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Chapter 2046 Gui Zi Scroll Visiting Datong, everyone’s thoughts

"That's Baishan Mountain over there." Feng Ziying did not take a car, but rode a horse slowly along the post road.

It's not far from the settlement fort to Datongfu City. The road is densely populated and business travelers are constantly coming and going. You can vaguely see the atmosphere of Datong Prefecture, the first city in northern Shanxi.

"Is that the Baideng Mountain? The Baideng Mountain where Emperor Henkel was surrounded by the Huns?" Baoqin opened the curtain from the carriage, stuck his head out, and looked to the north curiously.

"Well, the siege of Baideng in the past caused Emperor Hengao to lose face. However, Emperor Hengao was thick-skinned, so it didn't matter. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty conquered the Xiongnu and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop, and he regained his face." Feng Ziying said with a smile:

"So it doesn't matter if you can't win, as long as your children and grandchildren can restore the situation, but you have to give birth to a good son and grandson."

Baoqin also laughed, "Sir, this is the place where my father-in-law and uncle and uncle once guarded. This is my first time here. In the past, I followed my father all over the country, but I have never been to Shanxi.

, the most we can do is go to Baoding, the capital. This Datong is a strategic place, controlling the north and south, and military strategists have always fought for it. The Feng family and the Duan family have been here for so many years, and it seems that the Feng and Duan families have come to visit our husband in the past few days.

There is also an endless stream of people, so coming here can be regarded as our roots.”

Feng Ziying glanced at Bao Qin in surprise. She didn't expect that this girl had such knowledge. After thinking about it, she said: "What you said is not bad. Although the Feng family's ancestral home is in Linqing, Linqing is just

There are a little more people in the clan, but in fact their origins are a bit far away, and there are not many talents. My family has taken root in Datong since my grandfather, and my father's generation worked very hard to guard the border. It's just that our family is too thin, but the other members of the Feng family

There are hundreds of people here from the branch, not to mention the Duan family."

"No wonder my husband attaches so much importance to this place. It's hard for me to see my husband meeting guests so frequently and enthusiastically." Bao Qin pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, they can't be regarded as guests, they should be regarded as relatives. The three people who came yesterday are all my cousins. Of course, the blood relationship may vary, but blood is thicker than water, but we have to recognize them." Feng Ziying explained: "As for Feng

The people on this side of the family are a little thinner, and the two people who came after the Duan family brothers left, even if they are the best in the Feng family here, they are much inferior to the Duan family's children."

Baoqin observed her husband's expression, but couldn't see many clues, and then asked curiously: "My husband doesn't seem to care too much about this?"

"This is not something I can decide. Maybe I can give them more opportunities, but most of them have to rely on their own efforts. The same is true for the Feng family in Linqing. My cousin also recruited them from Haitong Silver Village.

Many children from distant branches of the Feng and Duan families have entered, and now there are many talented people. It is not necessarily necessary to have a career in officialdom or the military. But with Lu Yangkan as a horse, all roads lead to Chang'an."

Feng Ziying's last two sentences made Bao Qin's eyes light up. Her husband had always disliked poetry and rarely expressed poetry, but today such a sentence suddenly appeared, which surprised her.

"But there are green poplars that can tie horses, and all roads lead to Chang'an? The meaning of Xianggong's poem is that it is not necessary to follow one road, can every road achieve the desired result in life?"

Feng Ziying didn't know if anyone had said these two sentences now. He only remembered that they were in "Zengguang Xianwen". He couldn't remember when "Zengguang Xianwen" appeared, so he could only vaguely

He said vaguely: "Who knows who said these two lines of poetry? I can't remember where I heard them. This is probably what they mean."

Accustomed to her husband's refusal to admit it, Bao Qin became even more delighted, "Whatever my husband says, that's all. But I have remembered this sentence."

Feng Ziying laughed and avoided the topic, "Okay, we are going to Datong City soon. We will stay in Datong City for two days, and then we will go south and west, into Shaanxi."


"Is Feng Keng here?" Cui Chengxiu rubbed his chin and asked while standing in front of the window.

"We've arrived. General Ma Chun is here to greet us in front of the city gate. Doesn't it mean that the Ma family and the Feng family are not on good terms? This is a bit strange." The staff asked with some confusion.

"Huh, there used to be discord, but the situation is different now. The Feng family only has Feng Keng, who has taken the path of civil servants. Although the Feng family is still a prominent family in Datong, its influence in the military will definitely decrease.

With his power slowly fading away, how many more years can Feng Tang continue to work? Ten years has been enough, and it is impossible for the court to let him return to Datong." Cui Chengxiu said meaningfully.

"But there is the Duan family." The staff disagreed: "To say that the Duan family is the local snake, and the Feng family is just a powerful dragon across the river. The Duan family down there is bigger than the Feng family, and there are many Duan family members in the military.


"What is the Duan family? They are just a local tycoon. The Duan family is so big and has not produced a Jinshi in twenty years. What is there to boast about?" Cui Chengxiu dismissed it, "Without the support of the Feng family, it would be easy for the court to eliminate the Duan family.

, the best person among the Duan family in the army is just a general."

The staff was speechless.

Cui Chengxiu's words are correct. Although the Duan family is powerful in Datong, it is not ranked among the top military and political leaders.

Duan Xirong, who had the best career, was only a general, and had made great achievements in battle, but he was suppressed and blocked even in seeking a deputy commander-in-chief.

The Duan clan does not even have a single Jinshi. Ten years ago there was only one Jinshi, and now he is just serving as a judge in Huguang.

For a wealthy family who wants to stand out in the local area, this seems a bit unsatisfactory.

If there is no Feng family in Datong, then the powerful martial arts families such as the Ma family and the Ma family will soon be able to suppress the Duan family and become unable to stand up.

If you look at the background of the Ma family and the Ma family, you will know that the Duan family is still far behind.

Ma Chengxun succeeded Su Shengdu as the deputy commander-in-chief of Shanxi Town after Su Shengdu was defeated and dismissed from his post. In addition, Ma Chengxun served as a staff general in Yulin, and Ma Chengzhao served as a staff general in Jizhen. After Ma Gui retired due to illness,

The Ma family began to regain its strength again.

Nowadays, the Ma family has one eldest son, one deputy general, and two generals, spanning three border towns, which is quite dazzling. This does not include the performance of other Ma family disciples in the fields of defense and conduct as middle and low-level military attachés.

Even the Ma family is not inferior to the Duan family now.

Although Ma Chun is only a general in Datong, his brother Ma Dong has already served as the deputy commander-in-chief of Gansu Town at the end of last year, and is now fighting in Shandong with Feng Tang. Ma Fang's third son, Ma Lin, is slightly less capable, but he has also served in the army.

Datong serves as guerrillas, but the other Ma family members have weaker foundations. There are not many mid-level military attachés in the field of defense and conduct, and they are inferior to those of the Feng family.

The most important thing is that both the Ma family and the Ma family have people who have sent out general soldiers, but the Duan family has not even sent out deputy general soldiers. This is the most important sign.

The heritage of the Feng family is that three generations have produced four general soldiers. Feng Ziying's grandfather, two uncles and father all served as general soldiers. This is the heritage of a wealthy family.

Wealthy families that have never had a general soldier in their clan often cannot even get the lowest-level title bestowed by the court. This means that you are not qualified to be called a family of martial arts and a family of hairpin cherry blossoms. At most, you are just a family.

It is difficult for local tyrants and powerful people to receive the attention and attention of the court.

"So what Dong Weng means is that the Feng and Duan families don't need to take it too seriously now?" The staff member was a little confused about his Dong Weng's thoughts.

Dong Weng seemed to attach great importance to Feng Ziying's passing through Datong before. He had already decided to host a banquet and visit alone. Why is he so unfavorable to Feng Duan's family now?

"Who said you don't need to take it seriously?" Cui Chengxiu glanced at his staff, who seemed a little confused.

"Although the Feng family's influence in the military may gradually fade in the future, Feng Ziying is different. He followed the path of a civil servant. He was a second-class Jinshi and a common scholar, and he also gained the reputation of being a compiler in the Hanlin Academy. He is only a second-class scholar.

He became a governor in his early teens. If nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be promoted after returning to the capital. This is sitting around looking at three people. Haha, has there ever been a third-grade minister under the age of thirty in the Zhou Dynasty? He entered the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister.

The only difference is seniority."

The staff can also hear the envy in the words of their boss, but is this comparable?

It has been said that he is a Hanlin compiler, and his two masters are a pavilion elder and a minister of the Ministry of Commerce. The other benefactor is the censor of Youdu of the Duchayuan. Who dares to compare?

Seeing that his staff was confused, Cui Chengxiu also knew that there were some situations that he didn't need to tell him, and even if he did, he might not be able to understand them.

His own staff are not considered masterminds, but help handle government affairs. Cui Chengxiu trusts him more for the real core strategy.

The Feng family's influence in the army may slowly fade. He also heard that after taking Shandong, Feng Tang may step down as governor of the three sides and only retain the position of governor of Jiliao, and the northwest army will probably be split up.

Feng Tang's age was also there. A few years later, he resigned as governor of Jiliao. The imperial court granted him the status of a state official, and then he was appointed as a sinecure in the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army. It was considered a good death.

However, Feng Ziying, who has followed the path of a civil servant, has a bright future, so the Feng family will gradually decline in the military, but there is no need for the Duan family to suppress her too much.

The imperial court still has to give Feng Tang some dignity. Now it is necessary to suppress the Duan family. It is a combination of kindness and power. Let the Duan family understand that everything is given by the imperial court. Don't forget about it. If the imperial court can give you, it can also receive it.


The Duan family may become a local noble like the Ma family in the future, but it is probably unlikely that they will develop into the top martial arts elite of the Feng family and the Ma family.

Therefore, Cui Chengxiu knew how to treat Feng Ziying and even the Feng family and the Duan family.

I also need to rely on Feng Ziying, but the Feng family and the Duan family also need to rely on themselves. It's just that I can't help in the army. If it's in the local area, I might as well help.

This chapter has been completed!
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