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Chapter 25 Meeting Okita

Why did Arima leave only Ino Valley and Ushiyama? Qingteng can guess why.

Most likely it was to discuss with Pig and Ox how to help him survive the boss test in one and a half months.

After Qingdeng's father, Julongzhi, died of illness, horses, pigs, and cows have always treated Qingdeng as if they were their own children and have taken care of him in every possible way. Now that Qingdeng is at risk of being dismissed, it is impossible for the three of them to turn a blind eye and ignore him.


The friendship between the horses, pigs, and cows and the Ju family made Qingdeng sigh: What "Original Ju Qingdeng" left to him was not all a bunch of scapegoats...

After following Arima's instructions and leaving his office alone, Ayoto held the knife at his waist and strode outside the shrine, preparing to start his work today.

When there is no case to deal with at hand, the daily work of the Sadachi Hui members is to patrol in their respective jurisdictions.

Qingdeng happens to have no case to handle at the moment, so his current job is to inspect the area he is responsible for.

The patrol method of the Sadachi Kaidos is not to patrol every corner or every important place within their jurisdiction.

The reason is also very simple - lack of manpower.

Nanbansuo and Kitabansuo - at first glance, you might think that the former is in charge of the southern half of Edo, and the latter is in charge of the northern half of Edo.

But this is not the case.

Edo, the ruling center of the Edo shogunate

For such an important city, the Edo shogunate was not sure that it would be completely managed by one person.

Therefore, the shogunate divided the Edo administrative office into two branches, the south branch and the northern branch. The two branches adopted the "monthly transfer" system.

The so-called "monthly transfer" simply means that the two divisions take turns managing Edo in units of "months".

This month, the Northern Division is in charge of Edo, and next month it will be the Southern Division's turn to take charge of Edo.

And when it was the turn of the Northern Division to take charge of Edo, what were the officials of the Southern Division to do?

Take a full month of paid leave!

They will be on vacation until the month when their Nanban Office will be in charge of Edo.

Next month, that is, February when the Nanban Office is responsible for taking charge of Edo, it will be the turn of the Hokuban Office, which Ayoto is affiliated with, to take a full month of paid leave.

Of course - a "three-time" samurai like Ayoto, due to the special nature of his work, would only have the opportunity to take a full month of paid leave if he was very lucky.

Obviously this month it has been the turn of another station to manage Edo, but because there is still an unfinished case on hand, I can only continue to go to work - this is only one of the "three times" between the south and north stations.

It's just a very common thing.

And during the holidays, it is even more normal for someone to be called up urgently due to a sudden emergency case due to a shortage of manpower and transferred to support the station that is currently on duty.

It's January now, which is the month when the Northern Bureau is responsible for managing Edo, so Aotobu, who is affiliated with the Northern Bureau, needs to come to work, and the officials who are affiliated with the Southern Bureau...including the "Sanchai" of the Southern Bureau

We are basically all on vacation now.

In other words - the total number of "three rounds" in the south and north police stations is 36. When the total police force is so scarce, unless a special call is issued, the police force that can be dispatched every month will have to be doubled.


There will always be an officer from one station on paid leave every month, so only half of the police officers will always be on duty every month!

At the moment, the only people responsible for maintaining public security in Edo are the 4 and 14 members of the "Sanchai" of the Hokuban Institute.

As leadership-level cadres, the Sadachi warriors would not participate in patrol work in Edo.

The only people who participated in the patrol work were the comrades from the Sadachi district.

There are only 6 members in total in the Sadachi Hui. It is impossible for such a small number of people to visit every important place in Edo.

Therefore - the comrades of the Sadachi-kai only patrol every monastery within their own jurisdiction.

What is "Self Fan"?

This leads to the two special systems that allowed Minami and Hokuban to maintain public order in Edo with only a small amount of police force.

The first major system is the "township citizen self-government system".

To put it simply, this system is a special "official administration system" that appoints civilians and lets them manage civilians.

Under this special administrative system, the servants hired to assist in the management of Edo were roughly divided into three levels: "machi year-end - town name master - family head".

"Machi Nianyo" is hereditary inheritance from the three families of Taruya, Naraya, and Kitamura. The job of this position is to assist the Minami and Hita Towns of Edo in the governance of Edo.

The main tasks include: assisting town officials to convey the instructions of the shogunate and the executive office to the people of Edo, keeping statistics on people's accounts, assisting in the management of merchants and craftsmen, helping to collect and pay various taxes and fees, and various other tasks.

[Note·Personal Account: Household Register of the Edo Period]

Under the town year address, there is the "town name owner".

There are a total of 264 town lords throughout Edo, and each town lord has jurisdiction over as few as 2 or 3, or as many as a dozen towns. The town lords are all civilians of the landlord class, and most of them are hereditary from generation to generation.


[Note: Town: the name of urban administrative divisions in ancient Japan. Edo in the Edo period was known as "880 towns", but in fact it was far more than this number. By the end of the Tokugawa period, Edo had nearly 2,000 towns. 】

Below the town name lord is the "family head".

Each town lord has several to ten family heads under his command.

The task of the family heads is to actually manage each town under the rule of the town name.

Some family heads are hired by the town's famous lord, but some family heads are also hereditary from generation to generation.

The town is a democratic town. Although the family heads shoulder the important responsibility of helping to implement the Edo they manage, they are not officials.

The reason is also very simple: they are civilians without swords at their waists, not samurai.

"No one who is not a samurai can be an official" - this is an iron law in Japan during the Edo period.

Although he performs the functions of an "official", he does not have the name of an "official".

From the townsfolk to the family heads, their official status is as "town servants" rather than officials. They are just a bunch of people who do odd jobs for the samurai lords. At best, they are a bunch of "officials".

The "Township Citizens' Self-Government Organization" that was responsible for helping to manage Edo was naturally also responsible for helping the "Sanchai" handle cases.

If any case arises, it will first be resolved by the head of the town or the head of the family who is responsible for managing the town.

If it really can't be solved, it will be handed over to the "three chapters" of the practice office to handle it.

Therefore - the "Three Chapters" basically do not handle ordinary civil cases.

Someone's cat was lost, someone's wife had sex with a plumber who came to fix the pipes, and someone's wife was told, "Madam, you don't want your husband to lose his job, do you? So please."

...These trivial civil cases are basically left to the "township residents' self-governing organizations" to handle them alone.

Only when encountering some major criminal cases that the "Township Citizens' Self-Government Organization" cannot handle on its own, such as homicides and thefts, will the cases be handed over to the "Sanchai" of the execution office.

If there is a major criminal case in a certain town that must be handled by the "Sankai", then the head of the town and the clan leader who manages the town will do their best to provide assistance to the "Sankai" samurai responsible for the case.

The usual office location of the family heads is "Zi Zi Fan".

It can be understood as a facility that integrates the functions of a modern police station and fire department.

In addition to the protruding sticks, thorns and other catching tools used to capture prisoners, there are also fire-fighting props such as team flags, fire hooks and hand-operated fire pumps.

The family heads responsible for managing the town basically work within the town's own area.

In addition to the head of the family, there are also "clerks" who are hired by the head of the family to help with chores.

Go to each town within your own jurisdiction to patrol and ask if any major events have happened in the town recently. If something happens, stay and deal with it. If nothing happens, go to the next town's town hall - the above is Sadacho.

Return to the patrol process of our colleagues.

Edo, Hyuga Town, own chapter——

As soon as they stepped through the door, a family owner who worked in his own house quickly put on a formulaic smile, rubbed their hands together, and greeted Qingdeng.

"Ah! Master Tachibana, you are here!"

"Gui'an." After briefly greeting the head of the family, Qingto asked quickly, "Has anything major happened in Hinata Town recently?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just a fight." The owner replied, "Yesterday afternoon, the boss of Kikuya got into a fight with a passerby on the street over a trivial matter."

"But because both of them were separated in time, both of them were fine. I led people to mediate as soon as possible yesterday afternoon, and now both parties have successfully reconciled."

"Yeah." Qingdeng nodded gently, "It's fine if nothing serious happens."

"Master Tachibana! It's cold today, would you like to come in and have a cup of hot tea?"

"No need." Qingdeng smiled politely at the head of the family, "This morning, Lord Fengxing held an emergency meeting, which has already delayed a lot of patrol time."

"I still have a lot of places to inspect, so I don't dare to waste my time any longer."

"Let's take the first step. If something big happens in Hinata Town, remember to report it to the observance office as soon as possible."


Qingdeng, who was about to inspect his next building, strode away under the bow of the family head, turned to the right and entered a busy commercial street.

"Wu server! Come and take a look! The newly arrived Wu server!"

"Father! I want to buy that!"

"Get out of the way! The cart is coming! If you don't want to be hit, just get out of the way!"

The merchants who were busy opening shops, the coolies pushing goods on simple handcarts, the vendors who were selling goods loudly early in the morning...

Although "Original Tachibana Qingteng" has seen countless such scenes in his memory, Qingteng still can't stop the novel look in his eyes.

After patrolling his own area for most of the morning and admiring the street scenes full of ancient customs and life, Qingden felt that his depressed mood due to the thorny troubles coming one after another had slightly changed.

Gotta relax a little bit.

How should we deal with the “elder assessment” one and a half months later?

The only way to make his current disastrous political achievements stand out in just one and a half months... is to crack some extremely high-value major and serious cases.

The "Big Boss Assessment" and the other two crises that weighed on Qing Deng were very different: the life threat from the "anti-barbarian faction" and the property threat from the "Qingshui Clan".

Faced with the threats of the "Expelling Barbarians" and the "Qingshui Clan", Qingden was still able to take the initiative, take the initiative to learn swordsmanship, and rely on the system to copy his powerful talents to protect himself from harm.

But this is not the case with the "elder assessment"...

Those major cases that can make one's political achievements shine instantly, whether serious cases will appear, and whether one has the opportunity and ability to handle these major cases...all depends on fate.

If those high-value major cases never appear, or if these high-value major cases never have the opportunity to be handled by Qingdeng... then there is nothing Qingdeng can do.

Regarding this, Qingdeng could only stare blankly and sighed: Take it one step at a time and do what you should do every day first.

After inspecting two more self-stations without any major incident, the time quietly came to noon.

Qingto raised his head, glanced at the sun above his head, which was about to reach its highest altitude, and silently took out the bento that Kubei handed him when he went out this morning - three boxes wrapped in lotus leaves.

Rice balls.

——Let’s find a place to have lunch...

Qingden looked around and immediately saw a tea house not far away.

The functions of teahouses in the Edo period were somewhat similar to modern coffee shops, and they were important social places in the Edo period.

Go to the tea house, order a cup of tea, and stay leisurely for a long time - it is the most suitable place to rest.

Therefore, after discovering this tea house, Qingden walked quickly towards the tea house almost without thinking.

As soon as he entered the teahouse, the noisy sound, the slightly filthy heat, and the alluring aroma of tea and snacks swarmed towards Qingden like a sea wave.

Looking at the huge crowd inside the teahouse, Qingto couldn't help but worry that there might be no vacancies.

Just as Qingdeng was looking around to see if there was an open table, he suddenly heard a very familiar voice coming from beside him:

"Hmm? Tachibana-kun?"

Qingden quickly followed the sound and looked surprised: "Okita-kun?"



New book sets sail!

Please vote for me monthly! Please vote for recommendation! Please collect! QAQ

Thanks to book friend [Very Young Magician] and [L5??] for being the alliance leader!!!

According to the author's practice, once you have a leader, you should update 1W2 the next day. However, since it is a new book period, you can't write too much at once, so you can only leave the update until after it is released!

The author will take a small note first, the number of updates needed: 2

This chapter has been completed!
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