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Renzi Scroll Chapter 259 Two lines of attack, each showing his magical powers

 The dark soldiers disembarked from the ship in an orderly manner along the wooden bridge built on the pier. Several generals stood on the stone bars nearby, overlooking everything.

The entire pier was immersed in a depressing silence, with almost no other sounds except for footsteps and occasional orders. The torches held high all around and the bright moon hanging high in the sky made the progress on the entire pier go very quickly and smoothly.

"Twenty thousand people, no matter how you calculate it, is still a little less." The general who stood aside and stroked his beard with his sword smacked his lips, "Although Su Shengdu's men and horses are scattered, we are all infantry this time. At this speed,

It slowed down. Taking Nangong is easy, but once the news leaks out, Jizhou will be difficult to fight."

Another military general immediately followed up: "Nangong is only sixty miles away from Xindu (the capital of Jizhou). Leave everything you can and make a quick march. It can be reached in a day and a night. You should be able to catch them off guard.


"How can it be so easy? Sixty miles, do you think it is six miles?" The other party immediately retorted: "As long as we escape one ride, we will lose the opportunity and surprise, and Su Shengdu can rest and wait for work.

,what should we do?"

"What should we do? I don't believe they can react quickly after receiving the news..." The beard-eyed military general waved his hand violently, "So what if they react? How capable is the Shanxi Army? It's not like we haven't seen it before.


"Cangcheng, now is not the time to lose your temper. The Shanxi army is not as good as ours, but people are waiting for work, and there is a strong city to defend. Are you sure that you can capture Xindu City in one fell swoop?" The bearded man waved his hand, "We are not working hard now.

It’s not about cheering, but it’s about careful analysis and judgment on how to fight to ensure victory.”

"What about instead of attacking Nangong, how about cutting in from the middle or sending a message directly?" The thin old man who had never spoken a word said leisurely.

"Bypassing Nangong? How to go around?" The man with ring eyes called Cangcheng Qiu beard asked in surprise: "The line from Nangong to Zaoqiang is blocked by the Solu River and the Zhu River. No matter how ignorant Su Shengdu is of the army, he will definitely deploy defenses for many tourists.

With mounted scouts, there is no way twenty thousand of us can get around this."

This is indeed a problem, because Su Shengdu's Shanxi Army did not cross the Solu River, so Zaoqiang's line of patrols was densely covered with hidden sentries. Not to mention the 20,000-strong army, even 2,000 people wanted to avoid this line of scouts.

Very difficult.

"Then go further south, bypass Nangong between Guangzong and Nangong, and then go through Anding City and go straight to Xindu." The old man spoke slowly and unhurriedly.

The other two generals couldn't help but gasp, that would have gone a long way, but it must be said that this was a bold adventure.

According to the information obtained, there is almost no contact between Guangzong and Nangong.

Because Feng Tang's Northwest Army is stationed to the south of Guangzong, and Su Shengdu's Shanxi Army is stationed to the north of Nangong. The relationship between the two sides does not seem to be harmonious, and there is not much contact. If you get through this gap, the chance of being discovered will increase.

It is greatly reduced. In addition, you can also send scouts in advance to search and kill the opponent's sentry scouts along the route to avoid exposing your whereabouts as much as possible.

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid exposure risks. There are risks in any plan. All we can say is to do the best possible.

But once the raid fails, the 20,000-strong army will be surrounded by the Shanxi Army. Xinhe in the west, Nangong in the south, plus the defenders of Xindu, can immediately encircle and surround themselves, even those who have escaped.

No chance.

"Sir, if the news leaks out, or we can't even attack the letter..." the bearded man said hesitantly.

"How can you catch tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den? This battle has to be a bit of a gamble. If we fight it according to the most conventional way, our small number of troops may be able to inflict a heavy blow on the opponent. For example, we can annihilate Nangong's army, but Xindu is so

The main force of the Shanxi Army on the side will be alarmed, and it will be difficult to achieve full success. What the commander-in-chief wants is to completely defeat the Shanxi Army and remove the threat to the northwest so that Sun Shaozu can deal with You Shilu with peace of mind. If we can take advantage of the victory again, we can flank You Shilu.

Come for a moment, and the whole north will stop."

A look of determination appeared on the old man's face, "This battle will be fought like this. The news about the return of the scouts is basically in line with my opinion. There is almost no contact between the Northwest Army and the Shanxi Army. Liu Baichuan, who is stationed on the line from Guangzong to Dongming, is a Ningxia rebel general.

Origin, Su Shengdu came from Xu family, how could he like each other? Therefore, this gap between Nangong Guangzong is an opportunity, and our Xuanfu army uniforms are not much different from those of the Northwest Army and Shanxi Army. Outsiders are very

It’s hard to tell the difference, this is our opportunity!”

"Yes, if you don't take what God has given you, you will suffer the consequences. We must not let go of such a good opportunity!" The bearded general suddenly slapped his thigh, "This time, your Excellency asked me to be the vanguard and go and take it off myself.

The head on Su Shengdu’s neck.”

Just when the Xuanfu army landed in darkness from Linqing Prefecture and headed straight for Nangong, the Northwest Army here was also not idle.

Chariots rattled, horses roared, and the army marched all the way eastward.

Liu Dongyang's eyes were like those of a vulture, looking at the eastern sky.

"Sir, that's Dangshan Mountain over there." A subordinate scribe introduced: "Eight miles north of Dangshan Mountain is also called Mangshan Mountain. In the past, the emperor of the Han Dynasty hid in the swamp between Dangshan Mountain and Mangshan Mountain. There is a place in the mountain called Ziqi Rock.

, it is said to be the refuge of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty.”

"Well, Han Gao is hiding here?" Liu Dongyang smiled, "It seems to be a geomantic treasure. This is a good sign and indicates that we can succeed in one fell swoop."

"Well, Dangshan, Mangshan, Langya Mountain to the west, Tiejiao Mountain to the south, and Xishan Mountain to the east. This series of hills are not high, and there are paths in between. We only need to block the main crossing.

This can prevent our tracks from being exposed, which is extremely beneficial to our march." The staff was also very proud, "We have made various preparations in the early stage, so it can be so fast and smooth."

"I'm not worried about Dangshan." Liu Dongyang shook his head, "The key is still in Feng County and Pei County. Crossing the Yellow River is very troublesome. Even now I dare not say how long it will take for the army to cross. The Huaihe River on the other side of Feng County

Will Yang Jun find out?"

"We have carefully investigated the two river crossings, Rongjiakou and Chenmengkou, and Rongjiakou is more suitable. This season, the water surface has basically disappeared, and most of them are swamps..." the staff mused: "We

We have prepared enough planks and haystacks, and if we choose a suitable location to cross the river, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"What about time?" Liu Dongyang asked back.

The staff could not answer.

Rongjiakou and Chenmengkou are the two bifurcation points formed when the Yellow River changed its course north of Dangshan Mountain in the fourth year of Tianping. The river surface at Chenmengkou is narrower, but the area where it is located is full of swamps and the terrain is complex. If you go here, you will easily fall into

Among them, it takes more time.

The situation in Rongjiakou is slightly better, but it is closer to Feng County and is easier to be discovered by the scouts of the Feng County defenders.

This is also an unsolvable puzzle, so I can only choose one.

"Forget it, that's all." Liu Dongyang looked at it openly and waved his hand, "It's the lesser of two evils. I would rather risk being discovered by the Feng County defenders than go to the swamp.

District, that’s too uncontrollable.”

"Our advance team has already crossed the river. If there are not many enemy scouts, I believe our people can eliminate this threat and ensure that we can pass through Feng County and Pei County smoothly." The staff said this.

Full of confidence.

"Even if we pass through Feng County and solve the problem of the Huaiyang Army in Feng County, what about Pei County?" Liu Dongyang deliberately compared himself with the staff he had spent so much effort to recruit. The commander-in-chief called him a staff officer. It is said that he was named after his son Xiao

Feng Xiu wrote, "Pei County is not as good as Feng County, with 10,000 Huaiyang troops stationed there."

"Sir, it doesn't matter whether it's ten thousand people or twenty thousand people stationed there. As long as something unexpected happens, they can be defeated in one fell swoop and driven back to Xuzhou. I've never been optimistic about the combat effectiveness of the Huaiyang Army. We have to ensure it.

The only thing we want is the security of this line and the complete blocking of the canal. For us, the harder we beat the Huaiyang Army in Peixian County and the more painful the beating, the more afraid Chen Jixian will be. As the commander said, Chen Jixian will be the first to kill the enemy.

At both ends, this kind of person can only show force and authority. The more kind words you use to persuade him, the more he will push his nose and face. If you turn against him and beat him up, he will treat you badly.

Very respectful!"

The staff was very proud and did not take Huaiyang Army seriously at all.

Liu Dongyang laughed. This guy is quite what he likes. As a general, he will certainly not despise any enemy. But the Jingying team and the Huaiyang Army have never fought in a war since they were formed. How big is such an army?

He is not optimistic about its combat effectiveness.

Of course, use all your strength to fight a lion, and use all your strength to fight a rabbit. Since you want to fight, you must use all your strength to knock it down completely. The defenders of Feng County only have 3,000 people, and Liu Dongyang doesn't care, but the 10,000 defenders of Peixian County,

He still has to treat it with caution.

"I hope it's as you said." Liu Dongyang flew onto the horse, sat on it and looked around.

The army is advancing rapidly. The effects of several months of training in Qingyang and the long-distance training from the northwest to the Central Plains have improved the temperament of the entire army. In addition, with sufficient food and salary guarantees, and after this period of rest and recuperation,

It can be said that morale is booming.

Regarding the army he now has under his command, Liu Dongyang is confident that he can face any army in the entire Zhou Dynasty without fear.

This mission is not easy. According to the commander's instructions, it is to completely defeat the Huaiyang Army's defense system in the north of Xuzhou. However, considering time, it is not necessary to annihilate it. More importantly, it is necessary to control the front line of Xiazhen, which is Dudu.

The section of Shanhu and Huitonghe north of Zhaoyang Lake completely cut off the logistics support line from the south of the Yangtze River to the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army in Shandong, forcing the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army to collapse without a fight.

In this case, you may face a pincer attack from the Huaiyang Army in the south and the Xuanfu Army in the north, and you need to hold on for a while to mobilize the Xuanfu Army to go south and create opportunities for the main army in the west to advance eastward.

Liu Dongyang has the confidence to do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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