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T-shaped scroll, section 169, borrowing the topic to play

 Everyone here is not a nerd who only studies dead books. After decades of experience in the temple, they can join the cabinet and serve as prime ministers. Naturally, they are no strangers to court affairs.

Even if they are not that specialized in a certain aspect of specific affairs, they can understand the basic meaning of the matter at a glance, so Feng Ziying's words just went around in their minds and they understood it.


As long as businessmen and even ordinary people can continue to trust their credibility in this regard and believe that the court has the ability to repay such debts in all aspects, it will be no problem even if you borrow new debts to repay old debts, and you can even borrow more and more.

This kind of reputation is not just a credit for repaying debts, but also means that the court recognizes, respects and protects their property rights.

Of course, except for Feng Ziying, other people, including the businessmen themselves, are still unaware of this meaning.

They simply believed that as long as the court could keep repaying the money, it didn't matter whether their money was stored in a cellar, in a bank, or bought into land and shops.

When you buy a bond, you don't need to worry about keeping it, and you can also collect interest. However, the current land price is not only expensive, but also the tax is not light, unless you find a way, so this is something that is easier for businessmen to convert.

Bonds are more convenient.

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe both came from practical backgrounds. Ye Xianggao served as the Secretary of the Household Transfer Department, Fang Congzhe also served as the Assistant Minister of the Household Transfer Department and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. Fang Congzhe even worked in the local area, and Ye Xianggao also worked in Nanjing.

, so both the height and depth of things are different.

Needless to say for Qi Yongtai, Feng Ziying had discussed this issue with him a long time ago. Although some concepts were difficult for Qi Yongtai to accept for a while, he was relieved of them earlier than these people after all, so he was more able to realize them.

As for Emperor Yonglong, he has been keeping silent and thinking carefully, and is unwilling to express his views and attitudes in front of the cabinet ministers.

Ye Xianggao thought for a long time before slowly speaking: "Ziying, your point of view is somewhat new, but I feel that it is somewhat similar to the treasure banknotes issued by the former Ming Dynasty, but we all know the proliferation and final results of the treasure banknotes issued by the former Ming Dynasty.

No matter how reputable the imperial court is, if you let it go without limit, you will probably be the source of disaster..."

"Master Chief Assistant, I also know that the former Ming Bao Chao you mentioned is somewhat different. The former Ming Bao Chao is simply paper printed by the former Ming court regardless of the consequences. It does not have any replacement power, and our bonds can

It is different from the other two. It was bought by merchants with real money, which means that a bond corresponds to this kind of silver. It is not aimed at ordinary people, and its use is completely different from that of banknotes... Of course, there are similarities.

, that is related to the credibility of the court. If the treasure banknotes are not issued indiscriminately, but can be actually exchanged for silver and copper coins on the basis of land tax, which can be used to offset taxes, this may not be impossible to persist..."

Even Feng Ziying was half-full of the specific truth behind it, and could only explain it to everyone in vague terms, so that everyone could understand it with only a little knowledge.

When Feng Ziying stepped out of the Zuoshun Gate, her stomach was already growling with hunger. It was too late to go back to eat at this time, but the emperor did not give him a meal, so he could only follow a group of elders in the Wenyuan Pavilion to the prime minister's house in the Wenyuan Pavilion.

Let's go and eat while we're there.

There is a small kitchen in Wenyuan Pavilion, which is of course not specially prepared for a few pavilion elders, but also includes a group of staff, officials and servants who work in the prime minister's mansion.

According to the rules of the Zhou Dynasty, all staff are hired by the officials themselves, no matter how much they are hired, but the salaries are paid by the officials themselves.

Of course, as senior officials at the level of Pavilion Elders, Six Ministers, and Ministers, there are basically three or five staff members, so naturally they can find workarounds.

For example, ask the staff to fill in the identity of an official who is not a good official, look for opportunities to make up for it with merit, and then donate the official position to give him a good background.

The reason why this is so is because it is generally difficult for people who donate official positions to get a substitute official position in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Therefore, if you can register your merits in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, you can also get some opportunities by donating official posts.

It was also the first time that Feng Ziying rushed to have a big meal with the elders of Yigange. In addition to him, he also had Zheng Jizhi, the Minister of Household Affairs. Although this old man was over seventy, he was in good health and could eat, drink and sleep.

In addition to the four meat and two vegetables, the exquisiteness is far less than that of the carefully prepared dishes in Fuzhong and Jiafu. However, the portions are sufficient and quite satisfactory, and a bottle of wine is also provided. This relaxed atmosphere makes Feng Ziying very envious.


However, although a bottle of wine can be provided, those who eat in this house are not restrained and self-disciplined, and they only drink two glasses and then stop drinking.

"Ziying, the Ministry of Punishment has sent people south. The Nanjing Ministry of Punishment has obviously neglected its duty in this matter, so this is also the opinion of the cabinet. If you can't go back for a while, you'd better say hello to Dongxian and send an e-mail.

I am writing to your classmates that the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate is currently doing a good job, but Long Jinwei is also doing evil things there..."

Li Tingji still seized any opportunity to show his presence, and the general situation was determined. Ye, Fang, and Qi all stopped talking. As long as the money comes back, it will be a question of how to distribute it.

"Master Li, it's not easy to talk to Long Jinwei's subordinates. How about you say hello to Master Lu?"

Feng Ziying knew that someone would definitely come back to complain.

No matter whether you are yourself, the Zhongshu Department, Long Jinwei, or even the Nanjing Criminal Department and the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate, you will inevitably be impeached.

Now that the benefits are so huge, and the next step is to continue, there will definitely be no problem for myself and Zhongshu Ke.

But if we want to give some people who have suffered losses a window to vent, then the Nanjing Criminal Department, the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei will have to bear some responsibility.

However, the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate is doing its job happily, and Long Jinwei is bound to have some dirty tricks. Coupled with the poor performance of the Nanjing Criminal Department, it is estimated that the two families will drag out two more or less scapegoats.

However, Long Jinwei's side mainly focuses on internal punishment. For such trivial matters, the punishment is nothing more than dismissal and demotion. After one or two internal operations, he can come back in a year and a half.

It is estimated that this group of Dragon Guards have long been determined to take the blame and reap the benefits. After all, such a lucrative opportunity is too rare.

Li Tingji didn't like to deal with Long Jinwei's people either. He pondered for a moment and then said: "Then let's ask the Metropolitan Procuratorate to ask about it. The Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate treats the Nanjing Criminal Department lightly and it is difficult to have any effect.

, and for this Long Jinwei, it is estimated that the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate does not have that thought."

"Master Li, what students say is unpleasant. There are many problems in the Six Ministries of Nanjing. Each ministry in Nanjing is called a place to store materials, but everyone can see it. Far away from the emperor and the cabinet, who can always pay attention to it? It also stores materials. This

Storage means ten years and eight years. Is this called storage of materials? I am afraid that the original thoughts have been exhausted. The student feels that if the imperial court really wants to rectify Nanjing, it should first give Nanjing Six Ministries.

Whether it’s the Chaoyuan or the Dali Temple, we all need to think about it. We can’t just put it aside so unclearly, and we still have to ask people to do work without seeing a future..."

Feng Ziying's pretending to be straightforward was a bit harsh in the ears of the cabinet ministers. Including Ye Xianggao, they all glanced at Qi Yongtai subconsciously. He was also the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. Could it be that he wanted to carry out the model in Nanjing?


But when they saw Qi Yongtai, he also had thick eyebrows raised and a look of displeasure on his face, and everyone laughed and said nothing. It was probably because the teacher and student had another disagreement.

"Insolent! How can you say anything about the imperial court's employment rules and regulations?" Qi Yongtai scolded in a deep voice.

What Feng Ziying dislikes the most is Qi Yongtai's habit of beating him up indiscriminately. Of course, he also knows that the other party has good intentions to avoid being too prominent and arousing jealousy.

But he is like this now, and everyone here is a bunch of old foxes. Who doesn’t know his background?

Moreover, he once heard Qi Yongtai mention that the personnel arrangements in Nanjing were unsatisfactory. If officials without great perseverance, determination and wisdom arrived in Nanjing, they would basically be considered useless and would have been wasted in three to five years.

It was almost done, and at the same time it directly led to the delay and confusion in various affairs in Nanzhili.

"Master Qi, the students are just telling the truth. If they are really unusable officials, why not just order them to be dismissed from their posts? Such people are living in Nanjing without food, which will affect the prestige of the entire imperial court in Jiangnan. From the students' point of view, this salt merchant is breaking the law.

, The officials in various prefectures and prefectures in Southern Zhili are slack and ineffective, which is largely due to this. Students have also heard that Lord Zhang, the Minister of the Ministry of War, also talked about this situation."

It was Zhang Jingqiu, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, who first mentioned it. Qi Yongtai looked a little better. After all, Zhang Jingqiu's status was not comparable to that of Feng Ziying. If Feng Ziying's words were spread, he didn't know how much trouble he would cause.

After pondering for a while, Qi Yongtai raised his eyes to Ye Xianggao and said: "I have heard some such statements. They all said that officials who worked in Nanjing for a period of time had a hard time adapting to the capital after returning to the capital. They always felt busy and tired.

, but the city of Nanjing is full of floating boats on the Qinhuai River, and the jade boats are all dressed in crimson green clothes, which is enough to show how leisurely and contented our Nanjing officials are."

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe both shook their heads. This matter was of great importance. Even if what Qi Yongtai said was true, it was definitely not the case now. Fortunately, Qi Yongtai also understood and his tone softened when he saw their expressions.

"I just want to remind you two adults, don't expect us to be working hard in the capital, while the local officials are singing and dancing. That means that there may be a problem with our official inspection system, and the staff should also be responsible for it."

It’s best to give some thought to this issue, but please, sir, please think deeply.”

These last words shocked both Ye Fang and Ye Fang. They thought it was just Feng Ziying's words before, but now it seems that Qi Yongtai really wants to use the topic to his advantage and has some ideas?

This chapter has been completed!
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