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Chapter 2093 Gui Zi Scroll, Flesh Mill, Life and Death Fight

The attack situation on the second day was much better than that on the first day. As Modlen expected, there were not many artillery in the city, probably only four or five cannons.

Having been in the Yulin Army for many years, he knew very well that weapons such as artillery were rare among the frontier armies in the three sides and four towns. Only towns such as Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhen, and Liaodong had more weapons, and they were all

It was only started to be equipped in the past two years. It is basically impossible to have one like the Guards. However, the sudden appearance of several artillery pieces in Wubao City really caught him off guard. Even he was a little dazed at the time.

But he soon discovered that the artillery bombardment area of ​​the official army was quite narrow. Part of the area where Xie Laogen's charge was launched was also very dense, but it was only blocked by catapults and arrows. This is enough to show that the number of artillery in the city is extremely limited.

Maybe there are only a few statues.

After reporting the situation to the generals of the rebel army, some of the confusion and fear gradually stabilized. However, the Old Huangyang Department was temporarily unable to attack due to this heavy blow, and the Chuangtian King Department could only be used to take charge of the main attack.

But this time, Modlen did not just let the Chongtian King's troops shoulder the important task of storming the city gate. Instead, he mixed in the 300 people from Boyan Village and 800 people from Dashi Village and Quhe Village, and added

With Xie Laogen's cooperation and assistance, the number of attacking teams in the entire West City exceeded 5,000, which also allowed other rebels who were originally a little resentful to regain their balance.

Wubao City, which has no moat, entered into a relatively stalemate offensive and defensive battle on the city wall from the afternoon of the second day.

It is difficult for bows and arrows and catapults to play a significant role in containing this comprehensive offensive covering the entire western city wall. In fact, the high frequency of use also caused the few catapults to be quickly damaged and lost their combat effectiveness.

Although there were not many archers from the rebel army under the city wall, most of them came from the border soldiers. Their shooting accuracy and power were much better than those of the archers from the Yueshan Camp in the city. This also brought huge consequences to the Yueshan Camp.


Even Feng Ziying did not realize that the situation that seemed quite optimistic on the first day took a turn for the worse in the afternoon of the second day. When both Boyan Village and Baitang Village began to concentrate their superior forces to launch an attack from the west, they immediately attacked the entire

The defense created unprecedented pressure.

Hundreds of ladders were swarmed by the howling rebel soldiers and pressed against the entire western city wall. Even some of the northern city walls were affected, forcing the entire defense line to transfer some soldiers from the eastern city wall.

Come and join the defense of the northwest front line.

The three Crouching Tiger Cannons had long since been disabled. The continuous firing made the barrels unbearable. Two of them exploded and one was afraid to be used again.

Although concentrated attacks are indeed very powerful, Modlen quickly adjusted his attack method after suffering from too intensive a charge the day before, and launched multiple waves of distributed attacks, from the southwest corner to the northwest corner, with an attack range of

It is greatly enlarged, but the center of gravity is slightly more tilted at the low point on the north side of the west gate.

This method of attack quickly produced results. Not only was it difficult for the Crouching Tiger Cannon to exert its maximum power, it also effectively dispersed the archers of the over-mountain camp, and its killing effect was also weakened.

Gu Xiuzhong's eyes were red.

The rebel army's offensive was so fierce that they had to bear the defense of the northwest corner. Unexpectedly, the archers from Baitang Village and several border villages were all pressed against the northwest corner.

The dense rain of arrows made them unable to raise their heads on the city wall, resulting in heavy casualties. Moreover, his unit lacked archers and could not suppress the crossfire at all.

From the beginning of his own headquarters to the time when he annexed the Shaking Sky Banner Department, he didn't pay much attention to the formation of archers, or it could be said that there were too few people in the rebel army who were good at archers and could not form them.

There are farmers everywhere who have some strength with sticks, pickaxes and hoes like the rebel army, and there are even a lot of people who know some fist and foot martial arts, but those who know archery are basically hunters, so there are not many, and there are only

were collected by Wang Chengwu first, so there are basically no archers in his unit.

I didn't realize it before, but when faced with a concentrated attack by enemy archers, it suddenly became apparent that it was at a disadvantage, and it was a disadvantage that was almost impossible to reverse.

Dozens of ladders were unknowingly set up in the northwest corner. The red-eyed rebel soldiers were also aroused by this battlefield atmosphere. They clambered up and climbed up, constantly climbing through the crenellations of the city wall.

He sneaked in and started fighting with Gu Xiuzhong's soldiers on the city wall.

Gu Xiuzhong, who had taken an arrow and injured his arm, showed a bit of timidity on his face. Several of his close soldiers were killed by a sudden wave of arrows, leaving only three people to protect him tightly.

He backed away.

Three powerful rebel soldiers used maces and Tang-style swords to knock down and knock down the two soldiers in front of them. They roared and swept all the way. More than ten soldiers fell at their feet. They had already controlled nearly three feet of the city wall.

On the other side, more rebel soldiers began to surge up from the northwest corner.

"Brother, we can't hold on anymore." A soldier gritted his teeth and ran over from the other end, "The southwest corner was blown up with gunpowder by the people from Boyan Village, and they rushed in. It turned out that there was

All the commandos here have pressed forward to block the hole over there, and no one cares about our side at all."

"Ah?" The last glimmer of hope in Gu Xiuzhong's heart was extinguished.

Originally, three teams of eleven assaulters were arranged here, all of whom were close to Mr. Feng. They were also expected to suppress the fierce soldiers rushing to the top of the city, but now there is no hope.

These soldiers who had just rushed up the city wall were obviously good soldiers selected from the border soldiers. They were all covered in armor, and their weapons were completely different from those of ordinary soldiers. They themselves could not resist them at all, and the group of soldiers following them were also

They were selected tough soldiers, following behind them and constantly cooperating with them to tear apart their own defense line and squeeze towards both ends.

I never thought that the assault troops arranged two moments ago would be temporarily transferred to the west gate. I only said that they would be back soon, but I didn't expect that the situation would suddenly evolve into this.

I had wanted to sacrifice hundreds of lives for a while to hold on and see if they could turn back in time. I didn't expect that the southwest side had also been breached. So what hope was there?

Gu Xiuzhong was still stunned. First, a bunch of arrows fell from the city wall. A soldier guarding him grunted, apparently receiving another arrow.

"Brother, I'm afraid it will be too late if you don't leave." Several soldiers looked nervous as they saw that the soldiers at both ends of the corner of the city wall could not resist the rebel soldiers who kept climbing up from the corner of the city wall. "Make a decision early, otherwise we will

I can’t leave anymore.”

"But once we leave, everything we have gained before is gone." Gu Xiuzhong clenched the handle of the knife in his hand with some pain.

I had finally taken this opportunity to transform myself into an official soldier before, but this time I ran away, no matter whether I could escape or not, I would have to become a rebel army again.

Especially if that gentleman, whose surname is Zhang or Feng, escapes or dies in this battle, I am afraid that the court will no longer be able to accept his group, and his future destiny will fluctuate again.

Gu Xiuzhong really tasted this feeling of transitioning from luxury to frugality at this moment, but the problem is that if he doesn't leave now, he may not be able to leave. The people in Boyan Village will definitely not let go of someone like him who surrenders to the government.

"Brother, we can save the green hills without worrying about having firewood. We can escape with our lives now, but the officers and soldiers in this city may not be able to escape. Wang Ermazi and his gang will probably be like us in the end. When the officers and soldiers come

Okay, let’s just look for another chance.”

The soldiers saw that the gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger, and they would really be unable to escape if they didn't leave, so they forced themselves to pull Gu Xiuzhong and ran towards the bottom of the city wall.

When Li Guibao and Wang Chengbiao's troops came from the south, the situation in the entire northwest corner was already in ruins.

Gu Xiuzhong ran away.

However, he ran a little late. More than 300 soldiers were suppressed and beaten by nearly a hundred border soldiers who rushed in at both ends of the northwest corner. Due to the limitation of the width of the city wall, they could not run or escape at all, even in the

In this situation, just turning around would lead to death, so these soldiers could only grit their teeth and retreat while resisting.

The only squatting tiger cannon was carried over, and the cannon tester began to load ammunition with a pale face, pointing the muzzle to the north of the city wall.

Li Guibao led several companions to face the difficulty and cut fiercely into the attacking soldiers.

For them, on such a narrow city wall, there is not much difference between ordinary soldiers and border soldiers. The water-milled Zen staff stirred up wind and thunder, and a pair of multi-ear-ring knives rolled up thousands of snow waves, stopping the rolling offensive abruptly.


Arrows were thrown out, passing over the people fighting head-on and falling into the crowd behind. The soil on the city wall was mixed with stones and flesh. Shouts and wailings merged into one, spearheads, blades, arrows, blood flowers,

Under the afterglow that had not yet set, there was an indescribable smell of blood, spreading toward both ends of the city wall.

But a few people obviously couldn't really stop this surging flow of people. Although there were no less than ten corpses lying at their feet, the torrent was still slowly squeezing towards this side without stopping.

"Get out of the way!"

With a roar, Li Guibao and the other two people jumped up lightly, jumped over the crenel, hung one hand on the crenel at the top of the city, and avoided the front of the city wall. The soldiers on the opposite side did not know what was happening for a moment.

Something happened until there was a loud bang.

The overwhelming rubble rushed in. At such a close distance, the force driven by the gunpowder was enough to penetrate the iron armor, not to mention that the rebel army, who had almost no armor, was completely prepared to meet this wave of rubble with their flesh and blood.


Bones were shattered and flesh was cracked, limbs were flying everywhere, and before they even had time to scream, the ten or twenty people in front were suddenly blasted into countless pieces of minced meat, and the soldiers behind them were slapped all over their bodies and faces!

This chapter has been completed!
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