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Chapter 278 What is there to do with the anti-barbarian group? Just destroy them!【5400

 Qingden picked up the file that Kurosawa pushed and unfolded it, reading at a glance.

The official who wrote this dossier was very strong in writing and used only very concise sentences to explain the background of the task clearly.

The general contents of the dossier are as follows:

The "Secret Agents" under the command of Huofu Thief Kai recently made a new discovery in tracking the remnants of the anti-barbarian group - they traced the traces of the "One-Armed Party" in Cheng Town.

The vitality of the anti-barbarian group is unexpectedly tenacious.

Although most of the members, headed by leader Kamino, were killed or injured that night more than 4 months ago, there is still a small group of die-hards who are still alive.

However, not only did the remaining remnant parties not unite and work together, but they also went their separate ways due to different ideas and fought on their own.

The so-called "One-Armed Party" is the official name given to one of the remnants of the party that broke away from the collapsed anti-barbarian group.

They were stubborn and stubborn. Under the banner of "they will definitely inherit the legacy of their classmates and complete the great cause of 'eliminating the barbarians'", they vowed not to surrender. To this day, they are still causing a bloody storm in various parts of Edo, doing "executing"

His specialty is "killing national traitors".

Because their leader was a one-armed man with only one arm, the government used the term "One-Armed Party" to refer to the group of lunatics led by him.

The anti-barbarian group is a group of out-and-out terrorists with extreme ideas. If we don't kill them all, God knows what troubles they will cause in the future.

In recent months, the fire thieves' joint execution office and eight states' directors have carried out extensive searches throughout Edo over and over again.

Most of the members of the anti-barbarian group were middle- and lower-level warriors from all over the world.

They are full of passionate fighting spirit to expel barbarians and national traitors, make great achievements, and make wives and children...but other than that, they have no other advantages.

Due to class restrictions, even middle- and lower-level samurai in rich or large feudal lords directly under the shogun found it difficult to receive a good education.

Therefore, middle- and lower-level warriors...especially those from remote and poor areas are generally synonymous with "rough" and "barbaric" in the eyes of the people.

Before being defeated by Seito, the reason why the anti-barbarian group was able to explode with such strong fighting power was that they successively organized "interception and killing of Western merchants (Anthony and Elodie)", "attacked the Tibetan Book Transfer Center and burned down Edo Castle".

", "overthrowing the Western settlements" and other ruthless tasks all depended on Kamino's ability.

Although Kamino is a lunatic, we have to admit that he is indeed an outstanding talent with great management and command abilities who can integrate the mixed members of the anti-barbarian team.

Qingdeng is now also a manager with an entire team under his command, so he has a better understanding of how difficult it is to manage others, and how powerful managers who can manage an entire large team with complex members are.

Clear understanding.

To put it simply, Kamino is a gigantic pillar to the Overlord Group, a huge pillar that can completely support this building called "The Underdog Group" with the power of "one pillar".

However, this great pillar has fallen forever.

The anti-barbarian group that lost Kamino... to put it simply and straightforwardly, they were just a plate of loose sand that could be broken into pieces.

After the anti-barbarian group was destroyed, the remaining remaining parties did not stick together and actually went their separate ways because of "inconsistent ideals." This is the best evidence that the anti-barbarian group has no capable people who can win people's hearts and is at the end of its rope.


Under the joint attack of three security agencies with different functions, namely, the Huofu Thieves Reform, the "Three Chapters" of the Enforcement Office, and the Eight Prefecture Directors, the scattered remnants of the anti-barbarian group were picked out one by one and annihilated.

However, there has been a delay in bringing the "one-armed party" who caused the greatest harm and has killed many people and caused a lot of damage to justice.

The leader of the "One-Armed Party" is surprisingly quite capable.

The various groups of agencies led by the Fire Fighting Bandits spent countless manpower, material resources, and energy, but every time they were about to catch the "One-Armed Party", they missed the glorious victory of "rooting them out."

Fortunately, there is a gap in every secret.

The "one-armed party" finally showed its flaws last week!

Seven days ago, a secret agent of the Huofu Thief Kai discovered that a certain Japanese confectionery shop in Cheng Town was very strange. There were often a large number of strange people coming in and out of the shop with suspicious behavior.

After detailed investigation, it was finally confirmed——

This group of strange and suspicious people is the "One-Armed Party"!

And that Japanese confectionery shop is their stronghold!

By the way, the "Secret Agents" reformed by Huo Fu Thieves are not a professional espionage force - they are just a group of "temporary workers".

The thieves spend a lot of money to bribe the staff of bathhouses, teahouses, izakayas and other crowded places, so that they can pay close attention to some suspicious people and suspicious deeds after work.

If you find any clues, report them immediately to the government office where the thieves are responsible.

If the value of the information turned in is high, there will be heavy rewards.

Therefore, in the land of Edo, any bathhouse uncle, bathing lady, tea house young girl, and izakaya proprietress who chats with you enthusiastically may be a secret agent of the Hufu Thief Gai.

Now that it has been determined that the Japanese confectionery shop is the stronghold of the "One-Armed Party", the next thing will be easy to handle.

After reading the file, Qingteng raised his head and heard Kurosawa say:

"The 'One-Armed Party' is very cunning, and according to past intelligence, they have a large number of people, nearly 40 people, many of whom are highly skilled."

"With only one squad sent out, we may not be able to completely annihilate them."

"This opportunity is the best opportunity to completely eradicate the 'one-armed party'."

"If you miss this opportunity, you won't know how long it will take to get such a good opportunity next time."

"So Okubo-kun and I decided to send out all the troops we can! Strive to use overwhelming force superiority to uproot the 'One-Armed Party' in one fell swoop! Get rid of this group of lunatics who are more annoying than the flies in the latrine in one fell swoop!


Send out all the troops that can be dispatched—hearing these words, Qingdeng felt an ominous premonition in his heart for no reason.

"Kurosawa-sama, Okubo-sama."

Qingdeng said.

"Please forgive me for being presumptuous - apart from Xianguan's third division, what other troops need to participate in tonight's operation?"


Hearing this question, a hint of embarrassment appeared on Kurosawa's face - this change in his expression made the ominous premonition in Qingden's heart suddenly become stronger.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng’s ominous premonition was confirmed——

"The Fifth Division and the Seventh Division." Tadashi Okubo, who was sitting side by side with Kurosawa and had not spoken since Aoto entered the meeting hall, calmly answered for Kurosawa.

The Fifth Division and the Seventh Division—this is the team of Suma Kimura and his henchman Tsuchida Masaichi...

On the first day of his new job as a thief, he had to go on a mission with his colleagues who were incompatible with him... Qingdeng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows again and lowered his eyelids slightly.

"Other squads are currently engaged in other tasks, and it is not convenient to send them to participate in tonight's operation." Kurosawa added, "The only troops suitable for dispatch at the moment are the third, fifth and seventh squads."

Having said this, Kurosawa paused thoughtfully.

"...Tachibana-kun. As for what happened between you and Kimura-kun this morning, Okubo-kun and I have already heard about it."

What Kurosawa was referring to was, of course, the incident where Kimura came to find fault with Aoto, and then Aoto pulled out the Dingkishin and launched a strong counterattack.

"I know that the current relationship between you and Kimura-kun is a bit subtle. I also understand your behavior of using strong methods to warn Kimura-kun not to provoke you again in the future."

"After all... I know Kimura-kun's character very well. He is arrogant and looks down on children from poor families."

"He is full of prejudice against you and has spoken harshly to you in public several times - I am fully aware of these things."

"But, after all, you are colleagues who will work together for a long time in the future."

"The relationship between each other is very tense, which is not good for both parties."

"Okubo-kun and I have just summoned Kimura-kun and given him a stern warning. We asked him to put away his boring 'family discrimination' in the future and not to do anything to hurt the feelings of his colleagues."

"Tachibana-kun, I will give you the same words now - you are not allowed to do anything to hurt the feelings of your colleagues in the future!"

"Drawing a knife in the council chamber and pointing it at your colleagues - this kind of thing must never be done again in the future!"

When saying this, Kurosawa deliberately adopted a particularly stern tone.

"...Yes, I understand." Qingdeng lowered his head and responded softly with an expressionless face.

After hearing Aotobu say "I understand" so readily, and perhaps because Aotobu showed a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes, Kurosawa let out a long breath, relaxed his facial lines, and returned to a calm tone of voice.

"Well, that's good if you understand."

"Okay, let's get back to business."

"Concerning tonight's action, Okubo-kun and I only have two requests."

"Point 1: Be sure to complete the task satisfactorily."

"Point 2: Be sure to work together with Kimura-kun and Tsuchida-kun, and do not bring personal feelings into work."

Kurosawa seemed to have thought of something good and smiled slightly.

"Heh, tonight might be a good time for you and Kimura-kun to get in touch and repair their relationship."

"You and Kimura-kun can have a nice chat tonight."

"I have always believed that as long as people communicate well, most conflicts and troubles can be solved."

As soon as Kurosawa finished speaking, Qingden couldn't help but laugh silently in his heart.

Repairing the relationship with Kimura Suma... This kind of thing seems impossible!

Although he sneered at Kurosawa's argument just now, Aonto remained calm on the surface.


Qingdeng saluted and said loudly in a powerful voice:

"I am determined to take the lead tonight!"

He only mentioned that he would definitely work hard and never mentioned repairing his relationship with Kimura Suma.

That night--

Edo, suburbs, headquarters of the fifth division, school grounds——

"Are you all wearing protective gear?"

"Those who haven't put on protective gear yet, move quickly! In two more days of burning incense, we're about to set off!"

"Check the weapon! Is the bow string tightened? Is the matchlock of the iron cannon dry?"

All kinds of shouts resounded one after another in the sky above the Fifth Division station.

Because the station of the fifth division was relatively close to the wagashi shop located in Cheng Town and used as a stronghold by the "One-Armed Party", under the instructions of Kurosawa and Okubo, the station of the fifth division was designated as

A gathering place for all troops.

At this moment, soldiers from each army were putting on armor and taking weapons in an orderly manner on the spacious campus.

The equipment modified by Huo Fu Thief is much better than that of "Three Times" at the Enforcement Station.

He can freely use bows and arrows, let alone big guns such as muskets. He has forehead protectors, chain mail, breastplates, arm armors, leg armors and other protective gear. It can be said that he is armed to the teeth.

This was the first time in Qingdeng's life that he had such luxurious weapons.

"It's so heavy..."

Qingden, who was wearing a breastplate for the first time, took a deep breath and lifted the breastplate up as if lifting a bra.

At this time, a soldier from the fifth division came over: "Sir Tachibana! Mr. Kimura has summoned you to this formation for discussion!"

"Well, I'll go right away." Qingdeng nodded lightly.

The military meeting has begun... Qingteng walked towards the main formation with three steps and two steps at a time.

In fact, the so-called main formation is just in the shade of a big tree in the northeast corner of the school grounds.

At present, both Kimura and Tsuchida have arrived in this formation.

Kimura glanced at Qingto, who was walking towards him, and remained calm. Not only did he not say hello to Qingto, he even snorted coldly.

Qingto also ignored Kimura.

The two of them just maintained the tacit understanding of "no one pays attention to the other".

"Okay." Kimura said calmly, "Everyone is here, let's start the meeting. I will only explain the battle plan and the work you are each responsible for, and keep your ears straight."

It was said that he was "coming here to discuss matters", but in fact it was just Kimura giving orders unilaterally, assigning tasks decided early in the morning to Ayoto and Tsuchida one by one.

Three divisions were dispatched at once... It is impossible for such a large-scale operation not to have a "frontline commander" responsible for coordinating the entire army.

As for the one who is still alive, the person who has been entrusted by Kurosawa and Okubo with "full responsibility for tonight's operation"...is Kimura Suma.

This is not difficult to understand.

Tsuchida's qualifications and experience in performing tasks are not as good as Kimura's.

Not to mention Qingdeng - which leader would hand over such an important task to a newcomer on his first day at work?

Therefore, it is reasonable and blameless to appoint Kimura, an experienced veteran, as the "frontline commander."

As the "frontline commander", Kimura has far more power than Aoto in tonight's actions.

All matters, big or small, are decided by Kimura.

Qingneng only has the power to offer opinions and has no power to interfere with Kimura's decision.

Therefore, no matter what arrangements Kimura made, Qingto could only accept them quietly and had no right to refute.

"The Japanese confectionery shop where the traitors of the 'One-Armed Party' are entrenched is a longhouse."

Kimura knelt down and spread out a simple map of Cheng Town on the ground. Aoto and Tsuchida stood on the left and right of Kimura, staring at the map together.

The so-called "Nagaya" is a very common house style in the Edo period.

To put it simply, it is a "townhouse" - your east wall is my west wall; your south wall is my north wall.

The walls of an entire row or even a circle of houses are connected to each other.

The main reason why such a house layout was created was because there were too many people.

Since the Yuan and Yanwu eras, more than two hundred years of peace have caused Japan's population to grow explosively.

In terms of land area alone, Japan is actually not a small country. In the modern 21st century, Japan's land area is larger than most European countries.

But the problem is: Japan has very little land suitable for habitation. Nearly 80% of the land is mountains and hills, and only a handful of places, including the Kanto Plain and Nobi Plain, are suitable for habitation.

Therefore, in order to accommodate this exploding population, those in power and the people had to make the most of the scarce land - and this is how longhouses came into being.

By placing houses closer together, more land can be freed up to build new houses and house more people.

This is why in large cities and towns like Edo, Kyoto, and Osaka, whenever a fire breaks out, a large number of houses will be damaged.

"To the west of the wagashi shop is a tea shop, to the east is a grilled eel shop, and to the south is a steamed bun shop. Only the north side faces the street."

"We only need to blockade the north side of the Japanese confectionery shop, and we can trap all the traitors of the 'One-Armed Party' to death."

"It's just that they might break through the wall and escape into the surrounding houses."

"So, to be on the safe side, I decided to completely surround the entire longhouse where this wagashi shop is located!"

"This longhouse is a long structure with a total of 32 rooms. To surround it, at least two squadrons of troops would be needed."

"The Third Division and my Fifth Division will be responsible for surrounding the long house; the Seventh Division will be responsible for the assault, rushing into the house to arrest the traitors of the 'One-Armed Party'. Do you have any objections?"

As soon as Kimura finished speaking, Tsuchida showed a flattering and excited expression and said hurriedly:

"no disagreement!"

Kimura nodded slightly, then turned to look at Qingteng.

"Ju, why don't you speak? What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied with my arrangement?"

"..." Qingden stared at the map in silence. Even when Kimura asked him, it took him a long while before he slowly raised his head.

"Sending only one team to attack...will the number of people be too small?"

Qingdeng's tone was calm.

"I have had a lot of dealings with the anti-barbarian group."

"Although they are all a bunch of crazy people with broken heads, it is undeniable that many of them have a strong will to fight and good skills."

"I suffered a lot because of it."

"According to past intelligence, the total number of the 'One-Armed Party' is close to 40 people. In terms of military strength, it is similar to one of our squadrons."

"We may not necessarily be able to gain the upper hand by just sending a squad to fight them head-on."

"What's more, they still occupy the 'geographical advantage' of fighting in their stronghold."

"With all due respect - at least two squads must be sent to attack to be safe."

Kimura and Tsuchida listened quietly to Qingnobo's opinions.

The two of them looked at each other in tacit understanding.



They both looked up to the sky and laughed.

After laughing to his heart's content, Kimura curled his lips at Qingto.

"Tachibana, it seems that you don't understand the combat power of our Huo Fu Thieves Kai at all. But it's no wonder, after all, you were just a 'three times' Tongxin before, and you have never been a public servant in the Huo Fu Thieves Kai."

"I have dealt with the 'One-Armed Party' many times. They are just a bunch of remnants that are just living on their feet. What's there to be afraid of? We can send out a random squad and we can defeat them both inside and outside."

Kill them all in the field!"



After so many days of "sleeping more than ten hours a day" to recuperate, the author feels that his body is about to recover! The author suspects that he does not have Yang at all, but just a common cold, otherwise the symptoms would not be possible

So light!

All in all - it's gratifying, it was a false alarm, but no success~~

It’s the end of the year again! Book friends who have monthly tickets on hand, please be sure to vote for this book! (Leopard Head Cries.jpg)

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