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Chapter 87 The No. 1 Beauty of Edo in a Low-Quality Work [9000 words]

"Speaking of which, Zona, I made a new friend a few days ago."

Chiba Jutaro, who crossed his arms across his chest and took a figure-eight stride, suddenly spoke to his sister next to him.

"...New friend?" Sanako, who folded his hands in front of him and walked side by side with Chiba Jutaro, turned his head and looked at his brother.

Chiba Jutaro nodded: "It's Satonaka Hachiro who introduced me to a new friend named Kawahara Masatsugu."

"He is a very outstanding young man."

Hearing Chiba Jutaro's words, Sanako seemed to realize something, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and her expression... also became cold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chiba Jutaro noticed this change in Sanako's expression - but he deliberately pretended not to notice it, laughed a few times, and continued:

"That Kawahara Masatsugu is only 23 years old this year, and he is already a teacher at Sengakukan in Echinaka Town."

"Sona, you probably know about the Sengakukan in Echinaka Town, right? It's the Sengakukan where Ono Itto-ryu is taught."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, at the age of 23, you have relied on your strength to become the teacher of a big sword hall like Qianxuekan. Your future is bright."

"I went out to have a few drinks with this Kawahara-kun a few days ago."

Chiba Jutaro raised his hand and made a drinking gesture.

"I thought that a young man with a bright future and good looks like him would have been snatched away by a daughter of some family."

"But I didn't expect that Kawahara-kun is still unmarried..."


Before Jutaro Chiba finished speaking, Sana silently turned his gaze from Jutaro Chiba back to the front of him, and then interrupted Jutaro Chiba's words with a cold tone that was neither sad nor happy.

"I know what you want to say."

"It's rare that we go out together. Can you please stop talking about this kind of topic that I don't like to hear?"

Chiba Jutaro's expression froze.

After he looked at Sanako several times with complex eyes, he slowly closed his mouth and let out a long sigh.

"...Sana, I admit that Ryoma Sakamoto is indeed a very outstanding and charming man."

"But was he so good that...? You still can't forget him until now..."

Chiba Jutaro raised his hand with an annoyed look on his face and scratched the hair on the back of his head.

At this time, Sana pursed her lips slightly, lowered her head slightly, folded her hands in front of her, and gently grasped the fabric at the lower part of the kimono belt.

"I asked some friends who live in Tosa Domain to help me find out about Ryoma."

"After Ryoma left our Little Chiba Sword Hall and returned to Tosa, he joined an organization founded by a corporal named 'Takeichi Hanheita': the 'Tosa Kinou Party'."

"According to my friends from the Tosa Domain...the 'Tosa Kinou Party' is an organization that pursues quite radical anti-barbarian ideas...with the goal of eradicating all barbarians in the country."

"I think there is something wrong with Ryoma... he actually joined such a radical organization..."

"Zona, I think it's better if you don't have any more expectations for Ryoma."

"Ryoma may be... he is no longer the carefree Ryoma we were familiar with who only practiced swordsmanship every day..."


Sana interrupted Chiba Jutaro again.

This time, Zona's tone was a little higher.

"The topic about Ryoma-kun... can we stop here?"

"...Okay, okay." Chiba Jutaro smacked his lips gently, "If you don't want to hear it, Sana, then I won't say it."

After saying this, the brother and sister said nothing again.

Until—the scent of grilled eel penetrated Chiba Jutaro's nostrils.

"Oh...!" Chiba Jutaro sniffed hard a few times, then turned his neck eagerly, looking for the location where the smell came from.

"There are still eel stalls at this time..." Chiba Jutaro looked at an eel stall that was still open not far ahead and swallowed hard, "... Sana, do you want to eat eel now?


Zona shook his head.

"You don't want to eat it? Well, I'll buy one myself." Chiba sucked the saliva accumulated in his mouth, then quickened his pace and ran towards the eel stall.

"Brother." Sana quickly shouted to Chiba Jutaro's back, "We have to rush to the trial training hall now, and we don't have time to eat and drink here."

"It's okay, it's okay." Chiba Jutaro waved his hand to Sana behind him without looking back, "I eat very quickly! Boss! Here's a skewer of grilled eel!"

"Okay, 8 cents."

Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi Town, Imperial Guard Hall——

In the hall, Okita was kneeling in the corner of the hall, holding an arithmetic book and reading it carefully. He turned his head and blinked a few times at Qingden who was standing beside him:


"Yes." Qingden nodded, "Kondo-kun, Saito, and I plan to take a bath at Chihiro's house now. Okita-kun, do you want to come with us?"

Aoto, who had been practicing at the dojo for more than an hour at night with Kondo, was now covered in sweat, and his face was flushed with the characteristic flush after strenuous exercise.

Qingden is the kind of person who is used to taking a shower immediately after exercising strenuously and sweating all over his body.

His body was now covered with the sweat left after practicing at night with Kondo. All he wanted to do now was to take a bath at Chihiroya, a bathhouse located near the trial gym.

Kondo and his family did not have a bathroom, so they had to go to a nearby bathhouse if they wanted to take a bath.

This kind of family structure without a bathroom was actually quite common throughout ancient Japan. The vast majority of urban residents...including samurai, did not have a bathroom at home.

The reason why this is the case is mainly due to layer 2 reasons.

1: The land is narrow and densely populated. Take Edo as an example. The per capita housing area of ​​Edo’s townspeople is less than 10 square meters. Such a narrow living space is not enough to accommodate only people. How to build a bathroom?

Not to mention bathrooms, most families don't even have a toilet and have to share a public toilet with several or even a dozen neighboring households.

2: It is safe to use fire. You always need to boil water when taking a bath, right? This will greatly increase the hidden dangers of using fire, so the government does not encourage residents to build bathrooms in their homes.

Based on the above two reasons, in ancient Japan, only a very few people had the ability to have a private bathroom in their own home. Most people who wanted to take a bath could only go to a nearby bathhouse.

Because most people can only go to bathhouses to take a bath, Japan's special "bath culture" was born.

By the way - Qingden is one of these "very few people".

In Qingdeng, where he was enshrined, he received nearly 330 square meters of land from the government. The area was sufficient, so he built a small bathroom in his home... Actually, it was called a bathroom, but it was actually just a place for bathing.

It's just a small room for a barrel.

Aoto had already sent out invitations to Kondo and the others one by one just now. Kondo and Saito both nodded and agreed to the invitation of "Let's go to the bathhouse and take a bath together now." Only Okita has not been invited.

"I won't take a shower yet." As soon as Qingto's invitation ended, Okita showed a cheerful smile to Qingto and shook the arithmetic book in his hand without thinking, "I want to go to the southwest and read for a while.

Shu, I want to go to the bathhouse to take a bath later."

Aoto glanced at the book in Okita's hand... The arithmetic book Okita was reading. According to Okita, it was written by Hijikata Toshizo, who Aoto had never met until now.

Compiled "Arithmetic Textbook" for Okita.

Ayoto borrowed it and briefly looked through it - the content of this textbook was indeed quite suitable for Okita, who had a complete mess of arithmetic basics and could only do addition and subtraction within 10.

That Hijikata Toshizo seemed to be planning to use a "step-by-step" approach to teach Okita arithmetic. This thin textbook didn't teach anything else but addition and subtraction.

The book uses extremely concise language to introduce Okita to what "addition and subtraction" is, teaches Okita how to master addition and subtraction of two-digit and above numbers, and lists a large number of arithmetic problems that are very suitable for Okita's current level.

According to Aoto's observations during the period since he moved into the Imperial Guard Hall - Okita is a person who has a very regular daily life.

I practiced swordplay in the dojo during the day, and studied arithmetic there at night.

Overall, he is a very homely person.

I only occasionally go out for a walk when I have finished eating the Jinping Candy at home, or I am greedy and want to eat some delicious snacks outside.

Since Okita expressed that he wanted to wait until later to take a shower, Aoto didn't force him.

After simply saying to Okita, "Kondo, Saito and I will be back later," he left the living room and went to the entrance.

Kondo and Saito had already packed the bathtub, towels and other items and were standing at the entrance waiting for Aoto.

"Tachibana-kun, where did you just go?" Kondo asked.

"I'm going to ask Okita-kun if he wants to take a shower with us." Qingto said to the two of them, "Okita-kun said he wants to wait until later to take a shower."

"Hahaha, this is Souji's habit." Kondo smiled, "Souji always likes to wait until very late before going to the bathhouse to take a bath."

"Since the Souji doesn't come, then the three of us will go to the bathhouse."

Qingdeng nodded: "Well, let's go."

Chihiroya is the bathhouse closest to the Shiweikan. From the Shiweikan, you can walk for 2 or 3 minutes and turn two intersections to reach this bathhouse. The Kondo family usually comes to this Chihiro house.

Take a shower in the house.

Chihiro House has the most common and classic structure of bathhouses of this era.

There are auxiliary bows and arrows hung on the eaves. Because the Japanese pronunciations of "bathing" and "archery" are the same, so to symbolize the homophony, many bathhouses like to hang auxiliary bows and arrows in front of the gate.

There are two doors in total. The door on the left is hung with a blue cloth with the inscription "Men's Soup", and the door on the right is hung with a red cloth with the inscription "Women's Soup".

Throughout ancient Japan, until the middle of the Edo period, bathhouses were basically gender-neutral, and bathing was basically mixed.

Of course - in mixed bathing, men and women will not take off their clothes. Women will wear a yukata and Yumona (close-fitting skirt), and men will wear a loincloth.

It wasn't until the Kansei period 70 years ago that a man named Matsudaira Sadanobu, who was the leader of the old school at that time, felt that mixed bathing between men and women was really immoral and offensive, so he made it clear that mixed bathing in bathhouses was no longer allowed and men and women must be separated.

Since then, except for a few areas, Japanese bathhouses have been separated for men and women.

It is said that when Matsudaira Sadanobu ordered a ban on mixed bathing between men and women, quite a few men hated Matsudaira Sadanobu to the core and wanted to have Matsudaira's muscles and skin peeled off.

Like most bathhouses, this Chihiro House has two floors. The first floor is a place for bathing, and the second floor is a lounge where guests can rest and play after taking a bath.

Women are not allowed to go to the rest room on the second floor. Women can only leave the bathhouse after taking a bath. They cannot go to the second floor to rest and brag with their friends like men can.

Talk about the mountains.

The vast majority of town residents could only go to bathhouses to bathe, and bathhouses naturally became one of the important social places for people in ancient Japan.

Going to the bathhouse together to take a bath, talking about the mountains while taking a bath, and then going to the lounge on the second floor to drink tea while continuing to talk about the mountains after taking a bath - this is a very common scene in this era.

The owner of Chihiro House is an old woman who is about 70 years old.

This old woman's name is "Aqian", but people who often come to this bathhouse are accustomed to calling this old woman "Tangbaba".

Qingteng has been living in the Shiwei Hall for a while, and has been to this Chihiro House many times. He is already familiar with Granny Yu, and Granny Yu has also recognized Qingnori as a new guest.

Yubaba, who was sitting behind the tent adjacent to the entrance of the men's bath, immediately greeted Ayoto and others warmly when she saw them arriving.

After saying hello to Granny Yu who was sitting at the counter, and paying the bathing fee (2 copper coins per person), the three of them filed in and entered the undressing room.

There are three components on the first floor of Chihiro House: the "undressing room" for taking off clothes and storing luggage, the "shower room" for taking a bath, and the "bathtub" for taking a bath.

All bathhouses are like this. You must wash your body before you can take a bath in the bathhouse.

When you enter the bathhouse to take a bath, you can only take a bath. You cannot swim there or take a bath in the bathhouse. Otherwise, you will be regarded as a rude person and may be kicked out of the bathhouse directly.

At this time, it is the time when there are the most people in the bathhouse.

Aoto, Kondo, and Saito washed their bodies in the shower room. When they entered the mist-filled bath, they found that nearly 70% of the spacious bath was filled with people.

Bodies of various shapes and ages were swaying around in the pool...it looked quite eye-catching.

Qingdeng and the other three found a corner in the bathhouse where there were fewer people and there was a wall behind them to sit down.

Qingdeng deliberately sat lower so that the pool water could reach his neck.

Feeling the warm pool water surrounding his body... Qingden felt that the fatigue in his limbs and limbs had been reduced a lot.

Qingden was just thinking about enjoying the pleasure of taking a bath, but the sound of several conversations not far from him forced his attention away——

"Hey, have you heard of the story about Tachibana Aoden?"

"I've heard about it a long time ago. I heard about that Tachibana Aoden a few days ago. Didn't you know about it until now?"

"Oh, I haven't been out of the house much these days. That Ju Qingden is really amazing. With just a few people, he defeated more than 200 madmen from the 'Exjection Sect'. I didn't expect that.

The execution office actually has such a powerful official."

"I think this story might be made up..."

"Whether it's made up or not, even if it is, the story sounds enjoyable enough. I've long been displeased with those people who keep talking about 'resisting the foreigners'."

"Me too. I'm so annoyed by those people. They flaunt themselves every day as 'anti-barbarian patriots,' but in the end, they never do anything for human affairs."

"Amei's grocery store was extorted last month by a few bastards who claimed to be 'anti-foreigners'. Those bastards asked Amei to give them a grant to support their 'anti-foreign cause'. What do you mean?

If you give us money, you are not supporting our 'great cause of expelling the foreigners', and you are a national traitor who does not love this country."

"Then what? Did Amei give me the money?"

"At the beginning, Amei didn't want to give money, but when those bastards saw that Amei didn't give money, they threatened Amei: If you don't give money, they will keep harassing you and punish you, a national thief. Amei

If you are scared, you can only swallow your anger and pay the money."

"Damn it, these guys who claim to be lofty ideals are really a bunch of beasts."

"I really hope there are more people like that Tachibana Aoden, who can teach those beasts a lesson."

Kondo, who was sitting next to Aoto, also heard this conversation.

"Hahaha." Kondo smiled, then lowered his voice and joked to Aomori beside him, "Tachibana-kun, you are now a real celebrity in Edo..."

Facing Kondo's joke, Aoto smiled bitterly.

If we talk about what is the most discussed topic in Edo recently... then it is of course Aoto's "Snowy Night War".

Because this deed in Qingdeng was widely spread by unknown people, this topic is still highly discussed to this day.

During these days, whenever Qingdeng went out, he could hear people discussing him.

Thanks to the lack of convenient things like photos and the Internet in this era, few people in Edo knew what Aoshinobu looked like. Otherwise, if Aoshinobu went out, he would inevitably be surrounded by people.

Due to the sudden increase in "popularity", some strange changes took place in Qingto's life in the trial gym.

Kondo, Okita and the others did not look at him in a different light because Aotomo suddenly became famous, but treated Aotomo warmly as usual.

But this is not the case for some apprentices.

After some apprentices learned that their young junior brother had suddenly become such a famous figure, they couldn't help but look at Qingdeng with strange eyes and subconsciously used honorifics to talk to Qingdeng...

"Kondo-kun, to be honest: I suddenly became so famous... This makes it a little difficult for me to adapt." Aonto said in a helpless tone.

Qingdeng's words were not self-effacing, he said them sincerely.

Suddenly, overnight, he went from being unknown to being well-known on the street, and he could be heard talking about him wherever he went... This huge contrast made Qing Deng feel a little difficult to adapt...

There is a weird...sense of panic in my heart, and I feel so stressed out for no reason...

"Hahahaha." Kondo smiled again, and then said quietly with a smile full of memories, "I can understand your feelings a little bit."

"I used to be the son of a farmer in Ishihara Village, Tama."

"After my father adopted me as the adopted son of the Kondo family 10 years ago, I instantly became a celebrity in the entire Tama area."

"Nearly everyone in Tama knows that Katsugoro of Kamiishihara Village was adopted by a samurai and became a samurai."

"Everyone was quite surprised. Many people even came to our village to see what I, a person who has soared into the sky, looked like."

Qingdeng, who was listening attentively, nodded at this time: "Farmers turned into warriors... This kind of news is really shocking..."

Japan has always been a country with extremely serious class solidification - especially during the Edo period.

There is an almost insurmountable gap between the two identities of samurai and civilians. Samurai have been samurai for generations, and civilians have been civilians for generations. According to normal means, it is almost impossible for civilians to become samurai.

A peasant suddenly became a samurai with his own surname and the right to carry a sword... Most people in this era would not even dare to think about this kind of thing...

"After becoming a celebrity in Tama overnight, many people came to me and said: I am the pride of Tama."

The smile on Kondo's face slowly turned a bit bitter at this time.

"Although some of the people who praise me are really blessing me sincerely, there are also quite a few people... who are congratulating me on the surface, but in reality they are looking at me with strange eyes..."

"At that time, I also felt that it was a little difficult to adapt to my mood, and I felt a lot of pressure." Kondo laughed heartily a few times, "But these are things in the past, and I don't care anymore.


"Ji Jun, I believe that over time, you will gradually get used to this sudden change in 'fame'."

"Haha..." Qingdeng smiled and said, "I accept your good advice."

At this moment——

Trial Guard Hall——

Dong dong dong...

Okita, who was concentrating on reading and studying arithmetic in the living room, suddenly heard a knock on the door from the entrance.

"Huh?" Okita put down the arithmetic book in his hand, frowned, and looked up in the direction of the entrance.

"It's already this time...who is it..."

While muttering like this, he walked quickly to the entrance hall.

"Here we come -" Okita said in a long tone while opening the door.

Standing outside the door is a strong figure and a beautiful silhouette like plum blossoms in midwinter.

"Jugetaro-kun? Miss Sana?" Okita looked at the man and woman outside the door in surprise.

"Oh, good evening, Souji." Jutaro, who smelled of grilled eel, greeted Okita warmly, "Souji, are Mr. Shusuke and Yu-kun here?"

The longer Ayoto spends time with Saito, the more he wonders whether Saito is the reincarnation of a sloth.

If conditions permit, he seems to be able to remain silent for the whole day and stay in the same place without moving for the whole day...

It was obviously Aoto, Kondo, and Saito who came to the bathhouse to take a bath together, but in the end, it felt like "there were three people on the surface, but in reality they were only two people."

Saito did not take the initiative to join in the chat between Aoto and Kondo during the entire process. He only said nothing while taking a bath and huddled motionlessly in the pool...

Aoto and Kondo also tried to bring Saito into the "group chat", but Saito would only use words like "um", "oh", "ok" and other words to answer the topics Aoto and the others threw.

Qingdeng and the others were not the kind of people who would spend a lot of time in the bath. After their fingers became slightly wrinkled, they left the bath, wiped their bodies clean, changed their clothes, and prepared to return to the bathroom.

"We're back... huh?" Kondo, who was walking at the front, was the first to open the door and enter the house.

As soon as he entered the house, Kondo discovered that in the dirt room used to store shoes, there was a pair of straw sandals and women's flat-soled clogs.

Patapapapapap...it's the sound of Okita's footsteps.

"Brother Kondo, you are finally back." Okita rushed from the other end of the corridor towards Aoto and others who were standing on the soil.

"Soji." Kondo licked his lips at the pair of straw sandals and women's flat clogs in confusion, "Are there any guests?"

"Yes." Okita nodded vigorously twice, "It's Jutaro-kun and Sana-san who are here."

"Jugetaro-kun and Sana-san are here?" Kondo raised his eyebrows with confusion on his face.

Also looking puzzled... was Qingdeng.

"...Kondo-kun, Okita-kun, who are this Jutaro and Sana?"

Qingdeng was confused because he didn't recognize these two people.

"Ah, Tachibana-kun, you haven't been to the Little Chiba Sword Hall yet, so you probably don't recognize these two people yet. I'll explain it to you later." After Kondo smiled at Aoto, he turned to Okita and asked,

"Souji, where are Jutaro-kun and Miss Sana now? What are they doing by suddenly visiting our training hall?"

"The two of them are in the living room now, and the master is entertaining them." Okita replied, "As for why they are here, I don't know. I just know that they seem to have important things to talk to you and the master."

"Brother Kondo, go change your clothes and fix your hair. Master and the others are waiting for you."

"Yeah." Kondo nodded, "Okay, I understand."

Kondo shook off the clogs on his feet and stepped across the dirt.

But at this moment, Kondo seemed to have thought of something. He paused, then turned his head and smiled at Qingto:

"Tachibana-kun, please fix your hair and change your clothes."

"Me?" Qingdeng raised his finger and pointed at himself.

"Well, this is a good opportunity to introduce you to people who know the Little Chiba Sword Hall. Come with me."

Since Kondo mentioned this, it was hard for Aoto to refuse.

Moreover, he was quite curious about who Jutaro and Sana were, so without much thought, he readily agreed to Kondo's invitation to take him to meet these two people.

Because they had just taken a shower, Qingdeng and his friends' hair was hanging down.

If the hair that is usually pulled into a bun is let down, Qingdeng's hair can be worn on the shoulders.

With hair hanging down... it was quite impolite to meet guests like this, so Aoto and Kondo could only go to a small room on the first floor to comb their hair and put it into a bun - Okita followed them.

Come here and help Qingden and Kondo comb their hair.

Taking advantage of this break from arranging his hair, Aoto learned from Kondo and Okita who Jutaro and Sana were.

It turned out that these two people were the young master and eldest lady of the famous Little Chiba Sword Hall, which had a close connection with the Imperial Guard Hall.

The current owner of the Little Chiba Sword Hall is Chiba Nobuyoshi, the younger brother of the still-living legendary great swordsman Chiba Shusaku, the master of Beichen Ittōryu.

And this Jutaro and Sana are the eldest son and daughter of Chiba Nobuyoshi: Chiba Jutaro and Chiba Sanako.

"Jutaro-kun and Sana-san are a pair of very famous brothers and sisters in our Edo swordsmanship community." Okita, who knelt down behind Aoto, and helped Aoto pull up his bun while sitting cross-legged on the tatami, said calmly.

Said, "Both the brother and sister inherited their family's excellent swordsmanship talents."

"Jutaro-kun, who is the same age as Kondo-san, relied on his extraordinary strength in the past few years to successfully become the shihandai of the Little Chiba Sword Hall."

"And Miss Zona's swordsmanship is not inferior to that of her brother at all."

"When Sana-san was 10 years old, she received the Kodachi Jutsu of Beichen Ittou style. She is also the teacher of the Kochiba sword academy and mainly teaches Kodachi swordsmanship and naginata style of Beichen Ittou style."

"...Huh?" Qingden turned his head with a blank look on his face and looked at Okita behind him, "How old do you think that Miss Sana is, and how old is she that she has mastered the Beichen Itto-style Kodachi technique?"

"10 years old." After Okita repeated the number she just said in a serious tone, she smiled and said, "How is it? Are you surprised?"

Isn’t this surprising?

Qingdeng complained loudly in his heart.

He learned swordsmanship at the age of 10... and he was from a famous family like Beichen Itto-ryu...

Obtaining the exemption means that you have completely mastered all the skills of the school and have the qualifications to open a sword hall and teach apprentices.

This Sanako got the Onsho Kaiden at the age of 10... This means that when she was 10 years old, she had the qualifications to open a swordsmanship and recruit apprentices.

At the age of 10, when her body, mind, and strength have not yet fully matured, a woman has obtained a blessing that countless people will never get in their lifetime...

Neither the comics nor the comics would dare to design it like this, right?

"Let me declare in advance that I am not telling lies. That Sana-san has indeed mastered the Hokushin Itto-ryu Kodachi Swordsmanship at the age of 10." Okita continued, "She has shown her ability since she was a child.

She has extraordinary talent in swordsmanship. Because her swordsmanship is quite superb and her strength is as terrifying as a ghost, people call her 'Chiba's genius swordswoman' and 'Chiba's ghost town'."

"Komachi?" Qingden raised his eyebrows, "Why do you call her Komachi? Is she very beautiful?"

In ancient Japan, "Komachi" was the name for "beautiful girl". Calling a woman "Komachi" was equivalent to complimenting her very elegantly on her beauty.

"Haha." After Okita smiled, he showed an intriguing smile to Qingden, "Miss Sana, she is not ordinary beautiful."

"She is a well-known beauty, otherwise she wouldn't have the nickname 'Onikomachi'."

"I heard that some good people even praised her as 'the most beautiful woman in Edo'."

Hearing this, Qing Deng's face couldn't help but look a little more confused.

She has a noble status, has a very cool uncle and father, is the eldest lady in the martial arts world, has outstanding swordsmanship talent and strength, and has a face that can be praised as "Kimi Komachi" and "the most beautiful woman in Edo".


The more Qingto listened, the more he thought why this Chiba Sanako looked like the "Chosen Girl"?

Is there really such a person with impeccable life experience, talent, and appearance in reality...?

After listening to Okita's introduction to Sanako, Ayoto couldn't help but become more curious about this "Chosen Girl" and eager to see what this such a perfect woman looked like.

Because Aoto doesn't have Tsukiyo's shaved head like Kondo, so it's a little more troublesome for him to do his hair in a bun.

After arranging their hair and putting on their clothes, Aoto and Okita walked side by side behind Kondo and headed towards the living room.

"Father, I am Yong!" Kondo shouted into the hall.

"Oh, Yong, you finally combed your hair. Come on, come in!"



The door to the living room slowly opened.

After Kondo opened the door to the living room, Qingto subconsciously turned his eyes and looked at the scene in the living room.

In the hall, Zhouzhu, smiling as usual, was sitting cross-legged on the west side of the hall.

Opposite him, on the east side of the hall, was a man and a woman sitting side by side.

When his eyes glanced at the woman in the pair, Qingdeng's eyes...for a moment, he had the illusion of looking directly at the sun, and was dazzled for a moment.

This is a young woman who should be around 20 years old.

Her lustrous black hair was pulled into a regular Shimada bun.

Fair and delicate skin, clear and delicate eyebrows, soft eyelash lines, round front end, cute nose bridge, and full lips.

Her facial features are so perfect that no one can find any flaws.

Wearing a goose-yellow kimono, with a wide pink sash wrapped around her waist that reaches just below her chest.

The face is already extremely beautiful, and in addition to the face, this woman's figure is also outstanding.

The woman has a pair of breasts that are quite disproportionate to her rather slender figure and have a strong presence.

The soft weight pressed against the pink belt on her body, which worked hard to hold up the pair of things that seemed to be quite heavy.

The little feet covered with white socks were tucked under the buttocks that looked very safe for childbirth.

Qingdeng could not help but look at this woman.

And this woman was also looking at Qingdeng.

The woman blinked her eyes with extremely long eyelashes a few times.

He sent doubtful and curious glances towards Qingdeng.



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