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Chapter 27 The Troubled Case

 Qingto and Okita were both stunned by the bearded man's words.

Kinyanagi Town—this town not far from here is also one of the jurisdictions that Aomori is responsible for.

It also happened to be the next town Aonto planned to visit after lunch.

A murder occurred in the area under his responsibility? This is not something that can be ignored.

Don't bother talking to Okita anymore.

Qingdeng was stunned for only a moment, then his eyes immediately focused, then he quickly stood up and walked quickly towards the bearded man.

"Gui'an. I am a member of the town of Kitaban." After lifting up the burgundy haori on his body to reveal the juju and inrō on his right waist, Aoden went straight to the point, "The Koyanagi town you just mentioned

There's a dead person, what's going on?"

Qingdeng suddenly appeared next to them, startling Lu Xiu and others.

After looking at the ten hands on Qingteng's waist and the seal that could only be worn by Banshuo officials, the bearded man swallowed hard.

"I don't know the specifics. I just heard that an old lady from Koyanagi Town was killed in her home. When I just ran to join in the fun, the scene was already cordoned off by my own people, and I couldn't see anything.

Less than.”

Seeing that the bearded man didn't know much, Qingteng frowned slightly and said, "I understand, thank you for your help." After Qingteng returned to Okita.

"Okita-kun, something seems to have happened in the neighboring town of Koyanagi. I have to take a step forward." Aonto took out the tea money and placed it on the table.

"Tachibana-kun..." Okita seemed to want to say something to Qingto.

But just as he had time to say "Tangerine-kun", Qingden had already hurried away from the tea house...

Qingnobo originally wanted to go to the homepage of Koyanagi Town and ask the head of the family responsible for managing the town and others such questions as "what exactly happened" and "where is the crime scene?"

But after arriving in the town, Qingnobo discovered that there seemed to be no need for this at all.

As soon as he entered Koyanagi Town, Ayoto immediately saw countless people in groups on the street, with various expressions on their faces, gathering in a certain direction.

Faintly, Qingdeng heard the whispers of these people who seemed to be rushing to a certain place:

"Hey... I heard that Granny Ping was killed. Is this true?"

"It seems to be true..."

"Let's go! Go see the excitement!"

Qingdeng, whose expression fell slightly, followed the flow of people, passed through three avenues, two paths, turned one corner after another, and finally stopped in front of an ordinary private house surrounded by a large number of people.

Seeing the thick crowd tightly surrounding this ordinary house, Qingdeng couldn't help but let out a low exclamation.

——Why are there so many people...

Qingdeng made a rough count - the crowd gathered in front of this ordinary house was at least a hundred or more.

Some of these people stood on tiptoes, stretched their necks, and kept casting curious glances at the private house.

There were quite a few people with sad expressions, some with faces full of pain, weeping silently, and some even lying on the ground, crying all over the place.

In front of the crowd and the private house, there was a wall of people—the officials responsible for managing the town.

They stretched the canes in their hands in front of them and connected them one by one to form an invisible wall. They circled the crowd outside the wall and did not let anyone get close to the building.


"Everyone, please give way!" Aonto shouted to the crowd blocking him, "I am a member of the Hokkaido Town Council! Everyone, please give way!"

"Ah! Tongxin is here!"

"It's Tong Xin from Sada Town!"

"Hey! Don't squeeze!"

As soon as Qingdeng's shouts ended, the crowd blocking him immediately moved noisily to the left and right, making way for a passage for Qingdeng to walk alone.

Knowing that Tong Xin was coming from Sadachi, a middle-aged man immediately stepped out of the "human wall" that blocked the crowd from the private houses, followed the path that the crowd had given way to, and greeted Qingto.

As soon as he heard that Tongxin was here, the middle-aged man's face was immediately filled with a flattering smile.

But when he saw that his friend was Qingdeng, the middle-aged man's flattering smile suddenly froze.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes...

But he quickly hid this disdain and adjusted the expression on his face.

"Tachibana-sama!" The middle-aged man hurried to Qingnobo and saluted him respectfully, "I am the head of the family responsible for managing Koyanagi Town: Haidaro."

Koyanagi Town is one of the jurisdictions Aoto is responsible for.

Judging from the level, Qingdeng is Hui Dalang's direct superior without a doubt, so Hui Dalang naturally knows Qingdeng.

Since he is the head of the family who is responsible for managing Koyanagi Town, it will save trouble.

After briefly saying hello to Hui Dalang, Qingdeng went straight to the topic——

"I heard that there was a murder here." Qingdeng said seriously, "What happened?"

When his immediate superior asked a question, Hui Dalang had no reason or courage not to answer.

"Alas..." Hui Dalang sighed heavily, "Where should I start..."

The owner of this private house, which had a murder case and is currently surrounded by a crowd, is an old couple. The couple's names are Guotaro and Aping respectively.

Speaking of Gotaro and Appin, these two names are well known to everyone in Koyanagi Town and the surrounding towns.

Speaking of this couple, many people will respectfully refer to them as the "Bodhisattva couple".

People all call Kotaro a "living Bodhisattva" with impeccable medical skills and medical ethics.

Being a doctor was a pretty respectable job during the Edo period.

Not only does one have a high social status, but as long as the medical skills are high enough, the income can be quite considerable.

Gotaro has such excellent medical skills. Logically speaking, he can rely on his talents and make a fortune by treating wealthy people.

But he didn't do that.

He has always focused on treating poor people, and often treated poor people at low wages or even free of charge.

As his wife, Aping is also an excellent helper. She fully supports her husband's "foolish career" that is harmful to herself and others.

Although Gotaro's behavior of not making money but often losing money to treat people's illnesses seems extremely stupid at first glance, his stupid behavior does not mean that there is no reward at all.

The couple has been practicing medicine for decades, and countless people have benefited from them.

Countless people respect and love this couple.

About two months ago, Kotaro passed away at the age of 75.

The couple never had any children, so after Gotaro passed away, only Aping, who was 65 years old but in good health, was left in the family.

Out of love for A Ping, when she got older, the younger generation who knew her began to affectionately call her "Grandma Ping".

The family has some savings accumulated over decades, and those who have been favored by the couple have been jointly supporting Granny Ping from time to time. Therefore, in the past two months since my husband passed away, in addition to occasionally feeling a little lonely,

Grandma Ping's daily life is quite peaceful and peaceful.

But an accident... happened today.

Grandma Ping is a person with a very stable schedule. She gets up on time at 6 o'clock every morning and goes out for a walk at 8 o'clock.

But today, Granny Ping's neighbors were surprised to find that Granny Ping didn't go out for a walk today...

At first, the neighbors didn't pay much attention to it, thinking it was just Granny Ping being lazy once in a while. After all, similar situations had occasionally happened before, and Granny Ping went out for a walk 1 or 2 hours late.

But until the sun was almost at the highest point in the sky and Granny Ping was still nowhere to be seen, the neighbors gradually realized that something was wrong...

The neighbors, who had an ominous premonition in their hearts, went to the door of Granny Ping's house and called Granny Ping's name.

No response...

The neighbors, whose sense of ominous premonition quickly reached its peak, quickly pushed open the door of Grandma Ping's house and poured into Grandma Ping's home.

After entering Granny Ping's house, they saw Granny Ping stabbed to death on the tatami with a knife in the living room...



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