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Chapter 764: Boss Kiryu suddenly arrives, 'Tachibana-kun, draw your sword

Come on!"【4500】

In the third year of Wenjiu (1863), early morning on October 12th——

Kyoto, Mibu Township, Shinsengumi Village, Council Hall—

Harada Sanosuke: "Tsk... I'm so sleepy... Why do we have to have a meeting in the early morning? I didn't even get enough sleep..."

Genzaburo Inoue: "I heard that something very important will be announced to us."

Nagakura Shinpachi: "'A very important event'? What?"

Saitoichi: "Who knows."

Shinami Nishiki: "Did another rebellion break out somewhere?"

Shannan Keisuke: "About this, I can tell you with certainty: there is no such thing."

Toudo Heisuke: "Mr. Kondo, Mr. Hijikata, Mr. Shannan, do you have any gossip over there?"

Hijikata Toshizo: "Well... we do know some gossip. However, because Tachibana asked us to keep it a secret in advance, we can't comment."

Serizawa Duck: "Cut, what..."

Isamu Kondo: "Okay, everyone, be quiet. Mr. Tachibana is about to arrive."

Early in the morning, the Shinsengumi generals gathered together in the meeting hall.

They were divided into two rows on the left and right according to their status, and sat down in order.

Not long after, with a "crash" sound, the side door facing the main seat was slowly opened, and Qingdeng stepped inside.

The generals who were sitting upright one second now bent down, lowered their heads, and saluted Qingdeng respectfully.

Qingdeng strode toward the main seat.

As soon as he sat down, he continued to display his vigorous and resolute personality, which does not like procrastination, and announced in a voice like a bell:

"The reason why I have hastily summoned you all today is to announce a happy event: from today on, the position of 'chief' will no longer be vacant!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was immediately filled with emotions of surprise.

Except for a few people such as Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Toshizo, the rest of them all looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

The first generation chief of the Shinsengumi was born - this is indeed a great event that deserves to be widely publicized.

After a brief period of surprise, everyone's mood gradually turned into curiosity.

Who is it?

Who is so powerful that he can take the position of room chief?

In terms of status, the room chief is on the same level as the deputy chief, chief, and director, and is second only to Qingto who is the chief general.

In other words, if you can become the director of the finance office, it will not be an ordinary career!

He will overpower Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi and other division captains, and directly become one of the senior leaders of the Shinsengumi!

Apart from the utilitarian factors, the extremely high requirements required to be qualified for this position also made everyone full of curiosity about this new colleague who suddenly arrived.

Taking charge of the logistics of a new selection group... everyone has a clear understanding of how difficult this job is.

The work content of the director, deputy director and chief executive can all be supplemented by experience.

But that's not the case with the room manager.

The head of the department needs to deal with mathematics frequently, and one of the characteristics of mathematics is that "if you can, you can, and if you can't, you can't."

Your hard work or the accumulation of personal experience cannot help you become a math master.

Just because this kind of "mathematical" talent is so rare, this position has been vacant until now.

Ever since, at this moment, everyone stretched their necks and looked around, eager to see who the room chief was, how old he was, and how long he was, who had finally filled the long vacancy.

What does it look like?

After everyone's emotions calmed down a little, Qingdeng raised his neck and said loudly:

"Come in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the main door of the meeting hall opened.

In an instant, everyone at the scene raised their eyes and looked in the direction of the door.

Outside the door, there is nothing but a clean corridor.

I was looking forward to it...but not even a ghost was seen.

Such a scene naturally confused everyone.

However, Qingdeng seemed to have expected this.

He smiled slightly, and then changed to a gentle tone:

"Don't be afraid, we are all our own people here, no outsiders."


Qingdeng's words finally caused movement outside the gate and broke the silence.

Pache, Pache, Pache, Pache, Pache...

The sound of clothes scraping against the floor.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap...

Footsteps from far to near.

After a while, a petite and cute girl appeared in front of everyone.

She wears a goose-yellow inner coat, a light onion-colored haori from the Shinsengumi, a white hakama on the lower body, and a pair of clean white socks on her two little feet.

She is simply a serious Japanese girl - judging from her clothing, this is indeed the case.

Long golden hair with slightly curled ends; sapphire-like eyes; three-dimensional and slender facial features... Anyone who is not blind can clearly see these three striking features that are different from Oriental people.

Except for Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo, Kinoshita Mai and other people who knew the truth in advance, the others all stared at Elodie with their eyes widened at this time, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Serizawa frowned and curled his lips:


Next to him, Xinjian Jin, also had a similar violent reaction.

Both of them are fans of Mito Studies.

The theory of "respecting the king and rejecting the barbarians" originated from the Mito School.

Therefore, although Serizawa Kamo and others are not as full of crazy ideas as the radical anti-war faction, they have absolutely no favorable impression of Westerners.

As for Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi and others, their expressions can be described as various at this time.

After years of exposure, they all have more or less negative impressions of Westerners.

We can't blame them for this, it's purely a matter of the general environment.

There is a lack of media channels nowadays.

Under such circumstances, the news related to Westerners circulating in the market was basically not positive.

Not to mention the long-ago "Black Ship Incident" (1853).

Not long ago, the huge British fleet blocked the Edo Bay and demanded huge compensation from the shogunate.

They couldn't tell the difference between the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and the country of Lu. They only knew that these guys were a bunch of barbarians with thick body odor and strong body odor.

If the British take the blame, the barbarians from other countries will also take the blame!

Of course, there were also very few people who showed interesting reactions that were completely different from the atmosphere at the scene:

Genzaburo Inoue murmured:

"Hey...it turns out that Westerners look like this..."

Todo Heisuke asked involuntarily:

"Mr. Inoue, have you never seen a barbarian before?"

Genzaburo Inoue spread his hands:

"I haven't traveled far since I was born, and I basically stayed in Edo all the time. How could I possibly meet barbarians?"

When she reached the center of the meeting hall, Elodie stopped.

It can be seen that she is very nervous.

His lips were pursed tightly, his face was slightly pale, and his limbs were as stiff as if each joint was tied with screws.

Everyone present looked at her with merciless scrutiny, so much so that the air around her seemed to sink to the ground, revealing an indescribable sense of solemnity.

At first glance, it gives people the illusion of "a pitiful little sheep and a group of big tigers watching her".

If measured by the current average height in Japan, Elodie, who is 1.42 meters tall, is not short.

Throwing her among the "all tall" Shinsengumi generals, she naturally looks small.

But if you put her on the street, her height will be very harmonious and nothing special.

Never underestimate the average height of Japanese people.


The reason why Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi and others are so tall is entirely due to "survivor bias".

Anyone who is not tall enough has no chance to be among the strong because of this congenital defect.

Not to mention the outside world, even in the Shinsengumi where the elite gathered, there were people shorter than Elodie everywhere.

However, Elodie's frame is very slender, which makes her body look thin and small.

The light green feathered fabric on her body clearly fits her body, but because of her small frame, it gives people the loose feeling of "a child wearing adult clothes".

Although everyone at the scene was silently exerting pressure on her with sharp and oppressive gazes, she tried hard to straighten her back, hold her head high, and not let herself show any stage fright.

"Everyone, this is the first director of my Shinsengumi Finance Office - Elodie Angoulême."

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Elodie immediately said loudly:

"This is the first time we meet. My name is Elodie Angoulême. I come from France. Please give me your advice in the future."

As soon as she opened her mouth, there were exclamations one after another.

There is no other reason - this extremely authentic, standard Japanese without any accent really surprised everyone present.

People like Nagakura Shinpachi (born in Ezochi) and Harada Sanosuke (born in Shikoku Island) who come from remote areas, their Japanese proficiency is far inferior to that of this little girl from abroad.

Harada Sanosuke couldn't help but muttered:

"Is she really a Yi? Why does she speak Mandarin better than me..."

After Elodie finished speaking, Qingdeng picked up the conversation:

"I know what you are all thinking."

"How is it appropriate for the dignified Shinsengumi to appoint a Western woman and promise her a high official position?"

"It's normal for you to have such doubts."

"Next, I will answer your questions one by one."

"First of all, my Shinsengumi's employment philosophy has always been to 'recruit talents regardless of the style'."

"Anyone with outstanding talents will have the opportunity to become a member of my Shinsengumi."

"Regardless of origin, gender, and age."

"Secondly, you don't have to worry about Elodie's personal abilities."

"I can say to you with certainty: "The position of 'Director' is simply tailor-made for Elodie."

"Even if we look at the entire Gyeonggi Province, there will be no second person who is more qualified for this position than her."

"Yong, Suisan and Jingshu have already experienced her skills."

"The promotion of Elodie to the position of Director of the Finance Office is not my own arbitrary decision, but it has been unanimously recognized by Yong and I and others. It is truly what everyone expects."

"Finally, I want to tell you something."

"Elodi is not only Ah Wu's good friend, but also my disciple."

Qingdeng's words were like a stone that started a thousand waves, and the impact on everyone was greater than every word he just said.

Niou actually has a disciple?

And she’s a Western woman?

Except for a very few people represented by Kinoshita Mai, the rest of them didn't know that Qingto had a disciple until this moment.

"All in all, Elodie is someone I can completely trust."

"After Elodie accepted my request and was willing to share my worries, I secretly swore to myself that I would definitely protect her at all costs."

"So...you must not pour out your resentment and anger on people who shouldn't be poured out."

At this point, Qingdeng's tone suddenly changed and became extremely low.

Not only that, he slowly lowered his eyelids and his eyes became terrifying.

"If anyone feels unconvinced, feel free to come at me."

"No matter when and where, I will accompany you to the end."

The first director of the Shinsengumi Finance Office was Élodie Angoulême from France. This ingenious personnel change soon brought the people of Kyoto a person with whom to talk.

A long conversation.

The flat-headed people did not have a big reaction to this - they were completely ignorant of the various conflicts between their country and the Western Yi.

On the other hand, those radical-thinking people who respected the ideals loudly shouted: The Shinsengumi hired Westerners! This is naked treason and collaboration with the enemy!

Although I don’t know how hiring a Western woman would be considered treason and collaborating with the enemy, the radical anti-war faction insists on this slander.

This is a very typical example of "if you want to inflict a crime, why bother?"

Even if Elodie had not become the head of the Shinsengumi, these lunatics could have found evidence of "collusion" between the Shinsengumi and Saiyi from other aspects.

Qingdeng despised all the claims made by the radical Zunban faction.

Anyway, I have already broken up with these lunatics, so I don’t care about their voices anymore. They can just scream whatever they like.

Qingden originally thought that Elodie would be uncomfortable for a while after getting started with the Shinsengumi's logistics work for the first time.

But I didn't expect...she did it with flying colors as soon as she got started!

It only took her a few days to integrate the Shinsengumi's current transportation capabilities and make orderly arrangements for them.

Which packhorses were responsible for transporting supplies from Edo.

Which carts were responsible for supporting the construction of Qinjin Domain.

Then, she re-recorded the grain inventory and fodder inventory in the warehouse, and corrected the flaws and fallacies in the previous account books.

Of course, we can't forget the "Ojin Book".

She made great efforts to amend the "Ojin Book".

This is a large and complex project.

Fortunately, how can Elodie's working ability be described as "strong"?

If there is no doubt, Qingdeng will be able to see a brand new "Ojin Book" in just one month!

If you use "Innate Logistics Holy Body" to describe Elodie... it is really not an exaggeration!

Qingden couldn't help but wonder: Could she have done similar work before?

In any case, with the addition of Elodie, the Shinsengumi's logistical shortcomings have been filled.

The organization's operational efficiency has reached a new level!

Qingdeng no longer had to take care of logistical work, and was finally able to free up his hands to concentrate on other more important matters.

Time passes.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed (October 17th).

On this day, Qingdeng, who was concentrating on his work, suddenly heard an announcement:

"Lord Nioh, there is an old man at the gate who calls himself 'Kizuma Kiryu' and wants to see you by name!"

Qingden raised his eyebrows vigorously, and a faint smile appeared on his cheeks.

——Boss Kiryu? Why is he here?

With uncontrollable joy, he happily dropped the work at hand and ran towards the door.

As soon as he arrived outside the door, the familiar old figure came into his eyes.

"Boss Kiryu!"

Qingden quickened his pace and faced Boss Kiryu.

But who would have thought... The expressionless boss Kiryu glanced at Aomori and said without sadness or joy:

"...Tachibana-kun, draw your sword."


The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist...



Leopard, leopard, come back to life!

Because I haven’t coded for 2 days, I have forgotten where I wrote... (Crying Leopard Leopard Head) The physical condition is still a little bad, but Leopard Leopard will work hard to adjust back! (Leopard Hi)

Let’s vote together to celebrate the resurrection of Leopard! (Leopard’s head cries)

This chapter has been completed!
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