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Chapter 2211 Gui Zi Scroll New Trend, 'Northwest Times'

 Even when Shaanxi government affairs were the busiest, Feng Ziying never neglected to maintain her original connections.

In addition to Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and Guan Yingzhen, Feng Ziying did not neglect several big shots in the DPRK and China who were becoming increasingly close, such as Zhang Huaichang, Chai Ke, Sun Juxiang, and Han Xu, and also maintained the rhythm of writing a letter every two months. Write a letter to the other party.

The letter not only talks about daily affairs, but also expresses greetings, and from time to time sends some special products from Shaanxi.

Millet from Mizhi, red dates from Qingjian, honey from Qinling Mountains, Liuba ginkgo from Fengxian County, Qingyang day lily, and Qinzhou walnuts. Although these things are not worth much, they are also famous local specialties. It can make the big guys remember you and express your feelings.

Of course, these things cannot be left out without the women in their own houses. They are sent to the hands of women with unsatisfactory gifts. They may not care too much about the value of these things, but more about the affection contained in them.

In addition to the connections between these people, Feng Ziying also maintains close contact with fellow warriors of the same age, such as Zuo Liangyu, Huang Degong, He Huchen, Yang Zhaoji, and even He Renlong from Liaodong, as well as close friends like Shen Yourong. .

So many times when she returns home after finishing her official duties, Feng Ziying spends more time writing letters. She basically maintains the rhythm of one letter a day, and then accumulates about ten letters in about half a month, and prepares related gifts. Okay, let's arrange for someone to send it out.

Feng Ziying has been in Shaanxi for almost a year, and her reputation has always been very good.

In particular, he has a reputation for being honest and upright. It's not that he doesn't accept gifts, but he doesn't accept valuables such as gold and silver. However, he does not refuse local specialties such as millet, walnuts, red dates, and honey. This unique custom also amazed the official circles in Shaanxi.

Feng Ziying also knew very well that in the officialdom of the Zhou Dynasty, collaborating with others was unacceptable, but being in harmony with others was indispensable.

You can't completely stop accepting gifts, which will make it difficult for you to move forward in the local area, but you can accept gifts selectively, and you can also create your own version of it. There is no shortage of gold and silver in the family, and he likes local specialties, and he is not generous with them. It is these local specialties that are presented to the big bosses in North Korea and China to show off to the outside world.

Even colleagues and subordinates who were very close to each other gradually adapted to Feng Ziying's style after gradually understanding her style. Pan Ruzhen and Xu Junyang both used to provide Feng Ziying with beautiful maids. Under the circumstances at that time, , Feng Ziying was reluctant to refuse, but later returned them to the two of them, but the two refused to accept them, so Feng Ziying returned gifts of equal value in other ways, but Feng Ziying accepted the other souvenirs from the two. .

In fact, Feng Ziying also knew that what she did did not make much sense in the official atmosphere of the Zhou Dynasty. Her father served as the commander-in-chief in Datong and Yulin, and as the governor in Liaodong and Sanbian. He also accepted offerings from subordinates and outsiders, and There is nothing against it, and of course, as the governor of Shaanxi, it is natural for me to accept some gifts during the holidays. If you don't accept them, it will make your subordinates uneasy, and the people below you will also have other ideas.

But Feng Ziying felt that she still had to persist and have reservations, not that she wanted to be a pure minister, but that she should be more clean in this regard. After she entered the court in the future, she would be able to avoid being caught with too many handles, even if these handles were not enough.

To fatally.

When Wu Yaoqing came in, he saw Feng Ziying finishing a letter with a pen and sealing it and giving it to Baoxiang.

"Are you ready?" Feng Ziying asked after seeing Wu Yaoqing come in and motioning for Baoxiang to step back.

"That's almost it." Wu Yaoqing nodded, "It will be named "Northwest Times" and will be published every two days. We initially plan to print 500 copies a day and the first three months will be free..."

Determining to publish a newspaper in Xi'an was something Feng Ziying had considered before coming to Shaanxi.

When you first arrive, you need to leave your mark on Shaanxi. At the same time, if you want to maintain your influence for a long time, you must continue to maintain and enhance your control and influence even after you leave Shaanxi. You cannot limit yourself to official personnel and military personnel.

Layout, the cloth on the public opinion front is very important and an indispensable part.

However, Xi'an is far from being comparable to the capital city. Not only is its population only one-tenth of the capital city, but its economic development level is even lower.

It's too far off. Although Xi'an Prefecture has a large population and is considered the core of the entire Shaanxi Province, there are really not many "upper-class" people in Xi'an who can actually afford new things like newspapers.

Feng Ziying has initially estimated that the population in Xi'an does not exceed 100,000. Among them are mainly guards and their families, provincial, government, and county officials and their families, as well as industrial and commercial service personnel who serve such a large group. They are truly pure citizens.

It is very small. If you include rural households in urban areas, there will be about 200,000 to 300,000 people, but it is impossible for those groups to afford newspapers.

Xi'an is a city with military and administration as its core. The industrial and commercial service industries revolve around these two. Of course, there are also some surrounding gentry and wealthy businessmen living among them, but this proportion is very small.

Feng Ziying does not think that she can easily change the structure of this place when she comes here. However, as the core of Shaanxi and the center of the Guanzhong Plain, Xi'an vigorously develops industrial and commercial industries, and at the same time vigorously builds roads along the Wei River, making Xi'an a veritable core of Shaanxi, and

As a transportation hub connecting the Central Plains to the Western Regions, we can still work hard to restore the glory of the Tang Dynasty.

To reshape Xi'an's status, public opinion must be firmly controlled by the vanguard, so the Northwest Times, the first of its kind in Shaanxi, was put on the agenda.

Three backbones of the "Daily News" came from Beijing, and Wu Yaoqing took the lead and guided them. They began to investigate and plan the entire situation in Xi'an in order to determine the content and quantity of the "Northwest Times".

After more than two months of preparation, it has now entered the results period.

"Five hundred copies is neither too much nor too little. The carrying capacity of Xi'an City is probably only this large, right?" Feng Ziying asked.

"It's not just the city of Xi'an. According to our assumptions, there are 400 copies in Xi'an Prefecture. In the city, it is estimated to be about 300 copies. After all, there are only so many people who can read. The other 100 copies are mainly from the states and counties in Xi'an Prefecture. About three hundred copies per state and county.

Five copies, and a hundred copies are sent to Yan'an, Fengxiang, Qingyang, and Pingliang. Of course, these places cannot be delivered every day. It takes about ten days and a half to send them by post, or there is a suitable person.

The evangelist took him there."

Basically, we still follow the previous routine, the three departments in the province, the government offices, the two county offices of Chang'an and Xianning, plus the government schools and the gentry living in the city, a small number of merchants, including the guards, roughly these are the people.

It is estimated that there are still 300 copies left.

What needs to be developed is a matter of habit. If three months is not enough, just give it half a year. It is necessary to cultivate these people's dependence on the "Northwest Times" for information and cultivate the information authority of "Northwest Times" in their minds, so that

He believed that the news published in the Northwest Times was the golden rule and believed it without any doubt.

"Well, it is true that the three northern Shaanxi prefectures and Fengxiang Prefecture cannot be ignored. Is one hundred copies enough?" Feng Ziying asked.

"For now, that's all we can do. The focus is still on Xi'an." Wu Yaoqing said with a smile: "Although the benefits and costs are not taken into account in the early stage, we still have to be targeted. The three prefectures in northern Shaanxi are far behind Xi'an.

It would be good to train the officials in the yamen to get used to reading the "Northwest Times". Of course, the number will gradually increase in the later period. Gongchang Prefecture, Lintao Prefecture and even the three sides and four towns of the army will also consider starting to adopt this kind of initiative in half a year.

The model of ordering after delivery.”

Wu Yaoqing paused. "Actually, if a newspaper wants to achieve a balance between input and output, it still has to be in a city with developed industry and commerce such as Jingshi, Jinling, Yangzhou, and Suzhou, such as Xi'an or Datong. It is very difficult to achieve a balance between expenditure and income."

Difficult, of course I also know that your purpose is not economic gain, but social and political gain, which is immeasurable, so this can be ignored."

"Yao Qing, just understand. Newspapers are actually a product of the development of industry and commerce. They are increasingly developed to meet the needs of commodity information circulation. Pure agricultural societies, or administrative and military functions, do not particularly need newspapers. Di Bao


Feng Ziying has been able to communicate with Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and other people around her using some modern vocabulary and expressions.

Although they were confused at first about the meaning of these almost made-up words and sentences, with Feng Ziying's explanation and frequent use, they gradually adapted to it, and felt that Feng Ziying's words were very appropriate and practical, and gradually

They are also in constant use.

This situation is not limited to Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing, but also to people like Zheng Chongjian and the original Fu Shi. Even Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia were more or less affected.

"Industrial and commercial cities are very sensitive to commodity prices, and this kind of information becomes very valuable. If it can take into account both commodity information and political and military information, then the significance of a newspaper can be reflected. This is why

I want to run a newspaper in the capital now, and then places like Jinling and Yangzhou can follow suit."

Feng Ziying has never lacked patience with the people around him. People like Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and Cao Yu are loyal, so he takes pains to train and teach them, even more than Zheng Chongjian and others.

However, due to their limited status, their future responsibilities will be different from Zheng Chongjian's.

Including people like Fu Shi, Jia Huan, Jia Yun, Zuo Liangyu, and He Huchen, they will be an indispensable part of their system in the future. Dad has his network, and I also have my own.

This chapter has been completed!
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