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Chapter 6 In short, let's go to the sword hall to learn swords!

"Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

Aoto suddenly slapped himself in the face, which startled Jiubei.

"...No..." After rubbing his cheek vigorously, Qingto turned around and walked back to the living room, "Kyuubei, is there any water? I want to drink a glass of water."


"Is there any water?! I want a drink of water!"

"Oh..." Kyubei, who was a little deaf, nodded after finally hearing what Qingto said clearly, "There is some, I will bring it to you right away."

Qingdeng walked back to the living room and sat cross-legged casually in a corner of the hall.

At this time, Japan still did not have the habit of sitting on chairs or sleeping on beds.

Sit, just sit on the floor.

To sleep, just spread the bedding on the ground, and then sleep on the ground like that.

As soon as Aitobo's butt hit the floor, Kubei quickly brought the water over.

After taking the glass of water from Kyubei and drinking it in one gulp, Aoto let out a long sigh.

Then very abruptly he started to take off his clothes.

"Young Master?" the dumbfounded Jiubei stammered, "What are you doing?"

Ayoto ignored Kyuubei.

After taking off his upper body clothes, Qing Deng placed his hands on the ground in a face-down position and performed a very classic fitness move in his previous life.

"Young Master, what on earth are you doing?"

"I'm doing push-ups. This is... a method of effective physical exercise that a friend of mine recommended to me today. Okay, stop talking, I need to concentrate now."

The fitness exercise Qingden is doing now is push-ups.

This was Qingden's habit in his previous life.

In his previous life, Qingdeng, who was obsessed with fitness, had a very strange habit, that is, he liked to do push-ups when he was thinking about problems or when he wanted to calm down.

When your thoughts are confused, as long as you do push-ups, your brain will gradually become brighter and your thoughts will gradually become clearer.

When you feel nervous, panic or other negative emotions, as long as you do push-ups, your emotions will gradually return to calm.

So in his previous life, when Qingden was bragging and kicking his friends, his favorite saying was: If he was allowed to do push-ups and answer questions at the same time in the college entrance examination, it would be a little difficult to get a score of 750, but there would still be no problem getting a score of 700 or above.


Although Kyuubei was puzzled as to why his young master was doing such push-ups inexplicably, because Aitobo had just ordered him not to speak, Kyuubei could only suppress his doubts and silently held Aitobo's hand just now.

Drink the empty glass of water and return to the kitchen.

After doing 5 push-ups in a row, Qingden gradually felt that his mood had regained his composure, and his thinking gradually became more agile.

——Find a way! I have to think of a way quickly! Otherwise I might die on the roadside tomorrow!

Being targeted by the "Radical Expos" and Yakuza at the same time - such a hellish start made Qingden feel like his heart was skipping a beat just by imagining the scene.

In the memory of "Original Tachibana Aoden", there is a lot of information related to the "Qingshui Clan".

Due to the imperfection of the legal system, the imperfections of the judiciary, and the security forces, the Yakuza of this era are much more dangerous and lawless than the modern gangs of previous generations.

The powerful Yakuza group like the "Shimizu Clan" has a very professional and complete set of strategies for dealing with people who can't pay their debts.

First, use every possible means to squeeze every penny out of the creditor's family.

The first ones to be targeted are naturally everything in the creditor's home that can be sold for money.

In the process of forcing the creditor to give up all his money, they will send many cavalcades to harass the creditor until they are in a state of panic, thereby ensuring that they successfully squeeze out every penny from the creditor's family.

For example: every day a large group of people gather to block the creditor's door, shouting "pay back the money" and "pay back the money quickly".

Even if you cry and shout that you "really have no money", they will not give in.

After it is truly confirmed that you really don't have a penny, but you still can't pay off the debt...Yakuza's methods will start to become cruel.

If there is a woman in the family, the woman will be arrested and sold directly.

The men in the family will be forced to do all kinds of strange jobs.

This kind of audacious behavior is simply unreasonable in modern times, but in the Edo period where Qingnobo lives now, it is extremely common.

The imperfect legal system allows the Yakuza to arrogantly rely on the dignity of their creditors to pay off their debts, but the government is powerless to deal with this chaos.

The people of the "Qingshui Clan" used various disgusting methods to force him to repay his debts - Qingto felt sick to his stomach just thinking about this sight.

But Qingdeng is actually not too afraid of the "Qingshui Clan".

After all, this group of Yakuzas only seek money, not Qingdeng's life. They probably want Qingdeng to live well, because only if Qingdeng lives well can they continue to collect money.

So as long as Qingteng can repay the money properly, the people of the "Qingshui clan" should not do anything to Qingteng.

As for money, that's easy to talk about.

Qingdeng has some valuable things stored in his home. If an emergency comes, he can pawn those things to pay back the money.

No matter what happens, you can still borrow money from friends. "Original Orange Qingden" has a wide circle of friends, and it is better to owe money to friends than to Yakuza.

Compared with Yakuza, the "radical anti-foreigners" were Qingdeng's real concern at this time.

The "Qingshui clan" only wants Qingdeng's money, while the "radical anti-foreign faction" wants Qingdeng's life!

This is the most urgent crisis, a crisis directly related to Qingdeng's life.

The scene where he was attacked by three assassins just now flashed through Qingdeng's mind uncontrollably.

Drops of cold sweat seeped out from Qingdeng's forehead and back.

Qingdeng lived in a peaceful era in his previous life. Before time travel, he was just a young man who had just graduated from the police academy and had not even joined the police force. He had never faced a life or death crisis...

Tonight was the first time he was hunted, the first time he felt what it was like to be close to death.

This feeling... is not pleasant.

Every time I think back to the scene of being chased just now, cold sweat breaks out from my forehead uncontrollably.

He didn't want to die for such a ridiculous reason as "having worked in the American Embassy for a few days."

He was lucky tonight. The "crowds" arrived in time and drove away the assassin.

What about next time?

Will you have such good luck next time?

The "Radical Anti-Barbarians" are a bunch of lunatics, and there is no reason to talk to them. Their next attack may be in 7 days, or it may be...tomorrow.

Qingdeng was anxious and subconsciously speeded up his push-ups.

——At least have the ability to protect yourself from being killed by the "radical anti-barbarians"...

Qingdeng's thoughts scattered along the line of "obtaining the ability to protect himself".

How to gain the ability to protect yourself as quickly as possible without being killed casually?

A word appeared in Qingdeng's mind:


If you want to gain powerful power as quickly as possible to protect yourself, there is no more reliable method than "relying on plug-ins".

If you can successfully copy some very awesome talents as quickly as possible, your self-protection ability will skyrocket.

Qingdeng's thoughts spread further and he continued to think deeper.

His "Copy Talent System" will only be activated when competing with others.

So what kind of place can allow him to compete with many people openly?

A certain kind of building that could be seen everywhere in Japan during the Edo period, its name seemed to have a life of its own, popping up in Ayoto's mind automatically.

Sword Hall!

Since the Minamoto samurai group successfully ousted the emperor in 1192 and established the first samurai regime: the Kamakura shogunate, the samurai class has been the ruling class in Japan for more than 600 years.

Over the past 600 years, Japan's social classes have been divided into four classes: scholars, farmers, industry and merchants, just like Chinese social classes.

Chinese scholars are scholar-bureaucrats.

Japanese taxis are samurai.

Although the two taxis are different, their status is the same - they are both the ruling class and the privileged class above agriculture, industry and commerce.

Here in China, "Everything is of inferior quality, only education is of high quality."

On the Japanese side, "everything is inferior, only the samurai is superior."

After Tokugawa Ieyasu established the third samurai regime in Japanese history in 1603: after the Edo shogunate, in order to demonstrate the noble status of the samurai, the Edo shogunate specially legislated many regulations that only the samurai class of the ruling class could have.


One of the important privileges possessed by samurai is the "right to bear a sword."

"Martial arts" is one of the most important attributes of the warrior class.

Therefore, in order to highlight the nobility of the samurai and their "martial" attributes, the Edo shogunate stipulated that only samurai could wear swords, and samurai must carry swords when they go out.

Warriors usually wear two swords, one long and one short, on their waists.

The longer one is called the "fighting knife" and is the main weapon when fighting with others.

The short one is called "Wakizashi" (pronounced the same as xiechi), and it is a secondary weapon when fighting with others.

The samurai's right to carry swords made the sword a symbol of the samurai, and also allowed swordsmanship to flourish.

The Edo period was a time when Japanese swordsmanship flourished.

Hokushin Ittō-ryu, Shinto Muken-ryu, Kagshin Akechi-ryu... these well-known schools were all born in the Edo period.

The vigorous development of swordsmanship naturally led to the opening of sword halls everywhere.

In Edo City alone, there are dozens of sword halls.

If you want to fight with others openly - there is no better way than to join a sword hall with a lot of people.

If you go to the sword hall to learn swordsmanship, you will get two major benefits: kill two birds with one stone:

1: Can maximize the effectiveness of his plug-in.

2: He can learn swordsmanship by the way and enhance his self-protection ability.

One of the reasons why Qingdeng almost fell into the dilemma of being hacked to death tonight is that his current swordsmanship level... is really too bad...

"Hara Tachibana Aoden" is a person who has little interest in swordsmanship.

In his 18 years, he never went to any sword hall to learn swordsmanship. He only learned the "Orange style" from his father.

The so-called "Orange Style" is a sword skill developed purely for actual combat by Qingdeng's father during his lifetime.

Although there are few sword skills, they are indeed very practical sword skills in battle.

However, "Tangerine Style" is not a formal school after all. It is more than enough to deal with ordinary people who don't know any martial arts, but it will have to be blinded to deal with the kind of practitioners who have real skills.

Therefore, Qingto, who currently only knows the pheasant style of "Tangerine Style"... his strength is basically "cannot be defeated by anyone except ordinary people"...

Although Qingdeng has inherited the memories of his previous life and now possesses powerful unarmed combat skills, no matter how powerful his unarmed combat skills are, it is extremely difficult to gain any advantage against an enemy holding a sharp blade.

The best way to deal with armed enemies is to also be armed.

If he had strong swordsmanship, he would never be in the same predicament as tonight where he was almost hacked to death.

After thinking of going to the swordsmanship hall to learn swordsmanship, Qingden originally thought of a second way that might be able to play a cheating role - go to the swordsmanship hall!

Play in one sword hall after another, and compete with people in one sword hall after another.

However, as soon as the idea of ​​kicking the gym popped up in Qingdeng's mind, he gave it up.

He went to the gym just because his brain was spinning.

No matter what era you are in, playing in a gym is a very thankless task.

There may not be even one out of 10 sword halls that would allow others to ask for advice. This is because accepting challengers would do more harm than good to the sword hall.

If you defeat the challenger, the reputation gain of the sword hall will be very limited.

And if you lose, you will lose a lot of face, which will have a very negative impact on recruiting new apprentices in the future.

No swordsman with a clear mind would do this kind of thing that would ruin his own job.

Even if he does find a few sword halls that are willing to accept challenges from others, Qingden may not be able to fight with many people.

Because there are many rules for playing in this era.

One of the rules is that when you lose, you will be deemed to have failed the challenge and you will be kicked out of the sword hall immediately.

Based on Qingdeng's current level of swordsmanship, if he went to compete with someone else... he would probably only end up with this scene - he couldn't even beat the first apprentice he sent, and then he was kicked out of the swordsmanship gym.

Successfully make friends with someone.

Therefore, it is inefficient, easy to offend others, and thankless to go to the gym.

After sorting out his thoughts, Qingdeng made a clear goal in his mind: go to the sword hall to learn swordsmanship!

With his goal set, Aomori jumped up from the ground, and in a voice panting from doing more than 50 push-ups in a row, he shouted to Kubei who was still in the kitchen:

"Kyuubei! Come here!"

"Hey, here we come."

Kubei quickly walked out of the kitchen and walked up to Aoto.

"After deducting necessary expenses such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, how much savings do we have left? I want to go to a swordsmanship hall to learn swordsmanship! Which swordsmanship hall can I go to to learn swordsmanship with the only savings we have now?" Qing Deng said to Jiu Bing concisely.

Wei said this.

This chapter has been completed!
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