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Chapter 640 The troops are approaching the city! Aizu invites a battle! 4300

Qingdeng was not afraid of strong enemy forces, nor of scarce supplies.

These things are all managed.

The enemy's strength is very strong, and it can be compensated by the right time, location, and people.

If supplies are insufficient, supplies can be collected locally.

As long as the search scope is expanded, some villagers who did not have time to flee because they did not receive the news that "there is a war nearby" can always be found.

Give them some IOUs, and when the war is over, double all the borrowed materials will be returned.

But only infectious diseases... Qingdeng really had no idea about this thing.

His knife can cut flesh and bones, cut through iron and steel, defeat powerful enemies, punish evil and promote good, but it can only kill tiny bacteria and viruses.

Even in a modern society with advanced drugs and developed medical methods, we are still helpless when facing certain infectious diseases.

This is true even in the 21st century more than a hundred years later, let alone the mid-19th century.

Suppose a large-scale infectious disease breaks out in the military camp... Then, even if all of Japan... no! The best doctors in the world are gathered together, I am afraid there will be no way to save the situation!

Reading history books, it is not difficult to find that there are many armies that originally had a great chance of winning, but ended up being defeated due to the outbreak of infectious diseases.

The most typical example is Cao Jun in the Battle of Chibi at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In such a huge outdoor military camp, people eat horse chews every day, and the amount of garbage and filth produced in one day is unimaginable.

In such an environment, a careless move can lead to the growth of germs, leading to irreparable and serious consequences.

The most common disease is cholera.

Cholera has been a very dangerous disease since it was introduced to Japan in the 1830s. It was called "tiger-wolf dysentery", which means "this disease is as dangerous as a tiger or a wolf".

In the summer of 1733, 80,000 people died of cholera in Edo in just one month. It can be said that every household wore mourning and linen.

Cholera breaks out in the Shinsengumi's military camp... Just imagining the horror of that time makes Ayoto feel his scalp numb.

If you want to prevent the emergence of infectious diseases, you must take strict precautions!

To this end, Qingdeng issued a series of strict orders——

Build toilets away from water sources; regularly sprinkle lime into toilet pits; soldiers are strictly prohibited from urinating anywhere; they must drink boiled water, not raw water from mountain streams; daily garbage

All must be gathered together and burned regularly; hands must be washed before eating and after defecating...

Qingdeng often advocates these hygiene concepts in his daily life.

However, even such a simple request is difficult for many soldiers to fulfill.

Due to weak basic education and failure to keep up with their ideological level, most Japanese people nowadays have no concept of hygiene at all.

In other words: they simply don’t know that behaviors such as urinating in the open and drinking raw water frequently are harmful.

It was precisely because he knew the moral character of his soldiers that Qing Deng made a special trip to the toilet to see with his own eyes whether this smelly pit was as covered with white lime powder as he expected.


After checking the condition of the toilet, Aomori ran straight to the next place without stopping, leaving behind Harada Sanosuke's words "Eh? Mr. Tachibana, why don't you come and have sex together?"

Ueno Basin, Shinsengumi camp, main formation——

After the toilet, Qingdeng continued to inspect many places inside and outside the camp before finally returning to the main formation.

He threw himself into his exclusive "general's throne" - a small horse-drawn chair facing the entrance of the military camp - he let out a long breath, his whole body went limp, and his originally straight waist

The rod also bent down.

"As expected...there are no major problems, but a lot of minor ones..."

As soon as the murmur fell, Qingden sighed again.

If he could use a vivid metaphor... the current Shinsengumi camp is like a big ship sailing on the sea.

It looks very shiny and runs smoothly and orderly, but in fact there are many undetectable holes in invisible places, and water is leaking continuously.

From senior officers like Shannan Keisuke to ordinary soldiers, they all behaved in this sudden situation.

When I heard the news of "enemy troops incoming", I immediately lost my sense of proportion...

The officer in charge of the supply depot took the lead in lighting candles around the supply depot...

After a inspection, there are countless chaotic phenomena similar to this.

However, Qingdeng did not intend to be harsh on these idiots caused by his subordinates.

Firstly, it is normal to make mistakes when you are not familiar with the business.

Secondly, he also made a mistake.

He ignored the fact that "many soldiers did not know how to dig."

This necessitated a large-scale adjustment of the originally planned project plan.

Fighting is a very delicate matter.

It is perfectly normal for people who have never fought in a war to be overwhelmed by the heavy pressure and a series of complicated things.

No matter how elite the army is, it will always be immature if it has not been baptized by blood and fire.

To put it in straightforward terms - war at the strategic level is about "national power", and war at the tactical level is about "details".

Soldier dispatching, fortification construction, logistical supplies...all aspects must be taken care of without making the slightest mistake.

Whoever makes fewer mistakes has a greater chance of winning.

Therefore, Qingdeng listed "obsessing with details" as one of the core principles of his "Juliu Art of War", and he was not just talking nonsense.

When it comes to marching and fighting, Qingdeng's experience in this area is by no means rich.

Looking back on the past, the only war he has ever experienced was the "Kai Conquest" more than two years ago.

However, it was this war that benefited him a lot.

Although the scale of this battle is small, and the opponents are just ordinary bandits, the "process" of this war is very formal and high-end.

Because it was my grandson Chutaro, the "Dragon of Fire", who was in charge of the entire war, everything from the march of the army to the transportation of supplies to the construction of the camp was done smoothly.

At that time, it was thanks to the strategic planning of my grandson Chutaro that the expeditionary force was able to complete the preparations for the attack in such a short period of time.

The so-called "He who is good at fighting has no great achievements" is exactly like this.

Thanks to what he saw and heard at that time, as well as the words and deeds of my grandson Chutaro, Aomori learned the maintenance skills of supply depots, the construction methods of field fortifications... and so on.

Whenever he thinks of this, Aoshinobu can't help but feel sorry for the untimely death of my grandson Chutaro.

In this era of long-lasting peace, Qingdeng, who has been on a real battlefield and has actual combat experience, is already a rare talent.

This experience alone is enough to give him the confidence to train the Shinsengumi into the strongest army in the world and win every battle now and in the future!

The next day——

Last night, the soldiers who transformed themselves into civil servants worked hard until almost early in the morning before they were finally able to return to their tents to rest.

That night, everyone who was extremely tired slept extremely soundly.

As soon as the sky turned white, they were awakened by the familiar sound of the bell.

Just as they arrived at the "construction site" carrying large and small equipment, as if being pushed by the wind, they were suddenly shocked to find that their beloved general was standing in the dirty trench with his sleeves tied tightly.

Skillfully wield a hoe.

"Lord Nioh, why are you here?"

someone asked.

"We are currently very short of manpower. As a general, I can't just eat and not work, right?"

Qingdeng responded with a smile, and then continued to swing the hoe in his hand.

Whether it's the way he holds the hoe or the way he uses inertia to dig the tip of the hoe into the soil, Qingdeng's movements are as skillful as an old farmer's.

The skill of wielding a hoe was learned from his previous task of "dredging the Kanda waterway" - at that time, Qingnobo led the workers to go to the blocked waterway to direct the dredging operation on site, and personally carried out the work with the workers.

Working hard, he learned a lot of new knowledge that he had never been exposed to before.

Nioh personally came to the construction site to sweat with them... As soon as this news came out, the morale of the whole army increased greatly!

No matter in ancient times or today, this kind of heroic behavior of "coming at me" by a superior person always makes people feel more inspired.

For a time, the sound of sawing wood in the forest and the sound of digging and digging around the camp became significantly faster.

In this way, Qingdeng devoted himself to the vast construction site, while patrolling around from time to time, teaching his subordinates step by step how to fight.

"Yes, that's it! You are swinging a hoe, not a sword! Don't use brute force, but rely on the weight of your body! If you keep using brute force, you will collapse from exhaustion soon."

"Dig a few more trenches in this direction! The terrain there is gentle, and it must be the main direction of the rebel army's attack!"

"Put all the shoveled soil into a mound! The mound is strong! These mounds can be used as observation towers and watchtowers in the future!"

"Before you build the soil, remember to pick out all the stones in the soil! These stones are rare weapons! The famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi was once knocked unconscious by stones on the battlefield!"

"Collect all the sturdier canes in the woods and modify them a little to make simple slings."

"Tifang, look at it, this is the most reasonable way to arrange fences and trenches. Only in this way can we divide the battlefield to the greatest extent and weaken the enemy's strength advantage."

"Kondo-kun, when taking care of your subordinates, you must not be timid because of friendship."

"That's right, Jingzhu, that's it. The supply warehouse must be ventilated at all times. It should not be too dry or too humid. Water must not accumulate in the warehouse. Once water accumulates, insects will easily grow."

"You all listen to me! Wash your hands before eating! Anyone who disobeys this order will not be allowed to eat!"

"Hey! Those people over there! That's right! What about you! Those people who are squatting by the river drinking water! I have clearly given repeated orders that drinking raw water is strictly prohibited. Don't you understand what people say? How many of you?

You don’t have to eat today! Go dig the soil for me! Dig until I shout ‘stop’!”

"I must have said it many times, right? Open defecation is strictly prohibited in the military camp. I'll give you two options now: One, eat it while it's hot. Two, I don't care what method you use, anyway, eat it quickly.

Throw this thing you pulled into the toilet hole and clean the place!"

A few days later——

Wenjiu three years (1863), April 8, morning——

Ueno Basin, Shinsengumi Camp——

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The sound of "pit, pit, pit" hoeing dominated the air inside and outside the camp.

Qingdeng took off his upper body clothes, revealing a strong body covered with scars. He put a sweat towel around his neck to wipe his sweat. He waved his hoe conscientiously and transformed into one of the coolies in the trench.

On the surface, he looks exactly like an ordinary worker.


Suddenly, his movements suddenly stopped.

The next breath, he put down the hoe in his hand, raised his head, and looked straight at the southeast sky with sharp eyes.

Pale white clouds piled up on the mountains, like a new row of mountains in the sky, and the sky was the clear light blue of autumn.

At first glance, it looks quiet and peaceful.


Qingden, who was particularly sharp-eyed due to the blessing of "Fire Eyes + 5", keenly caught a glimpse of rows of birds flying into the sky on the mountains in the southeast, as if they were alarmed by something, flying into the distance.

of deep space...


Qingdeng narrowed his eyes, a solemn look on his cheeks.

Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat...

Suddenly, a series of rapid hoofbeats sounded from Qingdeng's side, approaching from far away.

As the horses approached, an Aizu knight hurriedly rolled off his horse and rushed to Aoto's side.

"Nioh Dai..."

As soon as he started speaking, Qingdeng interrupted him and said:

"It goes without saying."

Finally, he added:

"I've sensed it."

In the southeast, where the sky and the earth meet, a cloud of dust and smoke suddenly floated up.

This cloud of smoke seems to be alive, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The upper half is dark yellow, gradually covering a small area of ​​the sky.

As for the second half... As time progresses, an indescribable picture slowly comes into view.

Under the dark yellow smoke, there was a layer of chaotic colors.

Jet black, dark brown, light green, dark red...these ugly colors are composed of countless tiny dots.

If you look carefully, you can see that these little dots are living human beings!

The unkempt thieves wearing dirty clothes formed a tight queue and rushed into the Ueno Basin! It looked like a wave line that surged repeatedly!

Qingden stood on a mound made of soil shoveled when digging trenches, with his hands on Vairochana at his waist, staring at the large army of rebels at the foot of the mountain with no expression on his face.

He has changed back into a light green feathered fabric, and his chainmail, hand armor, foot armor and other protective equipment are all neatly worn.

"Lord Niou!"

The shout of the messenger sounded behind him.

"What's the matter?"

Qing Deng asked back without looking back.

The messenger was about to speak, but someone preempted him.

"Get out of the way! Let me tell you!"

Sagawa Kanbei hurriedly walked to Aoto's side and said quickly and excitedly:

"Tachibana-sama! Aizu invites you to fight! The bandits have arrived and have not yet established a firm foothold. It is time to give them a head-on blow! Please let me lead all the Aizu cavalry and go out to kill the enemy! I will let the bandits know how powerful the samurai are!"

As soon as Sagawa Kanbei finished speaking, Aomori replied calmly without thinking:

"No, this bandit army is a bit weird, don't attack easily."



Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! Although it is the annual Spring Festival, this book will still be updated every day! So that everyone can see the latest chapter of the book on the way back home!

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