During the Zhengde period, the system of court recommendation was not yet complete. There was no distinction between sit-down recommendation and standing recommendation. There was even no difference in form between cabinet ministers and officials from the six ministries.
Moreover, only officials of the third rank or above are eligible to participate in the court recommendation. For the time being, the department officials have not been recruited in droves - in terms of rank, those with the highest grade of six subjects are the seventh rank, and they do not have the right to vote in the court recommendation in the Zhengde Dynasty.
In addition, although the Fifth Military Governor's Mansion is just a decoration, as long as they are military attachés of the third rank or above, they can also participate in the nomination of related positions. For example, military attachés, such as local governors, can also vote. This proves that civilian officials have not completely overwhelmed military attachés. If
In a few decades, even the first-grade governor will not be allowed to interfere with the affairs of the imperial court.
On the twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month, Wang Yuan participated in court promotion for the first time in a real sense, because he had not had much say in participating before.
A few days ago, the Metropolitan Procuratorate had made preparations to make a pamphlet of information about officials eligible for election and send it to officials participating in the nomination. This is to make voters more familiar with the candidates, which is somewhat like the election of later generations.
On the day of the court election, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was supposed to preside over the meeting. But now that the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel is vacant, and Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel is a candidate, we simply invited the Minister of the Ministry of Rites to preside over it.
The doctor of the Literary Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel, who served as the deputy host of the meeting, first delivered a speech: "The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel is also the official of heaven. His position is vacant, which is not good for the country... Mao Shangshu, please draw a title."
After a lot of eloquent talk, Mao Cheng, the Minister of Rites, announced the start of the court recommendation: "For the selection of the Minister of Official Affairs, Jiang Mian will be the main recommendation, and Liao Ji will be the companion recommendation."
This is to determine the candidates for the chief and deputy positions, and during the Zhengde period, there were only two candidates.
Starting from Jiajing, not only a large number of science and technology officials participated in the voting, but also the number of candidates gradually increased, including ten candidates.
Of course, if you are not satisfied with the candidates, you can also write the names of other officials - in this case, the emperor is usually playing tricks and quietly orders the ministers to recommend the officials of his choice. Moreover, it is the case where the emperor and the courtiers have major conflicts.
, because the emperor himself is qualified to nominate officials.
Wang Yuan received a piece of white paper and wrote directly: "Liao Ji, the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel, is unswervingly honest, selfless, well-known in the world, and abides by his ministerial integrity. The position of a heavenly official is a great weapon of the country, and he is elected to serve the public.
, I will try my best to promote Mao Ji."
This is a "pair", you don't need to write too much, and you can't sign it.
Before Emperor Wanli's mischief, the voting was conducted by secret ballot, and there was no possibility of on-the-spot quarrels and debates.
Moreover, all officials use Taige style, so it is easy to mix up handwriting, and it is impossible to identify who voted for whom by identifying the handwriting.
After all the voters had collected their pens, the officials of the Civil Affairs Department began to collect the votes, and the doctor of the Civil Affairs Department was responsible for counting the votes. The results of the votes would not be announced, nor would they affect the election results, because they would all be handed over to the emperor.
Generally speaking, the emperor should choose the main candidate, and even if the situation is unfavorable, he should choose a deputy candidate. This is a manifestation of the monarch's respect for his ministers.
However, sometimes the emperor is not satisfied with all the candidates, so he will conduct a second nomination. If the emperor is still not satisfied, then he will conduct a third nomination. If nothing is recommended, then the emperor himself nominates the candidates!
The list of candidates is drafted by the cabinet and submitted to the Supervisor of Ceremonies, who then delivers it to the emperor.
Zhu Houzhao did not approve immediately, but called Wang Yuan to the Leopard Room: "Who did Erlang recommend?"
Wang Yuan cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, according to the old system, I am not allowed to reveal anything."
"Tell me." Zhu Houzhao smiled.
Wang Yuan said: "Liao Tingchen."
Zhu Houzhao asked: "Is Liao Ji yours?"
Wang Yuan quickly defended: "When Liao Tingchen (Liao Ji) was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was Yang Yingning (Yang Yiqing) Yang Ge Lao."
Zhu Houzhao understood instantly: "Then Liao Ji should be Yang Yiqing's man. Lu Wan has been the official secretary for several years, but he didn't drive Liao Ji away. It seems that Liao Ji is really capable."
"Your Majesty is wise," Wang Yuan said flatteringly.
"Let's choose Liao Ji." Zhu Houzhao responded with a red pen.
The candidates for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel were thus determined, and the final decision was still in the hands of the emperor.
He was afraid that someone would dominate the government and the opposition, and the list of candidates would be all his confidants, leaving the emperor with no choice at all.
The really bad thing was Wanli, who made the election a registered vote. It was a noisy situation. It depended on who had the loudest voice. Those who were disobedient would be punished and retaliated. This created the soil for fierce party disputes in the late Ming Dynasty.
For the next month, Wang Yuan could not do anything except teach the prince, because he also had to appoint the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel and the left minister of the Ministry of Industry.
Yang Tinghe's confidant Jiang Mian was now in charge of the imperial office and the Hanlin Academy. Since he had not won the title of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, he would naturally not compete for the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel.
Yang Tinghe is working on a series of connections over there, and Wang Yuan, Jin Gui, Yang Yiqing and others are also working on a series of connections.
After everyone argued over it, the emperor made a stroke of genius and transferred Wang Hong, the inspector-general of Guangdong, to the capital and appointed him as Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
The courtiers were all dumbfounded.
Huang Ke, the father-in-law, was confused. He called Wang Yuan to have a drink and asked, "What's going on with Wang Hong?"
Wang Yuan said with a smile: "I know something about this matter. Wang Hong has fallen into the eyes of His Majesty. He is not anyone's confidant. He only took the initiative to defeat the Flangji people in Tuen Mun and demolished the privately built building by the Flangji people."
Castle. His Majesty is determined to expand overseas. Wang Hong knows a lot about naval warfare and may be transferred to the Ministry of War in the future."
"It's a bit outrageous to be directly promoted to the rank of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs by being directly promoted to the rank of Inspector General of a single province." Huang Ke shook his head and sighed.
Although both official positions are of the third rank, one is in heaven and the other is still in the earth.
It attracted opposition from the Manchu Dynasty because it was extremely absurd.
But he was just Zuo Shilang, not a minister. The emperor really had the power to appoint him, and Wang Hong was also qualified to serve.
It is estimated that Zhu Houzhao was troubled by the quarrels among the courtiers, so he suddenly extended an olive branch to Yang Tinghe and proposed to bring Jiang Mian into the cabinet. Yang Tinghe was very satisfied with this political deal, and Zhu Houzhao also took the opportunity to promote his confidants to take charge of the imperial office.
Who is that confidant?
Qiao Yu, a student of Yang Yiqing, previously served as the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing - the most powerful figure in Nanjing's civil service.
All the officials in the imperial court finally realized that the final winner of this political battle was actually the Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao!
Zhu Houzhao not only promoted Wang Hong, who was proficient in maritime affairs, to be the left minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but also used Qiao Yu to control the Imperial Palace and the Hanlin Academy. In order for Jiang Mian to join the cabinet, Yang Tinghe could only bite the bullet and cooperate with the emperor. The emperor and the chief minister completed the deal.
What else does the minister have to say?
Wang Yuan's gain was to keep Li Xun and elect Zhao Huang as the left minister of the Ministry of Works, which was equivalent to controlling the entire Ministry of Works.
As for Admiral Zhu Ying, he was given as a free gift by Zhang Yong.
Well, Zhang Yong is starting to drift off.
After Zhu Houzhao toyed with the applause of all the officials, he once again neglected government affairs and left everything to Zhang Yongbingbi. Yang Tinghe accounted for half of the cabinet, and secretly colluded with Zhang Yong, and began to crazily promote cronies to middle-level officials, and had great influence on the government.
It all depends on his will.
In fact, the two of them joined forces to block the internal and external barriers. If the Six Ministries wanted to do something, they had to go through Yang Tinghe or Zhang Yong, otherwise they could only ask Wang Yuan to hand over the information.
Wang Yuan has truly reached the pinnacle of power. After all, apart from Yang Tinghe and Zhang Yong, he is the only one who can speak now.