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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 671: A life-and-death battle, unavoidable (1)

 With the constant appearance of flags and troops from various ministries entering the Changyong Fort - Wujing Camp - Hupiyi area, the war between the Zhou Army and the Jianzhou Army finally evolved into a situation where both sides could no longer retreat.

Nurhachi stood on the high ground on the side of Wujing Camp, holding up the telescope captured from the Shenyang Battle and carefully observing the Zhou army a few miles ahead, which was gathering to launch an attack.

I have to say that the situation of the Zhou army has changed a lot compared to three or five years ago. The size of the spear soldiers and sword and shield soldiers has been greatly reduced, and they have completely become auxiliary arms, while the fire gun soldiers have become a well-deserved infantry force.


This can be seen from every formation. In the center, on both wings, it is a linear offensive. Appropriate sword and shield soldiers and spearmen are sandwiched in it. The artillery team is hidden behind it. Other cavalry are used as shocks on both sides.

The formation or the reserve team to cover and intercept has become the standard configuration of the Zhou army in combat.

However, even the Jianzhou Army knew this standard configuration, but it was somewhat incapable of defeating or cracking it.

The equipment of the Jianzhou Army has basically not changed significantly. Although we know that the widespread use of firearms has greatly weakened the elite advantage of the Jianzhou Armored Soldiers, we have no good way to deal with it.

In fact, after the capture of Shenyang, Tieling and Anlezhou, there were actually more than 100,000 Han people in the Jianzhou control area. In addition, Li Yongfang and the Han army bannermen who were bribed to rebel by Li Yongfang also had 10,000 or 20,000 people. Theoretically, there would be 100,000 more Han people.

It is no longer a problem to form a decent firecrackers or even an artillery team.

But what is regrettable is that Li Yongfang's troops came too early. At that time, the firearms replacement in Liaodong had not yet been fully launched, so Li Yongfang's troops only had less than a thousand fireguns. On the contrary, Jin Yuhe, the Shi brothers and others who came over later came to serve.

The number of firecrackers in the army was even greater, with more than 3,000 firecrackers.

But the problem is that one of the biggest problems with Zhou Jun's fire blunderbuss is that it relies heavily on logistical support, special gunpowder, blunderbuss and related parts. Moreover, once it is trained, the loss is very large, and a huge repair team is needed to replace the parts at any time.

Even the entire firecracker.

Although these teams rebelled and came over, the logistics support aspect has always been controlled by the military town and has not come over.

Without various guarantees, especially the guarantee of special gunpowder, these muskets have become useless.

According to the requirements of Dazhou, training must be continuous. However, the gunpowder they brought with them when they rebelled was limited. If they continued to maintain the intensity of training they had with Dazhou, they would probably be exhausted within a few months.


Jianzhou can actually develop and produce some gunpowder, but it cannot compare with Dazhou in terms of power and impurity residues.

After trying Jianzhou's self-produced gunpowder, many muskets either blocked the explosion chamber, were difficult to clean and were scrapped, or the shooting accuracy and distance were greatly reduced, including the inability to achieve the original standardized consistency on the projectiles.

This greatly limits the performance of these fire rifle soldiers, and may even become useless.

This is also Nurhaci’s biggest worry.

Seeing that thousands of gunpowders are in hand, they cannot be put to great use. For small-scale operations, you can also try to use them intensively, but for large-scale use, it is impossible to solve the problem of gunpowder and parts.


To solve these two problems, the Zhou Dynasty has long been strictly guarded and cannot buy them at all. It can only be solved through North Korea and Japan and the Western Yi people. But if consumption continues like this, how can this possibility still exist?


This is why Nurhaci tried every means to seek a war to break the deadlock and seek the most critical factor for a few years of development. Once he returns to the original Jurchen territory of Jianzhou, he will have no means to improve and increase the scale of firearm use.

This is an opportunity and a possibility.

Fortunately, the combat effectiveness and fighting will of the Jianzhou Army's armored soldiers are still enough to withstand a fierce battle, and the well-trained armored cavalry had an obvious advantage over the Zhou Army's cavalry before. However, the forged steel cavalry began to be widely used by the Zhou Army's cavalry.

The Zhanma Dao has greatly weakened this advantage. Nurhaci is worried that if this continues, this advantage may quickly turn into a disadvantage. This is also a trend that worries him.

Nurhachi took a deep breath. He wanted to take a look at the situation of the two sides in this battle.

Although the numbers of the two groups are not too large, our own side is the Zhenglan Banner of Laositang in ancient times, with more than 2,000 people, including more than 1,000 armored soldiers, and more than 400 armored cavalry swimming on the sides and rear.

Choose an opportunity to attack.

The flags on the opposite side should be from Ganning Town. There are about 3,000 people, which is slightly more than the Zhenglan Banner. However, judging from the speed and pace of its deployment, Nurhaci thinks that it is better than Laosi.

For the Zhenglanqi elite, there is still a gap, even if it is slightly smaller than the opponent, the fourth brother should be able to defeat the opponent.

But Nurhachi knew that this was only theoretically true. In a real fight, there would be too many variables. Even he was not optimistic that the fourth child would be able to successfully defeat the opponent in this situation.

With the sound of golden drums and the movement of flags, both sides began to approach and were ready for battle.

Laosi's Zhenglan Banner Unit is still standard equipment, and the archers have already begun to prepare. However, the well-trained archers are still a consumable item that cannot withstand wear and tear for the Jianzhou Army. Once they enter a face-to-face encounter,

In a battle, one's own archers can certainly cause huge damage to the opponent, but one's own side also has to face the attack of the opponent's muskets and concentrated fire, which will turn into a war of attrition.

The key is who can withstand the exchange of fire and complete the breakthrough, and whether the reinforcements can arrive in time to join the battle and give the opponent a fatal blow.

Nurhachi believed that the other side's commander was observing the battle from a high position like himself, and had already issued an order to mobilize the reserve team to prepare for the battle.

So in fact, this kind of battle doesn’t have many tricks. What you can see, what you can think of, and what you can do, the other party can also see, think of, and do. In the end, it may evolve into something bigger.

A large-scale duel, or just choose the right time to end it, waiting for another fight.

Amfiyangu was already anxiously arranging the reserves to start moving eastward, preparing to launch a sharp attack from the left wing to completely penetrate the opponent's right wing. It would be best to force the opponent's formation to collapse and then be defeated.

But Nurhaci believes that the other party is also responding.

Either it's the same as Amfeyangu's arrangement, which is to attack from the flank, and see who can defeat whom first, and compete with the sharpness and thickness of their respective spears and shields, or they can simply come in the opposite direction and use reinforcement reserves to fight against them.

Reinforce the reserve team and fight another arduous and fierce battle.

In this kind of battle involving dozens of troops and more than 100,000 people, any idea of ​​using a surprise attack or defeating the enemy in one fell swoop is wishful thinking, unless you can suddenly invest an overwhelming army to join the battle, but in each case, everyone is in full swing

When you are paying close attention to the battle situation, where did you suddenly attract a new army of at least 10,000 to 20,000 people to join the battlefield?

As expected by Nurhaci, the opponent also chose to attack from their right wing. In other words, both sides chose the same tactical move, wanting to hit an uppercut from the opponent's flank to see if they could break through the opponent's formation first.

Line of defense.

Seeing the changing formations of the troops coming up from the left in a dark mass, Tanggu quickly issued an order and directed his men armed with bucklers and spears to line up to meet the enemy.

The archers held their breath, silently calculating the path and angle. Along with the sentry officers' miserable roars, arrows filled the sky and shot out diagonally.

At the same time, the Gan Ning army, which also relied on the formation to advance, also raised its own body armor shield. This wedge-shaped shield, which is a mixture of wooden boards and iron sheets, is much lighter in weight, and can be folded with tenons in the middle.

There is also a convenient hook on the back, which can be hung diagonally around the waist so as not to affect the pace while walking.

At the first moment, they brought in the composite armor shield and covered their bodies according to the angle at which the arrow was thrown. Of course, it is impossible for everyone to cover their bodies well. There will always be unlucky people who will encounter misfortune, but with

At the same time, the heavy fire cannons had already been set up, and the first round of shooting started before the first wave of arrows fired by the Jianzhou Army archers missed.

The sky full of gunpowder smoke could not stop the arrows from falling, just like the leather shields of the Jiangzhou Army on the opposite side could not stop the huge impact of the heavy gun projectiles. The projectiles flew around and easily tore through the leather shields and boards, and even

Some people added iron leaf armor and it was just as useless. Driven by the power of gunpowder at such a distance, everything was meaningless.

The projectiles violently tore the armor, stomach, muscles and internal organs of the Jianzhou armored soldiers, and even broke through the muscles behind them and penetrated into the bodies of the soldiers behind them, causing secondary damage. The huge lethality of the eagle-billed gun was undoubtedly demonstrated at this time.

As the first, second and even third rounds of firecrackers and bows and arrows began to fire, the soldiers of Ganning Town began to change their formations.

Their three rounds of concentrated fire gave the artillery team behind them time to arrange their artillery array. As they moved out of the way, the wide, trumpet-shaped surface provided a good field of vision and a striking surface for the concentrated bombardment of the Crouching Tiger Artillery.

There was another burst of sharp copper whistles and roars. The eighteen squatting tiger cannons were arranged in a three-four-five-six pattern, occasionally branching out, and bursting out in full force. The time difference in between was almost negligible, and this round of cannons

The shot almost directly destroyed the front of the Jianzhou Infantry Army who had just had time to run and charge.

More than one hundred and eighty people fell to the ground wailing and exhausted during this round of shelling, with blood flowing all over the field, and their broken limbs flying everywhere. Although the number of people seemed to be acceptable for a charge launched by thousands of people, but

The blow to morale is irreparable.

This chapter has been completed!
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