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Chapter 2069 Guizi Scroll No Poison, No Husband (Continued)

 Heliande never expected that he would actually appear as a public servant and have to shoulder such an important responsibility.

This made him feel dizzy due to inexplicable excitement, and his whole body was filled with pleasure. At the same time, he kept reminding himself not to lose his composure. This was just the first step.

Ten days ago, he was just a wanderer on the road.

Don't think that people in the Jianghu world just enjoy the food and drink as much as they want. Outsiders only see the most beautiful side, but cannot see the side in the shadows.

In order for the sect to develop and grow, countless people have been busy and toiling in obscurity. Although Heliande thinks that he is somewhat famous in Huaiqing Mansion, he is still far from being a master.

In the eyes of real dignitaries, the people in the world are still low-class, and the local gentry still look down upon them, and they are not allowed to get involved in many businesses, even in Shaolin.

After receiving the message from the door, Heliande could only put down his business and come all the way.

Li Guibao was a famous person in the family, and it was said that he had climbed to a high branch and wanted to support old friends in the family, so many people came, and they were all very eager.

Only when we got to the fields did we realize that this work was not easy to do. There were rebel troops outside and the city was besieged. Although everyone made a living by licking blood from knife edges through wind and rain, we had to deal with these rebel desperadoes directly.

This is the first time.

It's not that I'm afraid of death, fighting alone is no match for ten or eight people, but if they are swarmed by hundreds or even thousands, then it's a bit difficult for a Jianghu person like me.

The ants kill the elephant, but the sword and the gun have no eyesight. Who can tell clearly on the battlefield?

But Heliande had already been mentally prepared. Pies would not fall from the sky, and the people above him would be more cruel and ruthless.

I used to think that I was working as a guard for the nobles in the court, and Li Guibao was a big shot in the family. It turned out that I still had some friendship with him, so I was able to give him such an opportunity. This was quite a sign of caring for my old friendship.

Unexpectedly, the situation turned out to be a big surprise. He was actually going to be used as the governor's personal soldier, and he was going to make a big move as soon as he came.

Liu Dingfeng looked at his partner next to him and felt the excitement in his heart. Wasn't he the same?

They had never thought that it would be their turn to carry out such a beautiful job as raiding the wealthy gentry. They may have never dreamed before.

The governor and magistrate did not explain much. They only said that they would take it down decisively. If there was any resistance, they would be killed without mercy. With such an order, it was almost like they were ordered to kill.

Compared with the fighting in the arena where you have to consider the consequences, it was so enjoyable that Liu Dingfeng had to say hello to a group of guys who looked like they had been given blood in advance and obey the orders and not take action without permission.

"Congratulations to the inspector, sir?" The old man in brown shirt looked at the fat man in official uniform with a puffy chest and belly in surprise, "What does this mean?"

Clearing his throat, the obese man looked intently and pulled out a piece of paper from his sleeve: "By order of Jun, the magistrate of the county, there are seventeen members of Qu Dezhao, a citizen of Wubao County, who do not care about the king's kindness and collude to rebel against the Qingjian army."

The bandits jumped into the stream, Tiger King Er Mazi and his party, causing trouble in the place and endangering the whole party. I am ordering the house to be searched immediately and the criminals to be arrested..."

Three times five times two times, the short and fat man finished reciting the brief handwritten command in his hand in one breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quickly backed away, leaving the rest to these unfamiliar faces.

He knew that the Qu family were not good people, that there were Jianghu people hiding in the house, and that he had always suspected that there were gangsters hiding in the house. He had reported all this to the magistrate.

As for the filial piety of the Qu family, have you ever done that? I can’t remember.

Liu Dingfeng took a deep breath and pressed the narrow-edged knife on his waist. It was a little uncomfortable, but it was still usable. Impersonating Long Jinwei was an unforgivable crime, but with the governor carrying it, what should he be afraid of?

The old man in brown shirt ignored the deputy inspector of the inspection department at all. The ninth-grade official had shamed him and dared to knock on the door. But the person who suddenly stood up from behind made him startled. .

They all had unfamiliar faces, and they were obviously not locals. He felt a chill go down his spine.

Liu Dingfeng flashed the waist badge in his hand, and a copper waist badge with a special shape similar to ω but with a square suffix appeared in front of his eyes, shining brightly under the light of the lantern on the door.

The old man in brown shirt could be considered to have seen the world, and his face suddenly changed: "Long Jinwei? Are you Long Jinwei? Where did Wubao County come from? You dare to forge the Long Jinwei waist badge, and you are not afraid of killing the nine tribes?"

Liu Dingfeng laughed and said, "Forgery of the Dragon Guard badge, Mr. Qu, you said we are not afraid of killing the nine tribes. Inspection He is still here. He is the inspector of Wubao County Government. Isn't he afraid of killing him?" Nine tribes? Besides, we also have people in the Zeng family over there. Inspector Zhang is over there. Do you think that from the county magistrate Mr. Xia to the two inspectors Zhang He, the people in the Wubao County Yamen like to kill the Nine Tribes? Are you kidding me?"

Hearing Liu Dingfeng say that the Zeng family at the other end of the street was also surrounded, the old man in brown shirt felt his heart sink, and he immediately understood the purpose of these people's coming. They were colluding with the rebels, and they were not heading towards the east gate to attack Qu's family. The more than 100 servants went there, and so did the Zeng family...

"This gentleman's surname is Qu. He is not well-known in Wubao County. Quanzi is in Shanxi Town..." The old man in brown shirt was interrupted again by Liu Dingfeng: "Qu Gong, I will leave these words to the county government." Okay, okay, Lieutenant Long is handling the case, everyone should stand still and not move rashly, otherwise, they will be punished as treason and not even killed!"

Before the old man in brown shirt could say anything, two wolf-like government officials had already pounced on him, held up the old man in brown shirt and walked aside. Immediately after, the people brought by Liu Dingfeng filed in. With the cooperation of the government officials, They quickly took control of the entire house, and the house raids began with great fanfare.

The old man in brown shirt had a gray face, struggling and begging for mercy: "Sir, the Qu family has never offended Long Jinwei, but Mr. Xia always obeys his orders. Why do you treat the Qu family like this?"

"Oh, Mr. Qu seems to have forgotten about the siege of the city by the rebels. A few days ago, even the squires outside the city knew how to protect their family and the city, but it seems that more than a hundred members of the Qu family only enjoyed themselves in the house. Until Mr. Xia ordered to go to the city to guard, the Qu family We defended Dongcheng, but what did we do? Do you still need me to tell you one by one? How many times have you seen the Tiger King Er Mazi in Tiaojian? That Qian family on the street outside Guandi Temple, your Qu family What do you mean? It seems that your Qu family's grain shop still has several thousand dan of grain, right? Half a month ago, the price of corn increased to five liang and one dan. Haha, it's still priceless and has no market. It only sells for 20 dan every day. ,What is this going to do?"

A series of questions made the old man in brown shirt turn pale, his body was shaky, and he could no longer support himself. He collapsed softly on the ground, and said reluctantly: "My lord, my lord, if there is any need, the Qu family will obey. I just want to spare the lives of everyone in the Qu family..."

Liu Dingfeng smiled and said, "Why is Qu Gong so talkative at this time? It is said that there are people in the city colluding with the rebels outside the city and intending to sacrifice the city. I wonder if Qu Gong knows about it?"

"Dedicating a city? How could such a thing happen?" The old man in brown shirt was horrified, "No matter how stupid I am, I am not so unwise. The old man Wang Ermazi just wants to buy an escape route, so why bother to offer a city?"

"Oh?" Liu Dingfeng sneered, "Qu Gong didn't do it, what about the others? Can Qu Gong vouch for the others?"

"Others?" The old man in brown shirt was at a loss. He didn't know how to answer or what the other party meant.

Liu Dingfeng glanced at him coldly, said nothing more, waved his hand, and Heliande led two government officials to drag the old man in brown shirt out, and dragged him halfway. The old man in brown shirt was so blessed that he suddenly woke up: "Sir , Sir, I know, I know, I was about to report Zeng Guoxi, a big family in the city, for colluding with the underground tigers outside the city and intending to dedicate the city. I also tried to win over the old man, but he refused..."

Liu Dingfeng finally laughed, with a meaningful smile on his face: "Very good, Mr. Qu has finally woken up and it's not too late to make up for it. You can go to the county government and tell everything clearly, but don't do it." A good person has been wronged, but a bad person cannot be spared..."

After saying that, Liu Dingfeng waved his hand, and Heliande pushed the old man in brown shirt out. As for how to deal with it, it was not something he could interfere with. Master Feng would naturally decide.

Just when the Qu family was wiped out by everyone, at the other end of the street, the door of the Zeng family had been knocked open by Minzhuang with a big log. Several archers on the wall were shot down with hidden weapons by the martial arts masters outside, and the door of the mansion was blocked. Being knocked away means that resistance will only turn into a one-sided massacre.

Li Guibao did not personally participate but handed everything over to his deputy Chu Yunfei to cooperate with the county magistrate for execution. The Zeng family was obviously more determined and unmoved than the Qu family.

The government's order did not make them give up their vigilance, so it eventually turned into a violent attack.

However, no matter how high the walls of this kind of private residence are, it is obvious that they cannot withstand the strong attack of hundreds of Minzhuang. After a brief stalemate and fighting, the door of the mansion was broken down, and Minzhuang swarmed in under the leadership of a group of people from the world. At this time, Li Guibao was free and walked in with the two county magistrates.

The next task is to follow the Qu family's report and search the old, young, women, children, and every tree and plant in the Zeng family, in order to turn this major rebellion case of colluding with the rebels and intending to sacrifice the city into an "iron case" that will never be overturned. ".

So it all fell into place.

This chapter has been completed!
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