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Chapter 777 'The Hidden Sword Master' is my relative?!4600


Grandpa's elder brother.

Boss Kiryu once said that he and Kinoshita Rin have been friends for nearly eighty years.

Calculated, Kinoshita Rin's age is at least eight or ninety years old, and she is of the same generation as Boss Kiryu.

An uncle who is nearly a hundred years old... the time span is not that big! He should be a figure from the last century!

While thinking about what Kinoshita Rin said just now, Ayoto thought to himself half-jokingly:

——Is it possible that her uncle was also a swordsman with great skills and keen on fighting?

Who is Kinoshita Rin's uncle, and whether he is a skilled swordsman or not, Aonto has no idea.

However, he is certain of one thing - Kinoshita Rin must be a martial arts practitioner! And she is very powerful!

Although she wore a gorgeous furisode that was far from the image of a "warrior" and did not carry any weapons, Qingden could clearly feel that she always exuded a majestic and heroic spirit!

Whether walking or sitting, every movement she makes reveals the neatness unique to a warrior.

She must have been a heroic heroine like Sanako when she was young.

"Lord, I'm extremely sorry."

Katakura Takanobu knelt on one knee, looking ashamed.

"Our incompetence has brought shame upon you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Asai Miyazaki, Makimura Taichi and others followed suit.

They knelt down on the ground, lowered their heads, and begged Kinoshita Rin.

When Qingdeng saw this, he secretly chuckled.

Although he just won the victory with ease, this does not mean that the opponent is weak.

Rather, it’s the exact opposite—the heroes of Calabash House are very strong!

It's just because Qingteng is stronger, that's why this "they seem to be weak" situation is created.

Whether it was their individual skills or their cooperation with each other, the outstanding performance of the Huluwu heroes won Qingdeng's praise.

Take any one of them and they are all outstanding talents who can serve as division captains in the Shinsengumi.

Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help but sigh:

——A gathering of talents... Calabash House’s heritage is indeed very profound!

These outstanding warriors all obeyed Kinoshita Rin... This shows that Kinoshita Rin's prestige is not generally high!

Kinoshita Lin smiled calmly:

"You don't have to blame yourself, just raise your heads."

"Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists."

"What's more, losing to the 'Nioh' is not a shameful thing."

After saying that, she waved her hand.

"Thank you for your hard work. Kuro stays, and everyone else should go down and rest first."

As Katakura Takanobu and others filed out, only Aonto, Kinoshita Rin, Kiryu boss and Kinoshita Mai were left in the dojo.

"Ju Anyi, sit close here."

Kinoshita Rin waved to Qingteng.

Qingdeng hurried forward.


Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, then continued to move forward.

"No matter how close."


Qingteng moved little by little to Kinoshita Rin.

"Well, sit down. Relax, don't be formal."

Although she said "you don't have to be formal", Qingdeng still put his knees together and sat upright.

At Kinoshita Rin's request, Qingto and her were so close that their knees almost touched each other.

As the distance got closer, the other person's face came into Qingdeng's eyes more clearly.

Her body is really petite, like a large doll.

She was also sitting on her knees with her back straight, but her forehead was just level with Qingdeng's stomach.

Qingdeng felt that she weighed less than 40 kilograms.

It seemed like just one sneeze could knock her to the ground.

Her face is covered with traces of time - large and small wrinkles, sagging skin, faint age spots - like the loess soil that has been eroded by strong winds and has thousands of ravines.

However, her eyes are very beautiful.

Black and white are clear, his eyes are resolute, his vision is sharp, and his eyes are shining with strong vitality.

These eyes form a very sharp contrast with the layers of wrinkles around them... just like the bright moon in the dark night.

Qingneng finally understood - all special beings like Kiryu boss and Kinoshita Rin who "are old people but don't look like old people" must have radiant eyes!

"It's really troublesome to always call you 'Ju An Yi'. Can I just call you 'An Yi'? It's easier to pronounce that way."

Qingdeng immediately said:

"Of course, please do it!"

To be fair... Although he feels mixed, Qingdeng has to admit that compared to his Miao character (orange), common name (Qingdeng) and real name (Shengqing), his current official position (Aki Shou) is easier to pronounce.

Much more.

"Tangerine" (Ta Chi Ba Ra) and "Sheng Qing" (Mo Ri Ha Ru) both have 4 syllables, and "Qing Deng" (A O To) has 3 syllables.

Aki only has two syllables (A Ki), and you can pronounce these two sounds without opening your mouth widely or twisting your tongue, so it is particularly catchy to pronounce.

Therefore, many people have recently begun to call him "An Yi" or "A Shuu" instead.

Even Qingdeng himself has gradually become more self-reliant in reciting "Juan Yi".

"So... An Yi, you did a good job."

She smiled peacefully.

"It is really rare for someone who is only 21 years old to have such achievements in martial arts."

"In my long life, I have known only two geniuses who can achieve such achievements at such a young age...except for you."

"As a closed disciple of Jiulang, you have not insulted our master!"

She didn't know why, but when she mentioned the words "without humiliating the master", she suddenly emphasized her tone.

"It is really a blessing to witness with my own eyes that Jiulang's mantle has been passed down before he is laid to rest."

Speaking of this, she lowered her gaze and glanced at Vairocana who was resting beside Qingden's legs, intentionally or unintentionally.

"An Yi, you must continue to work hard and improve yourself."

"Don't let down the cultivation that Jiulang has given you, and don't let down this ancient sword."

Although Qingdeng felt a little at a loss for the sudden scene of "elderly commending juniors", he still solemnly replied:

"Yes! I never know what 'relaxation' and 'degeneration' are!"

Kinoshita Lin nodded lightly.

"Very good, good momentum!"

"It's a pity... you are already the master of a city and a land."

"Otherwise, I really want to recruit you into my army!"

Qingdeng smiled slightly and said politely, "You are overly complimentary."

Although he appeared to be listening carefully, in fact his mind had already wandered elsewhere.

(In my long life, I have known only two geniuses who can achieve such achievements at such a young age...except you.)

He was very concerned about what Kinoshita Lin said just now!

He has made countless efforts, painstaking efforts, blood and sweat, and with hundreds of millions of help from the system, he finally reached his current state.

And now, Kinoshita Lin told him: There are two more people as strong as him...

——Who are these two people? What are their backgrounds?

"...Ms. Kinoshita."

Qingdeng really couldn't control the confusion in his heart.

Driven by curiosity, he raised this question.

After hearing this, Kinoshita Lin burst into laughter.

"Well... well, it doesn't hurt to tell you. Aki, do you know 'Kinoshita Genichi'?"

Qingdeng replied subconsciously:

"How could the famous 'Hidden Sword Master' not know about it?"

Kinoshita Lin said lightly:

"Kinoshita Genichi is the uncle I just mentioned."


Silence fell between the two of them.

The cry of crows coming from the distance is particularly harsh.

Qingdeng's eyes widened, his expression dominated by intense shock.

The same person with a look of disbelief was Mai Kinoshita.

Facing the "Ah? Are you kidding me?" glances from Ayoto and Mai Kinoshita, Kinoshita Rin smiled:

"What? Do you think I'm lying?"

Qingdeng stammered in response:

"No, I just... didn't react..."

At this time, Boss Kiryu on the side smiled and added in a timely manner:

"Tachibana-kun, my lord did not lie. She is indeed Kinoshita Genichi's great-niece and great-nephew."

With Boss Kiryu's guarantee, no matter how shocked Qingto was, he could only choose to believe it.

He blinked hard and looked at Kinoshita Rin carefully and critically.

In Japan, "Kinoshita" is not a rare Miao character, it can even be said to be quite popular.

Therefore, even if Kinoshita Genichi and Kinoshita Rin have the same Miao character, it would be difficult for Ayoto to connect them.

Kinoshita Genichi - you can always find him in unofficial history and folklore.

What about "mediating the conflict between the two major ninja villages", what about "attacking the Iga ninja village alone", what about "Kinoshita Genichi is a descendant of Toyotomi Hideyoshi"... all kinds of legends are dazzling and difficult to distinguish.

true and false.

It is said that the heroic deeds of Kinoshita Genichi are spread even in European countries thousands of miles away.

Because he is incredibly powerful, yet extremely mysterious, and his movements are erratic, he has been dubbed the "Hidden Sword Master".

The only thing that can be certain is probably "there is a real person".

"Grandma, that Kinoshita Genichi is really mine...my..."

Kinoshita Mai is stuck.

She was probably thinking about what name to use to call Kinoshita Genichi.

Grandma’s uncle... this seniority is so big! He’s so old that he doesn’t even know what to call him!

Judging from Kinoshita Mai's current appearance...she, like Qingto, did not know that the legendary "Hidden Sword Master" had such a special connection with her until this very moment.

Qingto has become very accustomed to Kinoshita Mai's "ignorance".

This girl really doesn’t know anything!

I don’t know if she is too caring, or because Kinoshita Rin, Boss Kiryu and others protect her too well.

"Uncle... he likes to be nosy."

Kinoshita Lin smiled helplessly.

"Many times, I even just look for trouble."

"No matter whether the matter is related to him or not, and whether it will offend many people, as long as the interest comes, he will always get involved and get involved."

"For this reason, he made a lot of enemies."

"There are so many people who wish to crush him to pieces and even pass on this hatred from generation to generation."

"Ah Wu, you used to be such a careless child, you shouldn't need me to help you remember it, right?"

Kinoshita Mai's face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

"If I tell you the full story of the 'Hidden Sword Master' and our family, I'm afraid you will accidentally slip up and cause trouble and disaster."

"So, for your safety, I have been hiding it from you."

"I originally planned to wait until you grow up a bit before telling you the truth... Anyway, I will take advantage of this opportunity today to explain it to you in one breath."

She paused for a moment to formulate her words.

After a while, she spoke calmly:

"Uncle, he is a true martial arts genius."

As she spoke, her face showed a strong look of pride.

"For the first time I held a sword, I easily defeated my senior brother who has been immersed in swordsmanship for many years."

"It only took a very short time to master almost all the swordsmanship schools in the world."

“Because he wanted to see the vastness of the world, he ignored the shogunate’s ‘lockdown order’ and secretly boarded a Dutch merchant ship to cross the ocean to Europe.”

"He has been traveling in the West for many years, including the Netherlands, England, France and many other countries... During this period, he still did not change his personality of 'liking to make trouble for nothing' and 'keen on causing trouble for himself'."

"Because of this, his heroic deeds are spread among the people in European countries."

Speaking of this, Kinoshita Lin seemed to have remembered something, and the conversation suddenly changed:

"An Yi, according to Kuro, you have mastered the 'Breath of the Source', right?"

Qingden nodded.

The next moment, Kinoshita Rin once again said something shocking:

"The 'source' of 'Source of Breathing' is taken from Bo Gong. The creator of this great breathing method is none other than Bo Gong."

After hearing this, Qingto finally couldn't suppress the shock in his heart. He stared at Kinoshita Rin with his mouth open and was speechless for a long time.

As a fellow warrior, he naturally knows how great the "Breath of Source" is.

Simply changing the rhythm of your breathing can improve your focus.

If you practice to the peak, you can even use it as a medium to enter the extremely powerful "selfless state".

Although Qingdeng is very powerful today, he has not yet reached the state of "creation".

Going from 1 to 100 is great, but it is just an extension of the previous ones.

Going from 0 to 1 is a real act of genius!

"An Yi, if I remember correctly, my uncle already had the inspiration for breathing techniques when he was your age. Within a few years, he developed the 'Breath of the Source'."

"As for another person of the same age who also has amazing strength... An Yi, you should also know him."

Qingden asked half-jokingly:

"Since the first person is the 'Hidden Sword Master' Genichi Kinoshita, then the second person shouldn't be the 'Eternal Sword Master' Ogata Issei, right?"

"Yes, you got it right."


Silence fell again.

After a while, Qingdeng swallowed hard and asked cautiously:

"Ms. Kinoshita, you're not going to say: 'Actually, Ogata Issei is my older brother,' right?"

Kinoshita Lin laughed dumbly:

"That's not the case."

"My brother...died a long time ago because he went astray."

"But... Ogata and I do have a certain connection."

"In short, I know Ogata and have a pretty good relationship with him."

"About the legendary deeds of the 'Eternal Sword Master', I don't need an old woman to explain them one by one, right? You should have heard enough since you were young."

"My uncle developed the 'Breath of the Source' at a young age, and Ogata didn't give in too much."

"When we were young, there was no concept of 'momentum' at all."

"At that time, we only knew that the top experts would exude an astonishing, breathless aura."

"As for what this aura is and its specific uses, no one has done systematic induction and research."

"It was Ogata who took action to change this hazy and hesitant situation."

"He named this 'aura' 'Shi' and developed a method of cultivating 'Shi' and utilizing 'Shi'."

"It can be said that the concept of 'shi' that is so popular today came from Ogata!"

"But he is too low-key and only wants to live a peaceful life."

"Obviously he is a developer, but he never announces it to the outside world."

"To this day, few people know that it was the 'Eternal Sword Master' who developed the 'Shi'"

"By the way, as the person who developed 'Shi', Ogata's use of 'Shi' has reached an appalling level."

"He can concentrate his 'power' on one point and then explode it instantly."

"It is no exaggeration to say that his 'power' has reached the realm of heaven and man!"

"Even if there is no concentrated explosion, just by releasing the 'power' in an ordinary way, he can make most people faint due to being unable to withstand the pressure."

"As long as he has that will, a weak-willed person will not be able to stay awake in front of him!"



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PS: Some book friends reported: Even with all the elites in Calabash House, they can’t defeat Qingdeng, so how are they going to deal with the Fa Zhu Party?

It's actually very simple - load up the guns! If Katakura Takanobu and others each had a revolver, do you think Aoto would dare to shoot eight of them?

This chapter has been completed!
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