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Scroll C, Section 117: Candidates for the Mother

 Feng Ziying did not have much resistance to such an arrangement.

In this era, I have never met each other before getting married. It is mainly based on the introduction of the matchmaker and my own personal understanding. At least I have met this Miss Shen once or twice, which is pretty good.

Even though the other party may not be suitable for a martial arts family like the Feng family as a scholarly family, but since he was entrusted by Master Qiao, and Master Qiao was willing to attack, it means that Shen Jue should recognize himself and approve of this marriage.

Feng Ziying is also quite curious about this.

It is impossible for Shen Jue not to know about his family situation. Theoretically speaking, such a scholarly family may not favor this kind of marriage, unless Shen Jue himself is extremely optimistic about himself. Maybe Master Qiao's praise also played a role, but in any case, this marriage They are all in line with the Feng family's expectations.

"Mother, my father also mentioned in the letter that he only needs to explain the matter to Master Qiao first, and that he has to wait until the imperial court officially approves the imperial title and concurrent imperial title. Although this should not be a problem, there is still a procedure to go through. My father has officially applied to the imperial court. It should be here soon." Feng Ziying glanced at her mother and said cautiously: "What my father means is that in this marriage of the Shen family, the uncle may be the one to marry."

A hint of gloom appeared on Mrs. Duan's face. She originally liked this marriage, but according to the regulations, once the title and title were approved, it would be more in line with the patriarchal regulations to marry the eldest brother first. Her husband also wanted this. She can't disobey it either.

"Mom knows, your father also told me in his heart that we should first marry the daughter of the Shen family for the eldest brother, and then we have to hurry up when it comes to the marriage of our family. If we can marry the daughter of the Shen family next year, then in the end, We will also get married the year after tomorrow." Duan's tone was full of unwillingness.

"Mom, actually you don't need to worry about this." Feng Ziying heard her mother's inner dissatisfaction and sat close to her, "In short, a son is always his mother's son, whether he continues the family relationship, marries another family, or gives birth to a child Aren’t all the children the son’s children? Don’t they all have to call you grandmother? There is only one Aunt Xiao on my uncle’s side. She has no children and is alone. Mother should be more generous.”

Being taught a lesson by her son, Mrs. Duan's face suddenly felt hot and her eyes widened, "Brother Keng, you have taught me a lesson? Since when did you care about this? Yesterday, I asked your aunt to punish Xiao. I invited my aunt to have dinner with me because I was afraid that she would be lonely. She also said that in a few days I would invite your aunt Su and aunt Xie to go to the Yanzi Tower to listen to the opera, or simply invite a theater troupe to come to our house to sing in the opera..."

Seeing her mother's angry attitude, Feng Ziying hurriedly begged for mercy: "My son misunderstood, my mother must be more considerate than her son, Aunt Xiao must be very grateful to me..."

"Okay, stop saying these nice things to mother, and wish you could understand more of mother's thoughts." Mrs. Duan hesitated for a moment and then said: "The day after tomorrow is your birthday, Brother Keng, don't you plan to …”

"Mom, they say it's not appropriate to take care of things at this age. My son just plans to have a drink with a few friends." Feng Ziying quickly waved her hand, "Tomorrow, we will hold a table in the house. While my aunt is still there, …”

When I returned to my yard, I saw a group of warblers coming out. They were wearing indigo and sky-blue waistcoats and goose-yellow and pink long skirts. They were all smiling, and a strong festive atmosphere enveloped the yard.

"Master, the day after tomorrow is my birthday, and we sisters will celebrate my birthday here first." Jin Chuan'er pursed her lips and blushed and was the first to receive a blessing and presented her with a sachet embroidered by herself.


This is a sachet made of green satin and red silk. The outside of the sachet is embroidered with lotus leaves and lotus flowers, and the other side is a unicorn auspicious animal. The mouth of the sachet is tied with a red rope. It is small and exquisite.

Feng Ziying happily took it and praised: "It is indeed Hui Zhilan Xin and Jinchuan'er. You will have to pay for this in the future."

Jin Chuan'er was also very happy, "As long as I like it, I will be satisfied."

Next came Yun Shang's gift, a silk-embroidered purse with a red beard on the outside. The pattern embroidered on the outside of the purse is a Buddhist swastika, and on the other side is the word "peace".

Feng Ziying also likes her very much. Yun Shang is not good at female celebrities, but she has such affection, which shows the girl's affection for him.

Xiangling, this girl’s painting is a piece of Chinese characters.

As expected, she was a literary young woman who developed this hobby of reading and writing when she was following Baochai. After coming to Feng Mansion, Feng Ziying also encouraged her to follow her own hobbies.

The font is elegant and graceful, which must be the painstaking work of Xiang Ling.

It turned out to be two sentences that I once wrote, "Where there are flowers and willows in the dense place, the only way is to spread them out; when the wind is fierce and the rain is heavy, only by standing firm can you find your feet."

This is a quote from "Cai Gen Tan". Feng Ziying liked it very much and gave it to Wang Ziteng.

But later I also wrote it in the study room, but Xiang Ling saw it. She asked over and over again if she had done it. Feng Ziying became impatient with the question, so she agreed. Now it's good, she has made Xiang Ling her own.

's little fan girl.

For example, a poem and two sentences she "composed" at the Enrong Banquet were regarded as treasures by Xiangling and she wrote them repeatedly. From time to time, she also hoped that she would "compose" two more poems to satisfy her preferences.

"Xiang Ling, you are really making great progress. You will become a great calligrapher in our Feng family in the future." This calligraphy indeed has the character of Liu style. It seems that Xiang Ling is practicing the rubbings of Liu Gongquan's "Mysterious Tower Stele" at home.

Quite a step forward.

This sentence made Xiang Ling blush. She twisted her sweat towel and said, "I'm teasing my maid again. My handwriting is all ghost drawings. It's just that my hands are clumsy and can't compare to Sister Jin Chuan'er and Yun Shang."

I am not as skilled as Yu Chuan'er, so I can only show my embarrassment."

"Well, I am satisfied with my heart. It seems that Yuchuan'er also has some new tricks for me?" Feng Ziying looked at Yuchuan'er who was also a little shy.

This girl has changed a lot in half a year, her size and figure have changed a lot, and she looks like a little beauty.

When Yu Chuan'er's pair of catkins held a straw kingfisher in front of Feng Ziying's eyes, Feng Ziying was really overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, these two sisters are also very ingenious. One is a good cook, and the other can actually do straw weaving.

I don’t know what else has been taught in the Bai family room, and whether there will be any surprises for me.

After receiving the gift, there was naturally a meal.

Today, everything is cooked by Jin Chuaner himself, including five-spice dried bean curd, marinated quail, rouge goose breast, braised venison, clear braised sea cucumber, ham braised elbow, sour bamboo shoots and chicken skin soup, and an egg stewed in oil. It’s really delicious.

A dazzling array of items.

Seeing that Feng Ziying also had a good appetite, and bringing two bottles of wine from the south and west, Feng Ziying seemed to feel the wonderful life all at once.

"Sir, is it because my wife is coming to you so urgently because my concubine is going back to Datong someday?" Yun Shang asked in a low voice while pouring soup for Feng Ziying.

In this mansion, she pays the most attention to Mrs. Duan's attitude. Perhaps it is the habit she has developed in the mansion since she was a child that makes her like this. Even the other maids are a little in awe of Mr. Duan.

This made Feng Ziying a little puzzled. Her mother didn't seem to be that strict. At least she was much kinder than Mrs. Jia's wife or Wang Xifeng.

"Well, there is such a thing, but it's not the main thing." Feng Ziying took a sip of the sour bamboo shoot soup, which was very appetizing. Sooner or later, a few girls will know about this, so they should be mentally prepared. "

It’s my big business, well, it’s also your young mistress’s business.”

"Ah?!" The four girls were all dumbfounded at the same time, with complicated expressions, but Jin Chuan'er was obviously more adaptable, and then she smiled, "That's good, if I marry the young mistress into the house as soon as possible, we can also

I still have something to rely on..."

Feng Ziying glanced at the girl. She obviously didn't mean what she said, and her laughter was extremely fake. This news had a huge impact on them. Although they all knew that such a day would come sooner or later, it came so suddenly, which was beyond their expectation.

"Sir, I wonder which family the young mistress is from?" Jin Chuan'er calmed down and asked. She had realized that it couldn't be Miss Lin, Miss Bao or the girls from the Jia family, otherwise I wouldn't be like this.


"It hasn't been decided yet, and I can't tell you, but she should be a well-educated, considerate girl. It is said that she is very kind, and I think Xiangling will like it very much. She is very good at poetry and songs. This is a great gift for me.

The competition is over."

Feng Ziying laughed and joked to herself, but she felt that the girls were no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before.

I sighed secretly in my heart, these girls have grown up and will consider their future destiny. They will all face a huge turning point in their destiny.

Facing the arrival of a strange mistress, whether they can adapt to it or not, if they cannot please the mistress, their fate will be full of uncertainty. Even Feng Ziying cannot change this.

Feng Ziying's guess was correct. Several girls began to feel uneasy about the future, especially Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling.

Jin Chuan'er knew about the things his master had given to Miss Lin, Miss Bao and the three girls. On weekdays, the maids of these girls often came to inquire. She always thought it might be one of them, but today she found out that it was not.

in this way.

This means that she may have to face a new environment, and often a shrewd mistress may not be able to tolerate a maid like her, so she once hoped that a girl like Miss Lin or Miss Smith who did not like secular affairs would be the mistress.

Mother, just like the wife in the house.

The same is true for Xiangling. Miss Bao's affection for the uncle. In the past six months, she has gone to Lixiangyuan several times and talked with Ying'er. She has realized that there must be a different affection between the uncle and the girl. But why is it happening today?

Has it become like this again?

This chapter has been completed!
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