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Chapter 829 Qingdeng gained another group of fans5200

Qingdeng was startled by the new talent he had not seen for a long time.

"Have a son early +5"...you can tell what the content of the talent is just by looking at the name.

Although this talent cannot be said to be useless, it cannot be said to be very useful.

After all, Qingdeng's fertility is not bad.

Not long after they got married, both Sanako and Awu became pregnant.

Therefore, this talent can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for Qingdeng.

However, with this talent, it may be possible to effectively offset Souji's "difficulty in getting pregnant" physique.

At this time, for some reason, Qingdeng suddenly thought of Atsushi Tianzhangyuan.

After he had a discussion with Tianzhang Academy, the talent he copied from him was "more children, more blessings".

The ability is "it is easier to give birth to healthy and excellent children".

Because this talent is only suitable for females, it cannot take effect on Qingden.

Qingdeng couldn't help but think: If he, who now has the "early birth of a noble son + 5", is combined with Tianzhang Yuan, who has "many children and many blessings", wouldn't it be...

Before this thought could continue, Qingdeng couldn't help but laugh.

Combined with the "Queen Mother"... Unless the shogunate collapses, there is no way this will happen.

Qingdeng suppressed the joy of "having a new talent" and shook his head gently, getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Then, he turned to look at Yoshida Minoru, who had already landed on the ground.

Just now, he made a move from the lower section and made a reverse cassock slash. With the fierce power of the knife, he broke the opponent's knife, and then the blade hit the vital part of his waist and abdomen without losing any force, and chopped him away.

to 10 meters away.

Although the outcome was decided, Yoshida Minoru did not die immediately, either because of his tenacity or his determination.

He was seen leaning on the ground with a broken knife, groaning vaguely, and struggled to sit up.

His eyes were full of blood and frighteningly red, and his face was full of unwillingness and resentment. He stared at Qingdeng fiercely, as if he wanted to shoot through Qingdeng's body with his gaze.

"Damn... lackey...!"

Qingdeng said calmly:

"Your vocabulary is too lacking, isn't it? I'm tired of hearing you call me 'running dog' every time you talk. Can't you use something more novel?"

Yoshida Minoru coughed several times and vomited out a large amount of blood.

There is a "dead air" between his cheeks, and his pupils have begun to dilate.

He used his last strength and said intermittently:

"You... just... wait...!"

"Do you think...your enemies...are the only ones...?"

"The imperial court... Satsuma... Tosa... Hizen... which one is not... eyeing...?"

"Now...you are just...walking on thin ice..."

"I just hate that... I lost my life here..."

"Otherwise... I must... see with my own eyes... how long... your... 'Balance'... can last..."

"Even if you... kill us... you won't be able to kill... all the... patriots... in the world...!"

Faced with Yoshida Minoru's ridicule, Aoto responded calmly:

"Then just let your horse come over."

"The imperial court, Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa, Hizen, Saiyi... No matter which force you belong to, just come over!"

"I will protect everything that needs to be protected."

"You just keep your eyes wide open in the underworld - see how I, the 'Benevolent King', break formations and kill enemies, slay evil and annihilate rebellion!"

I don't know if the other party heard what he said.

Before Qingdeng could finish speaking, he suddenly dropped the knife, fell to his knees, slowly lowered his head, and finally fell forward. A large pool of blood immediately spread around him.

Although Yoshida Renma was very verbose just now, I have to admit that what he just said is true.

The imperial court, Satsuma, Tosa... one by one, they are all ambitious.

Many ministers in the imperial court still harbor the ambition to "restore the prestige of the imperial court."

Not to mention Satsuma, he is just a flexible fence-sitter.

Therefore, what Yoshida Minoru just said is right.

The shogunate is now only able to maintain a fragile "balance" by relying on the remaining power of the past and the support of Seito in recent years.

If something unexpected happens someday in the future, this "balance" will be broken in an instant.

By then, the enemies that the shogunate and Qingto will have to face are not just Choshu...

Of course, these things were within Qingdeng's expectations from the beginning.

Otherwise, he would not fully promote the construction of Qinjin Fan in order to prevent the worst situation from happening.

Just like what Qingdeng said just now - he will protect everything that should be protected!

Qingto glanced at Yoshida Nomo's body, then didn't bother to look at him anymore, looked away, raised his head and shouted:

"Yoshida Minoru has been defeated by me!"

With the blessing of his talent "Cloud Piercing Stone +2", his shout spread quickly.

Suddenly, the scene fell into a brief silence...

Under the fierce attack jointly by Aoto and Tojo Shintaro, the ground was covered with corpses.

There are only a few fifty people left who can stand safely.

My general is dead...those with weak will and low fighting spirit will finally be unable to fight anymore.

They looked at each other in confusion...not knowing who could get up, they turned and ran away.

Then, like a plague, it spread from ten to ten, and more and more people turned and fled.

These guys are all insignificant little characters, not worth mentioning.

Therefore, Qingdeng did not chase them—nor did he pursue them Wuxia.

There were still some die-hard elements who did not escape and remained where they were.

Roughly speaking, there are about a dozen of these die-hard elements.

They were not frightened by the large number of their companions leaving. They still clenched their swords and glared at Qingdeng.

Since they have made up their mind to die, there is no need to say more.

Qingdeng silently prepared the knife and said softly:

"bring it on."

As soon as he finished speaking, the battle started.


The people on the other side let out angry roars, stepped forward, and pounced on him.

From a certain perspective, opponents who are determined to die and have no thought of living are the most terrifying.

But for Qingdeng, dealing with these guys who have neither superior skills nor physical fitness, but no fighting spirit, is just garbage time.

But for Tojo Shintaro, that's not the case.

After all, "age" and "body shape" are two major constraints that are difficult to overcome.

Shintaro Tojo set up his spear and faced the enemy with all his strength.

But the depletion of physical strength still made his hands and feet much duller.

He swung his spear to the left, driving back the enemy on the left, and then swept to the right, driving away the enemy on the right.

Just when his old strength has been exhausted and his new strength has yet to be released——

"Drink ah ah ah ah!"

A certain patriot got a burning trolley from nowhere.

He pushed the cart and crashed directly into Tojo Shintaro at extremely high speed.

Under normal circumstances, it would be easy for Shintaro Tojo to dodge this little trick.

But now that his physical strength has bottomed out and his reactions have begun to slow down, the situation is completely different.

Although he dodged to the left immediately, he was still a little slower.

He escaped the frontal impact of the trolley, but the flames from the trolley still caught his clothes.

Soon, the tongue of fire licked Shintaro Tojo's clothes and spread rapidly.

At this time, Qingdeng had neatly eliminated the enemies on his side.

After discovering something was going on in Dongcheng, he immediately rushed over and joined the battle.

He found the guy who pushed the "train", raised his hand, and with a "whoosh" sound, he made the opponent's head move with just one blow.

While fighting, Qingden never forgot to ask:

"Mr. Dongcheng, are you okay?"

After the clothes caught fire, Shintaro Tojo quickly tore off the clothes on his upper body and threw them out before the flames burned his skin.

"I'm fine... I just got a few blisters from the burns."

After Qingdeng heard this, he calmed down and concentrated on dealing with the enemy in front of him.


He carefully counted the number of remaining enemies.

There are only 5 enemies left on the field.

They are worthy of being dead soldiers.

Even though their side had no chance of winning, these five people did not back down.

They reassembled an arc-shaped formation that semi-surrounded Qingdeng, and then attacked together.

Qingdeng calmly lowered his body, gathered strength in his waist - stepped forward, bent and stretched his upper body - and attacked the enemy on the far right.

He didn't even need to look closely at the effect of the slash, because the feeling of "knife penetrating into the flesh" was very solid.

Although the enemies on the front and left were slashing at them with their swords, Qingden's sense of distance was very accurate. His previous attack included "moving his body" and "dodge", making all their slashes in vain.

In the next breath, he seized the gap when someone changed posture, stepped forward and struck with a knife.

After another breath, his Vairocana collided with another person's celestial spirit cap.

Qingden made a slight mistake in his steps and pounced on the last two enemies.

He drifted past the two men's swords, moved quickly from left to right, and ducked behind them - at this time, he had vibrated the sword hard and shook off the remaining blood on the blade.

The two people seemed to have been immobilized, standing straight in place, and then fell to the left and right like rotten wood.

At this point, the scene finally became quiet.

The fighting has stopped, the chaos has subsided.

The patriots died and fled.

There was only the sound of burning flames all around.

Qingdeng glanced around, then looked up to the sky, let out a long breath, and felt as happy as a boulder falling to the ground.

——It’s finally over...

He still didn't know what the situation was at Ikeda House.

It's all over for him.

The pile of dangerous goods in the warehouse has been inspected.

All the patriots were killed and wounded, and Yoshida Minoru himself was killed.

Yoshida Minoru was to the Zonbo faction what Nagakura Shinpachi was to, and Saito Ichi to the Shinsengumi—a heavy and unbearable loss.

For the Zunban faction, this is undoubtedly a historic defeat!

On the other hand, this is another brilliant victory for the Samu forces since the "August 18th Coup".

At this time, Qingdeng couldn't help but think of a question: What will the Zunbang faction do next?

Under the control of Kusaka Genrui and other radicals, today's Zunban sect has become an unreasonable extremist organization, and they cannot be measured by worldly common sense.

What can be determined is that after suffering such a big loss, there is no way that the Zunbang Sect will not react at all!

In a rage, he mobilized all the troops in Changzhou, launched an eastern expedition, and challenged the shogunate... Such a possibility is not impossible!

The 300,000 territory granted to Ayoto was not only one of the richest lands under the shogunate's rule, but also the western frontier of the shogunate.

If Changzhou really attacked, then Qinjin Fan would be the first to bear the brunt.

After more than half a year, Zhan Yun reunited...

——One wave is not over, but another wave is rising...

Just when Qingdeng was thinking secretly, he suddenly heard light footsteps——

Miss Sumire led A Tao, A Mei and other kunoichi towards them.

Miss Sumire only glanced at Qingteng and then withdrew her gaze - because with just one glance, she knew that apart from her breathing being slightly disturbed, Qingteng was not injured at all and even her clothes were not messed up.

She turned her attention to Shintaro Tojo:

"Shintaro, are you okay?"

Dongcheng Shintaro smiled bitterly:

"I'm fine...except for a few blood blisters and being so tired that I feel like vomiting, I'm fine."

Seeing that Shintaro Tojo was fine, Miss Sumire looked relieved.

Qingdeng asked:

"A Jin, have all the people evacuated?"

Miss Sumire nodded gently:

"Well, we've almost evacuated. We're lucky that no big chaos happened."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and then changed into a tone of deep emotion:

"The people haven't completely evacuated yet, so you should kill all the enemies first... Your killing speed is too fast, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Shintaro Tojo immediately added:

"It has nothing to do with me, I just took action. The corpses all over the ground are basically An Yi's handiwork."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became subtle.

A Tao, A Mei...these kunoichi, who had always shown vigilance and hostility after meeting Aoden, all cast complicated glances at Aoden.

No matter what kind of feelings you have for Qingdeng, you have to admit: without Qingdeng's help tonight, even if they can win, it will never be so smooth!

From breaking into the warehouse single-handedly, to beating Yoshida Yoshida and others like sandbags just now... Aomori has perfectly demonstrated the dominant strength of "Nioh"!

Thanks to his overwhelming force, this series of actions tonight went incredibly smoothly.

Not only did they smash the Zunbo faction's conspiracy, but not even a single person on our side died! Only Shintaro Tojo was burned with a few blood blisters!

In this way, Miss Sumire and the kunoichi could not help but feel like they were "in a dream".

Maybe Amei and the others didn't notice it themselves - when they looked at Qingdeng again, the wariness and hostility in their eyes had been reduced by half.

A few people even had various emotions such as admiration and longing faintly appearing in their eyes.

Qingto didn't notice the changes in the kunoichi's eyes. He half-jokingly asked Ajin:

"A Jin, I thought you wouldn't come."

Miss Sumire sighed silently:

"To be honest, I didn't want to come."

"It's just...I have to admit that your inference is very reasonable."

"So, I left Mr. Ebina and some others behind and asked them to continue to torture those guys."

"The rest of you will follow me to help you."

After Qingdeng heard this, he smiled slightly:

"Thank you for coming. Thanks to your assistance, we were able to quickly evacuate the people and minimize the losses. It was really a big help."

Miss Sumire smiled, showing a smile that was like a dream. As long as she didn't speak, she was an impeccable top beauty.

"You're welcome. We are allies, aren't we? Since we are allies, we should help each other."

Qingden continued in a half-joking tone:

"It's a pity that our alliance only lasts until tonight."

Miss Sumire smiled again:

"Well...that's hard to say."

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from far and near behind him.

He turned around to see - the fire was coming.

Machibashi, the firefighters of the Edo period.

Miss Sumire saw this and said softly:

"The town fire is coming...it's almost time for us to leave."

As members of the Great Salt Party, Miss Sumire and the others naturally tried their best to avoid getting involved with shogunate officials.

Qingdeng nodded:

"Then let's go our separate ways for now."

"I'm very concerned about the situation over there at Ikedaya, so I'm going to Ikedaya now."

Miss Sumire nodded gently:

"An Yi, goodbye."

"I believe it won't be long before we meet again - and then I hope we will still be friends."

After saying that, she led Tojo Shintaro and the kunoichi and turned eastward.

Just when the two sides were about to part ways... Qingdeng suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He hadn't paid close attention to Shintaro Tojo just now.

After taking off his upper body clothes that were on fire, Shintaro Tojo remained naked, exposing his round belly like a pig.

It was only now that he suddenly discovered that there was a large burn mark on Tojo Shintaro's right abdomen...!

This scar is very old, and it looks like an old wound at first glance.

There were burns on his right abdomen, he was good at using spears, and he was good at strength... All kinds of information swirled and merged in Qingdeng's head.

Past memories revived in his mind.

He suddenly recalled the old man he met in Osaka earlier:

(Have you ever seen a warrior with hideous burn marks on his right abdomen who is good at wielding a spear?)

When Qingto couldn't help but stop in shock, Miss Sumire, Tojo Shintaro and others had already jumped into the dark alley and disappeared...

Kyoto, Sanjo Bridge (west of Kamogawa River), Ikedaya——

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

The sound of steel blades clashing one after another shook the atmosphere and reached the sky.

The battle between Souji and others and Prajna seems to have reached a fever pitch!

Although Prajna caused the "New Three Heroes" to suffer a lot, he himself was not at ease either.

His hair and clothes were all messy, and his breathing had become rapid.

Until now, the two sides are still inseparable, with no winner or loser.

Prajna's physical ability is truly terrifying.

Even though his aura was messed up, he was far from being "unable to fight".

Judging from his condition, he has the spirit of "I can fight another 300 rounds."

On the other hand, the "Newly Selected Three Heroes"...their condition is actually not good.

Nagakura Shinpachi and Saito were fine once they fell, but Souji...

Her cheeks turned white, her red lips were slightly open, she greedily sucked in the air, and her chest rose and fell rapidly, like a bellows.

Physical strength is Souji's weakness, and she is not good at attrition warfare.

Prajna is still doing well, but Souji, who is the main combat force of the "Newly Selected Three Heroes", is unable to succeed... This does not look like good news at all!

Hijikata Toshizo, Serizawa Kamo and others who were watching the battle silently held the knives in their hands.

At this moment, the "Newly Selected Three Heroes" are standing in a row, staring at Prajna opposite, conceiving new tactics.

The Souji wiped the sweat off his chin, swallowed, and looked thoughtful.

After a while, she said quietly:

"...Shinpachi, Saito, help me find an opening."

As she spoke, she spread her legs, lowered her waist, raised the tip of the knife, and adopted the Blue Eyes pose.



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