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Chapter 784 The mysterious blond middle-aged man4200


Osaka, Huluya's headquarters, Aoto's residence——

Since the agreement between the two parties and the marriage to Kinoshita Mai was confirmed, Qingto has been living in the headquarters of Calabash House.

Even regardless of the status of "grandson-in-law", Aoshito's title of "Lord of the Qinjin Domain", "General of the Shinsengumi", etc. would make it impossible for Huluya to neglect him.

Under Kinoshita Rin's arrangement, Qingto's food, clothing, housing and transportation were all top-notch.

The pajamas are made of silk.

The food is delicacies from the mountains and sea.

The accommodation consists of twenty-four and a half spacious bedrooms.

There are four attendants with him at all times, who are on call 24 hours a day, making Qingdeng's quilt and changing his shoes, and are always ready to meet all reasonable requests of Qingdeng.

Mostly to prevent Qingdeng from changing his mind and cheating on her, these four waiters are all young men around fourteen years old who haven't even shaved their foreheads, and none of them are women.

[Note: Forehead hair shaving: According to traditional Japanese customs, men should have their hair cut when they are three years old, that is when they start growing their hair. When they reach adulthood, they will shave off their forehead hair and keep their forehead hair instead. Not shaving their forehead hair means they are underage.

Fortunately, Qingdeng has no interest in the Taoism.

If it were Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen and other well-known Taoist figures in history, their eyes would light up after seeing these handsome young men.

Qingdeng was first surprised by this grand ceremony, and then smiled bitterly.

Because he was not used to this kind of luxurious life, he approached Boss Kiryu and hoped that he could help tell Kinoshita Rin that his food, clothing, housing and transportation should be as simple as possible, and there is no need to make it so extravagant and luxurious.

However... Boss Kiryu told Aonto: This is already as simple as possible.


According to Kiryu's boss, Kinoshita Rin doesn't like extravagance and waste, and her daily life has nothing to do with the term "luxury and lust".

In her own words, she will only spend money where it should be spent.

He is obviously the leader of Calabash House and has a rich empire, but he lives a simple life of living alone and drinking water.

If compared with other wealthy businessmen, Kinoshita Rin's living standard is indeed at the "poor" level.

"Your food, clothing, housing and transportation are based on the master's daily expenses." - Boss Kiryu said.

In other words, the luxury in Qingto's eyes is only the simplicity of Kinoshita Rin...

The truth explained by Kiryu's boss himself really left Qingto dumbfounded!

In his previous life, he was from an ordinary family and was not considered a rich man.

Not to mention him in this life.

Before he became famous, he was just an ordinary royal family member. Although he would not starve to death, he did not have much money.

After becoming famous all over the world, although he will no longer be troubled by money, he has no time to consider personal enjoyment because of his busy schedule.

Until now, he doesn't even have a person who is responsible for taking care of his daily life.

To put it simply - he is used to being poor.

Qingdeng is a typical "even if he is given a huge sum of money, he doesn't know how to enjoy it" type.

Of course, this cannot be used to accuse Kinoshita Rin of being "fake simplicity".

With her extremely strong financial resources, this kind of living situation is the true embodiment of the word "simple".

In this way, Qingnog had a good experience of the happiness of a rich person...ah, no, correction, a good experience of "Kinoshita Rin's simplicity".

Especially when he indulged his lust for words.

Japan is an island country isolated overseas.

Its homeland is not a very fertile land, with dense mountains and few plains.

Due to various reasons, this country is quite short of supplies.

Some ingredients that are common overseas are rare treasures here in Japan, or even the best ones that have never been seen before.

Just like Chinese cabbage.

There is no Chinese cabbage in Japan nowadays, and the most mainstream vegetable is various kinds of radish.

In recent days, Qingden has tasted many dishes that he has never seen before.

From matsutake mushrooms in Ezo to crabs on Kyushu Island...he ate all kinds of delicacies, and at the same time once again experienced personally the value of the reputation of "the kitchen of the world".

To be honest, because he had eaten so well and lived so comfortably in his childhood, the rationality in his mind once reached the point of "raising the flag and admitting defeat" - he thought, "It's better to stay here for a few more days."

Depraved thoughts.

Although the evil thoughts were very strong, their rationality finally prevailed.

As a high-ranking and powerful shogunate general, it was impossible for Ayoto to stay out of town for a long time.

Although Hijikata Toshizo, Kondo Isamu and others can take charge of the overall situation for him, their authority cannot compare with his.

The reason why Qingdeng was able to subdue the heroes and make countless heroes with different personalities obey his orders was all due to his invincible strength and unparalleled prestige.

If Qingdeng leaves his post for a long time, some scoundrels might show up again.

If nothing else, tonight will be his last night in Osaka.

At dawn tomorrow, he and Kinoshita Mai will officially set off and return to Kyoto.

At this moment, he was standing by the window, looking up into the distance.

The view from the bedroom is great.

Looking out the window, the gorgeous city and town scenery comes into view.

Night did not make this "commercial capital" lose its vitality.

The stars and lights dotted the Six Streets and Three Markets, like fireflies in summer.

Looking to the northeast, countless light points connected into a sheet, forming a huge light source, which was particularly eye-catching - Aomori knew that that was the direction of Shinmachi.

Shinmachi in Osaka, Shimabara in Kyoto, and Yoshiwara in Edo—the three major tourist destinations of the Edo period.

The lights of Shinmachi illuminated almost half of the sky... Even if you haven't been there in person, you can still imagine its magnificent scenery.

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly heard light, familiar footsteps coming from outside the room.

"Huh? Qingdeng, you haven't slept yet?"

There was a "swish" sound. The originally closed door was pulled out a small crack.

While Kinoshita Mai pulled open the door with both hands, she stretched out her head and cast a curious look at Qingden along the crack in the door.

Qingden Wan'er:

"Well, I'm not sleepy yet. What about you, Ah Wu, why aren't you sleeping?"

"I was getting ready to go back to my room. When I saw that your room was still lit, I came over to see you."

After saying that, she opened the door further, and when the crack in the door was barely big enough for her to pass through freely, she tiptoed and crept into the room, and moved to Qingdeng's side.

"Qingdeng, what are you looking at?"

She stretched her neck and looked out the window like Qingdeng.

"Nothing, just casually watching the street scene."

Speaking of this, he seemed to have remembered something. After thinking for a moment, he turned to the girl in red beside him and said:

"Awu, do you have time now? I suddenly want to take a walk in the streets of Osaka. Are you willing to accompany me?"

"Huh? Why is it so sudden? Did something happen?"

"It's nothing serious, just a whim."

He paused for a moment, then changed to a joking tone.

"If I have to say there is a reason... it's probably just that I want to know more about this town. I happen to be short of a tour guide right now. Are you willing to take this job?"

Kinoshita Mai blinked her beautiful eyes a few times, and without thinking any more, she eagerly patted her chest:

"Leave it to me!"

"I'm a native of Osaka!"

"If you choose me as your tour guide, you will never be disappointed!"

When saying this sentence, she specifically switched the language mode back to "Osaka dialect".

After speaking to the four servants outside the door, Aoto and Mai Kinoshita left the Calabash House headquarters side by side and walked onto the streets of Osaka.

It's late autumn, with less than 3 months left before the New Year, and the weather has gradually turned colder.

It won't be long before the flying snowflakes will dye the day and the ground.

Whoosh whoosh...the desolate cold wind blows left and right on the streets, making people deeply aware of the change of seasons.

Kinoshita Mai curled her mouth, walked briskly, as if she wanted to jump up, and looked very happy.

The reason why she was so happy was probably because it had been a long time since she had been alone with Qingdeng like this.

Seeing this, Qingto smiled slightly, then quietly moved his steps to get closer to Kinoshita Mai.

Then, he suddenly reached out his left hand and grabbed Kinoshita Mai's right palm.

Kinoshita Mai was startled and almost screamed.

After discovering that Qingdeng was holding her hand, she cast an angry look at Qingdeng.

However, she had no intention of breaking away.

Instead, after hesitating for a moment, he adjusted the position of his right hand from the original "held" to "clasped with ten fingers."


While showing a silly smile, she squeezed Qingdeng's hand harder.

In the daytime when there were many people, Kinoshita Maidan, who was introverted and reserved, would not have dared to make such a bold move.

Fortunately, it was already a dark winter night, and there were very few pedestrians on the street, so she rarely showed her bold and unrestrained side.

Looking at Kinoshita Mai's innocent smile and the two hands that were holding each other tightly, Qingto couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions.

After a long wait and repeated tests, he finally gained Kinoshita Rin's recognition and was recognized by her as his "grandson-in-law."

There is only one wedding left before he and this girl who likes to wear red can become a legitimate couple.

Qingteng has always believed that as long as Kinoshita Mai's family is dealt with, the next thing will be much easier to handle.

The reason why he had such an idea was because he didn't know Kinoshita Mai's family, so he didn't know where to start, and his eyesight went dark.

There is a saying that "the oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown."

In terms of results, Qingdeng's "marriage plan" only achieved one-third of the targets.

The parents of the other two girls haven't even nodded to him yet.

However, he didn't feel anxious.

It would be better to say that after overcoming the biggest difficulty (Kinoshita Rin), he already had a plan in mind!

The only family members of Souji are his biological sister Okita Hikaru, his second sister Okita Kane, and Kondo Shusuke and Abi who are no different from his adoptive parents.

Okita Jin married out of town, and Qingteng had never seen her.

Mr. and Mrs. Kondo will definitely not give any advice on Qingto's marriage.

Although Miss Okita Hikaru did not say it clearly, Qingto could clearly sense that the other party did not contradict his idea of ​​"three legitimate wives".

As for Sanako's family, it's easy to handle.

Chiba Jutaro, Chiba Eijiro... They are all juniors and have no right to speak.

The only person who can make a decision on Sanako's marriage is her father Chiba Nobuyoshi.

Ayoto and Chiba Nobuyoshi are old friends.

He learned about the other party's criteria for recruiting a son-in-law early on.

First of all, Sanako must be the legal wife.

Secondly, Sanako's husband must be a reliable and good man who loves his wife.

Finally, the other party must have certain financial capabilities and cannot let Sanako take advantage of the northwest wind.

In general, Chiba Sadayoshi's requirements are basically a replica of Kinoshita Rin's proposal for recruiting a son-in-law, and they are not very different.

Isn’t this a coincidence? Qingdeng perfectly meets all the conditions! There is not a single one that he does not meet!

Qingto firmly believed that when he showed 100% sincerity, when necessary, he pressed his forehead hard on the tatami and shouted desperately, "Please give Sanako to me!", which aroused Chiba Nobuyoshi's heart.

Compassion will definitely lead to success in the end!

If everything goes well, Qingdeng plans to hold a grand wedding to "marry three wives at the same time" within the year - that is, within the next two months.

He thought Kinoshita Rin's idea of ​​"holding a wedding on New Year's Eve" was quite good.

It feels not bad to welcome the new year on a sweet, tired, sweaty, and breathless wedding night...

By the way, the reason why Seito was in a hurry to get married was entirely to stabilize the military morale and public morale of the Shinsengumi and Qinjin clan.

It’s definitely not about experiencing the bliss of being a husband as soon as possible!

Unknowingly, Qingnobo and Kinoshita Mai walked into a long alleyway crowded with people.

This long alley seems to be a "pub street", filled with large and small izakayas.

Night is the world of drunkards.

This was especially true in the Edo period when entertainment activities were scarce.

"Going to drink with friends" was one of the few nightlife options in the Edo period.

Every izakaya in the alley is lit with lights, illuminating the entire long alley like daylight.

"Drink more! Drink more!"

"Look at this Bintaro, he's drunk after just a few bottles. He's really unworthy."

"This Bintaro is so mean!"

"I heard you say that, you are very brave, aren't you?"

"You're kidding, I'm so brave, okay? I'm really good at drinking!"

Either alone or in groups.

Or laughing, or howling.

Countless drunkards haunt this alley, adding to the atmosphere of fireworks.

This bustling scene made Qingdeng feel nostalgic.

When he was practicing swordsmanship at the Trial Guard Hall, he would often go out drinking with Isamu Kondo and others, and he would get so drunk that he would be in a daze.

Qingdeng never drank too much, so he rarely got drunk.

A very few people - mainly the chief executive - were always greedy for drinks, and it was common for them to drink to pieces. They always had to trouble Qingdeng to carry her home.

At this moment when Qingdeng was secretly reminiscing and sighing——

"Hey! Look! It's a Westerner!"

"Tsk! Why are there Yi Di here?"

"This guy's eyes are blue...how disgusting!"

"Hey! Yiren! Get out of here! You are not welcome here!"

"Go, go, go! Do you understand our language? We tell you to get lost!"

The sudden curses attracted Qingdeng's attention.

Qingdeng looked around and saw a handsome middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes.



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