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Chapter 761 You look like Ogata Issei!4400

Qingdeng and others listened very carefully.

They have never given birth, so they don't quite understand the feeling of "reproducing offspring, accompanying offspring, and leaving offspring".

However, they clearly felt the love that Gu Mu and his wife had for their children.

The heartfelt joy and relief are beyond words.

At this moment, Goro Komu suddenly said:

"Speaking of which...Tachibana-kun, it's about time you started a family, right?"

Along with this question, a bunch of eyes with different emotions fell on Qingdeng.

Qingdeng couldn't help but be startled - the sudden urge to marry caught him off guard.

Goro Komaki continued the words quietly:

"You are now the lord of a city and a land, and you are no longer an official with a death salary."

"In the past, no one would have cared about whether you wanted to start a family or remain single."

"But now, the situation is very different."

Speaking of this, his tone and demeanor gradually became serious.

"Whether you have heirs or not is directly related to the survival of the entire vassal state."

"To put it bluntly... it is no longer up to you whether to get married and whether to have children."

"The generals under your command are definitely more anxious about your marriage than you are."

"If you don't do it well, they might force you to get married. Even if it doesn't work, they will have to adopt an adopted son with extraordinary ability."

"Therefore, even if it is just to ensure the stability of the feudal country, it is time for you to get married."

As soon as Goro Komaki finished speaking, Omachi, the back leg, echoed:

"Get married..."

As she spoke, she turned her eyes, looked at Qingden, and then looked at Mai Kinoshita, her eyes gradually becoming meaningful.

"Ji Jun, if you get married in the future, you must invite us to the wedding!"

When she said the word "you", she specially emphasized her tone.

Facing the singing and singing of the two couples, Qingdeng couldn't help but show a dumbfounded expression.

In his mind, this is the first time he has been forced to get married this year.

Although Goro Komaki's words just now seem to be sensational, in fact, it is exactly what he said - it is time for Qingden to get married.

It is no exaggeration to say...compared to building a vassal state, getting married and having children is Qingto's top priority right now!

The reason is that Qingteng is now the master of a feudal clan and is no longer an ordinary person.

History has proven countless times: In the feudal era, the scarcity of clans would cause great risks.

A typical example in China is the Wei Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period.

The clan was so rare that powerful ministers took advantage of the loopholes.

After the Jin Dynasty replaced the Wei Dynasty, they learned their lesson and sealed the clan.

A typical example from Japan is Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi's fertility was extremely deficient, and he only left a child of a few years old until his death, which allowed Tokugawa Ieyasu to take advantage of him.

After the Tokugawa family replaced the Toyotomi family, they also learned the lesson. They also created a large feudal clan, and enfeoffed a lot of vassal lords, and also created the "Gosan Family" and "Gosanqing".

In a nutshell - in a feudal organization that respects hereditary system, if the leader has a large number of descendants, it means that the organization has a stable successor.

In this way, the organization can develop stably and long-term, and members can continue to serve it without any worries.

On the contrary, following a leader who has no descendants is like working in a company that may go bankrupt and break up at any time.

To put it harshly... if Qingteng encounters an accident and unfortunately goes west, what will happen to the Shinsengumi? What will happen to the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce? What will happen to Qinjin Clan?

It’s not hard to imagine—large-scale internal fighting will definitely break out!

The Shinsengumi and the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce are military groups and business organizations established by Seito.

When the feudal kingdom was founded and in urgent need of talents to govern the country, Shannan Keisuke, Iwasaki Yataro and others directly took on various important positions within the feudal kingdom.

In other words, the core cadres of the Shinsengumi and the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce are basically equivalent to the ruling class of the Qinjin clan.

Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito and others were all ronin who escaped from the feudal domain.

Since they are ronin, it means that they no longer have a master and are completely free.

The only exception is Isamu Kondo.

Judging from the household registration, the Kondo family is a minister of the shogunate, so Isamu Kondo is a serious minister of the shogunate.

From a legal point of view, he is more like a knight temporarily lent to Aoto by the shogunate.

[Note: To put it simply, the superior temporarily lends his direct subordinates to other people for use. Such people who are loaned out are called "Jiqi"]

Because of this, in the recent "Grand Reward" (the reward for pacifying the "Tenchu-gumi Rebellion"), although Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi and others all received corresponding generous rewards, only Kondo Isamu was

Increased family income.

However, whether it is Kondo Isamu or others, their interests are now highly bound to Aomori.

The two parties have formed a close community of interests.

When the youth rises to glory, so do they.

When Qing was humiliated, they were humiliated too.

Although no formal explanation has been issued to the outside world, and Aoto has not publicly accepted Isamu Kondo and others as his ministers, since they are already in a mutual advance and retreat relationship, what is the difference between them and "Aoto's retainers"?

The Shinsengumi, the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce, the Qinjin Clan... they are not only Qingto's private property, but also the dreams of many people.

I don’t know how many people are eager to stand on these two outlets called "Shinsengumi" and "Shinseng Chamber of Commerce" and practice "good winds will send me to the top with their own strength".

I don't know how many people are looking forward to boarding the big ship "Qinjin Fan" and sailing to a bright distant place.

If these "dreams" were gone...it's really hard to imagine how terrible things would happen!

"Thinking of every possible way to reduce the feudal lordship" has always been the basic national policy of the Edo shogunate.

According to convention, if the lord of a certain vassal dies, then the vassal will be directly removed from the domain, all the territory will be confiscated, and all the samurai in the vassal will be reduced to ownerless wanderers, and they will be left to fend for themselves.

In order to avoid this bleak ending, the ministers of each vassal were all eager for their lord to open a large harem and give birth to a litter of cubs.

At the same time, it is precisely for this reason that the culture of raising children is so popular.

It is better to keep the family name alive than to sit back and watch it be destroyed.

Tokugawa Iemo's relationship with Aoto was very strong - but his relationship with Kondo Isamu and others was not at all strong.

It's not hard to imagine - if Seinoto doesn't exist today, then Tokugawa Iemo's order to "abolish Qinjin Domain" will arrive tomorrow!

In the same way, if Ainoto is gone, is it possible for the Shinsengumi and the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce to still exist?

The large-scale internal strife caused by the "lack of legal successors" alone is enough to cause these two organizations to fall apart.

Under Aomori's overwhelming force, the thornheads led by Serizawa Kamo will remain obedient for the time being.

But without Qingdeng's suppression, these guys would definitely show up as soon as possible and cause trouble everywhere.

All in all - if Qingteng can get married as soon as possible and give birth to as many children as possible, it will greatly promote the stability of Qinjin Clan, Shinsengumi and Shinseng Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, regardless of these utilitarian factors, Qingdeng really should get married.

He is 21 years old this year.

In the Edo period, a bachelor at this age was almost an old bachelor.

To be honest, Qingdeng is quite looking forward to "getting married and having children".

He really wanted to try out the talent that he had never been able to use since he copied it - the best stallion +7!


During the "Edo Conquest" that challenged all the martial arts masters in Edo more than half a year ago, Aoto copied this talent from Chiba Nobuyoshi.

The best stallion +7 - its excellent genes are easily passed on to future generations.

Qingdeng’s excellent genes… there are so many, so powerful!

There are nearly a hundred kinds of talents in his body!

Although it is unlikely that all these talents will be inherited, as long as you inherit a small part, it will be enough to become a master!

In addition, Qingto also wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of effect Kinoshita Mai's talent "milk" would have.

Babies fed by Kinoshita Mai will surely be stronger and healthier.

At this time, Ayoto couldn't help but think of Tenzōin in far away Edo.

The talent of Tianzhang Hospital is "more children bring more blessings", and its ability is to give birth to healthy and excellent children more easily.

Because Qingden is a male, he does not match this talent and cannot take effect.

Qingdeng couldn't help but think: If he combines with Tianzhang Yuan, then it will be "more children, more blessings" + "the best stallion + 7"...

If on this basis, Kinoshita Mai's "milk" is added...

With the blessing of these three talents, what kind of baby will be born?

Thinking of this, Qingdeng's expression gradually became weird.

He feels that he can mass-produce Superman together with Tenzouin and Mai Kinoshita!

Of course, the above is purely fantasy time.

If you want to mass-produce Superman, apart from anything else, the first condition alone—integration with Tianzhang Institute—is not feasible.

The union of the Queen Mother and her ministers... To the world, this kind of thing is still too explosive.

From now on, Kinoshita Mai's face was flushed and she lowered her head in silence.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a faint, translucent "steam" floating out of his head.

Kinoshita Mai: (peeping)

Qingdeng: "..."

Kinoshita Mai: (Peeping another glance)

Qingdeng: "..."

She kept squinting her eyes, stealing glances at Qingdeng again and again.

It seemed like she had something to say to Qingdeng, and she also seemed to be waiting for Qingdeng to say something to her.

This series of "side glances" that she thought were hidden were all seen by Qingdeng.

While receiving Mai Kinoshita's "secret observation", Ayoto thought quietly to himself:

——After you finish the work at hand and have some free time, put the matter of "marriage" on your agenda...

Mr. and Mrs. Gu Mu are both very talkative people.

Not only can he bring up interesting topics, but he also knows how to control the pace of the chat.

It was a pleasure to chat with them and I was not tired at all.

They talked about everything from interesting things around them to the latest market anecdotes.

However, Qingdeng, who had been thinking about "Elodi's logistical talents", kept paying attention to the time.

When he found that the hour hand on the clock had quietly turned around, he immediately changed to a serious tone:

"Mr. Gumu, Mrs. Gumu, we may have to say goodbye."

Seeing that Qingdeng wanted to leave, the couple naturally tried to persuade him to stay.

But after finding out that the other party had decided to leave, they no longer forced him to stay.

Kinoshita Mai did not express any dissatisfaction with Qingto's sudden farewell - anyway, she already knew the specific address of the Komu couple, and she could bother him again in the future when she was free.

Qingdeng grabbed the saber placed by his right leg and stood up slowly.

Just when he was putting the sword back into his belt, his eyes suddenly noticed something.

"Hmm? This is it?"

Qingdeng blinked and looked straight at a corner of the hall - to be precise, he looked at a Tang cabinet placed here.

[Note: Tang cabinet: Chinese cabinet with legs]

He was just chatting with Gu Mu and his wife, so it was only now that he belatedly discovered that there was a "portrait" on the cabinet of this Tang cabinet.

Qingdeng originally thought it was a painting, but after taking a closer look, he suddenly realized: it was a wanted notice!

Goro Komaki followed Qingden's line of sight and looked over, then chuckled a few times.

"Oh, this...this is the wanted order for the 'Eternal Sword Master' Ogata Issei."

Qingdeng suddenly looked surprised when he heard this.

Ogata Issei's wanted order... This is already as old as an antique.

The shogunate does not have that much energy and resources to continuously arrest a ronin who is now desperate for life and death.

Therefore, a long time ago, the shogunate stopped issuing wanted orders for Ogata Issei.

What is currently circulating in the world are some very old "stocks".

A-Machi chuckled and interjected:

"I posted this wanted notice. I admire Ogata Issei very much! In my eyes, Ogata Issei is the most handsome man in the world! So I have always kept this wanted notice as a souvenir!"

——Is it really okay to say that other men are handsome in front of my husband...

Although he was complaining crazily in his heart, Qingdeng asked calmly on the surface:

"Can I come closer and take a closer look?"

Goro Komaki spread his hands:


Qingdeng immediately stepped forward and walked to the Tang cabinet.

Kinoshita Mai and Elodie followed closely one after another, and watched Ogata Isei's wanted poster closely together with Aoto.

I saw that the ink on the wanted poster had faded, and many words on it were blurred.

It seems that this wanted notice is quite old.

Fortunately, the portrait above is quite clear.

Qingneng swept his eyes and looked carefully at Ogata Issei's "big portrait", not missing a single detail.

In general, Ogata Issei has facial features that are neither handsome nor ugly.

There is no shaving hair, and the hair is tied up. As the owner of the same hairstyle, Qingden must give praise to this!

Judging from his appearance alone, I feel that Ogata Issei is just an ordinary person with an ordinary appearance.

It is really hard to imagine that this "ordinary person" could be the strongest swordsman in Japanese history.


Suddenly, Qingdeng frowned slightly.

He leaned over his face so that his eyes could get closer to the portrait, and the tip of his nose almost touched the counter.

——So familiar...Where have you seen it before?

Strangely enough, Aoto always felt that Ogata Issei's face looked familiar...

In just a moment, his doubts were answered.

Qingden suddenly turned his head and looked at Goro Komaki who was not far away.

Then he looked back and looked at the wanted poster in front of him.

Then he looked at Goro Komaki again.

Then I looked at the wanted poster...

After repeating this several times, Qingdeng changed to a joking tone:

"Mr. Komaki, you look just like Ogata Issei!"

As soon as these words came out, Goro Komaki immediately grimaced, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

As for Atachi next to him, he pursed his lips tightly and puffed his cheeks into a squirrel-like appearance, looking like he was trying hard to suppress a smile.

"Like? Are you sure? It's impossible! I should be much more handsome than this portrait, right?"

Komaki Goro made a strong "protest" with an angry look on his face.



Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation vote! (Leopard Head Cries)

PS: Aoto's appearance is better than Ogata's. It has been mentioned many times in this book that Aoto's appearance is very good.

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