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Chapter 547: Bowing to the sword! The Shinsengumi exchanges bullets for guns! 4300


At this time, Souji, like a crab, quietly moved to Qingteng's side and held his shoulders.

"General Secretary..."

Qingden turned his head and met the caring eyes of his superior.

Amidst the recurring pain in his stomach, the director's gaze was so dazzling and warm.

——Ah...Xiao Si is indeed my little cotton-padded jacket...

Just when Qing Deng had this thought in his mind——

"Why are you standing there? Apologize quickly."

The general manager quickly put away the caring look in his eyes, straightened his face, and said this with a serious face.

"Eh? Apologize? Me?"

"Of course, didn't you make Miss Sanako and Miss Kinoshita unhappy? Since it was your mistake, of course you have to take the initiative to apologize."

Qingdeng couldn't help but feel bitter when he heard this.

He is not a self-willed person. If he really made a mistake, he would definitely have the courage to admit it and actively apologize.

But the problem is: he doesn't even know what he did wrong.

——Is it because I hurt Ah Wu’s vagina last time, so Ah Wu came to settle accounts with me? But that’s not right, how long ago did this happen?

——As for Sanako... I don't seem to have offended Sanako recently... Could it be because the fact that I have always been intimate with A Wu has been exposed recently...

Looking at Qingdeng who was deep in self-reflection, the expressions of the two women turned cold again.

Sanako, Kinoshita Mai: "...Tachibana-kun/Aoden, I always feel like you have a lot of secrets?"

The two people who usually don't deal with each other have a surprisingly tacit understanding today. Not only their actions, but also the timing and content of their words are all so consistent.

A strong sense of crisis was like the dark clouds before a storm, overwhelming Qingdeng's mind.

"That's absolutely not the case!"

At the moment of lightning, just like a conditioned reflex, he instantly changed into a sincere but firm tone.

A must-have for scumbags...ah, no, correction, these are the two talents necessary to keep the relationship between lovers stable - "Emperor's Art" and "Trickster +1", which can be activated instantly!

"I never have any secrets in front of you! I'm just thinking about what I did wrong!"

I have to say that the talent effects of "Emperor's Art" and "Trickster +1" are really amazing.

Looking at Qingdeng's sincere expression and listening to Qingdeng's sincere tone, the expressions of the two women softened a little - of course, just "a little".

Sanako, Mai Kinoshita: "Then can you explain why you suddenly called me and Miss Kinoshita/Miss Chiba?"

Pacha, pacao, pacao...

The two women walked at a leisurely pace, with expressionless faces, and slowly approached Qingdeng one to the left and the other to the right.

Just when their figures were like a mountain pressing on Qingdeng's shoulders... the rescuers arrived.

Maybe it was the noisy noise outside that came into the house, so Isamu Kondo turned back to the entrance with a confused look on his face.

"Huh? Tachibana-kun, you're back. Huh? What's going on? Why are Miss Sanako and Miss Kinoshita here?"

At this moment, Qingdeng seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and asked urgently:

"Brother Kondo, you came just in time! Are all the brothers at the trial gym?"

The brothers Aoto refers to naturally refer to the nine people who accompany him day and night - Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo, Okita Souji, Shannan Keisuke, Inoue Genzaburo, Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi, Toudo Heisuke,

Sanosuke Harada.

They are Qingdeng's close friends, good brothers, and his loyal confidants.

"Well, everyone is here, what's wrong?"

"That's good, could you please help me gather everyone?"

After a while——

Aoto's brothers, headed by Isamu Kondo, plus Souji, Mai Kinoshita and Sanako, gathered at the dojo of the Imperial Guard Hall.

They formed a fan shape, and sitting in the center of the fan shape was naturally Qingdeng.

"Mr. Tachibana, what are you doing? Even Miss Chiba and Miss Kinoshita are here, why did you suddenly call us all here? Is there something important you need to tell us?"

Harada Sanosuke asked while looking around.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to give you something."

As he spoke, Qingteng untied the cloth bag on his back, placed it on the tatami in front of his knees with a clang, pulled off the knot, and revealed the contents inside.

Everyone leaned forward curiously, and then their expressions were dominated by strong shock.

"What are these?"

Kondo Isamu's eyes widened in surprise.

8 katana, 1 naginata, 1 spear, 1 wakizashi - they lie quietly in front of everyone, stealing everyone's attention.

Hijikata Toisho stared at one of the swords with straight eyes.

"Is this...Izumi Mamoru Kanesada?"

Qing Deng nodded:

"That's right, it's Izumi Mamoru Kanesada! Although he is only the eleventh generation Izumi Mamoru Kanesada, he can cut iron as well as clay!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the Izumi Mori Kanesada with both hands, then turned around and handed it to Hijikata Toshizo.

"Hijikata-kun, from now on, this Izumi Shou Kanesada is yours!"

The other party was startled:

"Orange, what are you doing?"

"Huh? There are 8 katana, 1 naginata, 1 spear, and 1 wakizashi here - isn't it obvious what I want?"

As soon as this statement came out, the suspicion of "No way?" that had been lingering in everyone's minds finally turned into certainty.

"Mr. Orange, what are you..."

Sanosuke Harada swallowed hard.

"Are you going to give us these weapons?"

Qingden nodded.

"Today, you are no longer unknown people who no one pays attention to, but important cadres of the Shinsengumi."

"In this case, you naturally need sophisticated weapons that are worthy of your new status and can also be used in the fierce battles to come!"

"Just think of these weapons as my promotion gifts to you."

After listening to Qingdeng's words, everyone's eyes returned to the weapons in front of them.

There is no need for professional appreciation anymore... just by looking at the exquisite swords and gorgeous decorations, you can easily tell: these weapons are by no means cheap mass merchandise!

The chief murmured:

"They don't look cheap... Mr. Ju, you must have spent a lot of money to buy these weapons, right?"

Qingden Wan'er:

"As for money, you don't have to worry about it. I have channels to buy knives."

"Rintaro once worked for the Military Academy, and he is also Mr. Otani's nephew, so he has connections in this area and knows many swordsmiths and dealers."

"Through his relationship, I was able to buy knives at a lower price than the market price."

"With my current financial resources, it is more than enough to purchase these weapons."

With the blessing of the talent "Emperor's Art" and "Trickster +1", no one could find any clues in Qingdeng's expression or words.

In fact, Qingdeng's words can be said to be half truth and half false.

Thanks to Rintaro Katsu's help, the money he spent on purchasing weapons was indeed lower than the market price.

But if it's more than enough... then it's not really.

In order to buy all these weapons, Qingdeng spent a total of 3,000 taels of personal money, leaving not a cent left.

How much money is this?

Let's put it this way - generally speaking, as long as you spend 2 taels of gold, you can spend a spring night with Yoshiwara's highest-level wandering girl, that is, with the oiran.

3,000 taels of gold...enough for you to sleep the oiran until you feel like vomiting just from the smell of you.

From Tong Xin who returned to the town of Beifan, to the captain of the third division of Huo Fu thieves, a side officer and the servant of the imperial government, and now the governor of Gyeonggi Town... Along the way, Qingteng has never accepted the favor of others.


All the official positions he had held were the kind of "extra income" that as long as he was willing and raised his finger, he could easily receive ten times or even dozens of times the original salary.

However, Qingdeng's simple sense of justice did not allow him to do evil.

All his money is his legitimate income.

No matter how developed the commodity economy was in the Edo period, there was nothing to spend a lot of money on.

The only place where you can spend a lot of money... I'm afraid the only place is Yoshiwara - does Aomori dare to go to Yoshiwara?

If Qingden dares to go to Yoshiwara, he will be doomed!

His ambition of "sleeping with the big quilt" is still like a castle made of sand, which will collapse if he fails.

Except for the chief director, the other two are still the same, unable to accept the strange family of "one husband and three head wives".

Under such circumstances, if Aoden dares to go to Yoshiwara...

Souji, who has a gentle personality, and Mai Kinoshita, who has a soft ear, may have a chance to save their lives if they can be persuaded.

But Sanako, who has a strong personality, will definitely break off the relationship with Qingneng on the spot! She will never have any contact with Qingneng for the rest of her life!

Sanako definitely has such courage and decisiveness.

In order not to lose Sanako, Qingto would obediently walk around the high walls of Yoshihara whenever he saw them.

However, he did keep in touch with Gua Shengxiu, an old lady he met when he was tracing Huandu Lake. The two of them often exchanged letters.

I never go to the gold-selling caves represented by Yoshihara, nor do I buy luxury goods.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation don't cost much money - especially "accommodation". Qingdeng has been living in the imperial examination hall and doesn't even have to pay rent.

With a family fortune and salary of several thousand dan, a huge reward for severely injuring the barbarian group and pacifying the Qingshui clan, and a simple life, Qingdeng accumulated wealth in these three years that was worth nothing to a wealthy businessman.

However, for ordinary people, the wealth is quite considerable, about 3,500 taels of gold.

After purchasing weapons for the General Secretary and others, Qingteng's savings were directly reduced by more than half. Such a large loss cannot be called "more than enough."

However, the money was not wasted.

The weapons he bought are all good guns and swords worth the money!

At this time, Toudo Heisuke, who was the youngest and respected Aoden the most, shivered and whispered:

"Mr. Orange, how dare we accept such an expensive gift...?"

When Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but put on an angry tone and said quickly, pretending to be annoyed:

"We have already bought everything. If you don't accept it, will it be stored in the warehouse and gather dust?"

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you.

If it's a bargain that's not worth mentioning, then that's it.

But this kind of valuable item, with an average price of hundreds of taels of gold, finally made everyone hesitate.

Just when the scene was at a stalemate...that girl was indeed Qingdeng's "little cotton-padded jacket", she was always so worry-free.

There was only a "pop" sound - the general manager clapped his hands vigorously, attracting everyone's attention:

"Ji Jun is right! These weapons were specially prepared by him for us."

"Who are we?"

"We are Tachibana-kun's best friends, brothers, right?"

"Since we are partners who treat each other sincerely, there is no need to be so humble. It will make you look unfamiliar!"

"It would be rude of us if we don't accept Mr. Tachibana's kindness with peace of mind."

As soon as the General Secretary finished speaking, everyone looked at each other again - this time, they were no longer at a loss.


Hijikata Toshizo pursed his lips and remained silent.

After a moment, he stretched out his hands and took the Izumi Mamoru Kanesada from Aomori.

Looking at the tea scabbard in the palm of his hand, his eyes flashed brightly.

It can be seen that he likes this knife very much.

"...Tachibana, thank you."

After saying that, Hijikata Tosei bent down and bowed solemnly to Aoden.

"You're welcome."

Qingdeng returned the favor with a smile.

With Hijikata Toshizo taking the lead, the others completely let go of their reserve.

"Okay, everyone line up! I'm going to distribute the weapons to your hands one by one!"

Among everyone, only Harada Sanosuke, Sanako and Kinoshita Mai are good at using special weapons.

One of them is a spear wielder, another is a naginata wielder, and the third is a fist dancer.

Therefore, the spear, the naginata, and the wakizashi in the cloth bag were tailor-made for the three of them.

The spear is named "Narukan".

It is a sickle gun with sickle blades on both sides of the gun head. One side is long and the other is short. The total length is 2.3 meters.

The so-called "naraku" is transliterated from the Sanskrit "naraka" in the Buddhist scriptures. The Buddhist scriptures describe the endless hell that can never be liberated.

Pierce Naraku - just by hearing the name, you can feel the extraordinary nature of this spear.

The name of the naginata is "Moon in the Pond".

It's a beautiful name, and its shape is worthy of such a beautiful name.

2 meters in length, light blue handle.

To prevent slipping, the handle is painted light white.

The long, slender blade that was like a willow leaf and shone with cold light silently announced to the outside world that it was not a flashy thing!

The name of the wakizashi is "Echizen Yasatsuki".

Mai Kinoshita does not know how to swordsmanship, she is a female ninja who specializes in bodywork and unarmed combat.

Therefore, instead of giving her a knife, it is better to give her a wakizashi that is small in size, can be used for self-defense, and does not affect her movement when worn on the body.

As for the remaining 8 swords, they were delivered to the swordsmen headed by Souji.

Although they come from different factions, they are all excellent knives.

Kondo Isamu - Noshu Sekikane.

Hijikata No. 3 - Izumi Mori Kanesada.

Shannan Jingzhu——Yunzhou Zhujiazhen.

Nagakura Shinpachi - Banshu resident Yamaji Shige.

Saito Ichi——Photographed by Ikeda Kijinmaru Kunishige.

Genzaburo Inoue——Kanejo, a resident of Shirakawa, Oshu.

Toudo Heisuke——Kami Sosuke Kaneshige.

The person standing at the end of the queue is the general manager.

Qingden held up the last knife in the cloth bag with both hands.

This is a very beautiful looking knife.

The blade is two feet four inches long (approximately 72cm). The handle, tandem and scabbard are all as white as moonlight. The scabbard has patterns of peony, arabesque and phoenix.

"This is a famous sword forged by the Sixth Generation Kaga Kiyomitsu. Souji, you must treat this sword well."

The director-general opened his eyes wide, his eyes sparkling, and he murmured involuntarily:

"Kaga Kiyomitsu..."



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Except for Sanako's "Ikezakatsuki" and Harada Sanosuke's "Narukan" which are original works by the author, the weapons of the others in this chapter are all historical facts.

In history, there was a swordsmith named "Genryusai Shunaga" who specialized in repairing swords for the Shinsengumi. The swordsmanship notes he left behind detailedly recorded the swords of each member of the Shinsengumi. According to records,

Every time the Shinsengumi fought a tough battle, their swords had to be overhauled.


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