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Chapter 2265 Gui Zi Scroll: Harem interference in politics, Wu Zhao’s style

 Seeing Mei Yuexi's cold and murderous expression, Dai Quan smiled bitterly: "Empress, it's not because I don't want to give advice, but the problem is that we have too little influence on the cabinet now, and the Emperor is adding fuel to the fire. If Prince Yi Zhong does that,

If Bian is really willing to give in and make some compromises, the cabinet will most likely agree. After all, to the cabinet, whoever becomes emperor is a descendant of the Zhang family, and it’s the same to them."

Dai Quan's words were the truth, but they were the words Mei Yuexi least wanted to hear.

They are all descendants of the Zhang family, which looks similar to the cabinet, but to our own family, it is very different, and it can even be a matter of life and death.

It is too normal for the descendants of the Tian family to have fights with each other, cooking beans and burning bean sprouts. With the resentment built up in the heart of Prince Yi Zhong who had been a prince for twenty years but whose dreams finally came true, how can he still have a good look at the sons of Emperor Yonglong?

Besides, the cabinet can allow Prince Ui-tada to ascend the throne, and once Prince Ui-tada passes away, it can also allow Emperor Yonglong's sons to ascend the throne. If you understand this, how can Prince Ui-tada not kill Prince Lu and the others?

"Then tell me, how can we prevent Nanjing and the cabinet from successfully negotiating?" Mei Yuexi gritted her teeth. No matter how difficult it was, she had to do it, otherwise the success would be in vain or even catastrophic.

"Unless the conditions between the two parties cannot be negotiated, for example, the conditions offered by Nanjing are too high, or the cabinet feels that it is easier to conquer Jiangnan and will not affect the overall situation." Dai Quan said slowly, thinking, "Or maybe

, Nanjing feels that the current situation of the imperial court is more difficult, and it needs help from Nanjing, such as the Mongolian invasion, the dangerous situation in Liaodong, etc."

"I know everything you said, but how can we prevent them from reaching an agreement or even giving in to each other until the situation breaks down and the court insists on continuing the fight?" Mei Yuexi said fiercely: "I don't believe how long Nanjing can survive. Then Chen Jixian

Is there any way to bribe him to capture Nanjing directly?"

"Mother, the matter is not that simple. It is not impossible for Chen Jixian to capture Nanjing, but can the court allow him to hold military power as a warrior? Maybe as soon as he captures Nanjing, the court will change the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town. How can he

Aren't you going to make wedding clothes for others? He wouldn't have thought of this." Dai Quan shook his head repeatedly.

"Can Prince Yi Zhong tolerate the existence of military leaders like Chen Jixian and Feng Tang after he ascends the throne?" Mei Yuexi is very smart, and can draw conclusions from analogies.

"Logically speaking, it cannot be tolerated, but if Prince Yoshitaka wants to fight against the cabinet, he may have to rely on these military chiefs." Dai Quan hesitated and said: "It depends on whether there is any conflict between the military chiefs and Prince Yoshitaka.

There was some tacit understanding. Looking at it now, Chen Jixian must have had an affair with Prince Yi Zhong, but it was not the case with Feng Tang. After all, Feng Keng was already the right minister of the Ministry of War. It was only a matter of time before he joined the cabinet to become the prime minister. Feng Tang did not.

It is necessary to delay his son's bright future for this little military power."

This is a pertinent statement, but Mei Yuexi is now completely unable to listen to anything that may lead to the failure of King Lu's succession, and is bent on disrupting the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing.

"If we must disrupt the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing, there is no way out. For example, let the Northwest Army increase its efforts to defeat the Niu-Sun coalition. It would be best to capture Jiangnan directly, or the gentry in Jiangnan will defect to the imperial court.

Then Nanjing would lose the capital to negotiate with the imperial court. "Dai Quan pondered for a moment, "A two-pronged approach will definitely have a better effect."

Mei Yuexi became interested, "What if the Northwest Army can promise Feng Tang that if he can capture Nanjing, he will be crowned Duke of the country and will be hereditary? This is a bit difficult for the Jiangnan gentry, even Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe.

Even the scholar leaders who were born in Jiangnan cannot handle the Jiangnan gentry, who can?"

Dai Quan saw it more deeply than Mei Yuexi, "The gentry in the south of the Yangtze River cannot be said to be monolithic. There is one group of gentry who inherit land, and there is another group of gentry who have become rich through industrial and commercial industries, including maritime merchants. Of course

There is a lot of overlap between the two groups. The former is the main supporter of Nanjing, but the latter may not be. Some support Nanjing, while others have vague attitudes, and some actually prefer to reach a compromise with the imperial court.

, or those who support the imperial court in their hearts. As far as the old slave knows, the implementation of the imperial court's policy of opening up the sea won the favor and support of many industrial and commercial gentry."

"The policy of opening up the sea? It seems that this was proposed by Feng Keng, right? Doesn't that mean that Feng Keng was among the Jiangnan gentry?

Bian is also very popular?" Mei Yuexi asked in surprise: "Then these father and son pairs are quite interesting. One is the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army fighting in the south of the Yangtze River, and the other is a civil servant who is quite popular among the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. The one is civilized and the other is military.

One soft and one hard, they were all taken care of by the father and son."

Dai Quan was stunned for a moment, and then he thought again. It seemed that this was really the case. Who made this father and son so weird? They went to two extremes.

"As far as I know, Feng Keng is indeed very popular in Jiangnan, especially among Fujian and Zhejiang maritime merchants, tea merchants, factory owners and workshop owners, such as porcelain kiln owners in Jiangxi, silk merchants in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and salt merchants in Yangzhou.

Of course, there are Dongting Merchant Gang, Longyou Merchant Gang, Hui merchants, and Anfu Chamber of Commerce, all of whom are closely related to Feng Keng. Of course, those who support Feng Keng most are Shanxi merchants, and some of them are also Yangzhou salt merchants."

Dai Quan's words made Mei Yuexi even more interested, "So the imperial court can let Feng Keng win over and divide the Jiangnan gentry. Once the Jiangnan gentry is divided and disintegrated, Nanjing will collapse immediately. Even if Chen Jixian falls to Nanjing, he will not be saved."

Without them, the imperial court would not have thought of this?"

Dai Quan shook his head, "The imperial court must have thought of it, but this matter is not as simple as the empress said. Those gentry who make a living from the land firmly support Nanjing. Although those maritime merchants and factory owners are inclined to the imperial court

, but they are not mainstream and are unwilling to express their attitude. They are more willing to observe the situation and wait until the dust finally settles before taking sides. Even if they may pay more, they avoid the risk of death if they join the wrong team. "

It should be said that Dai Quan has always been by Emperor Yuanxi's side and followed Emperor Yuanxi for decades, and he has a very clear understanding of the situation and mentality of the Jiangnan gentry.

Although the industrial and commercial power among the Jiangnan gentry has been growing in recent years, they have always been in a non-mainstream position. Compared with the landlords who rely on land rent for their livelihood, their voice and influence in the local area are still insufficient, especially those with

In inland places where land and clan are the link, the situation is even more disadvantaged.

Only in metropolitan and port cities such as Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Quanzhou, and Jinling can industrial and commercial forces gain the upper hand.

But it is undeniable that with the implementation of the policy of opening up the sea, industrial and commercial power expanded rapidly, including a considerable number of original landowners who began to take the initiative to set up workshops or engage in trade. Dai Quan also felt this, but he

In the past few years, he has been in the palace in Beijing and has not had much contact with Jiangnan, so he cannot directly feel it.

"Dai Quan, maybe we should contact the Feng family?" Mei Yuexi said hesitantly: "I feel that the Feng family spans both civil servants and military generals, and they are all in high positions. I'm afraid they will become more and more useful and worth taking care of.

Make friends, make friends."

Dai Quan thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, there was some oversight in the past. Feng Keng turned out to be just the Prime Minister of Shuntian. Although he was somewhat famous, he could not influence the central government. Who would have thought that he would be the governor of Shaanxi in such a clean and tidy way?

The emperor has settled the chaos in Shaanxi, and now he has gone straight to the center, and his influence has suddenly increased. The virtuous concubine seems to be related to him by marriage, so the empress might as well show her goodwill to her and see her attitude. However, this will not matter to him.

The current negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing cannot be of much help."

Mei Yuexi walked back and forth twice with her head down in despair. Finally, she raised her head again, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, looking at Dai Quan, "Dai Quan, we can't just let this matter go unchecked, we have to take action!"

"The old slave obeyed the Queen's orders and was willing to be broken into pieces." Dai Quan quickly expressed his loyalty.

"I estimate that the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing will not be successful so easily. Once Prince Yi Zhong succeeds Dabao, the forces in the DPRK and China will definitely be reshuffled, and many people will definitely find it difficult to maintain their positions of power.

Aren’t they worried or opposed? We need to take action immediately to see who is the leader in this and whether we can help them, or help them contact and unite efforts, as well as those who support negotiations with Nanjing

, find out what their intentions are, do they really think that the court is unsustainable, or are they motivated by their own selfish interests? If it is the former, can we find a way to dispel their worries? If it is the latter, it will be easier to lure them

Eli, you can give them any promise!"

Dai Quan felt a chill in his heart, and at the same time he felt a little emotional. This person really looked a bit like Empress Lu and Wu Zhao. He could figure out so many things in such a short period of time.

But it's easier said than done. If you want to really impress the civil servants in the DPRK and China, you have to offer real money and silver. Just some promises may not be easy.

However, he also agreed with Mei Yuexi's point of view. This negotiation may not be successful overnight, unless there is a major change and the court cannot support it, but it seems that it has not reached that point yet.

As long as the imperial court feels confident, it will definitely not make too many concessions to Prince Yoshitaka, and Prince Yoshitaka must also be hoping that the situation will change in their favor, so that they can negotiate with the cabinet.

You can ask for better terms.

Under this situation, there is indeed a lot of room for manipulation. Mei Yuexi's sense of smell is quite keen, and she immediately noticed the gap here.

Now that Mei Yuexi has made a move, Dai Quan naturally has to comply. He has been in and out of the palace for decades, so he naturally has some connections, otherwise he would not be taken seriously by Mei Yuexi, so he must take action immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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