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Chapter 233: Historic Meeting (End)

"Then Master Feng, can you presuppose for us what the five inner Khalkha tribes should look like to suit the interests of your great Zhou Dynasty?"

Soon Zai Sai asked Feng Ziying, "They are all here for profit, so they might as well talk openly about it."

Feng Ziying was also prepared and nodded: "For the Great Zhou, a fragmented grassland may be more in line with the interests of the Great Zhou. This is a normal assumption."

Zaisai also nodded. The other party did not hide anything. This was the policy of the Central Plains dynasties towards the grassland tribes of all dynasties.

"But the situation is different now. The Jianzhou Jurchen variable has appeared. They should not be considered a grassland tribe, but can only be regarded as a tribe that combines fishing, hunting, nomadism and farming. They are also very good at learning. The grievances between the grassland tribes and the Central Plains Dynasty are the same.

It all started because of trade. The fundamental reason is that the survival of grassland tribes is greatly affected by natural disasters, and once the population increases, the carrying capacity will decrease, making them more susceptible to God's influence..."

Feng Ziying's words made several people, including Zaisai, nod slightly, and even Busia Mara also agreed.

"A black disaster or a white disaster is enough to severely damage a tribe's vitality. If the tribe's internal savings are insufficient and there is no external assistance, then it is not impossible to exterminate the tribe. And many tribes often suffer from natural disasters where their livestock and people are greatly reduced.

Ding died of illness and starved to death, and became a vassal of other tribes..."

"If we can have a stable external aid as an ally, then the grassland tribes can avoid the most deadly dangers. Even if they encounter natural disasters, external aid can support them in the most difficult times in the past..."

Zai Sai understood what Feng Ziying meant and frowned, "Then why didn't Zhou choose Jianzhou Jurchen?"

"What the Jianzhou Jurchens want is not aid. They want the land of Liaodong. They want to challenge the inviolable power of the Emperor of Zhou. In this case, no Central Plains dynasty will allow it, unless..." Feng Ziying smiled and said nothing.

Go on.

Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and you will get cash and coins!

"Unless there is a generation of heroes like Genghis Khan?" Bushiyamala couldn't help but interjected.

Zasai's heart trembled, and several people behind him also turned their attention to Feng Ziying.

For the Han people, this question is difficult to answer from any angle, but it would be too meaningless to deny the facts.

"Well, I guess. Times make heroes. Temujin took advantage of the situation and happened to catch up with the Central Plains Dynasty when it was at its weakest, so he was able to achieve a great hegemony. However, his rise and fall were also sudden. He cannot really understand

With the power of civilization, it is always difficult to last long." Feng Ziying said calmly: "It is ridiculous to want to repeat the old practices of the previous dynasty in every era. Keep pace with the times and find the position that belongs to you or the people you represent.

, this is a wise move,..."

These words were a bit mind-boggling, and both Zaisai and Busiamala seemed a little confused when they heard them, as if they understood something, but also as if they didn't understand anything at all.

Zaisai finally returned to the topic he was most concerned about: "What your Lord means is that the five Inner Khalkha tribes can form allies with the Great Zhou and support each other, but the five Inner Khalkha tribes will always be the Mongols,..."

Feng Ziying smiled. He also knew that it would be difficult for the five Inner Kalkha tribes to rebel against the Chahar people now, but the most basic requirement of preventing the five Inner Kalkha tribes from turning against the Jianzhou Jurchens was not difficult.

Sai is also quite hostile to the Jianzhou Jurchens. One of Feng Ziying's most important purposes this time is to let the five inner Khalkha tribes completely suppress the Horqin people. The Horqin people must not be dragged away by the Jianzhou Jurchens to prevent the Jianzhou Jurchens.

He extended his hand to the grassland and even worked with Ye Hebu to compete with Jianzhou Jurchens in the East China Sea to isolate Jianzhou Jurchens to the maximum extent.

"Lord Zasai, the initiative is in your hands. I can't force you to do what you do. So I hope that Sir Zasai can see the situation clearly and make a choice that is in the interest of the five inner Khalkha ministries. But I want to say one more thing,

Alliance is just a gimmick, interests are fundamental, and interests are mutual. Only when both parties can feel the real manifestation of sincerity, that is, interests, can this kind of alliance last." Feng Ziying smiled, "Liaodong has enough.

The interests are reflected, especially after the opening of Yuguan Port, I believe that the radiation and influence of the Great Zhou Dynasty on the grassland will continue to increase..."

The needs of the grassland tribes and Jianzhou Jurchens are different. For them, a stable and prosperous trade channel is very important, especially the iron materials, tea, cloth and salt of the Han people, which are all indispensable.

On the contrary, things like silk and porcelain are luxuries that can only be enjoyed by the nobles. Even the consumption power of the nobles is far less than that of the gentry and merchants within the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, iron materials, tea, salt,

Commodities such as cloth are extremely important to the people on the entire grassland, which is different from the Jurchens.

The Jianzhou Jurchens have opened up trade channels with North Korea. Not only can they obtain various trade privileges from people like the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but they can also supplement their import needs through North Korea when necessary. This is almost the same as the Mongols.

Other trade channels are not quite the same.

Moreover, Jianzhou Jurchens have been in close contact with the Zhou Dynasty for a long time, and they have also accommodated many Han refugees. Therefore, they are far better than the Mongols in iron smelting, tanning, and making weapons and tools. Their skills

The appetite is no longer limited to simple trade, but has begun to spy on the land of Liaodong in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

An intriguing smile appeared on Zai Sai's face, "Master Feng, the Chahars and the Waikarkha people were in Huairou, and Miyun won a great victory. In the battle between Qiangziling and Zhenlu Camp, the Zhou army was defeated.

In the next step, Lin Dan Batur plans to occupy Pinggu and Shunyi. At present, the population they have captured exceeds 70,000, mainly including ordinary people in Miyun and Huairou counties. Currently, Fengrun and Yutian are almost empty cities. Lin Dan Batur promised to

I, as long as our Inner Khalkha and Horqin allied forces advance westward, Yutian and Fengrun will not be a problem, everything will be at our disposal, no matter people or things, do you think this condition is generous enough?"

Feng Ziying didn't care, "In Yongping Mansion, Lord Zasai should have felt our strong-wall and clearing-out policy. Not to mention that there are still some Ji Town troops garrisoned in Fengrun and Yutian counties, I admit that Lord Zasai's current strength is enough to occupy

Yutian, Fengrun, but if the soldiers of Ji Town adopt the harassment strategy, and the people of the two counties also follow the example of Yongping, Lord Zasai feels that after such a hard work, traveling hundreds of miles, and paying a high price, how much gain can be gained?"

"Well, let me ask you one more question, even if Mr. Zaisai has gained something, it is not easy to bring people and goods from Yutian and Fengrun back to the grassland. It is such a long distance. Does Mr. Zaisai really regard Ye Hebu and Jizhen?

The cavalry is useless? Or do you think that Liaodong's gunmen can only guard the city? If you carry a large number of people and property like this, we don't even have the courage to sit on the home field and fight a blockade or ambush? Master Chai of Shanhaiguan certainly has

The most important thing is to guard Shanhaiguan, but if it comes to this situation, can he sit back and watch you return to the grassland with such a population and wealth? "

Feng Ziying's words made Zai Sai a little depressed.

Indeed, if we march into Yutian and Fengrun, it is very simple to occupy it, and we may indeed be able to harvest some goods and capture some people, but it is not a simple matter to bring these people and goods back to the grassland.

More than two hundred and nearly three hundred miles.

The Jizhen Army may not be able to handle the frontal confrontation, but harassment and ambush are not problems. Similarly, if Yongping gathers the Fire Gun Army and chooses suitable terrain for an ambush, it will also bring great trouble to its own side.

What Feng Ziying said is true. It is indeed easy to rob some easily portable gold and silver and bring it back to the grassland, but if you want to bring a large number of people and large items of property back to the grassland, it will not be easy. You have to cross the Great Wall and trek through the mountains.

That is a difficult task. Bringing back even three to five thousand people, not to mention tens of thousands, will take a lot of effort and consumption, and this is without external resistance.

But for now, Yongping still retains considerable military strength. The three thousand armored cavalry of the Ye He tribe did not suffer much losses, and there is also a group of Jizhen cavalry, which is the cavalry that harassed the Bahrain tribe.

Activities in Yongping, the fire gun soldiers in Liaodong, and the 10,000-strong army at Shanhaiguan mentioned by Feng Ziying are all potential threats to the Inner Khalkha and Horqin coalition forces.

"I'm afraid Lord Zasai, you don't know about a situation. The Denglai naval fleet has also arrived at Yuguan and Funing. In the early stage of the battle in Qian'an City, in the last wave of the battle, I don't know that Lord Zasai felt the gunfire.

Are the rounds of fire more intensive and more frequent? That is the naval battalion of our Denglai Navy. They are all equipped with self-generated fire guns. There is still one battalion stationed in Funing..."

Feng Ziying's words are true and false. Most of them are true. Of course, some truth is mixed with some moisture. The tone of the introduction is also light and relaxed, quite natural and casual.

Zai Sai looked at Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying smiled in return.

"According to Mr. Feng's intention, there is no need for our Inner Khalkha and Horqin coalition forces to go to Shuntian Mansion anymore? Then how should we explain to Lin Dan Batur?" Zasai's tone remained unchanged, and his expression even became more relaxed.


"Do the Inner Khalkha and Horqin coalition forces need to explain anything to the Chahar people? Aren't they all here for profit? Will the gains they made in Huairou and Miyun be distributed to the Inner Khalkha and Horqin people? I don't think so.

Likewise, are you willing to hand over what you earned in Santun Camp to the Chahar and Waikakarkha people? I don’t think so.”

Feng Ziying spread her hands in a cool manner, "This is the end of the world. We are just a temporary alliance. It does not mean that the interests of each family are absolutely consistent. The Inner Khalkha and Horqin coalition have made great gains. If they want to advance westward,

, not only will you pay more losses, but your original gains may even be affected. Is this cost-effective?"

Feng Ziying further said: "Master Zasai is still the leader of the five inner Khalkha tribes for the time being. At most, he can also serve as the commander-in-chief of the army heading south to the east. When Master Zasai takes the role of Dayan Khan one day, we will consider the various ministries."

Benefits, well, in the words of us Han people, this is called seeking political power in one’s position, and not seeking political power if one is not in one’s position!”

The tone that was half suggestion and half teasing did not make Zasai angry. On the contrary, he thought Feng Ziying's words were very pertinent.

Continuing the fight will not bring much benefit. On the contrary, it will cause a lot of trouble. For myself, both goals of establishing prestige and reaping benefits have been achieved. As for what to do to help Lin Dan Batur, you can do it casually, but you must

It is impossible to sacrifice his own interests. As Feng Ziying said, he is not the Great Khan of Mongolia.

Seeing Zaisai nodding slightly, Feng Ziying finally laughed and said, "Sir Zaisai, now that we have solved the second problem, can we talk about the first matter in detail?"

This chapter has been completed!
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