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The 235th section of the Renzi Scroll

 Abai huddled in the carriage from a distance, observing the team that was shouting and moving forward.

The accents of this group of people were obviously not from Gyeonggi. If what I expected was correct, they should be from Shanxi.

It has been two years since he came to the capital city. With the help of Netu, Abai quickly integrated into the capital city.

Originally, he could speak Chinese fluently when he was in Liaodong, but the accent of Liaodong was stronger. After coming to the capital city, he spent most of his time with Netu and other people who had already been completely Chineseized, and everything was completely according to the standards of a Han Chinese.

To demand himself, Abai soon felt that he had become a thoroughly Han Chinese.

Whether it is his tone of voice, living habits, or making acquaintances and friends, Abai strives to adapt and integrate as a Han Chinese. He feels that he has done a good job.

As the bastard son of his father Khan, Abai himself never expected to succeed his father Khan. There were so many brothers, no matter in terms of status, qualifications, military exploits, talents and strategies, Abai knew that he would not be ranked first, so he

I've never even thought about it.

Arranging for oneself to come to the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty to take charge of the affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty and to understand the changes in the internal affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so as to prepare for the Jianzhou Jurchen's next offensive in Liaodong. This is both important and risky.

This job was not easy to do, and none of the brothers was willing to do it, but Abai did not hesitate and went happily.

Staying in Hetuala was equally difficult.

Although it is risky to come to Dazhou, compared with the intrigues with the brothers in Hetuala, and the battle of wits with Fei Yingdong, Eyidu, Anfei Yanggu and other important ministers, Abai knows that he is not the material and cannot play.

The conflicts between these people, especially Chu Ying, Dai Shan, and Huang Taiji, became increasingly prominent. In order to win the favor of his father, the fight became increasingly fierce, and Abai was even more unwilling to get involved.

Therefore, coming to Dazhou is a relatively safe choice. It avoids the swords and shadows of Hetuala, and it is even simpler here.

He even wrote a letter to his fourth son, Tang Gugu, asking him to come to Dazhou and work with him to avoid family disputes, because Tang Gugu was not that good either.

I learned from a letter from home that I was actually awarded the title of Flag Master with a white flag. This was beyond Abai's expectation and even made him a little frightened.

What may seem like an opportunity to others to be prominent or even valued, to him is more like a yoke that may be caught in the fire.

He even wanted to reject it, but of course his reason told him that rejecting it would be worse and more suspicious, so he could only accept it quietly.

He also knew very well that as long as he did not return to Hetuala and did not manage the flag affairs, then the leader of the white flag would be an honorary one and would not attract the hostility of other brothers.

"Shu Ershan, these refugees are from Shanxi. How many are there?" A gust of cold wind blew over and penetrated into the gap in the felt curtain, making Abai shiver.

After staying in Han for two more years, I was pampered and a little afraid of the cold. I thought that I was not so rich in Liaodong. I went hunting in the cold weather and didn't see anything wrong. I don't know if I can survive after I go back.

Got used to it.

"Sir, I have asked someone to find out before. The people here are all from Shanxi. Most of them are from Yuzhou and Guangchang, which are close to Baoding. Zhending is here. The drought there is serious and many people can't survive.

If you go down, you can only run this way, and it is said that tens of thousands of people came."

Shu Ershan was brought by Abai and has been in Han Dynasty for two years. Although his accent has not changed yet, his brain is very bright and he can pretend to be a drug dealer running an independent gang in Liaodong.

Normally, there is no need to go out to investigate in person, but I am idle. Abai is more willing to go out and conduct an on-the-spot investigation to see what the situation is like in Gyeonggi Province when the north and south of the Great Zhou Dynasty are facing each other and the war is about to break out.

How about, for the Jianzhou Jurchens, is there any chance, instead of sitting in the room and listening to the people below to inquire.

"How many people are there exactly?" Abai frowned. Thirty thousand is also tens of thousands, and ninety thousand is also tens of thousands. The gap is huge.

"I heard that there are 60,000 to 70,000 people, and they are still in Baoding. Zhending has brought some with them, and there could be a total of about 100,000 people."

Shu Ershan is considered a subtle person, and he knows that he is always cautious. Every time he reports the situation to his family, he is particularly careful and accurate, and he does not want to make trouble.

Abai silently made some calculations. If there were more than 100,000 people, the pressure on the entire Gyeonggi region would be huge. Moreover, this year, the entire Greater Zhoubei region was suffering from droughts. The degree was different in different places, but poor harvests were universal.

He went to Tongzhou the day before yesterday, and even made a special trip to Tianjin Wei to personally investigate the situation.

There is no doubt that water transportation has been completely interrupted. Under such circumstances, how to ensure the supplies needed by the people of the capital and the people is bound to be a big problem, which will become more serious in the future.

But now the Zhou Dynasty is still deploying the Jizhen Army and the Shanxi Army to prepare to go south. In addition, the Northwest Army from Shaanxi is preparing to attack Shandong. How can they afford it?

Are we going to eat on the spot? Isn’t there going to be a big mess in the place?

Abai frowned, he knew there must be something wrong here.

He has also heard that the Yuguan Port in Yongping Prefecture has been opened and is very prosperous now. Many ships from the south go north by sea. However, in winter, the sea is frozen and it is impossible to transport much. At least it will be February.

, can it be completely thawed, and he knew that Yuguangang was just a dilapidated small fishing village two years ago, how much could it change?

According to the information obtained from the Horqin people, the materials obtained by the Inner Khalkha people, Horqin people, Hercynian Jurchens and even the eastern Chahar people were all imported from Yuguan Port into the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, and even Liaodong Town was in western Liaoning.

In the corridor, supplies for the Guangning and Ningyuan guards also passed through Yuguan Port, which shocked him a little.

When did Yuguan Port suddenly become so important? And Yuguan Port is still under Shanhaiguan. If Yuguan Port really becomes so prosperous, this means that the entire Western Liaoning Corridor no longer needs to transport materials by land from Gyeonggi.

For supplies, this will reduce transportation costs by at least 70%, which is extremely beneficial to Liaodong Town of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But even if Yuguan Port is opened, it will still take hundreds of miles to transport grain from Yuguan to the capital. Land transportation is still inconvenient and has high losses. Can Yuguan Port alone support the entire needs of the capital?

Abai still feels that the sources of information in the Han region are not broad enough, and it is too narrow to stay in the capital city. Many of the information are fragmented and scattered, and it is difficult to gather them into a complete intelligence, so it is impossible to judge the situation.


Just like the severe drought in the north, refugees poured into the capital. According to previous information, with such a large-scale influx of refugees, the capital has long been in chaos, but what we see now is not like that.

Although it is still a bit messy, it is not the kind of disorder. In addition to the public servants, there are obviously some bachelors and tigers in the capital city who are also cooperating with the government to manage these people, and

Po has a strategy, and once something happens, the master and the idle men cooperate very well, and the problem can be solved quickly.

Just now I saw two groups of people fighting over sharing porridge and rice. A shrill whistle sounded, and several idle men immediately jumped out to stop the fight between the two sides. Another official escorted the speakers from both sides to coordinate, and soon

Just pressed it down.

What does this mean? It means that before the refugees came to Beijing, the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty had already prepared countermeasures. It also means that they were not worried about the material support pressure brought by the arrival of so many immigrants, and had even made preparations for it.


From another perspective, it also means that the Zhou court did not believe that the severe drought in the north and the refugees coming to Beijing would affect their war against Shandong, which had to make Abai wary.

News came from Hetuala that Father Khan was planning to launch a full-scale attack on Liaodong in late spring and early summer, and even roped in the Horqin and Chahar people.

Father Khan judged that the late spring and early summer would be the most difficult time in the northern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The victims of the Northern Territory might even launch a rebellion because it was difficult to feed themselves, especially in the Shanshan and Shaanxi areas. This might cause a heavy blow to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even

Forcing Liaodong Town to be unable to get support from within the pass, this is an opportunity for Jianzhou Jurchen.

However, judging from the current signs, the interruption of water transportation and the severe drought in the north do not seem to have had as big an impact on the Great Zhou court as imagined. The Great Zhou court responded in an orderly manner, which is not a good sign.

I am afraid that I need to report this to my father Khan immediately. I cannot misjudge the strength of the Great Zhou court. Once the Great Zhou court is able to spare some effort to support Liaodong Town, my father Khan's southern expedition may not be as smooth as imagined, or even

May encounter setbacks.

Thinking of this, Abai's thoughts became more complicated.

From the bottom of his heart, after seeing the wealth and power of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he did not think that his father Khan's southern expedition was a wise move.

Liaodong Town is just a corner of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is a border area, and it is also a nine-border area. If the Great Zhou Dynasty court can free up its hands and go all out to deal with the Jianzhou Jurchens, it will have no chance.

But Father Khan has always believed that there are many internal contradictions in the Great Zhou Dynasty. This time the conflict between the north and the south is the best opportunity. No matter what, we must use the opportunity of the confrontation between the north and the south in the Great Zhou Dynasty to open up the situation. As long as we can capture Liaodong, then Jianzhou Jurchen will have achieved success.

The foundation of hegemony, this opportunity must not be lost under any circumstances, and every possible effort must be made to mobilize all forces to achieve this goal.

Thinking of this, Abai took a deep breath and asked subconsciously: "Shurshan, when did Nanbian'er agree to meet?"

Shu Ershan was stunned, "Sir, you can't go, it's too dangerous. Things are not done carefully there, and I'm afraid of making mistakes..."

"No, I have to meet in person and understand the situation." Abai shook his head decisively, "Also, please contact the southwest side quickly. I think we are still a little too optimistic."

This chapter has been completed!
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