lot, and he immediately left this small town on the edge of Central City.

The next morning, Su Xiao found a hotel to rest in the next town. Killing Enwei meant that he and the android had completely broken up.

In fact, it is not correct to say this. He and the artificial man are not cooperating at all.

The camp of the androids was too difficult to infiltrate. Su Xiao helped the androids twice, but the favorability of the camp was still (cold: 0/200).

From this we can see that artificial humans are very distrustful of humans.

With all hope of infiltration gone, Su Xiao decided to kill Enwei.

Su Xiao slept in the hotel throughout the day. That night, Su Xiao saw a wanted notice on the wall downstairs of the hotel, and it was him who was wanted.

The wanted poster states that he will be killed or alive, and the bounty is extremely high. If you provide clues, you can get a small bounty.

"Have you discovered it yet? It's faster than expected."

Su Xiao left the town in the dark night. He had recently been preparing to act at night. The dark purple windbreaker made him less visible at night.

Su Xiao went straight to Central City. He was preparing to make the final vote in Central City, targeting the Third Research Institute.

Su Xiao still needs a few Philosopher's Stones to improve his proficiency in alchemy and potion. He previously planned to get them from the artificial man, but later found out that it was impossible. The artificial man is very stingy, so now he can only grab them openly.

After Bubuwang ran for half an hour, Su Xiao arrived at Central City.

Central City was quiet at night. It was already midnight and there were no pedestrians on the streets.

Although Central City will not impose a curfew, the government does not support civilian activities at night. Once civilians are found going out at night, patrol soldiers will step forward and scold them.

Over time, the civilians in Central City developed the habit of not going out at night. This was done deliberately by the androids, as night was their time to move.

Black shadows flashed across the street from time to time. Su Xiao squatted on the roof of a tall building, his clothes rustling in the night wind, and he held a map in his hand.

"The Third Research Institute...how was this poor place built?"

The location of the Third Research Institute is extremely deceiving. It is actually built in the center of the army, with tens of thousands of troops stationed around it.

Su Xiao didn't want to go to war with an army of this size. Although he now had a lot of alchemy bombs, these troops were worth it, but it would be troublesome to alert other androids.

There are three remaining androids: Angry, Arrogant, and Lazy.

Anger and arrogance are not easy to deal with, and laziness is a good target to kill. Unfortunately, I can't find him because he is underground.

After mastering the detailed route, Su Xiao sneaked into the military camp. The place was heavily guarded, but with the dark purple quality windbreaker, it was not difficult to infiltrate.

Bubu Wang's whereabouts are no longer known. Su Xiao would be ashamed if he competed in hiding ability.

This chapter has been completed!
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