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Geng Scroll Chapter 19: Continue the layout (make up for what was owed the day before yesterday)

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but tilt her body backwards, and said with understanding: "Zi Yi, so you say it was Mr. Gu from the Ministry of Rites who arranged for someone to come over and say hello?"

"It should be that the other party is a member of the Ministry of Etiquette, but Ziyi has seen him follow Mr. Gu to the editorial office of "Today News" many times, and the relationship is very close..." Cao Yu nodded and said with certainty: "It's just that Ziyi doesn't

We understand the other party's intentions very well. We have been more cautious when it comes to current affairs in the past, avoiding some topics that are more sensitive or have more intense conflicts. They are usually topics that the court has finalized, but like today..."

"Haha, it's okay. Since it's the people from the Ministry of Etiquette who have spoken, just follow their opinions." Feng Ziying laughed, "The inside story is also complicated, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing to me, no.


"Sir, this is what Ziyi is worried about, because in the past it didn't involve adults, so many topics were a little out of line and had nothing to do with the overall situation. But this time it involves adults. Although it seems to be praising and pursuing, who knows if there are other intentions here?

Ziyi is just not sure about this, so he came here to report to you."

As the editor of "Today's News", Cao Yu naturally understood the significance of such a high-profile public announcement that the emperor had summoned Feng Ziying and given praise and rewards. The capital city was currently in turmoil, and such a high-profile request was made to publicize the emperor's favor for Feng Ziying.

Youjia, Cao Yu couldn't see through what was hidden behind it.

But he knew it was definitely not as simple as the emperor being optimistic about Feng Ziying.

"Well, I know about this." Feng Ziying was helpless. Gu Bingqian was a confidant of Emperor Yonglong. Emperor Yonglong's purpose was self-evident, and now not only everyone in the court knew about it, but also used "Today"

News" to let the public know.

This is a very skillful but ruthless method. On the one hand, it shows his kindness to him. If he failed to do something well and let him down, then the public opinion of Shilin will definitely blame him. On the other hand, it is also

A reminder or hint from people like Niu Jizong and Chen Jixian, don’t act rashly or act recklessly. Many forces are not as simple as they think. Just because they support you on the surface, they will definitely belong to you wholeheartedly.

 But was it wrong for Emperor Yonglong to do this? Don’t he need the support and encouragement of this kind of public opinion?

  I still have to claim this love.

 Feng Ziying listened to Cao Yu's report on the development of "News Today" in the past six months.

 At present, "Today's News" has completely embarked on the market-oriented operation track. Feng Ziying has also read several issues and has indeed done a good job, especially in covering almost all the high-end and large-scale commercial industries in Jingshi City.

Leaders from various industries such as Xiangheji Nan Store, Jinqiu Fur Store, Taihe Grain Store, Baijingji Oil Shop, Sujihang Satin Shop, etc. have all become "News Today"'s major advertising clients, and many have even directly requested

The exclusive monopoly on advertising in a certain industry has become the largest source of profit for "News Today", even exceeding the sales profit of the newspaper itself.

Newspapers and periodicals in this era were very expensive. Those who could subscribe to newspapers and periodicals all year round were basically court officials, martial arts families, wealthy gentry families, and merchant families. There were also some wealthy families who subscribed for a month or a quarter just to follow the fashion. However,

I soon discovered that as long as the whole family can read, they can basically find something that suits their tastes in this newspaper.

"...For now, "Today's News" has basically formed its own style and audience group,..." Cao Yu carefully used these words with a unique personal style, such as this "audience group", that is

Feng Ziying "invented" it, but although Cao Yu felt it was a bit mean, it was very intuitive.

"..."Jingshi Business Daily" and "Beidi Morning News" are also trying their best to imitate our "Today's News", but "Jingshi Business Daily" is still more limited to the merchant community, and its circulation is less than one-tenth of ours.

, the circulation of "Beidi Morning News" is slightly larger, probably around double 500 copies every year, and its main targets are teahouses, restaurants, brothels, and hostels in the capital city..."

"Those who imitate me will live, those who resemble me will die." Feng Ziying said calmly: "If they imitate us in everything, then they will only die. It is better for everyone to read our "Today's News", but if they can learn our operations

Business methods, but in terms of content, if you choose a group as the audience and highlight your own characteristics, then there is still a chance."

"Sir, I think that for now, we only need to do what we have determined. They have not yet been able to take the step of posing a threat to us." Cao Yu was very confident.

“The first-mover advantage is not so easy for imitators to catch up with. If you can’t do this, then you, the editor-in-chief, are meaningless.” Feng Ziying reminded the other party.

"Don't worry, sir, I don't dare to relax at all on this point. Our goal is to spread "Today's News" all over the Zhou Dynasty, so I also intend to copy such a newspaper in Yangzhou, Jinling, or even Guangzhou...


Feng Ziying didn’t expect Cao Yu to have such an ambition, so she thought for a moment, “But although these cities have prosperous commerce and developed transportation, they are not central places, so naturally they lack many news hot spots...”

"In this regard, I have also thought that Jinling is better. After all, it is the center of South Zhili. The Six Ministries of Nanjing at least have some airs. As for Yangzhou and Guangzhou, one is the distribution center for inland water transportation materials, and the other is Lingnan and Guangxi.

The core is also a sea trade center facing Nanyang. It can be slightly more commercially focused. I am worried that if we do not occupy the market in these places, we may be ahead of others. After all, our "Today's News" is now very popular.

, coupled with the imitation of other newspapers and periodicals, there are too many smart people in Dazhou to think of this."

Feng Ziying admired Cao Yu's awareness of taking precautions and being prepared for danger in times of peace, "Well, what about that person? Ziyi, you should know that running a newspaper is different from other businesses. In addition to being able to run a business, you also need to have keen observation, analysis and judgment skills, especially

It captures the changing trends of current affairs..."

"Sir, this is exactly where our advantage lies. Therefore, whether it is "Jingshi Business Daily" or "Beidi Morning News", they can only focus on one aspect. They are much lacking in analyzing and judging current affairs. But

Jinling is Nanjing. As far as I know, the scholars and people there have always been worried about the move of the capital south to Beijing. As the old capital, they have a certain mentality that they are very concerned about the government. In addition, as Nanjing, it is where the idle officials of the imperial court retire.

, and at the same time, it was a place where the imperial court stored information for some officials who might be used in the future. Both types of people were very concerned about the changes in the current political situation, and the imperial court had to be more relaxed about the news standards in Nanjing, so I have

I am sure that I can be more successful in Jinling..."

Feng Ziying never expected that Cao Yu would put so much effort into studying the pros and cons of running a newspaper in Jinling, and he had to admit that his analysis of the mentality of the people in Nanzhili and Jinling was quite accurate.

Jinling, as Nanjing, is somewhat different from Nanjing in the pre-Ming Dynasty. During the pre-Ming Dynasty, Nanjing was basically a retirement place for officials after they fell down or before they retired from office. However, the Great Zhou Dynasty also played another function, that is, it served some young people and those in need.

Many officials who have been polished will be assigned to the Sixth Ministry of Nanjing, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Southern Zhili region. If they perform well, they will be promoted back to Beijing.

Moreover, Cao Yu also had a very thorough understanding of the mentality of the officials and people of Jinling. That is, Nanjing had been the capital of the Zhou Dynasty for decades, and had the historical accumulation of being the former capital of Yingtian Prefecture in the pre-Ming Dynasty. The gentry and people of Jinling had a deep understanding of the mentality of the people.

We pay more attention to the current political situation than other cities.

In a sense, like the people in Beijing, they have a sense of themselves that is completely different from other cities. If the people in the capital consider themselves to be the central core of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, then the gentry people in Jinling City think that they are the core of the entire Zhou Dynasty.

Our family is the central core of the Jiangnan region, and Jiangnan is precisely the lifeblood of the imperial court.

“Ziyi, are you from Jinling?”

“Yes, I am from Jiangning County.” Cao Yu had a bitter look on his face.

Feng Ziying nodded, "I remember that your ancestors were also officials?"

Cao Yu took a deep breath, "Yeah, but that was before the Ming Dynasty. My ancestors once served as weavers in Jiangning, and later transferred to the salt censorship in Lianghuai. The Cao family in Jiangning was also very prosperous for a while, not as good as Xue Si, the king of Jia Shi in Jinling.

We are inferior to the current Jinling New Four, but..."

  Needless to say what follows, once the emperor and his courtiers came together, it was probably the Great Zhou Dynasty, and all the changes in dynasties meant nothing.

 This book is compiled and produced by a public account. Follow VX [Book Friends Base Camp], read the book and receive cash red envelopes!

Seemingly seeing the probing look in Feng Ziying's eyes, Cao Yu shook his head: "It's not what you think. The family fell into decline during the Hongzhi period of the previous Ming Dynasty because my great-grandfather was investigated for shortfalls when he was the salt censor of the Huaihe River. They were basically defeated, so the Cao family also fell quickly..."

Hmm, Feng Ziying really wants to ask if any of your brothers or sons are named Cao Zhan. Why is the history of this ancestor so similar to the Cao family where the author of "A Dream of Red Mansions" belongs?

“No wonder Ziyi understands the Jinling people’s mentality so thoroughly.” Feng Ziying nodded, “How to solve human problems?”

"There are several people in "Today's News" who are from Nanzhi. I think they all have potential and are serious and meticulous in their work. If they are given a chance, they will definitely open up a new world." Cao Yu was a little nervous. He knew that this boss was tempted. Victory or failure depends on this, but from the bottom of his heart, he is still more willing to go to Jinling to open up a new world. Who wouldn't want to return home in glory?

“Well, bring me to see you.” Of course, Feng Ziying would not express her position easily. To be sure of such matters, she had to personally investigate and talk.

This chapter has been completed!
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