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Geng Scroll Volume 210: Practice Brings True Knowledge

 Bao Qin's words made Feng Ziying laugh. This girl's intention was too obvious, but she chose well, lively and transparent, and she was a nun, and she was asking questions for Baochai, so it was reasonable and reasonable.

Shaking her head, Feng Ziying thought for a while and then said: "The situation in the DPRK and China is not very good. After the beginning of the new year, there may be a series of personnel changes, including drastic changes for the officials in the six departments of the DPRK and the Central Military Commission. Today I happened to I’ve heard some possibilities, and I’m also considering how it might relate to my next official duties in Yongping Mansion.”

The two women breathed a sigh of relief. If it were just these circumstances, it wouldn't matter.

The two girls are already preparing to follow their husbands to Yongping Mansion at the beginning of the new year. Although they are still reluctant to live a convenient and comfortable life in the capital city, they will marry a chicken and a dog, and they will not talk about exclusive pets when they go to Yongping Mansion. , but as Shen Yixiu cannot go to Yongping Mansion and only has two concubines to accompany him, the second wife will naturally have to take advantage of the right time, place and people. There is no doubt that the second daughter wants to get pregnant and have children as soon as possible to continue the Feng family's incense. This is the best opportunity.

"My husband, you don't need to worry too much. You are still young now, and many things need to be done step by step. Don't put too much pressure on yourself by asking too much for yourself. Looking at the hundred years since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, a twenty-year-old like my husband You are the first person to be appointed as a high-ranking member of the fifth rank. There are some things where haste makes waste, and being too hasty for success will bring about some unexpected problems."

Feng Ziying liked Bao Qin's words quite a bit. This girl had traveled all over the country with her father for so many years and had gained a lot of experience. These words sounded like chicken soup, but they were also heartfelt words to relieve herself.

"Well, I know what I know, but the current situation is not good. Internal and external troubles make me sometimes subconsciously anxious. I want to do more things as soon as possible, but inevitably I feel a little impatient." Feng Ziying breathed out. , "But my sister's words are like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, which makes my heart a lot brighter."

"My husband is too flattering, and I also know that these words are just to forgive my husband. In fact, my husband has already made a plan in his heart." Baoqin smiled sweetly, "But I am still very happy to hear my husband say this. "

Baochai's demure elegance and Baoqin's liveliness and playfulness are in sharp contrast. In appearance, Baochai's plumpness and nobility, and Baoqin's gracefulness and beauty, also have their own merits. However, these two lotus sisters can both belong to themselves. Sometimes, they both belong to themselves. Feng Ziying herself found it incredible.

In this situation, it would be too boring to talk about those troublesome things in detail. Feng Ziying stood up and said: "Let's go, a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and a cold night is even more accompanied by loving sleep..."

Under the shy and coquettish eyes of the two women, Feng Ziying put aside her inner troubles, took the two women's hands, and walked out quickly.

It wasn't until after a few moments of making love that Feng Ziying looked at Baochai sleeping soundly next to her that Feng Ziying took out a pillow and leaned it behind her back, thinking seriously.

He had to think about it early.

He knew something about Wu Daonan's situation. After all, in the capital city, the situation in the capital city had not been good in recent years, and it was better in the city. After all, there were still five city soldiers and patrol battalions in the city, but they were still in the counties outside the city. The situation was very bad. Feng Ziying even heard some remarks from Grandma Liu. This family belonged to the suburbs of Beijing outside the city.

Wu Daonan is a typical Qingke scholar, with handsome appearance, graceful demeanor, good eloquence, and good temper. He is a typical scholar no matter how you look at it. The only problem is that he does not like worldly affairs, or rather he likes secular affairs.

He was pragmatic but not pragmatic, and lacked the ability to do things. He was overwhelmed and frightened when he saw things happening, so he delegated all practical matters to the Fu Cheng, Zhi Zhong, Tui Guan and Tong San.

Unfortunately, there is a vacancy in the Fu Cheng, but Mei Zhiye in Zhizhong is a rigid and upright person. It would be an exaggeration to say that he has no ability at all. However, Mei Zhiye has some problems with his character. He is rigid and rigid, and he is inconsistent with others.

Colleague relations are not handled well, and coordination skills are even worse. I can only handle some routine matters, but it is difficult to deal with slightly complex or challenging matters.

But Shuntian Mansion is the center of the world, and the affairs that need to be dealt with are so complicated. It is obviously difficult for Mei Zhiye to be competent if there is support and guidance from the Prime Minister above him. Feng Ziying is not yet clear about the status of several officials, but Feng Ziying believes that it must be

There are some problems. If the recommendation is effective, it can also take a lot of pressure off the superior. But if the recommendation is not effective or has ulterior motives, then the problem will be complicated.

Shuntian Mansion is no better than Yongping Mansion. As several big guys said, this is a challenge, and it is also a training. If you can train in Shuntian Mansion for a few years, you can basically go anywhere in the world. It can be said that one

Shuntian Fucheng is not much inferior to the chief envoy of a province.

It's just that Feng Ziying really can't let go of Yongping Mansion. The business she finally started has already taken off, and this sudden withdrawal will inevitably bring some delays and confusion.

He didn't know much about Wei Guangwei's behavior, but he shouldn't be too bad. As for practicing state affairs, Feng Ziying had to win him to Yongping Mansion no matter what. This was not only an insurance, but also a training and honing for practicing state affairs.

Find out if Lian Guoshi is a like-minded person in your future, or if he is just a talkative king.

In fact, if we talk about whether there are other suitable ones, there are others, such as Yang Sichang and Huang Zunsu.

These two people are now Yuanwailang from the fifth rank, but Yang Sichang is unlikely to accept such an arrangement, and he is unwilling to give him this opportunity. Why not give it to one of his own people if he has such an opportunity?

Not to mention Huang Zunsu, he is a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River. How can he make wedding clothes for others? All the big guys will never agree.

Just when Feng Ziying and Baochai were at odds with each other, Qi Yongtai stayed up all night.

The fish candle in the study was almost burned out, but he read several times the two suggestions Feng Ziying gave him a year ago.

One suggestion is to hope that the cabinet can consider adjusting the period of Jinshi's observation period every year, and arrange more people to serve as assistant officials in some complex prefectures after the end of the period.

Feng Ziying introduced in detail the basic status of being a Guanzheng Jinshi in his suggestions. He believed that these Jinshi already have basic literacy in classics, current affairs and laws, so they should not be limited to one department in three years, but should be familiar with the six departments.

Focusing on the operation of each department, one year can basically allow a diligent scholar to master the general operating rules of a certain department, and three years is enough for them to have a general understanding of the entire imperial court's operating model.

As for why it is recommended to serve as an assistant officer in complex prefectures, it is also considered that although the Jinshi have gone through three years of training, they are mainly observing and imitating, and they have high vision and weak skills. Going to those prefectures with more complex situations can allow them to be most intuitive.

Recently, they have been exposed to the methods and strategies for handling various affairs, and as the second assistant officer, they also have the guidance and supervision of the chief officer. They do not expect to cause too much trouble, but two or three years of polishing is enough for them to grow up quickly.


Feng Ziying specifically mentioned in his suggestions that the more difficult and complicated the prefecture, the more outstanding Jinshi should be sent there. Of course, the court, especially the officials, should pay special attention to this group. The achievements they have made in these difficult and complicated places are

They should be rewarded more and given priority in selection and appointment.

It should be said that this suggestion is quite pertinent and practical. It will be a huge adjustment to the entire Jinshi system in the future. However, Qi Yongtai also knows very well that as a cabinet elder, not the chief minister, if he wants to make such a suggestion, he will undoubtedly

He was misunderstood and even hated by the Jinshi community.

Which of the current Jinshi are willing to take the initiative to train in difficult and complicated places, unless they are those with great perseverance and determination. He is the only one like Feng Ziying who takes the initiative to go to Yongping Mansion.

Even if you implement this among the scholars in the North, it will definitely arouse a lot of incomprehension and resentment. Everyone is trying their best to help their disciples and scholars stay in Beijing, but you have to push the outstanding ones to go to Fuzhou, and you still go.

What is the purpose of the most complicated and dangerous prefecture?

As for the reasons Feng Ziying put forward, they all sound reasonable, but if it falls on herself, I'm afraid they won't be so pleasant.

Therefore, all of this needs to be based on the ideological work of the Jinshi group itself and the protection of the court's preferential treatment system. But now there are difficulties in both aspects and it is difficult for people to accept it.

Qi Yongtai thought that he could help some people work on a small scale, and then take care of them to the best of his ability, and cultivate some capable ministers for the North. This is what he can do now.

As for the second suggestion, Qi Yongtai disapproved of it when he first read it and threw it aside. But now he feels that it is quite innovative and even valuable, because Feng Ziying's practice in Yongping Mansion has proved this.

In short, it is to reward agriculture, industry and commerce.

To encourage agriculture is to encourage new territory expansion, encourage migration, open up wasteland, increase the output of fields, grain, oil, cotton and linen, and encourage the planting of new crops. He cited the example of land expansion and reclamation in Dongpan, and believed that it can greatly alleviate the problem of overcrowding inland areas.

In order to solve the problem of few problems, a strategy of moving southward, northward, and eastward was proposed.

To reward workers is to encourage the private sector to vigorously develop industries such as mining and workshops. It lists several major industries that are closely related to people's livelihood, such as coal mining, gold, silver, copper and iron ore, iron and steel smelting, iron making, ceramics, silk, cotton spinning, etc.

Tea making, medicinal material planting and processing, and new workshops can be considered tax-free for three years, and banks and banks can be supported to provide support to these industries. At the same time, the court should increase the construction of water conservancy and roads to reduce the number of refugees...

Rewarding merchants is to encourage internal and external trade, increase circulation, encourage the opening of new land and sea trade routes, and reward military merit...

At first glance, Qi Yongtai felt that these suggestions were either nothing new, lacked operability, or were just attempts to please the public. But now looking at the news in Yongping Mansion, we know that Feng Ziying was definitely prepared, and she was planning to use Yongping's advice.

Pingfu became a test field.

This chapter has been completed!
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