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Chapter 801 Jishi Mibu and the mini version of Sanako! [Bao Geng 6K2]

Among these newcomers, 5 have attracted the most attention.

One of them is the "Innate Ninja Holy Body" Yamazaki Hao.

The second one is the horse planner.

Chief Sōma - Hitachi was born in the Kasama feudal clan, was born in the 14th year of Tenpo (1843), and is 21 years old this year.

Although he is a young junior, he showed everyone with his practical actions what it means to be "a junior to be feared"!

Frankly speaking, his skills and literary talents are far from outstanding.

Throwing him into the Shinsengumi group filled with tough guys, he seemed ordinary and inconspicuous.

However, just as Yamazaki Hao's "exceptionally low sense of presence" attracted Qingto's attention, there is also something special about him that attracted Qingto's attention.

That is his general style!

In all the military exercises held within the Shinsengumi, his calm demeanor of remaining calm in the face of danger, with the elk lurking to the left and his eyes unblinking, left a deep impression on Qingteng.

Whenever the war is urgent, and massive news and intelligence come in like a storm, and everyone panics and doesn't know what to do, he can always remain calm, quietly observe the battle situation, and look for opportunities for decisive victory.

Seito said of him: given time, he might be able to become the new deputy commander of the Shinsengumi in the future!

Although the Shinsengumi currently has no shortage of fierce generals who are not afraid of death, they can defeat a thousand men with one horse.

But there are very few generals who can strategize and command decisively and win decisively from thousands of miles away.

According to Ainoto's own observation, currently the only people in the Shinsengumi who can be called generals are Hijikata Toshizo and Saito Ichi.

Therefore, Aomori placed Chief Souma in the position of "Deputy Captain of the Sixth Division".

The 6th, 8th, and 11th Divisions in charge of the guns and artillery are the three units that Qingdeng values ​​​​the most now.

Qingdeng's regard and appreciation for him was clearly evident.

The third one is Kanichiro Yoshimura.

Kanichiro Yoshimura—born in the Morioka Domain of Mutsu Province, born in the 11th year of Tenpo (1840), he is 24 years old this year.

Although the Morioka Domain is by no means a small domain with a stone height of 100,000, it is not wealthy due to its remote location in a mountainous area.

In other words, this is a remote country.

In the eyes of Kyoto people who have always been arrogant and keen on regional blackness, people from Mutsu (Northeast) are uncivilized savages.

Kenichiro Yoshimura, who was born in the countryside, has a country bumpkin vibe to him both in appearance and temperament.

He has dark skin, thick hands and feet, his eyes narrow into thin slits when he smiles, his face is full of wrinkles, his cheeks are filled with an honest and honest atmosphere, and his mouth speaks in a very strong, hard-to-understand accent.

However, very different from his simple appearance, he is actually an all-rounder capable of both literary and military skills.

He successively practiced Beichen Yida Ryu and Shindang Ryu, and obtained the rank of Yoshinoden Ryu in both of them.

Because of his superb skills, he was recommended to study abroad in Edo.

While studying abroad in Edo, he entered the Genbukan and became a disciple of Chiba Dosaburo, further practicing the Hokushin Ittōryu.

Therefore, he and Shannan Jingshu are brothers in the same discipline.

Shannan Keisuke had a deep impression on him.

When Shannan Keisuke saw the name "Yoshimura Kanichiro" on the list of applicants for the "Grand Recruitment" and confirmed that this person was the fellow disciple he knew well, he immediately dropped everything he was doing and searched for him as quickly as possible.


"Mr. Ju, please be sure to recruit this person! He is a dragon and a tiger among men!"

In this way, with the strong recommendation of Shannan Keisuke, Aoto recruited Kanichiro Yoshimura to join the army with a stroke of his pen.

Facts have proved that Shannan Keisuke's vision was not wrong.

Whether it is exhausting physical work or mental work that is physically and mentally exhausting, Kanichiro Yoshimura will go all out for every task assigned by Aoto and never let Aoto down.

After many tests, Qingteng finally decided to place him in the position of "Vice Captain of the Eighth Division".

Just like Chief Soma, he also serves as the deputy captain of the Musketeers.

It is worth mentioning that Yoshimura Kanichiro's popularity among the Shinsengumi was very poor, and he was very unpopular with his comrades. Only Shannan Keisuke and a few other comrades were willing to get close to him.

This is not because everyone dislikes him as a country bumpkin. How many people in the Shinsengumi are not from the country?

The reason is not complicated at all - everyone thinks that he is too greedy for money and has an unusual desire for money, just like a philistine businessman, and lacks the spirit of a warrior, so they are unwilling to associate with him.

In this regard, Aoden did some research and finally learned the truth from Shannan Keisuke.

The reason why Yoshimura Kanichiro signed up to join the Shinsengumi was not because of any lofty ideals, but just to make money.

His background was very poor, he was just a low-level samurai, and his annual salary was only a pitiful single digit.

Due to his early marriage, he already has a son and a daughter despite his young age.

Even if you spend all your spare time engaged in side businesses such as umbrella making and shoemaking, it will still be difficult to support your family.

In order to support his wife and children and fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father, he made up his mind to "never return to his hometown again in this life", took the risk to break away from the feudal clan, and worked tirelessly to join Qingdeng.

Since joining the Shinsengumi, he has sent almost all of his military pay and bonuses back to his hometown for the use of his wife and children, and is not willing to spend an extra penny on himself.

Needless to say, the clothes on his body were covered with patches and looked like rags.

Even his sword was in tatters.

The blade of the blade was as thin as a piece of iron due to excessive use and grinding.

The coiled rope on the handle of the knife has long since rotted away, leaving only the bare handle to hold.

Qingden has always been full of respect for such a good and dedicated husband and father.

Qingdeng has now become someone else's husband, and will soon be upgraded to a father.

In this way, he understands the difficulty of being a good husband and father.

Qingdeng knew that even if he was given money, he would probably secretly send it back to his hometown.

So, he took advantage of a certain exercise and presented a good knife to Kanichiro Yoshimura on the grounds that he "deserved a reward for his good performance" - in fact, Kanichiro Yoshimura's performance in the exercise was indeed very impressive.

Worthy of commendation.

How could a smart man like Yoshimura Kanichiro not know that Aoto was showing consideration for him and allowing him to own a new sword in a fair and honorable way by taking care of his dignity?

When I was handed the new sword, I was so moved that I knelt down on the spot and grabbed the ground with my head, saying loudly that I would give everything I had to repay Qingdeng's kindness.

From then on, Yoshimura Kanichiro worked harder to serve the public, and he had the heroic spirit of "a scholar will die for his confidant."

The fourth is Nakazawa Qin.

Nakazawa Qin——Just by looking at the name, you can immediately recognize that this person is a woman.

After Sanako, Amai and Souji, the Shinsengumi has welcomed its fourth female team member.

She and Nakazawa Sadaki, who is currently the deputy captain of the third division, are close siblings.

Regarding the origins of these two brothers and sisters, we must first start with the organization "New Recruitment Group".

Under tremendous political pressure, after the shogunate abolished the pilgrimage regulations, the flow of people in and out of Edo dropped significantly, resulting in a setback in business and a deterioration in the economy.

As we all know, once the economy declines, all kinds of minotaurs will appear.

Robbery, extortion, theft... The security of Edo has deteriorated sharply, and thieves are on the prowl.

At that time, the shogunate successfully formed the Shinsengumi with the idea of ​​"killing two birds with one stone by solving the problem of soldiers and reducing social instability."

Probably due to path dependence on this, in the middle of last year, that is, in the summer of the third year of Bunkyu (1863), the shogunate summoned a group of idle ronin to form a new force specifically responsible for maintaining public security in Edo. , named it "New Recruitment Group".

Since the Shonai clan was responsible for part of the security work in Edo, the new recruitment team was under the command of the Shonai clan.

[Note on the Shonai Domain: The lord of the domain is the Sakai family, a genealogical daimyo who is highly valued by the shogunate]

The Shinsengumi does not have a uniform uniform (light green haori) like the Shinsengumi, but they all wear conspicuous vermilion hats, and at night they carry lanterns with the butterfly pattern, the crest of the Sakai family of the Shouchi domain. , paraded in Edo City, divided into two groups of fifty people, alternating day and night.

Brother and sister Nakazawa are veteran members of the New Recruitment Group.

When the new recruitment team was first established, the two brothers and sisters signed up to join the army.

In the subsequent public security operations, they gradually emerged and gained a great reputation.

The two brothers and sisters come from a martial arts family. Their family owns a dojo and teaches Hōshin-ryu martial arts.

The two brothers and sisters each inherited a part of the Dharma God style.

The elder brother, Nakazawa Sadao, only inherited the swordsmanship of Hojin-ryu.

My younger sister, Qin Nakazawa, inherited the Naginata and Scythe techniques of the Hojin style.

No matter from which point of view, these two brothers and sisters are worthy of the "excellent" comment.

Let's start with appearance - they all look good.

The elder brother has delicate features and the younger sister has a pretty face. One is a handsome boy and the other is a beauty.

Let’s start from the internal point of view - because of strict family education and profound family education, both brothers and sisters have noble character and hate evil as much as hatred.

Finally, let's start with ability - perhaps because of their good genes, their martial arts talents are outstanding and their skills are extraordinary.

After joining the new recruit group, the two brothers and sisters quickly showed their strength far beyond their peers, beating the lawbreakers to the point of crying for their parents, and greatly improving the security of Edo.

As soon as many gangsters heard the name "Zhongze Brothers and Sisters", they consciously clamped their tails and ran away quickly without daring to act arrogantly. It can be said that they were frightened by the news.

Even Qingdeng, who is far away in Gyeonggi Province, has heard of the names of these two brothers and sisters.

Because they all admired Seito and were full of admiration for the Shinsengumi, when they learned that the Shinsengumi was holding a new round of "big recruitment", they did not hesitate to give up their current professional titles and status and rushed to Kyoto to sign up.

Enlist in the army.

They also "kidnapped" a group of elite people from the Shinsengumi who also admired the Shinsengumi.

For this reason, Qingden received a complaint from the Lord of the Shonai Domain - the Shinsengumi in Gyeonggi Province was recruiting troops, but in the end he actually lost a group of capable subordinates... What an injustice!

The reason why Aomori values ​​Nakazawa Qin is very simple.

In a word, she is a unique female hero!

First of all, his height alone is amazing.

She is over 1.7 meters tall! She is almost as tall as Qingdeng!

It is very rare for a woman to have such a height in modern Japan, let alone the Edo period when per capita nutrition was insufficient.

Whenever she walks among the ranks of the Shinsengumi, she stands out from the crowd.

Therefore, not long after joining the Shinsengumi, she received her first title: "Giantess".

Then, not long after, she won the second and now the most widely sung title: "Osona".

She is also good at wielding the naginata, she is also a heroine who is not inferior to men, she is also a beauty as beautiful as a flower, and she is also a warrior with amazing strength...

Strength, appearance, family background... No matter from every angle, Nakazawa Qin is like a mini version of Sanako!

For this reason, the Shinsengumi generals half-jokingly called her "Kosana".

Coincidentally, Nakazawa Qin admires Sanako very much.

Both belong to the "Edo Martial Arts Circle" and are both female samurai. How could Nakazawa Qin not know Sanako?

As early as more than ten years ago, when Sanako was still a teenage girl, she admired him very much and regarded him as her lifelong idol.

In her daily life, she always imitates Sanako consciously or unconsciously.

For example: She always straightens her back, flattens her shoulders, sits like a bell, and stands like a pine tree, so that she behaves as gracefully as Sanako.

Another example: every time she fights, she will imitate Sanako's look and tie her hair into a neat high ponytail.

As a super fan of Sanako, not only does she not feel disgusted by the title "Little Sanako", but she feels extremely honored and likes this title very much.

Qingto put her in the position of "Vice Captain of the Seventh Division" and made her Sanako's adjutant, which was considered to be her wish.

Just like Yamazaki Hao, after Sanako took a back seat due to pregnancy, Nakazawa Qin came to take charge of the overall situation of the seventh team.

Thanks to the command experience she had accumulated while serving the New Recruitment Group, although she was a little confused at the beginning, she gradually adapted to the heavy military duties and is now quite proficient.

By the way, her brother Nakazawa Sadaki is also a talented person who deserves to be focused on training.

However, what is interesting is that compared to his personal abilities, his anecdotes are more impressive.

Nakazawa Sada was not a talkative person and cherished words like gold. If he could explain something clearly in two words, he would never use three words.

Although Qingteng appointed him as the vice-captain of the Third Division, it was purely out of official considerations and was not intended to make things worse.

But in terms of results, his personnel transfers did have quite a dramatic effect.

The reason why I say this is because the captain of the third division, Saito Ichi, is also a man who doesn't like to talk.

Both the captain and the deputy captain are silent gourds. Whenever the third division is dispatched, there will always be a situation like this at the front of the line:

Saitoichi: "..."

Nakazawa Sadashi: "..."

Saitoichi: "..."

Nakazawa Sadashi: "..."

No one spoke, letting the atmosphere become awkward and solemn.

Affected by this, the other team members behind them were all silent, not even daring to breathe out, and the silence was terrifying.

As a result, the Third Division was nicknamed "the quietest unit".

The last person who attracted Aoshinobo's attention was his old acquaintance - Ito Koshitaro - Toudo Heisuke's master and Ito Daizo who led the Ito dojo.

Thanks to Toudou Heisuke's relationship, Qingnog had some interactions with this person before.

The talent "Xiang's Core" is copied from him.

According to Ito Koshitaro himself, he has been paying close attention to the development and activities of the Shinsengumi since they came to Luo.

Over time, he gradually became fascinated and wanted to fight side by side with Qingdeng.

As soon as the news that "the Shinsengumi launched a new round of conscription" reached Edo, he closed the dojo without hesitation, took his younger brother Suzuki Miki Saburo and a group of disciples to Luo and defected to Seito.

After arriving in Shangluo, he abandoned his original name of "Ito Daizo" and changed his name to "Ito Koshitaro".

As Toudo Heisuke's master, his skill goes without saying.

While he is extremely powerful, he is also a great talent.

When Seito was just a passerby, he was already famous in Edo for his profound knowledge and first-rate education.

Qingdeng couldn't help but sigh: Is it a problem of Feng Shui? Why is it that the Beichen Yidao style is always rich in such talented people with both civil and military skills?

From Shannan Keisuke, Toudo Heisuke, and now to Yoshimura Kanichiro and Ito Koshitaro, they are all ruthless people who mount up to attack Kuanghu and dismount from scrawling military documents.

A great talent like Ito Koshitaro is like a universal brick. It can be placed anywhere, but how can he let his orbs fall to dust?

After careful and in-depth consideration, Qingdeng finally decided to appoint him as assistant to the director of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

Although Kondo Isamu is an extraordinary and masculine man, his only flaw is that he is not knowledgeable enough to be competent in tasks that require the use of his brain.

Having Ito Koshiko Taro as his adjutant will surely make him even more powerful.

What a pity... Ito Koshitaro was good in every aspect, but there was only one thing that made Ayoto displeased - he admired Mito Gakushu very much.

The Mito School is the source of the idea of ​​respecting one another.

The Mito School is to respecting people with lofty ideals, just like the Bible is to Christians.

Although Ito Koshitaro did not show any obvious political leanings, nor did he make any extraordinary moves such as "propagating the ideology of respecting the enemy" or "splitting the Shinsengumi", Ainoto still kept a close eye on him.

While reusing him and making full use of his talents, Qingdeng has been secretly wary of him.

On the general stage, Qing Deng, a horse with a golden sword, sat on the main seat.

The generals, led by Hijikata Toshizo and Shannan Keisuke, quickly dispersed with a roar and took up their positions.

"Eh? Who are you?!"

Suddenly, the chief executive's scream came out.

The next moment, the atmosphere at the scene became extremely tense.

Everyone turned their heads, raised their gazes, and stared solemnly at the unexpected guest who suddenly appeared.

Some people even raised their hands to press their knives, assuming a fighting stance.

"It's me, the deputy captain of Division 9, Yamazaki Hao."

Tsukasa: "Yamazaki... Hao...? Oh, yes, I remembered, you are indeed Yamazaki Hao. Hahahaha... I'm sorry... I forgot who you are again..."

"It doesn't matter. It's my own problem. I'm too inconspicuous."

In the blink of an eye, the tense atmosphere suddenly dissipated.

Everyone once again remembered that this person was indeed Yamazaki Hao, and then continued to do what they should do.

According to their status, everyone sat on the left and right sides below Qingdeng, facing each other.

The captains sit in the front row, and the vice-captains sit behind the captain.

Looking up, the scene is so majestic!

Today's martial arts performance is a self-examination within the Shinsengumi, not a show in front of others.

Therefore, there is no need to engage in those empty-headed styles.

As soon as Qingdeng sat down on his front legs, he waved his hands with his back legs.

When Hijikata Toshizo saw this, he immediately shouted loudly:


Suddenly, big flags unfurled!

The flag bearers below the general stage waved the flags in their hands and passed the instructions down level by level.

The next moment, the loud drum sound of "dong dong dong" spread all over the place, filling the air!

The first to go into battle was the infantry.

The general commander, Nagakura Shinpachi and others all stepped down from the general station and went to command their troops.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th divisions, with a total of 1,800 soldiers, were divided into five military formations. They entered the martial arts field with uniform steps and came to the bottom of the general point platform.

Compared to the past, today's Shinsengumi has undergone tremendous changes not only in size, but also in spirit and spirit.

Under the strict discipline of military discipline, the soldiers no longer have the habit of being lax and romantic, and transform into a solid regular army that follows orders and prohibitions!

After the infantry, the next group to appear was the cavalry.

The sound of horses braying "hui hui hui" came from afar.

After a while, a huge wedge-shaped formation composed of 800 cavalry broke into everyone's sight.

Harada Zuozhi's assistant raised his spear and leaped in front of the formation.

A man and a woman followed closely behind him - none other than Qin Nakazawa, the deputy captain of the seventh division, and Tadashi Matsubara, the deputy captain of the tenth division.

She is worthy of being a "giant woman" who is over 1.7 meters tall. When she holds a naginata and sits astride a tall horse, she is as straight as an iron tower! She feels very oppressive!

Looking from a distance, her majestic and heroic appearance has a hint of Sanako's style!

As for Matsubara Chuji, who works side by side with Nakazawa Qin, he is also a good wielder of the naginata.

However, his naginata is specially made, and its blade is not the common wicker-like slender shape.

With such a shape, it looks more like a seki sword than a naginata!

Because of his majestic appearance and ability to wield a large naginata, he was nicknamed "Im-Benkei".

Because he was good at wielding the naginata, Seito put him into the cavalry to take advantage of his long weapon.

The drills of the infantry and cavalry were quite successful.

The chain of command is smooth and the actions are not sloppy.

When attacking, it's like thunder!

When on defense, be rock solid!

Such performance deserves recognition.

Qing Deng smiled and nodded gently, expressing his satisfaction with his expression and movements.

Of course, what Qingdeng is most concerned about is the next two troops——

"go ahead!"

Genzaburo Inoue swung down the sword he held high.

Almost at the same time, not far away, Todo Heisuke also gave the same order to his subordinates.

The next moment the command was given, a shocking scene appeared on the martial arts field.

2,000 musketeers armed with rifles equipped with bayonets were arranged in neat horizontal lines, approaching the target at a steady pace and at a steady pace.

At the same time, behind them, pitch-black muzzles pointed slantingly at the sky, showing a terrifying aura.

The soldiers of the 11th Division... that is, the artillery team, moved the cannon in an orderly manner and rushed to the firing position.

"Don't wait! Speed ​​is firepower! The performance of our artillery determines the outcome of the battlefield!"

The captain of the 11th Squadron - Juro Abe - lowered his face and urged the slightly slower team members in a bad tone.



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PS: There is a Japanese drama specifically featuring Nakazawa Qin as the protagonist. The title of the drama is "The Swordsman of Hanarashi". The prototypes of Kanazawa Chusuke, who became a thief and became the captain of the second division, and his sister Kanazawa Qin who appeared previously are

Nakazawa brother and sister.

As for Kanichiro Yoshimura, there is a novel with him as the protagonist, titled "The Legend of the Righteous Mibu", which was also adapted into a movie of the same name.

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