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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 687 The situation changes suddenly and strange thoughts arise.

 After stabilizing his mind, Nurhachi managed to sit up with the help of He Heli, holding on to his dizzy head, he gasped and stood still: "He Heli, it seems that we have fallen into the trap of the Zhou people. This kind of long

The Zhou people had indeed used heavy artillery before, but have you ever seen or heard of the kind of artillery shells they are using now? How come they were used so suddenly and on such a large scale? This was clearly directed at our attack.

And he fought so neatly and without hesitation, there is definitely a conspiracy here..."

In fact, He Heli also realized this. He had fought dozens of battles, large and small, and the long-barreled heavy artillery was indeed a good example, but after all, it only fired one shell, which had strong kinetic energy and could travel far on the ground.

The infantry square formation has some damage, but it is of little significance to the cavalry, which is good at mobility.

This kind of artillery shell with a long steel chain can do great damage to the infantry phalanx, but why was it not used for so long in the early stage? It happened to be when the Great Khan used his soldiers to implement a key breakthrough.

It was used by Zhou Jun to deliver a fatal blow. The smell of conspiracy here was too strong.

These are the three thousand heavy armored cavalry of the Great Khan. The key weapon used to break through the formation, but now they have become the food of the Zhou army's heavy artillery. They are simply looking for death. Three thousand cavalry suddenly escaped, but less than a thousand cavalry escaped.


Moreover, the opponent's heavy artillery was still firing continuously, and the infantry phalanx was swept in before it had time to adjust.

This dense formation is simply the most popular target for the opponent, and it is even too late to change the formation.

What makes people even more desperate is that they have suffered such a major blow at this time. What should we do now?

The entire army has been mobilized for this battle, but it has been hit head-on. The problem is that now the entire army has been mobilized and is launching attacks on all fronts. You are now being beaten.

I was caught off guard, what should I do next?

Especially the Western Front, which is full of expectations, will it be like this, or even just a trap?

The more he thought about it, the more horrified He Heli became. If his guesses were all correct, it would be a disaster for Jianzhou.

He Heli was sweating, but Nurhaci was already out of breath: "He Heli, I'm dizzy now and it's hard to think about the problem. Think about it for me, what should I do now? How likely is it that we will fall into a trap in this battle, and what else can we do?

Can’t we continue the fight? If we can’t continue the fight, how should we deal with this situation now?”

He Heli was also forced by Nurhachi's words. How could he dare to make such an important decision easily by himself?

Although the situation on this battlefield looks extremely unfavorable, this is just a setback or failure in the charge of the Khan's personal soldiers. But for the entire battle situation, it is still affordable. Of course, the situation is already somewhat unfavorable, but

It's not that there is no hope. The key lies in the progress of this situation and whether there are other conspiracies hidden in it.

If all this was planned by Zhou Jun to cause this situation to occur, it would be too dangerous. But if it was as simple as Zhou Jun hiding a weapon, then there is still something to be done.

There is also the Western Front. If the Zhou army on the Western Front also secretly possesses such a weapon that can cause huge damage to dense formations and cavalry, will the war on the Western Front develop in a situation that is beneficial to one's own side?

Without the help of Hu'erhan's extraordinary troops, it would be very slim to win the victory over the Zhou army on this central battlefield.

But now it is impossible to judge whether Hu Erhan's surprise army can arrive as scheduled and defeat the Zhou army on the western front?

In the absence of such intelligence support, it would be too difficult for He Heli to make such a judgment.

He is not Nurhachi, let alone Nurhachi, with as high a prestige as Nurhachi. There are many people who are dissatisfied with him.

Faced with Nurhachi's somewhat difficult inquiry, He Heli had to respond. After pondering for a while, He Heli said: "Great Khan, the war on the Western Front is not yet clear. Our top priority now is to find out the war situation on the Western Front, so we must send troops immediately.

I went over to inquire. In addition, the morale here has been greatly reduced, and the situation is unclear. If we continue to attack, I am afraid it will only cause greater losses. In my opinion, it is better to postpone the attack first, stabilize the situation, and wait until the Western Front

Let us hear about the situation over there and then we can make plans."

Nurhachi's body was crumbling. He knew very well that the other party was very tactfully suggesting that he should consider the follow-up plan, that is, he was not optimistic about continuing the war. This man had lost the battle from the beginning.

In fact, Nurhachi's will to fight has been shaken now. The opponent not only has heavy artillery and special chain bombs, but also the bombardment of hundreds of heavy artillery shocked him. The chain bombs are certainly powerful.

Regarding the cavalry and infantry phalanx assembled by our side, what is more important is the terrifying figure of hundreds of gates.

A heavy artillery requires more than two thousand kilograms of fine steel, and hundreds of them means two hundred thousand kilograms of fine steel, which is an unimaginable figure for Jianzhou.

This is not wrought iron or pig iron, but refined steel that has been refined over time. Now that Jianzhou needs to refine the refined steel, it still needs to be forged repeatedly. Production is extremely difficult, but Da Zhou no longer cares.

This also means that Dazhou's steelmaking level and production capacity have reached a level that Jianzhou can't even match or even dare to imagine.

Nurhaci knew very well the importance of steel to a political power. One of the important factors why the East China Sea Jurchens were conquered by the Jianzhou Jurchens was that they were so short of iron that their arrow clusters could only be made of bone. When he showed up like the East China Sea Jurchens

When there was abundant iron material, the Jurchen tribes in the East China Sea immediately felt the huge gap, and then they were impressed by themselves and slowly submitted to Jianzhou.

But comparing Jianzhou and Dazhou, the gap between them is more than tens of millions?

In the past, although Dazhou's steel production capacity was large, it was not fully reflected in the war, and those Shanshan and Shaanxi businessmen also continued to flirt with Jianzhou and secretly trafficked in various embargoed materials.

However, after Feng Tang began to dominate Liaodong, materials such as iron materials were basically banned. On the contrary, the Khalkha people on the grassland could buy iron materials without restrictions. Jianzhou even had to buy iron materials from

The Khalkha people also made a lot of money by buying secretly on the grassland.

The stamina and strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty are too strong, which is what Nurhachi is most worried about, but now the Great Zhou Dynasty is gradually transforming its economic strength into military strength. This battle has fully demonstrated it, with heavy artillery and tiger squatting cannons.

, heavy fire cannons and self-generated fire cannons, as well as their random shooting of projectiles, all of which are made of white money. This is the key.

Nurhaci didn't want to give up because he knew very well that once he lost such an opportunity, it might be more difficult to find a similar opportunity next time and he might face more disadvantages.

But the current situation is like this. He Heli has lost the confidence to continue the war, and his morale has been greatly reduced. If he has to organize an offensive again and laboriously, the effect may be worse, the losses suffered will be greater, and it will be difficult to win.

As He Li said, the key is still on the western front. If Hu'erhan on the western front can quickly break through the blocking Zhou army and rush to the battlefield here, attacking the Zhou army from the flank and back, things can still be done. But if the worst happens,

The result is that all of this is designed by Da Zhou, and even if he knew his own plan for a long time and used it, it would be a real disaster.

Nurhaci suppressed his dizziness and stood up straight, "He Heli, you are right. The Western Front is the key to deciding this war. As long as the Western Front wins, we still have a chance. Now..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a sudden noise from behind.

Jin Yuhe has been observing the situation cleverly and calmly.

He Heli went to the front line, and they, the Han Banner men, would soon be pushed onto the battlefield as the second echelon.

Both Li Yongfang and Sun Degong were a little nervous.

Even Nurhachi's personal soldiers all rushed to the front line and took the lead in the battle, so the generals of the Han Army Banner seemed to have nothing to say.

The combat effectiveness of Nurhaci's personal troops is obvious to all. Whether it is heavy armored cavalry or armored infantry, they are first-class. It turns out that few Zhou troops can compete with them. Jin Yu and them all want to see what Nurhachi's personal troops can achieve in this battle.

What kind of results.

This battle will determine who is the real master of the land of Liaodong between Dazhou and Jianzhou. Jianzhou had the advantage earlier, and Dazhou even lost Anlezhou, Tielingwei and Shenyang. But starting from last year, Feng Keng arrived

After Liaodong, the unfavorable situation began to be reversed, the wind direction began to turn to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the two sides formed a stalemate.

However, the sound of cannons and the sound of killing continued to be heard from the front. It was not clear for a while what the fighting was like.

Jin Yuhe quietly sent several scouts to spy on the battlefield situation and asked them to report to him as quickly as possible so that he could respond in time.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful the weapons of the Zhou army were, Nurhaci's soldiers had extremely strong combat effectiveness and fighting spirit, especially in the face of heavy armored cavalry. The Zhou army may not be able to achieve much results. The key lies in whether the Jianzhou army can take the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

If they can seize the opportunity to break through and the main force of the Jianzhou Army swarms forward, they may be able to defeat the Zhou Army in this battle, but Jin Yuhe is still not optimistic about annihilating the Zhou Army.

The current Zhou army is not the same as in the past. It is said that Liaodong Town has undergone considerable changes under the leadership of a mad man from the northwest like Liu Dongyang.

The Jianzhou Army may have some advantage in this battle, but it is hard to say whether it can turn its advantage into victory.

"My lord, my lord!" The scout almost rolled into Jin Yuhe's camp, his face flushed and a little confused, "The situation..."

This chapter has been completed!
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