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Chapter 229 Qingdeng: Quick! Hit me harder! Hit me harder! [Leopard update 8100]

After a long period of slashing, Aomori carefully moved his body to the right, intending to break Goro Ugaki's defense from the side.

However, Aoto's intention was seen through by Goro Ugaki.

He took advantage of the trick and deliberately took a half-step diagonally, exposing the side of his body, which was a flaw.

When Aoto launched his offensive, Ugaki Goro, who was already prepared, swung his sword to deflect Aoto's slash, then backhanded his sword and struck Aoto in the face.

While Aoto was surprised, Ugaki Goro's bamboo sword had already flown towards him.

Fortunately, the effectiveness of "Speed ​​+4" has never let Qingdeng down.

Sheath the sword and defend - the movements are done in one go.

However, although he managed to deflect Goro Ugaki's bamboo sword, his defense was too hasty, causing Aoden's body posture to become obviously disordered.

Ugaki Goro did not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the situation of the battle, and took advantage of the situation to deliver his second sword.

Ugaki Goro's second sword was also very fast, and the dark yellow sword blade went straight to Qingto's waist.

Qingden dodged and counterattacked, hitting the opponent's shoulder - his attack also failed.

Their sleeves intersected and they passed by each other.

When Qingdeng turned around, his field of vision was filled with colorful clothes flying high.

Goro Ugaki stepped forward and rushed forward. Also rushing forward was the bamboo sword in his hand.

Seeing this, Qingdeng used two upward moves without hesitation.

In the first move, two bamboo swords clashed with each other. Ugaki Goro's slash was deflected aside by Aomori.

The second move was a sudden attack on Ugaki Goro's flank, which was wide open due to the bamboo sword being held away.

Ayoto felt that there was no need to go out of his way to check on Goro Ugaki's injuries. He still had the feeling of the bamboo sword stabbing the opponent's body firmly in his hand.

Goro Ugaki's body hit Aotobu hard, and he fell upside down towards the tatami behind Aotomo.

However, just when his body was about to come into "close contact" with the tatami, he quickly used his waist strength, nimbly adjusted his body orientation in mid-air, completed a beautiful body position, and fell back to the ground steadily like a cat.

Counting the previous "crown chop", Ugaki Goro has been slashed twice by Aoto.

Although both sides use bamboo swords made of relatively soft materials, no matter how soft they are, they are still swords.

As long as you don't hit the back of the head, throat and other vital parts, you won't die - but even so, being hit by the bamboo sword will still hurt.

With just a little bit of force, no matter which part of the human body it hits, it can cause pain to the point where the facial features are distorted and the face is hideous.

As a result, Goro Ugaki, who had been struck twice in a row, was still alive and well, as if nothing had happened.

Not to mention "showing pain", the corners of his raised mouth never flattened.

Looking at Goro Ugaki, who seemed to be able to fight for 300 rounds, Aoto could not help but sigh in a low voice:

"You are really durable enough..."

"Hehe! 'Strong muscles and bones' is one of my most proud qualities!"

At this moment, Ugaki Goro was seen rushing towards Aoto again like a gust of wind.

This time, Ugaki Goro did not assume the weird posture that was neither the upper part nor the middle part. Instead, he raised his sword above his head, with the blade of the bamboo sword pointed directly at the ceiling - it was the upper part construction, and it was a very standard upper part construction.


Aoto assumed a Kasumdan stance to fight back. At the same time, he secretly praised Ugaki Goro's pace and waist for his amazing elasticity and explosive power.

This kind of momentum is enough to compare with the swordsmen of Satsuma Gegenryu!


Goro Ugaki roared.

At the same moment he released Qihe, power flowed rapidly through his body.

If someone has the ability to "see through the direction of power", then he will be able to see very clearly - the power flows from the two calves into Goro Ugaki's waist, and then is passed to both arms and the palms holding the sword.

Ugaki Goro slashed this power, and the bamboo sword wrapped in this power, straight at Aoden!

It was a frightening blow that seemed to split Aomori and the tatami beneath him in half.

With the blessing of talents such as "Bear's Waist +1" and "Elephant's Core +1", Qingden is never afraid of fighting with others.

Qingden took a deep breath, his energy drained from his dantian, and he struck out like lightning, blocking Ugaki Goro's blow.

The two of them were staggered, and the floor creaked.

——Strange... His strength and speed seem to have increased again...

Sooner or later, in the sudden change of body, he rushed to Ugaki Goro, who was four steps behind Aoden, jumped into the air, and rushed straight towards Aoto's body with the sword in his hand whistling.

Qingden didn't have time to think about it, so he could only suppress the thoughts in his mind for the time being, concentrate on it, and continue to devote all his attention to the fierce battle in front of him.





The two of them played four moves in a row.

Seizing the opportunity, Seito came towards Ugaki Goro, his movements were smooth and smooth.

He wiped the bamboo sword upwards diagonally and slashed at Ugaki Goro's wrist - it was the move of Beichen's Itto style!

Qingdeng had great confidence in his attack.

Unexpectedly, Goro Ugaki seemed to have seen through Aoto's intention, and took a step back as quickly as lightning, widening the distance between him and Aoto, and swung his sword to break Aoto's offensive.

The two men's positions exchanged again - during the exchange, the two swords clashed several times.

In the spacious bedroom, the sound of bamboo swords clashing could be heard one after another, but only the two swordsmen in the middle of the battle, as well as Zonazi and Souji, who were watching the battle from the side, could hear and ask.

Aoto raised his eyes and involuntarily cast a doubtful look at Goro Ugaki in front of him.

The "chopping" just now didn't work... This was really beyond Qingdeng's expectation.

Although Qingden has not systematically learned the sword skills of the Beichen Itto style, the talent of the "Saint of Swords" is really overbearing. In addition, because he frequently visits the Xiao Qianba Sword Hall, he often has conflicts with Zonazi and Qian.

Ye Chongtaro comes and goes, so there are quite a lot of opportunities to "steal masters", so Qingteng's attainments in Beichen's one-sword style are not weak at all.

He felt... no, he was sure - if it was Ugaki Goro at the beginning of the war, he would never be able to avoid the "chop hand" move he just made!

——It’s not my imagination... Goro Ugaki’s strength is indeed growing!

Thinking of this, a look of awe appeared on Qingdeng's cheeks.

People who get stronger the more they fight... This kind of character seems to only appear in novels and animations. He has never heard of it or seen it before.

As soon as he thought about this, Qingdeng suddenly remembered - no... no... someone who gets stronger the more he fights... he seems to have encountered him before.

The long face of the swordsman of the Choshu domain who called himself Takasugi Shinsaku flashed through Ayoto's mind.

However, to be precise, Takasugi Shinsaku does not get stronger the more he is beaten, but the more he is beaten, he gets stronger.


Goro Ugaki shouted loudly, and his right elbow holding the sword suddenly bounced out like a broken bowstring. When he raised his hand, he made a "break" sound, and the wind pressure caused by waving the bamboo sword ruffled Qingden's hair.

Aoto did not retreat but advanced, stepped forward, and passed under Ugaki Goro's sword.

Since the battle, Aoto has gradually figured out Ugaki Goro's swordsmanship routines.

In a word, Goro Ugaki's swordsmanship is quite typical of the "socialist school", which is also the so-called wild path.

Although this kind of swordsmanship moves that are independent of the system and outside of professional classes are often rough, their power should not be underestimated.

After all, this is a swordsmanship that was learned bit by bit in bloody battles and deadly battles where one's life was at stake.

Goro Ugaki, whose strength has increased a lot compared to before, is as powerful as a rainbow and majestic.






One after another, fierce shouts shook the air everywhere.

The two figures repeatedly passed each other at a dizzying speed.

The clear sound of bamboo swords striking each other resounded continuously.

Ugaki Goro's offensive gradually intensified, and vicious slashes came one after another, raining down on Aoto like a torrential rain.

At first glance, Qingden was suppressed and could only parry, but had no power to fight back - of course, this was just "at first glance".

In essence, this was all done intentionally by Qingdeng.

One burst of strength, then it will fade, and three times it will be exhausted - this is an allusion that everyone who has read some Chinese books will know.

Ugaki Goro's momentum is currently strong, and if he launches a counterattack rashly, he will easily suffer.

Therefore, Seito went on the defensive and defended unilaterally, consuming Ugaki Goro's strength and spirit little by little.

There are no human beings in this world who never make mistakes.

Even if you have abnormal talents such as "Gathering God", "God Brain +9" and so on, there will always be times when your mind wanders, becomes confused, and your brain short-circuits.

Just like now - maybe he was dazzled by the gradually improving situation, or maybe it was just an accidental mistake. In short, Ugaki Goro made a big mistake.

He originally pointed the tip of the sword diagonally at the middle of Qingden's eyebrows, then in one breath he raised the bamboo sword above his head.

Turning the middle section into the upper section - this is very risky in Japanese swordsmanship and requires extreme caution when using it.

The middle section is a very versatile stance that can be used both offensively and defensively, and has very few flaws.

In the process of turning the middle section to the upper section and raising the sword and arm, the elbow will inevitably be exposed to the opponent's eyes - this is a fatal flaw that will lead to disaster once the opponent grabs it.

The same goes for drawing a sword.

Even people who have never learned swordsmanship know that when reaching out to pull out the sword at the waist, the elbow of the hand that draws the sword will definitely be exposed in front of the opponent - this is absolutely true.

Many rookies fall into this trap. They think they have been careful, but in fact they don't even know that they have exposed a fatal flaw.

Without keeping a safe enough distance from the opponent, he rashly raised his hand to draw the knife, exposing the elbow holding the knife. The opponent took the opportunity to run a few steps, swung the knife, and cut off the elbow. The victory was decided - the defeat was due to the wrong timing of drawing the knife.

There are simply countless rookies.

Every formal swordsmanship dojo will educate its disciples: always pay attention to your elbows!

After all, Ugaki Goro is a veteran with superb skills and rich practical experience.

The speed at which he changed postures was extremely fast - but in the end, it was still not faster than "Eagle Eye +2" and "Speed ​​+4".

This fleeting flaw was clearly reflected in Qingdeng's eyes.

Aoto spotted the moment when Ugaki Goro raised his bamboo sword to the "upper section", he took a big step forward with his left foot, and swung the sword to hit the opponent's rising hand.

Looking at the bamboo sword running straight towards his hand, Ugaki Goro was startled at first, and then a flash of annoyance flashed in his eyes, knowing that he had made a mistake.

However, this only happened for a moment.

After a moment, the annoyance in Goro Ugaki's eyes turned into a strange smile.

I saw Goro Ugaki neither dodge nor guard, uncharacteristically stepping forward and launching a surprise attack on Aoto! Without any hesitation, he swung his sword and slashed Aoto's body!

Qingdeng couldn't help but shrink when he saw this.

His bamboo sword could only hit Ugaki Goro's hand.

But now, because Goro Ugaki rushed forward instantly, his bamboo sword became able to hit the opponent's chest.

Although he was able to bring greater damage to Ugaki Goro, Aomori was not happy at all.

Ugaki Goro's behavior of "biting" a piece of flesh from Qingnobo's body rather than suffering more serious injuries is both crazy and threatening!

Qingdeng's bamboo sword has been smashed out and cannot be taken back.

In such a posture, it is neither possible to hide nor to defend.

Qingdeng could only reluctantly twist his body to the right.



The sound of two bodies colliding sounded in no particular order.

Aoden's bamboo sword struck Ugaki Goro's right chest.

Goro Ugaki's bamboo sword cut Aoto's upper left arm.

If Qingdeng hadn't reacted quickly enough and twisted to the right in time, then his left arm would not have been cut, but his left shoulder.

However, even so, the burning sensation spread along the area where the sword hit him, to Qingdeng's entire left arm, and then throughout his body.

Qingden glanced down at his left arm and moved the five fingers of his left hand - the pain was painful, but ultimately it was just a flesh wound, no bones were injured, it was not in the way, and he could continue to fight.

On the other hand, Goro Ugaki, who was stabbed in the chest again, stabilized his body after shaking a few times, turned around, and faced Aomori again.

The rosy face without any trace of pain, the brows full of excitement, the corners of the mouth raised high, the bamboo sword tightly held... everything remains the same.

"...You are really durable."

Qingdeng's tone was half admiration and half helplessness.

Such strong muscles and bones... I'm afraid Nagakura Shinpachi, who has the strongest body in Ayoto's impression, can't compare.

"Hehe, it hurts..."

Goro Ugaki raised his hand to gently caress the area where he was hit by the knife.

Although he said "It hurts so much" in his mouth, his expression had nothing to do with "pain".

I don't know if it was Aoto's personal illusion, but he always felt that after saying "It hurts so much", the excitement on Ugaki Goro's face seemed to become more intense...

"No matter how hard I cut, I won't fall down. No matter how I cut, I can get up and fight again... It's because of this that I was nicknamed 'Rabid Dog' by those who hate me and hate me!"

As Ugaki Goro spoke, he once again put on that weird posture of "saying that the upper section is too short and that the middle section is too high."

"How? Can you still swing the sword?"

"Can you still swing a sword? Who are you talking about?"

Qingdeng sneered, wiped the floor with his toes, spread his feet, and picked up the rosy clouds.

"You should take care of yourself! I think you were a little shaken just now!"

"About this, you don't need to worry! If I could fall down so easily, I wouldn't be called a 'rabid dog'!"

Ugakigo laughed loudly.

"Nioh! Attack here! If you don't come over, I will attack you!"

The two figures rushed towards each other in no particular order.

The two bamboo swords slashed at each other at the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bamboo sword struck in the air.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The novels stacked on the floor were kicked over.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The tatami was stepped on and left countless long marks.

At this time, Qingdeng finally realized that his thinking was wrong.

Up until just now, he had always subconsciously followed the traditional rules of swordsmanship to compete with Ugaki Goro.

That is, on the premise of protecting yourself, you can win by hitting the opponent's vital point.

But the problem is that the current battle between him and Goro Ugaki is not a traditional swordsmanship test, but a war of attrition.

Whoever is unable to stand up first, and whoever is unable to fight again, will lose.

In this case, you have to change your thinking...

Anyway, just make sure you won't be beaten to the point where you lose your fighting ability.

What really needs to be pursued is to inflict maximum damage on the opponent.

As long as this goal can be achieved, it is completely possible to give up defense to a certain extent.

Just like Ugaki Goro just now... Even if he will be more seriously injured, he must fight back against Aoto...

With this thought in mind, Qingdeng let out a "ha" breath and made a decision in his heart.


At this moment, Ugaki Goro let out a harsh cry and lowered his waist significantly.

In the next breath, he suddenly stood upright, the strength accumulated in his waist exploded instantly, and he rushed towards Qingcheng like a giant.

Qingdeng stuck out his tongue, licked his dry lips, stood firm with his feet on the ground, slightly adjusted the direction of the sword tip, pointed diagonally at the middle of the opponent's eyebrows, and changed it to point diagonally at the flat blue eyes of the opponent's eyes. At the same time,

He tightened his shoulders, as if his whole body was hidden in the shadow of the bamboo sword in his hand.

Qingdeng's posture had a terrifying sense of oppression.

The two yelled and struggled together.

In addition to his durability, Ugaki Goro's strength, speed, and swordsmanship skills are not as good as Aoto's.

However, Goro Ugaki's strength has been improving.

His current state is incomparable to that before.

However, the person whose strength has been improving...now is not just Ugaki Goro.

——Sure enough...my feeling was not wrong!

Although the amplitude is very small, Qingdeng is sure - his strength has indeed improved!

Be it strength, speed, agility, or reflexes, all have been slightly improved.

At the beginning, Aoto was still confused: Ugaki Goro's level of strength should not be enough to inspire "lonely courage".

It wasn't until a moment later that Qingdeng suddenly remembered: In addition to being "lonely", he also had a talent that could temporarily improve physical functions!

It's a "berserker"!

The tolerance to pain and blood loss is greatly improved. The more pain you feel, the more you can unleash the power hidden in your body. However, when the damage exceeds the physiological limit of the body, this effect is invalid - the above is the "berserker"

"The talent effect.

Ever since he copied "Berserker" from Takasugi Shinsaku, Aomori has never had the chance to use this talent.

Over time, Qingdeng even forgot its existence.

Just then, Aoto's left arm was cut by Ugaki Goro's bamboo sword, and the pain still remains in Aoto's body.

Thinking about it, it must have been this pain that inspired the "berserker".

Just as the rabbit was rising and the falcon was falling, Ugaki Goro suddenly started to move.

He was seen leaping up, and the bamboo sword in his hand went straight to Qingdeng's left shoulder with the force of Mount Tai.

Ugaki Goro's attack was not very swift.

If Qingden wanted to dodge, he could easily avoid it.

However... Qingdeng actually didn't dodge or dodge! He suddenly stepped forward and ran forward to meet him! The distance between the two people shortened instantly.

This time it was Ugaki Goro who shrank slightly.

As if they were sucked together, their figures overlapped.

Qingdeng spread his elbows and the bamboo sword made a loud sound——



The two of them were so strong that they passed each other.

At the moment when the sleeves met, Ugaki Goro's bamboo sword was like a flexible leather whip with barbs, hitting Qingnobo's left shoulder accurately and hard.

Qingdeng felt as if he had been bitten by a tiger. His whole left shoulder was hot, spicy and painful.

However, at the same time, Aoden's bamboo sword was thrust upwards, and the blade of the bamboo sword was pulled from Ugaki Goro's collarbone to his flank in one breath.

Judging from the results... Ugaki Goro's injuries were much more serious than Aoto's.


Ugaki Goro, whose body was extremely resistant to beatings and whose spirit was extremely strong, could not help but let out a low cry of pain at this time.

As if they had agreed in advance, the two of them turned around at the same time and looked straight at each other.

"Nioh, you..."

Surprise, hesitation, and joy, three completely different emotions, appeared on Ugaki Goro's face.

Eventually, these emotions blend into surprise.

"Nioh, have you finally given up on that reserved style of play?"

"I want to end this fight as soon as possible."

Qing Deng Dan Dan Road.

"If we don't take some radical measures, I really don't know if I will fight you until the end of the year."

Abandoning defense and attacking crazily - this is Qingdeng's new idea and new way of playing.

As long as it's not a very threatening move, just fight Ugaki Goro's bamboo sword in exchange for a chance to seriously injure the opponent!

With "Berserker", "Steel Bone", "Shenjiao" that enhances the toughness of internal organs, and "Physical Softness" that enhances the toughness and elasticity of skin, Qingdeng is not afraid of "exchanging blood" with others!

"Hehe, it's just what I want!"

Goro Ugaki shouted.

In an instant, there were two sounds of bamboo swords clashing in succession.

Goro Ugaki's left wrist was hit, causing the skin to swell slightly, but he also left a large red mark visible to the naked eye on Ayoto's left collarbone.

Then the two of them jumped away, and then fought against each other again.

This time, Aoden's sword was a little faster and hit Goro Ugaki's left thigh.

Ugaki Goro staggered backwards, but quickly regained his composure.

Aoto's bamboo sword stabbed Ugaki Goro's waist and abdomen.

Ugaki Goro's bamboo sword struck Aonto's arm.

The rivalry between Aoto and Goro Ugaki...has changed.

Ignoring dodge and defense, keep attacking... This style of fighting is more like two beasts biting each other than a duel between swordsmen!

If you make a move, I will follow suit.

If you strike me with one sword, I will return two swords to you.

Attacks are carried out alternately.

Sometimes he cuts horizontally, sometimes he cuts vertically.

Going left and right, the shadow of the sword swayed.

The place where the two men fought also kept changing.

From the east side of the bedroom to the north side of the bedroom.

Then it hit from the north to the west.

The books that were originally neatly stacked on the tatami were now completely messed up.

The tatami was covered with scattered books, and there was no place to set foot in the entire bedroom.

In the long fight, both sides suffered many injuries.

In terms of the number and severity of injuries, there is no doubt that Goro Ugaki suffered the most.

But he is just like a zombie, no matter how Qingdeng beats or chops him, he will never fall.

When the battle reached this point, no matter how stupid Aoto was, he discovered that every time Ugaki Goro was injured, his strength would increase a little - and the same was true for Aoto.

Every time Goro Ugaki is attacked and every time he is injured, the "Berserker"'s strength bonus will be increased by one point!

The amplification effect of "Berserker" is not inferior to that of "Gu Gu"!

This feeling of continuous improvement in body functions and martial arts strength... is really addictive!

It's weird. At this moment, Qingdeng, who was immersed in the feeling that "he is getting stronger", couldn't help but have this thought in his heart: Quick! Hit me harder! Hit me harder!

The changes in expression brought about by such thoughts automatically appeared on Qingdeng's face.

The corners of Aoto's mouth were also open and upward like Ugaki Goro's.

Both sides are swinging their swords...

Both sides are launching fierce offensives...

Both are laughing...

Such a picture, such a scene, is indescribably weird and terrifying...

Both Ayoto and Ugaki Goro have the characteristic of getting stronger the more they are beaten. You can imagine what kind of results this will lead to - their fights are getting more and more intense and brutal.

It's like wild beasts fighting each other.


The two bamboo swords collided in mid-air countless times.

As if being bounced away, Aoto and Ugaki Goro both strode backwards.

Whether it's Aoto or Ugaki Goro, they are all sweating profusely now.

The warm winter sun that leaked into the house through the window had disappeared without a trace at this time - from the slanting sunlight on both sides, until the sun rose to the top of the sky.

Even in the dim light, you can clearly see the sweat dripping from Goro Ugaki's face to the ground, like a trickle of sweat flowing along his arms from inside the sleeves to his wrists.

Steaming steam floated out of its head, like a steam engine.

Although Ugaki Goro's lips tried his best to cooperate with his breathing calmly, in fact, the inside of his body was as hot as a blazing furnace.

When it comes to physical exertion, Aoto and Goro Ugaki are in the same league.

However, Qingdeng is a bastard!

"Physical Strength +1", "Strengthening Muscles +1", "Strengthening Essence +1", "Iron Lung +2"... Qingdeng's talents for increasing physical strength and durability are simply not too many.

Therefore, Aoto's physical condition is much better than Goro Ugaki's.

"Sure enough... it's the best to cut each other with bamboo swords! Even if you get hit hundreds or ten times, you can still keep fighting!"

Even though he was out of breath, Goro Ugaki's voice was still loud and powerful.

Qingdeng smiled and said nothing.

Although on the surface, Goro Ugaki still has plenty of energy, everyone at the scene, including Sonako and Souji who were watching the battle, knew in their hearts that the outcome was about to be decided!

Qingdeng is still able to do it with ease.

On the other hand, Goro Ugaki...his physical ability has obviously reached its limit.

Although he knew that he would be defeated, there was no trace of depression or annoyance on Ugaki Goro's face.

While adjusting his breath, he moved his steps and circled Qingden.

His body is already very tired. If he stays still, the blood and fatigue will stagnate in his legs, causing his movements to become stiff.

Use circles to keep your legs and feet flexible and find a suitable attack angle.

Aoto took up his stance and stared at Goro Ugaki calmly, letting him circle around him.

Aoto's defense was as solid as gold, not to mention how Ugaki Goro moved, circled, and looked for opportunities to attack with his eyes open, there was no flaw in Aoto's body.

Maybe he's getting impatient... Come to think of it, Goro Ugaki doesn't seem like the kind of patient person.

He let out a long breath and then approached Qingdeng with his blade.

In an instant, Goro Ugaki made a "yeah" sound, jumped up in one breath without a run-up, leaped towards Aomori, and immediately brought down the bamboo sword that was held high above his head with the help of gravity.

At the moment when his body was hanging in the air, Aoden waved his sword like a wheel——


Ugaki Goro's body was hit hard and he fell down on the tatami covered with books.

"Uh...! Uh...!"

Goro Ugaki, who fell face down on the ground, struggled to get up with his hands on the ground.

However... Qingden's sword just now was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Goro Ugaki squeezed out the last bit of energy left in his body, raised his upper body with all his strength, and met Aonto's eyes.

"It's such a pleasure..."

After saying that, Goro Ugaki smiled as innocently as a child.

The next breath—boom!

Ugaki Goro's hands loosened, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground, his eyes closed tightly, and he lost consciousness.

[Ding! Talent scanned]

[Successfully copied talent: "Berserker +3"]

[Talent introduction: The tolerance to pain and blood loss is greatly improved. The more pain you feel, the more you can unleash the power hidden in your body. However, when the damage suffered exceeds the physiological limit of the body, this effect is invalid]

[Ding! It has been detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

[Ding! Start talent fusion]

[Ding! "Berserker" and "Berserker +3" begin to merge]

[Please wait a moment, host...Please wait a moment, host...]

[Ding! Talent fusion successful]

["Berserker" ability upgrade——[Berserker +4"]

[Introduction to the "Berserker +4" talent: the talent effect is enhanced on the original basis. "+9" is the highest level]

Qingden, who had no time to listen to the system sound that suddenly sounded in his mind, relieved his heart and put down the bamboo sword in his hand, while letting out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the director-general's complaint suddenly came from behind him.

"Ji Jun... what are you doing? You've knocked someone unconscious, how can you ask them questions?"

As soon as the General Secretary said this, Qingdeng froze on the spot...

"Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Don't sleep! Wake up!"

Qingden threw away the bamboo sword in his hand, stepped forward, lifted Ugaki Goro's shoulders, and shook them vigorously.



Keep everyone waiting!

Do you know why today’s update is so late? Because I want a Leopard update! (Leopard’s arrogance)

Today is a solid 8,000-word chapter! Not mixed with any water! This chapter is the compensation for the "monthly ticket plus update" agreed at the beginning of last month. Seeing how awesome Baobaozi is today, asking for a monthly ticket is not too much.


Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation vote! (Crying Leopard Head)

This chapter has been completed!
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