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Chapter 283 The middle door faces each other! Flowing Light Drawing Sword Technique vs One-Armed Sword Drawing Technique


Qingden's arms shook, he opened the one-armed warrior's sword, and then struck the one-armed warrior in front of him with a cassock slash.

The power of Qingdeng's sword is incredible.

He didn't just use his arm strength, but also used the strength of his legs and waist.

No matter how good the one-armed samurai's swordsmanship is, it cannot make up for the fatal flaw of having only one arm, which is inherently deficient in "strength".

Using his disabled body and Qingden's fighting power, who is healthy and has "Tiger Arms", "Bear's Waist +1" and other talents... Obviously this is not a wise choice.

The one-armed warrior did not hold himself up, he leaned back and stepped back.

Due to his timely dodge, the shining white rainbow pulled out by Dingguishen only cut off his empty left sleeve.

The sleeves, as light as feathers, sometimes moved to the left, sometimes to the right, and fell to the ground unsteadily.

When I heard the movement of the one-armed warrior again, the sound came from the shadow of the corner not far away.

Qingdeng adjusted his breathing rhythm and looked around him.

The tatami was filled with all kinds of corpses, and there was almost no place to stand.

The blood that flowed wildly from each corpse dyed the tatami so that the original color could not be recognized, and also made it extremely slippery. If you are not careful, you will slip to the ground.

Qingdeng's moves were extremely ruthless, and if he didn't make a move, he would kill someone if he did. Yunliu's "indoor fighting technique" was indispensable for achieving such results.

After more than two months of hard training at Tsukinomiya Shrine, Ayoto became more and more familiar with how to kill people in narrow areas such as rooms and corridors.

At the same time, he also mastered techniques such as "killing the light source and depriving the enemy of vision" and "how to find the right opportunity to kick the opponent's organs used for childbirth when fighting with others."

As long as you are attacked by Qingdeng, you will definitely die - Qingdeng's brutal fighting style means that there are no so-called wounded in the battle scene at this moment, there are only two kinds of people: the living and the dead.

After a fierce battle, there were very few people left who could still hold weapons against Qingdeng - only 7.

——What happened to that guy...?

Qingden used the corner of his eye to look at the long-faced young man standing under the wall behind him.

As early as the battle started, Qingdeng noticed that this man's behavior was very strange - he neither rushed to fight him nor ran away.

He just stood there with his sword in hand, motionless the whole time, watching the battle between him and the one-armed samurai and the others without saying a word.

Although he was very puzzled by the strange behavior of the long-faced young man, Qingdeng had no time to think about these miscellaneous issues at the moment.

Blah blah blah...

Rapid footsteps - the other six people, except the long-faced young man, moved their steps and changed their positions. They surrounded Qingdeng from six different directions, and three of them had in their hands the corpses of their companions.

Come "Shield".

The group of people headed by the one-armed warrior who had not been killed by Qingto's sword now burst out with a strong will to fight.

They all showed a tragic look on their faces: "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the heroes are gone and never come back." They put on a posture of "we share the same hatred with the enemy and will fight to the death without retreating."

A large group of people were killed by Qingden to only single digits... In an organization and team with normal order, after suffering such casualties, the morale would have collapsed long ago.

The reason why the one-armed samurai and others were able to maintain such a high fighting spirit after enduring such horrific casualties was, on the one hand, because the biggest enemy that caused the destruction of their rebel group was right in front of them, and they were eager to take revenge. On the other hand,

There was no way they could retreat.

As the saying goes, "A sad army will win" and "rabbits will bite when they are anxious".

Outside the house were soldiers and thieves who surrounded the place tightly, and there was no way to escape even if they wanted to.

Since there is no way to escape, then go all out! Fight to the death with everything you have to fight the enemy in front of you!

The six people who surrounded Qingdeng moved forward inch by inch, tightening the "surrounding net" around Qingdeng little by little.

Qingden lowered his waist and lowered his body weight. His eyes were fixed on the enemies approaching from all directions.

In this "1vs6", the atmosphere was so tense that people could not help but forget to breathe. The brief confrontation was broken in an instant.


Qingden heard the sound of the blood accumulated on the tatami being kicked behind him.

He quickly turned his head to one side and looked behind him with his peripheral vision - a short, ugly man with extremely ugly Tsukiyo hair. He was holding a "shield" made of tatami mats in one hand and grabbing a hand with the other.

The knife rushed towards Qingdeng with a "waaah" sound. Under the dim candlelight, the white blade gleamed with cold light.

At the same time, the enemies in other directions also moved! They cooperated with Choubi and launched a flanking attack on Qingdeng!

It was too late, then it was too late. Just when the sword and "shield" in the hands of the one-armed samurai and others were about to hit Qingden and block Qingden's electric light and flint, Qingden rolled forward on the spot, and from the two people

Rolled through the gap between positions.

Ignoring the dirty blood on the tatami and rolling to safety, Qingto picked up the left sleeve of the "one-armed warrior" that he had just chopped off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The person closest to Qingdeng turned around, jumped into the air, and while holding the "shield" in his hand tightly in front of him, he waved the knife in his hand, and the blade whizzed straight towards Qingdeng's head.

Qingdeng was waiting for this moment.

He suddenly raised his left hand and threw the broken sleeve he had just picked up towards the enemy's face like a net.

No matter how hard it was, this person would never have imagined that Qingdeng would use such a despicable and shameless trick on him.

Qingdeng's "covering his eyes with clothes" was unexpected, and his face was covered without any bias by the broken sleeve.

In an instant, Qingdeng's figure was no longer visible in front of him, only a cut sleeve that was close to him in every sense was visible.


He screamed instinctively.

At this time, the one-armed warrior shouted a warning to him: "Anzhai! Back away!"

The one-armed warrior's warning was completely unnecessary - even if no one came to warn him, he knew that he was in great danger due to his temporary loss of sight!

As he quickly retreated, he held the "shield" in his left hand tightly in front of him, threw away his sword, freed his right hand, and pulled off the broken sleeve hanging on his face.

The dim candlelight with some warmth shone into his pupils again - and what also illuminated his eyes was a silvery white light that shot straight towards his neck...

The moment Qingden threw the cut sleeve, he was already preparing to counterattack.

He stepped forward and struck the man directly in the neck with his knife.


Qingdeng was once again covered in blood - the blood of his enemies.


The enemy's attacks came one after another, leaving no room for respite. In the blink of an eye, three people swooped over from directly in front of Qingdeng, two of them also holding "shields" in their hands.

The three swords of three people came from the same direction...all from top to bottom!

Seeing this, Qingden twisted his body slightly to the right, then fearlessly took half a step forward with his left foot, and then raised the Dingguishen horizontally to his head to make it horizontal, and at the same time gently held the blade of the sword with his left hand.


Three knives that slashed vertically with the power of "cutting Huashan Mountain".

Dingguishen held horizontally above his head.

Both sides hit the air!

The sound of the collision was so loud that everyone present could not help but feel their ears ringing.

Qingden received three slashes at the same time - with just one person and one sword!

The three people who were facing off against Qingdeng all had expressions of extreme astonishment at this moment.

Carrying three swords struck by three swordsmen with all their strength alone... For ordinary people and swordsmen with ordinary skills, this kind of thing is something that they don't even dare to think about, let alone do it!

No matter how hard they gritted their teeth, no matter how hard they exerted their strength, even if they put all their efforts into feeding, they could not move the sword in Qingdeng's hand or his body at all!

They felt like they were not fighting against Qingdeng... but cutting at an indestructible rock!

Qingdeng looked at the astonished faces of the enemies in front of him across the four swords stacked together, and thought to himself:

——"Bear's Waist +1", "Tiger's Arms", "Leading the Lead", "Lonely", "Gathering God"... The power unleashed by the interaction of these five talents is really amazing...!

If it were him a few months ago, Qingdeng would definitely not dare to take such a risky move.

But today is different from the past.

With the addition of new talents and the evolution of old talents, Qingden's shortcomings in "strength" have long been corrected.

It is difficult for ordinary humans to surpass Qingdeng in terms of "fighting power".

At this moment, two black figures approached Qingden from the left and the right - it was the one-armed samurai and the short, ugly guy.

Qingdeng quickly glanced at the enemies approaching quickly from both sides. At this critical moment, he shouted loudly:


Legs, waist, and arms work together!

Just like lava erupting, the huge force that suddenly burst out from Qingdeng's body forcefully pushed away the three swords that were fighting against Dingguishen! The three swordsmen holding these three swords were all shaken.


The next moment, Qingden stepped to the left and struck the one-armed samurai on the left with his sword.

Frightened by the dancing blade, the one-armed warrior had no choice but to retreat.

After forcing the one-armed warrior back, Qingden turned to deal with the ugly warrior.

When the ugly man saw Qing Deng rushing towards him, he couldn't help but panic, but this panic only appeared for a moment.

His waist sank, he raised his sword in a Xia Duan style, and he lunged straight at Qingdeng's chest with his sword in hand.

Qing climbed up to one side of his body to avoid Choubi's fierce attack, then pounced forward and pressed against Choubi's right side of the abdomen.

The next moment, Dingguishen slashed across the belly of the ugly guy like lightning!

Ugly is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Seeing Qingdeng's sword coming towards him, he tried his best to dodge sideways and returned Qingdeng's sword fiercely.

Qingden saw Choubo's sword flash before his eyes... He felt that his upper left arm was hit somewhere, but he didn't feel much pain. The wound must not be deep.

Choupai only caused minor injuries to Qingden. But the injuries Qingden inflicted on Choupai were just...

Qingdeng and Choubo passed each other.

After Qingden rushed forward for a few steps without losing momentum, he turned around and held his knife, taking a mid-range stance that could be used both offensively and defensively to check for the ugly move.

"Ahem...! Ahem...!"

The ugly man lowered his head and coughed hard. A large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth and nose... The blood was mixed with many fragments of internal organs.

He held the knife and turned around slowly, glaring at Qingdeng with his eyes that were red and bloodshot due to severe pain, while approaching Qingdeng with shaky and staggering steps.

He only took 2 steps, and his ankle seemed to have lost strength, and his lower body began to become unstable.

When he was only a short distance away from Qingdeng, he raised the knife high and assumed the upper stance.

However, as soon as he raised the knife, he heard a "pop" sound - the knife suddenly slipped from his palm.

The ugly guy is still standing there.

Still maintaining the posture of holding the sword high, he looked at Qingdeng with an expression of resentment and unwillingness.

Then his body began to shake violently. Finally, he fell face down to the ground, no longer alive.


Of course, Qingdeng did not have the leisure time to "stay in place and quietly watch the ugly guy's final struggle" - before the ugly guy walked towards Qingdeng while coughing up blood, the only four remaining members of the anti-barbarian group started to attack Qingdeng.

Den launched...the final siege.

Although Yunliu's "Indoor Fighting Technique" has many techniques and techniques, there are only two core concepts -

First, make good use of your ears.

Second, learn to control the length of the weapon.

Tiancang Xiao once said to Qingdeng earnestly: A common mistake made by people without indoor fighting experience is to ignore the restrictions on weapons in a narrow environment.

Right now, one person has made such a stupid mistake as Tiancang Xiao said.

One of the three people who had just fought with Qingdeng, for some unknown reason, suddenly lost his cool.

While shouting "Aoao", he opened and closed the knife widely, swinging the knife indiscriminately.

"Kuse!" the one-armed warrior shouted anxiously, "Don't mess around!"

The one-armed warrior tried to use his voice to awaken the man's sanity.

But the words of the one-armed warrior have not yet fallen——


The man's knife, which he was swinging wildly, accidentally hit the sliding paper door beside him, and the blade of the knife sank deeply into the door frame.

In the blink of an eye... really in the blink of an eye, this person's face turned pale as if it had been smeared by fine snow.

He frantically tried to pull the knife back, but it was sunk too deep into the door frame, making it difficult to pull it out immediately.

Sometimes, some mistakes can only be made once in a lifetime.

Qingdeng saw this opportunity and immediately stepped forward.

Seeing Qingdeng coming to kill him, the man no longer bothered to draw his sword and quickly let go, leaving the sword embedded in the paper sliding door.

But as soon as he freed his hands, his waist was chopped off until only a tiny bit of skin and flesh remained.

His head, hands, and shoulders all hung down feebly, but his feet still retained a little bit of inertia and muscle memory. It was obvious that the person was dead, but his feet still supported the upper body that had no breath of life, crookedly.

He wandered a few steps.

The time when he fell to the ground coincided with the ugly one.

Not only did the two men fall to the ground in no particular order, but they also fell to the ground in basically the same position - the two men fell to the ground almost at the same time, and their bodies were stacked together on the tatami.

--18 pcs……!

Two black shadows, and the suffocating murderous aura carried by these two black shadows, rushed towards Qingdeng.

Qingdeng shouted low and dodged under the two swords, leaving two sword lights behind him.


Without looking behind him, Aomori faced the last two opponents: the one-armed samurai and Takasugi Shinsaku, who had not made a move. The two men behind him had fallen to the ground one after another while covering their wounds that were constantly spurting blood.

"Whirring whirring……"

The high-intensity continuous fierce fighting had already made Qingdeng's breathing become somewhat rapid, and a layer of sweat appeared on his body, but his physical strength was basically intact.

Keep fighting, no problem.

He looked at the one-armed samurai, and then at Takasugi Shinsaku - Aoto's eyes lingered on Takasugi Shinsaku for an especially long time.

"..." Takasugi Shinsaku stared at Qingteng for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at the one-armed warrior beside him.

Takasugi Shinsaku's action was another... and final confirmation to the one-armed samurai: Do you really not need my help?

The one-armed samurai immediately sensed the look from Takasugi Shinsaku and the meaning contained in this look.

He shook his head firmly and without hesitation, and then with an expression on his face as if he was about to do a great deed of humiliation and sacrifice, he took one step forward, then half a step to the left, and stood directly in front of Qingdeng.

Looking at the one-armed warrior's actions, Qingden asked softly: "You...won't you come together?"

The one-armed warrior ignored Qingdeng's rhetorical question.

He straightened his waist and inhaled hard until his chest reached its limit——

"Tachibana Aoden! I am Takataka Todo! I am a close friend of Tatsugoro Kamino!"

Kamino Tatsugoro...a familiar name I haven't heard for a long time.

At this juncture, Qingto suddenly claimed that Kamino was his good friend... Qingto vaguely guessed what the one-armed warrior wanted to do next, and his eyelids sunk slightly.

What the one-armed warrior said next and what he did perfectly confirmed Qingdeng's conjecture.

"You kill my companions first, my best friends first, and then you destroy our great cause! I have to avenge this blood feud!"

Speaking of this, the one-armed samurai...or Todo Takataka slowly raised his sword, pointing the tip of the sword at Aoden.

"Ju Qingden! I will formally file a complaint against you!"

Qiudu——Hearing this word, Takasugi Shinsaku on the side opened his eyes slightly in surprise.

And even Qingteng, who had guessed what the one-armed warrior wanted in advance, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Since the establishment of the Edo shogunate by the Tokugawa family, in order to better domesticate the samurai group as the country's ruling class, under the leadership of the Tokugawa family, the ethical values ​​​​of the samurai...that is, "bushido" began to take shape.

Reputation is more important than life - this is one of the core ideas of Bushido in the Edo period, and it is also one of the most twisted ideas.

Many laws in the "Samurai Laws", the basic law drafted by the Edo shogunate to control samurai, were formulated with the starting point of "protecting the honor of samurai".

The typical representative among them is the "Zansha Yufu", which can kill rude servants, townsfolk, and ordinary people without being punished.

Since under the influence of Bushido, samurai have an almost pathological pursuit of reputation... then "to whom should we take revenge" has become an unavoidable topic.

Suppose one day a man kills his parents and takes away his wife... If he doesn't kill the beast with his own hands, what reputation will he have?

Therefore, revenge has naturally become an important right for samurai to maintain their honor.

As a result, although the Edo shogunate prohibited samurai from dueling in private, it did not prohibit samurai from taking revenge on those who had blood feuds with them.

In a nutshell - in the Edo period, samurai could legally take revenge.

Whether you kill your enemy with your own hands or not will directly affect the world's judgment of the person involved.

People generally respect those who succeed in revenge, pity those who fail in revenge, and despise those who dare not take revenge.

This led to the introduction of a special system...or culture: "Qiu Bei".

Whether it is the banners under the shogun, the imperial family, or the vassals of the "three hundred princes", they can legitimately obtain the power of "revenge of murder".

When deciding who to seek revenge from, the person involved can apply for a "permission for revenge" from his or her superiors.

It doesn't matter if the permission is not granted, but if the permission is granted, then the government has the obligation to protect the person's right to revenge and provide some convenience for the person's journey of revenge.

For example, if the enemy of the person involved is out of town, the government is obliged to grant the person involved a document that allows him to travel freely throughout the country.

It is an extremely shameful thing to not retaliate - this kind of culture continues to subtly affect the outlook of the samurai class.

Today, "Qiu Zhuo" has become a thing endowed with special sacred meaning among warrior groups.

He could have asked Shinsaku Takasugi for help, but instead chose to take revenge on Aoden alone - the one-armed samurai... Or it could be said that Takataka Toudo values ​​honor and wants to replace his fallen comrades with only the power of the rebel group.

Their desire for revenge is evident.

"...I understand." Qingdeng nodded, "I accept your request for revenge."

Qingdeng raised his chin toward the corridor, indicating a change of battlefield.

Todo Takataka nodded slightly, and then moved sideways with Qingden, stepping over the blood stains and corpses on the tatami, and moved to the corridor outside the room.

"Ju Qingden! Next... I will use the secret that I have worked hard for more than ten years to hone! If this move fails to defeat you... then I have lost!"

After shouting, Takataka Todo sheathed his sword, lowered his head and bowed his waist, leaned sideways and stretched out his left shoulder, placed his right palm lightly on the handle of the sword, and assumed an Iai stance.

When Qingdeng saw this, he thought: He must be planning to use his "one-arm sword drawing technique".

Todo Takataka's Iai Slash, which was executed with only one arm and was so powerful that Aoto could feel numbness in his arms, left a deep impression on Aoto.

Is it because it's rare to meet a master in the art of drawing swords, so I'm itching for skills?

Or is it because of some other reason?

Qingdeng couldn't figure out what was going on.

In short - after Qingden pursed his lips thoughtfully, he suddenly turned his right wrist, held it with a fancy and cool knife flower, and changed the holding of Ding Guishen in his palm from an upright grip to an inverted grip.

"Is it a secret... In that case, I can't neglect it."

Qingdeng sheathed the sword, lowered his head and bowed his waist, leaned sideways and stretched out his left shoulder, and placed his right palm lightly on the handle of the sword.

Seeing Aonto assume the same posture as himself, Takataka Toudo and Shinsaku Takasugi, who were watching the battle not far away, both showed expressions of astonishment.

However, in the blink of an eye, Todo Takataka regained his composure.

He gritted his teeth and concentrated all his strength on the toes of his front feet:

“No outflow”

"Todo Takataka!"

Qingdeng let out a breath:

"Natural Rishin flow"

"Tachibana Aoden!"

The tense atmosphere expanded to the limit in an instant!

At a certain moment——


The throats of the two swordsmen burst out with powerful sounds in succession! They rushed towards each other in no particular order! They hit each other hard!

Two fighting knives, slashing at each other at the same time!

The blade cut through the atmosphere, and the blade exploded with light!

The result - the blood spurted out from Toudo Takataka's body splashed all over Aonto's body.

Todo Takataka's body was cut in two and fell to the ground. Next to his right foot was his right arm flying out in the horizontal direction.

Qingdeng swung two swords in succession in an instant.

The first sword cut off Todo Takataka's right arm holding the sword from the lower left to the upper right.

The second sword slashed down from the right shoulder to the left side of the abdomen, cutting Todo Takataka's body diagonally in half.



The author is still very satisfied with the quality of today's chapter, especially the final confrontation between the middle gates.

The move starts in an instant and ends in an instant.

It’s unreasonable not to give me a monthly ticket! (Leopard Death.jpg)

Please give me monthly votes! Please vote for recommendations! (Leopard Head Cries.jpg)

Author Jun Kepu——

The rules of "Qiuzou" in the Edo period are roughly as follows:

1. You can only avenge your elders, not your juniors. For example, after a parent is killed, his descendants can avenge him, but a parent's avenge for his or her children or grandsons is usually not regarded as revenge.

Second, if you have an enmity and do not pursue it, if you are from the Wu family, you will not be able to inherit the family business in severe cases.

Third, you can ask for help from others, but you must definitely kill the opponent yourself. But if you ask outsiders to help you with your revenge, you will easily be looked down upon.

Fourth, retaliation is prohibited. That is to say, retaliation against those who succeed in revenge is not allowed.

Fifth, the honor of Qiu Zui must be affirmed. However, Qiu Zuo will still be punished, and the avenger will still have to pay with his life. But most of them will be allowed to commit suicide in the most honorable way in the eyes of people of that era: hara-kiri and pass away.

This chapter has been completed!
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