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Chapter 311 The Director-General’s Best Husband【6000】

 Okita Hikaru's eyes shine with a clear light that is reminiscent of the morning sun, as if he has the ability to capture people's hearts.

In fact, Qingdeng's "soul" was indeed taken away.

My eardrums suddenly felt numb.

Qingdeng: "..."

Okita Hikaru: "..."

Chief: "Huh...huh...huh"

Silence fell between Aoto and Okita Hikaru, and the breathing of Souji, who was sleeping soundly behind Okita Hikaru, sounded inexplicably distant.

It seems that all the sounds in this space are gradually drifting into the distance in the "present continuous tense".

A tense atmosphere instantly arose.

The person who created this atmosphere was, of course, Okita Hikaru, who had just made a violent comment.

After about five seconds, the surprise finally turned into sound.


Qingden tilted his head and let out a dumbfounded "ha".

No wonder Qingdeng reacted like this.

In Aoto's world view, Hikaru Okita is synonymous with "reason" and "intellectuality".

Never do anything unpleasant or disrespectful.

Never say anything weird and confusing.

But Okita Hikaru's words and deeds completely contradicted the image Aonto had in his mind.

A few seconds ago, he was thanking Qingdeng for helping carry the general secretary back to his room. A few seconds later, he said, "You and Xiao Si will get married."

There is no room for joking.

Hikari Okita exudes a serious aura.

Anyone who sees Okita's expression and aura exposed under the light will be sure that this woman is not joking.

She said what she just said in a solemn manner.

Okita Hikaru seemed to be amused by Qingto's dazed look, and the corners of his mouth curved up a little more.

"Ji Jun, this is not a good place to talk."

Okita Hikaru turned his head and glanced at the director behind him.

What a coincidence, when Okita Hikaru's eyes turned towards him... Probably he was having a good dream, Souji's lips opened a few times, and then he pulled the quilt on his body to the right side, and the thick cotton

Wrapped tightly around her body, a cute silkworm baby appeared in front of Aoto and Okita Hikaru.


Okita Hikaru raised his eyebrows, his eyelashes trembling slightly and unnoticeably.

She stared straight at Souji, who turned sideways with the back of his head exposed, and then looked away after a moment.

"Tachibana-kun, please come with me. Let's talk slowly in a place where we won't disturb anyone or be disturbed."

Without waiting for Aoto's response, Okita Hikaru stepped out of the chief's bedroom in three steps at a time.

Qingto's body seemed to be controlled by Okita Hikaru's voice, and he followed Okita Hikaru half a body away - he urgently wanted to know quickly, "As long as you and Xiaosi get married, I agree to let you

What does "Xiao Si continue to practice swordsmanship" mean?

Okita Hikaru and Aoto walked down to the first floor of the Imperial Guard Hall one after another, and walked to the paper sliding door connecting the corridor.

Okita Hikaru reached out and grabbed the doorknob. The moment he opened the door, the sound of wind and cold air spurted out.

It snowed lightly this evening.

Although the snow has stopped long ago, there are still traces of their presence on the ground.

The moonlight, as light as dust, penetrated the thin clouds and sprinkled on the silver-covered courtyard.

The "silver" of the moonlight, the "white" of the snow and the "black" of the shadows combine to create a hazy atmosphere, like a misty wilderness.

"Tangerine-kun, please sit down."

Okita Hikaru casually found a seat on the corridor, hung his feet tightly together outside the corridor, raised his wrists and made a "please" gesture to his side, signaling Qingto to come over and take a seat.

Aoto didn't use any polite manners. After politely saying "I'm sorry," he sat shoulder to shoulder with Okita Hikaru.

Sitting on the edge of the corridor, with the courtyard in front of me and the dojo where I have slept behind...it is full of gentle breeze.

If you add a plate of persimmons and 2 cups of green tea with standing tea stems, it will be more Japanese-style.

"That...Miss Guang."

Qingden cleared his throat.

"Can you explain to me carefully? How come you... suddenly became Okita-kun's matchmaker?"

"I am Xiao Si's eldest sister. I act as a matchmaker for Xiao Si and find a good family for him. Isn't it weird?"

Okita Hikaru smiled, his tone full of ridicule.

"Uh...that's not what I meant, I meant..."

Qingdeng paused and racked his brains to think about how to express himself more appropriately and efficiently.

"Okay, stop teasing me."

Okita Hikaru seemed to be tired from playing, and suppressed the smile on his face slightly.

"Ji Jun, as I just said - I have figured it out. As long as you can marry Xiao Si, then the big problem that caused conflicts between me and Xiao Si... is 'whether Xiao Si should be allowed to continue learning swordsmanship'

, it can be solved perfectly.”

"...Miss Guang, please forgive me. 'I will marry Okita-kun' and 'Can Okita-kun continue to learn swordsmanship'... Is there any necessary correlation between the two?"

"Of course there is a connection. Not only that, but it's very strong."

Okita Hikaru raised his head an inch and stared at the distant sky.

"Ji Jun, has Xiao Si ever told you why I am so opposed to her continuing to learn swordsmanship?"

Qingdeng nodded.

"Because you think it's useless for a woman to practice swordsmanship. Just having sharp swordsmanship can't guarantee you will have enough food and clothing in the future."

"Hahaha, it seems that Xiao Si really trusts you. He has no reservations about even such private matters."

After letting out a few teasing chuckles, Okita Hikaru changed into a serious tone.

"That's right, just as Xiao Si said to you. I think women's sword practice is useless except to strengthen their bodies and gain some self-protection capabilities."

Speaking of this, Okita Hikaru seemed to recall some sad past events, and the corners of his eyes drooped slightly.

"My family was unfortunate. My parents died young. In order to raise my two younger sisters, I had to take charge of the family early and shoulder the heavy responsibility of feeding the whole family by myself, running around to provide three meals a day for my younger sisters."

"Therefore, I know better than anyone else in the world how difficult it is for a lonely woman to survive in this world."

"Not to mention the good jobs with high incomes."

"Even if you want to carry wood and load sandbags at the construction site, there is basically no foreman willing to accept a woman who is born with poor physical strength."

"If you don't want to sell your body, then the only jobs a woman can do are serving plates and cleaning tables in izakayas, teahouses and other restaurants."

"The hardships of that time... I still remember it fresh even now."

"It wasn't until I got married to Rintaro and had a strong man in the family that my life finally became easier."

Okita Hikaru had an indifferent expression throughout the whole process, and there was no ripple of emotion on his cheeks. He seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him, but there was a deep topic hidden between the lines.

When his parents died, Okita Hikaru was only a teenager.

Just imagine: a girl who is not even twenty years old, raising two younger sisters by herself... This kind of thing is very difficult even in the information age of the 21st century, let alone the Edo period, which is still in the agricultural civilization?

Although Okita Hikaru told this past in a calm manner, anyone with a normal mind should be able to imagine that in order to support his sisters, Okita Hikaru must have made unimaginable efforts and endured countless hardships.

"Infatuated with swordsmanship... Such a life is really insecure."

Okita Hikaru's words did not stop.

"Ji Jun, you are a swordsman, so what I say next may make you unhappy..."

Okita Hikaru looked at Aoto to confirm. This action meant "Can I say this that may offend you?"

Qingdeng nodded without thinking and replied with his eyes: I don't mind, please speak.

After receiving Qingto's permission, Okita Hikaru no longer had any worries. She turned her gaze back to the front and cleared her throat:

"I think: Times have changed. Now is no longer the era of wielding swords and guns. The decline of swordsmanship and sword halls will only be a matter of time."

"Maybe 20 years from now, maybe 10 years from now, whether it's in the prosperous Edo, Osaka, or in a little-known backcountry, all the sword halls will be closed one after another due to the neglect... Even the Xuanbu Hall and the training hall.

, even big sword halls like the Little Chiba Sword Hall will not be spared."

"I was fortunate enough to witness the power of Western iron cannons and the majesty of black ships."

Black ship - the common name for steam battleships nowadays.

"The size of the black ship is unimaginable; the power of the naval gun is unbelievable."

"To be honest, compared to the size and strength of the black ship, the sword is like an embroidery needle that breaks easily."

"The shogunate began to introduce new Western weapons a few years ago, and modeled its navy and new army on Western systems."

"This shows that even the shogunate admits that swords have become outdated and outdated."

"I think... in the near future, no one will be able to support themselves solely by swordsmanship."

Qingto looked at Hikari Okita speechlessly.

"Speaking directly in front of me, a swordsman, that 'swordsmanship is no longer good'... Miss Guang, you are very brave."

When Qingdeng said this in a joking tone, Qingdeng slowly changed to a very serious expression and tone.

"Miss Guang, what you just said... just say it to me, but please don't say it to anyone else. Not everyone will be like me and won't be angry because of your criticism of Chen Jian."

Japan currently lacks everything except devilish samurai with extreme ideas.

Even if the saber on his waist is hit by someone, a life-and-death duel can break out.

I dare say that swords are out of date... and he will be beheaded to death on the street in minutes.

Therefore, Aoto is not joking, his attitude is very serious. What Okita Hikaru just said must not be spread casually to the outside world, otherwise some crazy warriors will definitely cause trouble.

"Well, don't worry, I know what you are doing. Mr. Ju, I know your character well, so I can confidently and boldly speak out these personal words that have been hidden deep in my heart for a long time."

Okita Hikaru showed Aoden a playful smile in the style of a general manager.

"All in all - in my eyes, serving dishes at a teahouse has a better future than practicing kendo."

"I have suffered enough of being helpless and suffering enough of being together at dawn and dusk, so I don't want my sisters to suffer like this."

"I hope that the General Secretary can live a stable and worry-free life without worrying about food and clothing - that's all."

"So... Mr. Tachibana, can you understand my good intentions in persuading Xiao Si to give up kendo?"

Qingdeng nodded silently and said sincerely:

"Yeah...that's understandable."

Whether he confessed how malicious the current world is towards women or stated that swordsmanship and the like have lagged behind the times, every word and sentence Okita Mitsukasa said, although explicit and harsh, was irrefutable without exception.


Japan in the mid-19th century cannot be measured by the values ​​of the 21st century.

A civilization that is still stuck in an agricultural society is destined to have a very narrow living space for women.

Not to mention that "swordsmanship and the like have fallen behind the times" - on this point, Aoto and Okita Hikaru hold the same view.

Aonto is not sure how the subsequent history of the Edo shogunate will develop.

But as his soul comes from the 21st century, he knows that it is certain that swords will be replaced by guns.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be obsessed with owning a gun of his own.

——You can actually see that swords have been eliminated by history and have become settled... Miss Guang is very prescient.

As a young woman living in the countryside, Okita Hikaru could have such a clear and thorough understanding of the current situation... This really surprised Qingto.

As far as Qingteng knows, let alone among the people, even in the official circles, many officials still naively believe that Western cannons and battleships are not scary at all, and that the so-called "samurai soul" alone is enough to defeat overseas

All barbarians.

Times have changed.

Now is an era of rising thermal weapons and an era of turbulent wars.

The Edo shogunate, the daimyo who are close to the shogunate headed by the Aizu clan, the daimyo who are at odds with the shogunate headed by the Choshu clan, the lofty ideals, the Kyoto court, the overseas powers, the careerists of all walks of life lurking under the water...all

The forces are ready to move.

The pungent smell of gunpowder spreads from the Matsumae Domain in the north to the Satsuma Domain in the south.

Generals like Qingdeng, who were in the army and had public meals, felt more keenly than anyone else that the storm was coming.

In such a current situation and in this world, it is indeed a very rational choice to prevent the General Secretary from continuing to learn swordsmanship and to engage in some stable jobs instead.

Seeing Qingden nodding in agreement, Okita Hikaru seemed very happy, and she showed a soft smile:

"Haha, it's good if you can understand. It's not worth the time I spent on it."

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly discovered a blind spot.

Okita Hikaru has just been emphasizing how tiring it would be for a helpless woman to live in the current world.

He also specifically named Okita Rintaro. He said that getting married to Okita Rintaro finally made life a little easier.

Combining all the known information and clues... Qingdeng held a certain degree of certainty and said unspeakable words.

"...Ms. Hikaru, you don't want me to be Okita-kun's pillar of support like Mr. Okita Rintaro did to you, right?"

Okita Hikaru raised his eyebrows in surprise for a moment, then immediately put his hands on his hands and smiled, as if he acknowledged everything Qingteng said.

"Hahaha, you are indeed Mr. Ju. You understand the meaning behind my words so quickly."

Qingdeng's entire body suddenly froze.

I don't know what to say now.

I don't know what expression to make now.

Ignoring Aoden who was petrified on the spot, Okita Hikaru went to work on his own and opened his red lips again.

"More than anyone else in the world, I sincerely pray that Xiao Si can always do what he likes to do and live his whole life happily."

"As the eldest sister who watched Xiao Si grow up, how could I not know that Xiao Si loves swordsmanship?"

"I'm not an evil ghost, and I don't have the bad habit of 'I feel happy when people are in pain'."

"Asking Xiao Si to give up her favorite swordsmanship... I feel very painful for this 'evil person'."

"Especially after I listened to your advice, Mr. Tachibana, and put aside all prejudices to look at Xiaosi, this 'pain' has become even more severe."

"Tachibana-kun, you should still remember, right? Three months ago, you suggested that I 'try to keep a good eye on Xiao Si'."

"Of course I remember." Qing Deng nodded.

"To be honest - at that time, I didn't understand what you meant by 'watching Xiao Si'. I felt that you were really unreasonable."

"I'm Xiao Si's sister. I started watching Xiao Si when she was a baby. Xiao Si grew up under my eyes. I haven't watched Xiao Si for as long as you have this year.

Qiang, an outsider who just joined the Imperial Guard Hall at the beginning of the year?"

"Not only did I fail to win over you, but I also received a scolding from you for no reason... I feel really bad."

Qingdeng smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to stroke the back of his neck.

"It's just that... somehow, I actually listened to your weird suggestion, and I followed it obediently afterwards."

"During my temporary stay at the Trial Guard Hall, I kept looking for various opportunities to observe Xiao Si...especially when Xiao Si went to the dojo to practice swordsmanship."

When Okita Hikaru said this, he pulled down the corners of his eyebrows as if in embarrassment, and then sighed with a look of helplessness. The eyebrow corners that were pulled down at the end were raised again, and the helpless look changed into a gentle smile - as if he had let go of his heart.


"Although I am very reluctant...but I have to admit: Mr. Ju, you are right."

"I know that kid likes swordsmanship very much - but it's only to this extent."

"How deep is her love for the sword? What sacrifices she is willing to make for the sword... I know nothing about all of this."

"Ji Jun, now that the matter is over, I am not afraid that you will laugh at me... Before receiving your training, I had never carefully watched Xiao Si's sword practice; I had never understood Xiao Si's specific feelings towards sword skills in detail."

"I think I understand Xiao Si very well, and I think that swordsmanship is just a common hobby for Xiao Si... It's really stupid."

"It wasn't until I listened to your words and tried to look at Xiao Si calmly that I realized belatedly that when Xiao Si held the bamboo sword, he could actually show such a... bright smile."

"That is a completely different expression of happiness than meeting a cute puppy or eating the Jinping Candy you like."

"I can still vividly remember the smile that Xiao Si showed after we worked together with you to defeat the Xuanwu Hall in the 'Red and White Battle'."

"That kid... really likes kendo and enjoys it."

Okita Hikaru looked straight at Aoto's face with a gaze filled with gratitude.

"Tangerine-kun, thank you."

"You made me realize my dereliction of duty."

"You made me realize what swordsmanship means to Xiao Si."

"Thank you very much."

When Okita Hikaru said this, he folded his hands on his legs and bowed deeply to Aoto in a side-sitting posture.

Okita Hikaru's sudden thank you made Qingden feel embarrassed.

Just when Qingdeng wanted to reply politely, "You're too serious"——


Okita Hikaru suddenly looked away from Qingto's face and changed the subject.

"Emotionally, I really want Xiao Si to continue to engage in the career I love; but intellectually, my original idea remains the same. The way forward in kendo is uncertain. If Xiao Si continues to practice kendo, I really

Don't worry."

"I want to strike a balance between the two."

"Then... I found this 'balance'."

Qingden felt the smile in his eyes.

Looking up, Hikaru Okita had a happy expression on his face.

That look, like that of an old mother sizing up her excellent son-in-law, returned to her eyes.

"In the final analysis, the most fundamental reason why I oppose Xiao Si's sword practice is that I am afraid that Xiao Si's future life will not be guaranteed."

"In this case, if Xiao Si has someone beside her who can always support her and protect her, wouldn't all these troubles and problems be put to an end?"

"And you, Mr. Ju, you are the most suitable person I have found so far, and you are also the most capable person to stand beside Xiao Si, bar none!"

"Tachibana-kun, let me tell you the truth."

"When I first met you, I felt that you were very attractive to me."

"Other than not having shaved off my head, which makes me look rather lethargic, I don't have any flaws in my appearance. I'm tall and handsome."

"Not only is he talented and has a bright future, he also has a great personality. He is kind to others and has good character. He also has a very good relationship with Xiao Si and they get along very well with each other."

"I have seen a lot of outstanding heroes and talents, but the more I look at you, the more I like you."

"Although it's vulgar to say this... but a marriage that is not based on 'money' is unreliable."

"I have seen too many families collapse due to poverty."

"If Xiao Si can marry you, then in the foreseeable future, I won't have to worry about whether Xiao Si can have enough food and clothing."

"Even if you put aside your looks, money and other mundane things... you still have a quality that makes me classify you as 'Xiao Si's best husband' without any hesitation."

"Trait?" Qingdeng couldn't help but asked in reply.

Okita Hikaru gave off an intriguing smile and deliberately stopped talking, not continuing.

For Qingdeng, every second is like a year.

It wasn't until Qingden's mood became anxious due to the torturous waiting for several years that Okita Hikaru finally slowly opened his lips and said quietly:

"Xiao Si is very fond of you... To put it simply, I like you very, very much."



Today is still a big victory for Ms. Okita~~

Please give me monthly votes! Please vote for recommendations! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

What I hate the most when writing is that the timeline of the novel has advanced to winter. Every female character is dressed so thickly, and even their feet are covered with stockings. It’s so difficult to develop a censorious plot!

If this book had a world view like "Persona", then after this chapter, Qingden would have reached the "Pope" social level. (Leopard Laughter.jpg)

In the author's setting, Okita Hikaru is the "Pope" community, and Souji is the "Sun" community.

Sanako is the "female pope" community, Tenzouin is the "queen" community, Kinoshita Mai is the "lovers" community, and Elodie is the "moon" community.

Leopard Leopard is so addicted to "Persona" that when designing characters now, he can't help but think, "Will this person be a member of the community?"

This chapter has been completed!
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