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Chapter 47: The tip of the iceberg

"Banke, why did you join the Void Arena?"

Su Xiao began to try to chat with Zerg Bunker.

"Banker is bored."

Zerg Bunker raised his arm blade, and the two arm blades cut in front of him, so fast that afterimages appeared.

"Banke, Destruction and the Zerg are friends, right?"

Su Xiao continued to try.

"The exterminator and the Zerg are not friends, they have a neutral relationship. The exterminator is neutral, the most terrifying thing is absolute neutrality."

Bunker's words made Su Xiao raise a brow. He defined the Shadow of Destruction as lawful chaos. This was a camp he created himself. Now it seems that this is not the case.

The Shadow of the Exterminator is absolutely neutral and will not favor any particular party. If anyone violates the taboo, the Shadow of the Exterminator will temporarily become neutral evil or chaotic evil.

To some extent, absolute neutrality is actually more terrifying.

"I should have a lot of enemies this time, right?"

"Banke doesn't know, but the mage sage Sephilia came to the arena to watch the battle. She is the enemy of the exterminator."

A very important message, Mage Sage Sephilia.

"Are there any of my kind this time?"

Su Xiao is testing a very important thing, that is, whether there are other shadows of law-extinction in the void.

"It's impossible. The era of exterminators has passed. There is only one known exterminator. He may not be considered an exterminator anymore."

Bunker also became interested. To be precise, from the time he was born until now, he has never seen the Shadow of the Destroyer. Most of the Shadows of the Destroyer are in legendary stories.

And now, with the legend appearing in front of us, it's no wonder that Bunker was trembling before.

"I appear in front of you? Don't you feel strange?"

"Banke is not surprised. The number of extinguishing methods will only be reduced, not extinct. This is the law in the void. The extinguishing method is the balance supervision of rules and elements. Within the elements, the extinguishing method is supreme. The void will not allow the extinguishing method.

Completely disappeared."

Bunker is a native of the void and knows a lot about the void.

Su Xiao didn't have much time. In a few minutes at most, he had to go to the notary office in the arena to get his number plate.

"Banke is lucky to be the first to see the destruction method."

Su Xiao was stunned by Bunker's words. This 'first' was very dangerous information.

"You seem...to know that I will be here?"

"Twenty-quarter hours ago, leaflets were distributed in the arena."

Bunker picked up a biological bag from the side. This thing is its backpack, a space item.

Soon, Bunker rummaged through his backpack and found a flyer. Su Xiao took the flyer with a not-so-good look on her face.

The leaflet clearly stated: 'The law destroyer who has disappeared for more than a thousand years has reappeared. Will the Void face the fear of the law destroyer again? Everything will unfold in the 5487th Void Arena.'

This slogan is very eye-catching, and it is in red font. Below the slogan is a photo of Su Xiao. In the photo, Su Xiao is standing next to a pit with a cigarette in his mouth. There are more than a dozen corpses in the pit.

Not only that, BuBoWang was also on camera. He was holding a shovel and it was he who dug the hole in the ground.


Bubuwang shouted, very excited, which meant: "Master, we are in the newspaper, and it is an empty newspaper."

But after a few seconds, Bubu started to wane, and the way he held the shovel was a bit funny.

Seeing this photo, Su Xiao immediately thought that he was secretly photographed while 'fishing' in the fourth game.


There is no doubt that this must be Alice's fault.

While Su Xiao was thinking about the next countermeasures, the prompt from Samsara Paradise appeared.

[The rest time has passed. Hunters need to go to the notary office as soon as possible to obtain the arena number plate.]

Su Xiao stood up and walked out of the room, followed by Zerg Packer. There were only advantages and no disadvantages to having such a creature who understood the void and was not hostile following him nearby.

When you walk out of the lounge, you will see a spacious corridor with the style of a void arena, somewhat similar to the arena in ancient Rome. The whole is made of stone, thick but grand, shabby but grand.

The entire Void Arena covers a large area. In the center is a circular arena. The ground is paved with yellow sand. It is surrounded by an exaggeratedly large circular staircase auditorium. At this time, the official fighting skills have not yet begun.

The seats are full. On the yellow sand field are more than a dozen female warriors from the "Lalata Star" who are having an exhibition match. That is, a group of cute creatures are "fighting" with each other. Looking at the fighting movements, it is suspected of selling meat. It is not revealing, and the clothes are exposed.

Wait, combined with the blood-stained yellow sand, it gives people a sense of beauty and the beast.

The arena is divided into four areas.

The fighting area is the sandy area and auditorium in the center.

The player resting area is the smallest area in the arena.

Notary office, this is the area used for registration, arranging the order of fighting skills, and receiving license plates.

The logistics supply area is an area completely blocked by Alice, and contestants are not allowed to enter.

The location where Su Xiao was going was the notary office. He was walking in the corridor, and the sun was shining in from the window.

Looking outside the arena, Su Xiao saw many strange shops because he was on the edge of the arena. Magic, technology, mechanical style, and countless other styles.

There is a stone road in front of these shops. The pedestrians are dressed in different clothes. Some of them are wearing full-body armor, and some are wearing convenient kinetic mechas. They are races from different planets.

The level of technology on each planet is different. Not every planet is suitable for technology. Some planets are very backward in technology due to resource reasons. However, the indigenous residents will use other technologies to replace technology, such as magic, biology, supernatural powers, etc. Each planet is different.

It has its own unique power system.

Not only that, each planet is managed by various forces, and these forces order to prohibit cultural invasion.

For example, on a planet with backward technology but where magic is prevalent, if merchants in the void want to sell mechas here, they can only sell them in small quantities. Moreover, the only purpose of these mechas is for collection. They need to go through cumbersome approvals and are prohibited from selling them on the planet.

On that planet, mechas are used to fight and work, and most of them are collected by nobles.

Technology has many benefits, but it is not without its disadvantages. For example, on some planets where biology is prevalent, technological products are strictly prohibited because technology will, to some extent, affect the evolution of the biological spirit to a stronger level.

Each planet has its own style. Maybe on the last planet it was still a tribal system, but at the next moment the planet is filled with airships. This is the wonder of the void. It is this wonder that maintains the prosperity and vastness of the void.

Seeing these pedestrians dressed in different clothes and the weird shops, Su Xiao felt like a ball of blood was burning in her heart. This was just a small scene in the void. These shops were built based on the arena to satisfy the audience.


Bunker stopped near Su Xiao.

"Destruction, are you from another dimension?"

Bunker seems to have discovered something.


Su Xiao did not answer clearly. He could not reveal the existence of Samsara Paradise.

After seeing the magic of the void, Su Xiao was yearning for it, but he was not in a hurry. He was not strong enough now, and it was too early to venture into the void.

Perhaps, Samsara Paradise deliberately allowed Su Xiao to see the wonder of the void. In this case, he will definitely enter the void in the future, but it will take a long, long time, at least before he is strong enough.

Moreover, obtaining the proof of being a strong person is not only the attribute breaking through the 80-point barrier, but also a certain qualification to enter the void. Otherwise, the way to obtain the proof of being a strong person would not be so special.

ps: (I'm stuck today, otherwise I wouldn't update so late. I'll update it tomorrow. And try to update it as soon as possible.)

This chapter has been completed!
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