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Chapter 227 Qingdeng is in debt again, Qingdeng is burdened with a loan of 5,000 taels [4400]

Shujiro... Hearing this name, Aoto couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Although they have never met each other yet, there is a wonderful bond between Ayoto and Soujiro.

Everyone knows the name of the Nioh - Ayoto's achievement is due to Sojiro's contribution.

And it’s a big credit.

Soujiro created a fascinating story based on Aoto's story.

After the publication of this storybook, paper became expensive in Luoyang for a while.

People who like to follow the news and people who like to listen to and read books - between the two, there is no doubt that the latter make up the overwhelming majority.

Therefore, most people only know about the existence of such a famous figure as "Tachibana Aoden" through the storybook written by Soujiro.

Even the name "Nioh" was created by Shujiro.

It can be said that without Soujiro, Aoshito would not be as popular as he is today.

Goro Ugaki said that Soujiro's talent can be compared to that of Kotei Maqin... Qingneng has never read the novels of these two people, so he will not comment on this.

But he personally thinks that praising Soujiro so highly... is probably a fallacy.

Even people like Qingden who don’t know much about Japanese classical literature know that Quqin Mating is to Japan what Luo Guanzhong and Shi Naian are to China.

When you talk about the music, the music comes.

As soon as Goro Ugaki finished speaking, out of the corner of his eye, Qingto suddenly caught a glimpse of a set of books stacked at his feet. There was a line of conspicuous large characters printed on the cover: "The Legend of the Eight Dogs Seen by Nanzong Sato".

"Mr. Ugaki, have you read "The Legend of the Eight Dogs by Satomi Minami"?"

"How could a person like me, who loves novels as much as I do, not read "The Legend of the Eight Dogs" by Satomi Nan?"

Goro Ugaki replied in a half-joking tone.

"That's true."

Qingden smiled and agreed.

"The Legend of the Eight Dogs Seen by Nan Zongli" - the work of Qu Qin and Ma Ting, and it is also his most famous work.

When this book was published, it came out as a serial. It was first published in the 11th year of Bunka (1814), and it was not completed until recently...that is, the 13th year of Tianbao (1842).

This is a masterpiece that took 28 years to complete.

During the writing period, the author Quqin Mating even suffered from the misfortune of blindness, but he still completed the entire work by dictating the notes of others.

The book has a total of 98 volumes, 106 volumes, and a total of more than 3 million words. It is the longest masterpiece in the history of Japanese classical literature.

Compared with the grand occasion when "The Legend of the Eight Dogs of Nanso Satomi" was published, Soujiro's "Aishōden Storybook" was only mediocre.

It is said that when "The Legend of the Eight Dogs Seen in Nan Zongli" came out, it can be said that "the calligraphers worked hard at the door every day, and when it was completed, they carved each paper and each article. Tens of thousands of copies were sold immediately, and people from far and near were eager to see it."

Although this book was completed only 18 years ago, many literati have already rated "The Legend of the Eight Dogs" as a representative work of samurai literature, along with "The Tale of Genji", a representative work of public literature.

The reason why "The Legend of the Eight Dogs Nanso Satomi" has such a lofty status is that the writing style and plot aside, the subject matter itself is quite groundbreaking.

Princess Fuki, the daughter of Lord Satomi Yomi, was cursed and combined with a dog demon. After learning that she was pregnant with a beast's child, Fuki committed suicide in shame. At the moment of her suicide, the child she was carrying was...

The form of "qi" flew away, combined with the eight beads worn by Fu Ji, flew high into the air and scattered in all directions. The scattered beads were eventually reincarnated into human forms. They are the eight dog warriors, half human and half demon, who are the protagonists of the story.

The eight-dog warriors rely on their skills far beyond ordinary people to show off everywhere - the above is the outline of the story of "The Legend of the Eight-Dog Master Nanzong Satomi".

According to legend, later works such as "Inuyasha" and "Dragon Ball" were inspired by "The Legend of the Eight Dogs".

In this era when most novelists and playwrights are working tirelessly to produce literary garbage such as "samurai chivalry", "father-in-law picking up ashes", "men and women eloping", Qu Ting Ma Qin actually wrote a magnificent piece

A magnificent fantasy novel with rich elements.

The story theme of "The Legend of the Eight Dogs" is not outdated even in the 21st century, let alone the 19th century when people's literacy and knowledge are generally low?

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why "The Legend of the Eight Dogs" was able to cause such a big sensation after it was released.

At the same time, it is not difficult to understand why Seito felt that Goro Ugaki said that Soujiro's talent was comparable to that of Kottei Maqin, which was an absurd compliment.

"Little brother, do you like reading?"

Abruptly, Ugaki Goro suddenly turned his head and asked Qingto.

"I quite like reading."

Qingden replied.

"Oh? What books do you usually read?"

Ugaki Goro raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Mainly based on history books."

Although Qingdeng possesses some abnormal talents such as "God Brain + 9" and "Gathering God", he is still a human being after all, not a machine.

Since we are human beings, there will always be times when we are tired and want to rest.

Therefore, while working and practicing martial arts, Qingden would also find ways to relax his body and mind.

However, compared to modern times where a hundred flowers bloom, entertainment activities in the Edo period were extremely expensive.

Ayoto, who had been influenced by modern culture, really couldn't appreciate theatrical performances such as Kabuki and Joruri Puppetry, as well as the storytellers and novels of this era.

In Ayoto's eyes, novels about the Edo period are not as interesting as history books.

At least there will always be exaggerated stories in history books that even novelists would not dare to make up.

As a result, reading...especially reading history books has become Qingdeng's greatest pleasure and one of his most important ways to rest.

Of course, Qingdeng’s reading of history books was “reading” in the true sense.

He read history books as if they were novels.

He never thought about studying the contents of history books in detail, nor did he consider that "reading history can tell the rise and fall" - he simply read stories and passed the time.

"History book? Oh~~ I didn't expect that you are not only a skilled swordsman, but also a scholar full of knowledge."

After sighing with emotion in a strange tone that he didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sinister tone, Goro Ugaki walked straight to a corner of the room, and then sat down in a dignified manner.

"Okay, let's... let's talk about the topic. You said you wanted to talk to me about Tachibana Takayuki, right?"

Qingden nodded slightly.

Looking at Aoto who nodded, Ugaki Goro's facial lines slowly became solemn.

"In that case, please take off your hat and let me see who you really are."

Qingdeng's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this.

"Do you have to take off my hat before you can be honest with me?"

"Of course."

Ugaki Goro said without hesitation:

"If you are talking to me about novels, women, or all kinds of irrelevant things, then forget it."

"But when it comes to Tachibana Takayuki...I can't have such a casual attitude."

"No matter who you are, I don't want to talk about Tachibana Takayuki with a stranger who hides his face and doesn't even dare to show his face."

"If you want to talk to me about Tachibana Takayuki, take off your hat and reveal your true face."

"Otherwise, please go back home."

Ugaki Goro's tone was very firm and tough, leaving no room for maneuver.

Saunako and Souji both raised their eyes and stared at Aoto - just like Ugaki Goro, they were waiting for Aoto's reply.

Aoto did not keep Ugaki Goro, Sonako, and the General Secretary waiting for long.

After only a moment, he whispered:

"...I understand, I can take off my hat. However, please keep it a secret for me and don't tell any outsiders that I have been here."


Goro Ugaki grinned. He leaned out his upper body in the direction of Aoto and looked at Aoto with interest.

"Little brother, is it possible that you are still a well-known celebrity?"

Facing Ugaki Goro's rhetorical question, Aoto smiled and said nothing.

"Okay! I promise you! Even if you are Tokugawa Iemo, I will not tell anyone that you have been to my place!"

“I can’t thank you enough.”

Qingdeng thanked him in a low voice in a calm tone.

Then, under Goro Ugaki's keen gaze, Qingto raised his hand and took off the low-rimmed hat on his head.

Looking at Aonto's face under the bamboo hat, Ugaki Goro looked puzzled at first.

Immediately afterwards, "doubt" turned into "sudden realization".

Finally, he put on a dumbfounded and shocked face.

Just when Ugaki Goro was in shock, Qingden said seriously:

"As you can see, I am the captain of the Third Division, Tachibana Aoden. The 'Niou' who is currently wanted by the government... is also the only son of Tachibana Takayuki."


Ugaki Goro chewed Aonto's name gently in a babble-like tone.

Aomori stopped talking at the right time, leaving Goro Ugaki time to react and digest.

After a full three minutes passed, Ugaki Goro let out a deep breath, then laughed "hum hum" through his nostrils, leaned back, and leaned against the wall behind him.

"...Hmph, what day is it today? I didn't expect that my little sunroom would welcome a distinguished guest today."

"No wonder you were able to beat that boy Wei Qi to a pulp."

"If I could know that my opponent today is Niou, I think Wei Qi would be relieved."

"It's not a shame to be defeated by the invincible King Ni."

Speaking of this, Ugaki Goro changed to a more comfortable and comfortable sitting position.

"Okay, now that you have taken off your hat and revealed your true face, now it's my turn to show sincerity."

"Hey, hey, the other person is Longzhi's son... In this case, I can't make nonsense."

Aintō keenly noticed that after knowing his true identity, Ugaki Goro's name for Tachibana Takayuki changed.

From the stiff calling of full name to the intimate "Takahi".

In this regard, Aonto is convinced: Tachibana Takayuki and Ugaki Goro are indeed closely related!

"Tachibana Aoden, ask me a question - do you want to talk to me about Tachibana Takayuki...about your father? Ah, by the way, why are you guys hanging around all this time? Aren't you tired? Hurry up and find an open space.

Sit down."

After hearing what Goro Ugaki said, Aoto and others realized that they were still standing.

The three people quickly sat down directly opposite Ugaki Goro.

"Mr. Ugaki, as far as I know, you have a good relationship with my father, right?"


Goro Ugaki answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

"Can you tell me in detail how you and my father met?"

"How do we know each other? Well...well..."

Ugaki Goro pursed his lips, thinking.

While he was pondering, he raised his hand to rub his chin.

Suddenly, he chuckled "hehe" a few times, and a meaningful look appeared on his cheeks.

"To put it simply - I met Long Zhi and I through borrowing money."

"Borrow money?"

Qingdeng was startled.

"Why are you showing such a surprised expression? I am the owner of a private bank that specializes in loan business. I met Long Zhitong through lending money - isn't this incredible?"

Speaking of this, Ugaki Goro paused for a moment, sighed, and then changed into a deep and emotional tone:

"If you think about it carefully... the whole process of our acquaintance with Longzhi is indeed quite incredible. He borrowed 5,000 taels of gold from me in one breath, and then under various circumstances and confusion, I

I gradually became familiar with him without realizing it.”

Ugaki Goro's consciousness was immersed in memories.

However, Qingden was not listening at all.

To be more precise, all his attention was absorbed by the series of numbers.

"...5,000 taels of gold?"

Qingdeng asked tentatively in a cautious tone.

Ugaki Goro seemed to have expected such a reaction from Aoto. While observing the changes in Aoto's expression with interest, he said in a tone mixed with a bit of joking:

"Well, yes, you heard it right, it's not 5,000 copper coins, nor 5,000 taels of silver, but 5,000 taels of gold."

In an instant, Qingdeng's expression was dominated by strong shock.

Souji's reaction was even more exaggerated than Qingto's. Her red lips were so wide open that her chin almost dropped to the ground.

Even Miss Zuo Nazi, who comes from a wealthy family and has never known what "lack of money" means, couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard the number "5000".

5,000 taels of gold... Such an amount, just using the word "astronomical number" to describe it, seems too mild and inappropriate.

Whether it was a time of great disaster when the people were in dire straits and mourning was widespread, or a prosperous year when the people were prosperous and the harvest was plentiful, in short, during the Edo period, gold coins had far greater purchasing power than silver coins and copper coins.

Take the cultural and civil affairs period (1804-1830), which was a relatively stable social environment and was known as the "golden age" of the Edo shogunate, as an example.

During the Cultural and Civil Affairs Period, one tael of gold could buy 158 watermelons, or 1 stone and 2 buckets of rice, or 3 stones and 2 buckets of 6 liters of salt, or 188 sex pictures, or 750 trips to the bathroom.

If you add 1 tael of gold, that is, if you pay 2 taels of gold, you will have a chance to sleep with Yoshiwara's oiran - of course, it's just a chance.

From rich businessmen to high-ranking officials of the shogunate, there are many people who want to sleep with an oiran.

If you don't have certain financial resources, social status, and only have a few taels of gold in savings, you want to have a romantic relationship with an courtesan... To be honest, this is a complete fantasy.

Just one tael of gold has such terrifying purchasing power.

If you multiply this purchasing power by 5,000...such a huge financial resource is enough to arm an army!

"Mr. Ugaki, why did my father borrow such a huge amount of money?"

Qing Deng asked quickly and furiously.

"Well...if you want me to tell you in detail, it's not impossible. But..."

Goro Ugaki suddenly changed the subject. At the same time, he picked up two bamboo swords from nowhere.

"Tachibana Aoden, continue!"

Goro Ugaki kept one of the bamboo swords for himself, and threw the other bamboo sword to Aoto.

When Qingdeng saw this, his expression became strange uncontrollably.

This scene... seems familiar.

The moment Aoto took the bamboo sword thrown by Ugaki Goro, a strong wind struck Aoto from the front!

Goro Ugaki, who was sitting peacefully one second ago, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Aoto! The bamboo sword in his palm drew a graceful arc and hit Aoto's left shoulder!



Today's state is really not good... I started to catch up on sleep at 1 pm, slept until I got up at 4 pm, and have been writing until now, and I have barely written more than 4,000 words...

Seeing as everything happened for a reason today, please forgive Leopard Leopard's shortcomings today! (Leopard Leopard's head is crying)

This chapter has been completed!
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