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Chapter 648 The Iga offensive and defensive battle begins! 4100

Qingdeng, who was sitting on the main seat, looked around the audience expressionlessly.

Everyone caught by his gaze straightened their backs and held their breath unconsciously.

After entering the commander's tent, the attention of the Shinsengumi generals was attracted by the messy map spread out on the low table.

Dozens of shogi pieces such as "king generals", "gold generals", "silver generals" and "infantry" are scattered all over the map. Just looking at them gives people a sense of solemnity and solemnity.


Since announcing to everyone, "Today at 4 o'clock in the evening (8 pm), I will announce my battle plan to you," Qingdeng has not come out of the commander's tent.

Looking at this messy "chessboard", it is not difficult to imagine what a fierce and bloody confrontation between the two armies took place in this small area while everyone was waiting for nightfall!

Strangely enough, it was not until this moment, when many people present saw this messy "chessboard", that they had the real feeling that "they were at war."

Qingdeng slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at the map on the low table.

"Tonight's meeting is a military meeting, so I won't talk nonsense and go straight to the point!"

At the same time——

Iga, Ueno Basin, bandit camp, main formation——

Settsu Yorimitsu glanced roughly at the generals in front of him, then turned his head and asked Shibazaki Renjuro beside him:

"Mr. Shibasaki, is everyone here?"

Shibasaki Renjuro nodded vigorously.

"Well, they're all here!"

Settsu Yorimitsu nodded lightly.

"Then... let's get started!"

Qingdeng stood up, put his hands behind his back, and talked:

"The bandit army has a huge military strength a hundred times that of ours, and it also has a large number of iron cannons."

"Although they are powerful, their weaknesses are also obvious."

"To put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs who lack training and are not on the stage."

"When they bully the weak, they are all like wolves and tigers, fearing to fall behind others."

"But once they encounter a tough battle, their morale and fighting spirit will decline rapidly."

"This is their Achilles' heel."

"The bandit army in front of us has been burning, killing and looting everywhere since the rebellion started, and it has accumulated a lot of energy."

"Now is the time when their spirit is at its strongest and their combat effectiveness is at its strongest."

"Therefore...the first battle is the decisive moment!"

Settsu Yorimitsu folded his arms in front of his chest, stood beside the hanging map, and said:

"Iga is the only place we must pass on our way to Luo."

"If we force a detour, firstly, it will take a long time, and secondly, it will be very dangerous."

"The shogunate stationed in Iga is like a 'Machu'."

[Note: Matide: A classic defensive facility in Japanese castles, it simply serves to delay the enemy's attack. It serves as a shooting position to enhance the city's defense. In addition, Matide also serves as a garrison for small troops.

A large number of facilities were built in the city to facilitate troops to launch counterattacks from within the city.】

"By bypassing Iga, we will expose our army's flank to Tachibana Aoden's eyes."

"Ju Qingden can lead his army to follow our army at any time and attack our army's flanks."

"This is an inevitable war. Please be mentally prepared!"

"However, you don't need to be too nervous."

"Nio's abilities are certainly terrifying, but we still have a huge advantage!"

"According to reliable information, the shogunate troops currently stationed in Iga are only Tachibana Aoto's Shinsengumi and part of the Aizu army, and the total number is less than two hundred!"

"The ancients said: 'One burst of energy will be exhausted again, and three times it will be exhausted' - this ancient saying is really suitable for us!"

"Although our troops are strong, they generally lack training."

"If we cannot conquer it for a long time, chaos will inevitably occur!"

"Therefore, the first battle is the decisive battle!"

"We will use all our strength in the first battle! Use all our trump cards! Annihilate the Shinsengumi in one go! Take Iga!"

Qingden pointed to a corner of the map.

"This is our 'city'."

"The bandit army has surrounded us on three sides: east, west, and south. Only the north side is protected from the attack because it is adjacent to the cliff."

"When the war begins, there will definitely be a huge number of thieves and soldiers coming from the east, west and south like a tide!"

Settsu Yorimitsu pointed to a corner of the map.

"Everyone, please look! This is the Shinsengumi's position!"

"It is adjacent to a cliff to the north, and it is not convenient for our troops to deploy here."

"In other words, only the east, west, and south sides are suitable for use as battlefields!"

"So, our first phase of combat goal is very simple, that is to hold on to the position! Never let the rebels board this place!"

"So, our first phase of combat goal is very simple, that is to attack with all our strength! Spare no effort to attack!"

"The terrain in the east is gentler and the most open, making it the most ideal battlefield. The bandits will definitely use the east as their main attack direction!"

"The terrain in the east is gentler and the terrain is the most open. There is no more suitable battlefield than this. We will use the east as our main attack direction!"

"So... let's let go of the defense in the east! It's enough to only place a minimum amount of defense force in the east, and let the bandits attack!"

"Take all those who have learned martial arts and those who are strong and healthy... In short, mobilize all the elite soldiers of our army to the east! We must form a overwhelming force in the east!"

"The Fourth and Sixth Divisions are responsible for the eastern front. Serizawa Kamo will be the overall commander in this area."

"The fifth and tenth divisions are responsible for the western front. Sanosuke Harada will be the overall commander in this area."

"The Seventh and Eighth Divisions are responsible for the southern front. Sanako Chiba will be the overall commander in this area."

"General Director Okita is responsible for monitoring the northern front."

"The Ninth Division serves as the messenger unit, responsible for reporting the battle status of each front back to the formation, and conveying the military orders of the formation to each front."

"Hijikata Toshizo, Kondo Isamu, Shannan Keisuke, Kiyokawa Hachiro, Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi, as well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions, and the above personnel and troops, serve as the general reserve team!"

"Finally, our second phase... and also the final phase's combat goal is -"

Saying that, Settsu Yorimitsu grabbed a handful of chess pieces...

"Finally, our second phase... and also the final phase's combat goal is -"

With that said, Qingdeng picked up three chess pieces - "King General", "Silver General" and "Gui Ma"...

3 days later——

Wenjiu three years (1863), April 11——

Ever since Qingteng personally came to the front line and made a big fuss outside the rebel camp, an eerie silence has descended on the Ueno Basin.

In recent days, everything inside and outside the basin has been quiet... No birds or wild beasts dare to approach this place. It is so quiet that it makes people's skin crawl. At the same time, it is filled with a sense of tension that makes people gasp.

The bandits quietly repaired their camps and prepared for war.

The Shinsengumi built fences, dug trenches, built forts, and reinforced fortifications as always.

Apart from sending scouts to each other to detect intelligence, both sides made no major moves.

The two armies faced each other but sat in silence...it was indescribably weird.

At this moment, in the Shinsengumi's position, two members of the 9th Division were standing on a watchtower made of thick earth, stretching their necks, opening their eyes, and conscientiously performing the task of "warning the surroundings and observing."

Enemy Camp" mission.

Suddenly, one of them frowned and said "Huh?", then narrowed his eyes, leaned forward, and stared straight at the rebel camp in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have seen something horrifying, and his cheeks were instantly filled with panic.

In the next breath, he turned to his companions and shouted:

"Report to our formation quickly! The bandit army is making a big move!"

Today is an extremely clear morning.

The bright sunshine flows across the earth, encompassing everything in its golden-red brilliance.

Under the blue sky, the basin and the green mountainside illuminated by the warm sun look like beautiful golden screens.

However... this beautiful scene gradually shattered with the emergence of the "black tide"...

"The bandit army is making a big move" - ​​as soon as this piece of information arrived at our formation, Qingdeng immediately issued a decisive military order to "get to your posts".

In the blink of an eye, everyone and all the troops rushed to their respective posts as quickly as possible.

East, west, south, north, this formation...except for the north where "one person defends one place", all fronts are crowded with people.

Then...all the Shinsengumi and Aizu Army soldiers on the mountain saw the scene below that was like the incarnation of the word "creepy"!

Countless enemies kept coming out of their camps, occupying every open space in the basin one after another!

Among this vast number of chaotic figures, some are short and fat, some are tall and strong; some are young and some are old; some are wearing dirty cloths, some are wearing armors and helmets; some are holding inferior bamboo spears, and some are holding sharp

Swords and spears...

Although their body shapes, clothing, and weapons and equipment are all different, there is one thing they all have in common - that is the greedy glint in their eyes.

It must have been Shibazaki Renjuro who made a promise to them: "Whoever wins the first place will receive various rewards."

This black wave mixed with strong greed rises and falls repeatedly, and keeps rolling... sweeping and surging!

Soon, the black army spread out endlessly across the vast basin like splashing ink!

Looking around, it looks like a long, colorful scroll dripping with ink... It is really magnificent and majestic, but also frightening!

All the bandits have gathered, and they are just waiting for the commander's order to launch a full-scale attack on the Shinsengumi positions on the mountain!

Shinsengumi position, Eastern Front (positions of the 4th and 6th divisions)——

Serizawa Duck shook his legs anxiously and muttered, his words filled with impatience:

"What are you doing! Stop dawdling! Come on quickly! I can't wait!"

Shinsengumi position, Western Front (the positions of the 5th and 10th divisions)——

"It's delicious! It's delicious! This wild fruit is so sweet! Niimi-kun, do you want to eat it?"

"Ah...I don't have to...I can't eat now..."

"That's it... what a pity. It's rare to pick such delicious wild fruits... Then I'll save a few for you! I'll give them to you after today's battle is over!"

Having said that, Harada Sanosuke continued to chew on the fresh wild fruits just picked from the woods with a calm and calm attitude.

Shinsengumi position, southern front (positions of the 7th and 8th divisions)——

"Hiss...! Hiss...! Hiss...! Hiss...! Hiss...!"

Todo Heisuke, whose face turned pale, used "gasps" instead of breathing, trying to calm down his nervous emotions.

At the same time, he wiped his palms on his clothes from time to time, trying to wipe away the wet sweat in his palms.

However, no matter how he wiped or wiped it, the wet sweat in his palms not only did not disappear, but also tended to increase.

Sanako, who was in charge of the entire southern front, stood in front of him like a tall pine tree.

At first glance, Sanako looks calm and collected.

However, if you look closely, you will find a hint of nervousness lingering between her heroic brows...

The Shinsengumi position, this formation——

In order to facilitate communication with the various fronts and to observe the battle situation with his own eyes, Qingdeng removed his commander's tent and directly deployed his formation in the open space.

Qingden held Vairocana on his waist and sat silently on the horse.

Behind him is the "Sincerity Flag" standing high and fluttering in the wind.

Masajiro Ozeki, who was responsible for carrying the flag, sat on his knees, ready to obey orders at any time.

The first, second, and third divisions serving as the general reserve team are waiting not far away.

The "hero unit" who also serves as the general reserve team...namely, Toshizo Hijikata, Isamu Kondo, Keisuke Yamanan, Hachiro Kiyokawa, Shinpachi Nagakura and Ichi Saito, the above six people sit opposite each other in front of Aoto.

Inside and outside the formation, there was a solemn atmosphere that could make onlookers afraid to even express their feelings.

The rebel army did not keep the Shinsengumi soldiers waiting for too long.

About 20 minutes after the entire army was assembled, a loud trumpet blast sounded from the center of the rebel army.

The next moment, the soldiers shouted to kill, the flags waved, and the swords, guns, bows and spears clashed, all rolling towards the Shinsengumi position!

The wind roared across the battlefield; clouds suddenly gathered and enveloped the battlefield.

When the situation changes, the basin, the mountainside...everywhere in sight is crowded with charging figures, splashing everywhere! Climb straight up the mountain and attack the Shinsengumi's position!

Wenjiu three years (1863), April 11.

[Shinsengumi] versus [Shibasaki Clan Rebels]

Battle of Iga

Let the war begin!



When writing this chapter, the images in my mind of "full of vitality and the realm of all things happening are still before my eyes", "800,000 vs. 60, the advantage is mine", etc., have been lingering...

The fight has finally started! Finally it’s my best plot! Although I haven’t written it for a long time, I should still be good at writing "war scenes" (Hi Bao) The "pre-war atmosphere rendering" of this chapter, Bao Baozi is still quite good

Satisfied (Leopard Super Hi)


This chapter has been completed!
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